All of them!
Seriously though, that's quite the stash, are you only running a single character?
there's no way.
90% of the time I'll wear something because it looks good, not because it is good.
Aw yiss.
hawkian approved.
VoG is my favorite bit on content in the game, even with the glitches, so if Crotas End is just as fun then the DLC will be worth it for me just for the raid & new gear alone.
I've decided what I actually care about most is the new exotics followed by the new raid, which I am thrilled to have a great group to run with as it is released. But the real subcutaneous crack for me has become collecting Exotics and daydreaming about how to build around them. I find it a lot more compelling than I expected.
He put together what a lot of us were thinking and feeling into a well done little video. I REALLY feel like i shouldn't buy the DLC and vote with my wallet... but... it's going to be so hard to refuse myself the DLC raids. Take all the other junk away and just give me the raids.
The thesis of the video is that because of disingenuous advertising by Bungie, their intentionally withholding content already on the disc to be resold, and enforcing design decisions that are anti-player, you should not buy the DLC because doing so would be supporting these practices in the only way that consumers can tangibly show support. If you agree with this premise and still buy the DLC, then not only was the video not "well done" (or little, 35 minutes ffs, I don't understand how you could all sit through it without skipping!) but you basically just listened to a dude masturbating for a half hour and enjoyed it. In the <10 mins of the intro and conclusion that I listened to alone, he makes a lot of
very tenuous claims about the gaming market as a whole and the
gamer-at-large's potential role in future sales and development practices. Things I am extremely skeptical about with regard to whether his vision of the future has any bearing on reality or is more of a flight of fantasy based on the influence he feels that he wields as someone who can pull 100k+ views on a youtube video of him running around shotgun spamming with a blink voidwalker in the crucible.
if you don't want to support what Bungie has done with Destiny then don't buy the DLC. That's the argument boiled down to one sentence. Or to simply quote the title of the video, which includes an obvious premise I disagree with: "Don't Buy The Dark Below or House of Wolves Destiny DLC Expansion Packs Because Destiny is Bad." Simple as that. If this is not an option for you, at least wait for it to go on sale, have a price drop, or bundled into some kind of value pack, so that your money/support will not be counted among the initial launch sales which will be the primary indicator to Bungie of how successful their endeavors have been.
Lol shit... ok i must admit i made it halfway! ;P
Where does he go from the logical stuff in the beginning? Does it spin out of control into just make believe?
Oh come on! You didn't even watch it?!
I feel like I should transcribe the concluding paragraph so that people who agree with the first few minutes can decide if they really want to hitch their horses to "Batman"'s wagon.