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Destiny |OT9| Suros Business

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VoG is my favorite bit on content in the game, even with the glitches, so if Crotas End is just as fun then the DLC will be worth it for me just for the raid & new gear alone.

Didn't someone figure out the VoC isn't glitched at all, but items about how fully you squeeze the trigger?

Anything but a complete pull will result in a single shot, fully squeezing will full auto.

Seems to make sense as I play with the L1-R1 buttons for aim and fire and it's never cut out during full auto.


Neo Member
SP > DN for everything. I've leveled up both to max and it's pretty clearly in favor of SP. SP is just fine for the raid. Most primaries don't have an elemental damage modifier so don't worry about that.

It's a great AR in the raid until you get a raid primary weapon. Raid primaries are the only ones that have elemental damage as far as I know.

In the raid, I would tend to argue that void is the most important damage. Atheon's Epilogue, a raid AR that drops from Atheon, is a primary AR with void damage. It eats right through the minotaurs/praetorians. Until then, roll with your Shadow Price. Fully-upgraded, it's a monster.

Ok, I feel a bit better now. Thank you!


I was in the process of upgrading the Suros when I got Atheon's Epilogue. I'm assuming Atheon is a lot better for the raid since it does void elemental, and the Suros is better for anything else in PvE? Anyone have experience with both and can provide some feedback?

I have 20+ shards but only a 1 or 2 energy so I've gotta be stingy with what I upgrade. https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5hhk1oyy9qb5k0/Screenshot 2014-10-31 09.28.41.png?dl=0

I have both maxed. They're great tools for different situations. For long to mid range SUROS wins 90% of the time. Close range Atheon's and SUROS about about equal to me fully upgraded (The stability upgrades on Atheon's is a game changer). Atheon's Oracle disruptor and void damage make it amazing in the raid and during void burns. SUROS's heal and more damage make it a better general purpose/PVP weapon.

If you can only upgrade 1 and run more than nightfall/weekly/raid then go SUROS, otherwise Atheon's
The Xur salt today has been amazing.

It pretty much will just get worse since a lot of us here are 28+ now, I have a 28 Hunter and 30 Titan, meaning nothing there is necessary or I already have it from previous Xur weekends or from RNG.

I have an 11 Warlock with 2 legendaries but no exotics, so I picked up the exotic chest item from Xur, hardly anything exciting since I haven't worked on that character much yet.
He put together what a lot of us were thinking and feeling into a well done little video. I REALLY feel like i shouldn't buy the DLC and vote with my wallet... but... it's going to be so hard to refuse myself the DLC raids. Take all the other junk away and just give me the raids.

Holy shit no he didn't. I had high hopes for this video because I've made terrible semi ranting posts on how terribly annoying/bad Destiny can be. But this is like conspiracy theory craft taken to another level. More than half of the video is unverified guess work. There are a lot of reasons why you should tell people to hold off on the DLC but he's pretty much hit none of them. What he did hit upon is that douchebaggey holier than thou they nerfed it for the casuals asshattery. There's obviously a lot of poor decision making that happened with Destiny but I find it quite evident that the reasons he supplies are fictional garbage. I also dislike his general tone quite a bit with the constant semi epeen wanking he does about being some sort of superior breed of gamer that Destiny obviously wasn't catering too. I fucking broke down laughing at the rant near the end. I wish there was a transcript because ROTFL. He fucking references cable news, honey boo boo, cupcake wars as a monument to our collective sin.
At what level do you have a chance at earning legendary mission rewards, or even start seeing legendary engrams drop on occasion? I've been at level 21 for a while and haven't seen a legendary reward or engram yet. I've just been farming vanguard marks so I can make my first legendary purchase, but it would be nice if there was at least a chance for rng to help me out.
Holy shit no he didn't. I had high hopes for this video because I've made terrible semi ranting posts on how terribly annoying/bad Destiny can be. But this is like conspiracy theory craft taken to another level. More than half of the video is unverified guess work. There are a lot of reasons why you should tell people to hold off on the DLC but he's pretty much hit none of them. What he did hit upon is that douchebaggey holier than thou they nerfed it for the casuals asshattery. There's obviously a lot of poor decision making that happened with Destiny but I find it quite evident that the reasons he supplies are fictional garbage. I also dislike his general tone quite a bit with the constant semi epeen wanking he does about being some sort of superior breed of gamer that Destiny obviously wasn't catering too. I fucking broke down laughing at the rant near the end. I wish there was a transcript because ROTFL.

Lol shit... ok i must admit i made it halfway! ;P

Where does he go from the logical stuff in the beginning? Does it spin out of control into just make believe?
I agree and that's one point in the video where I think he was wrong.

But if the sheer amount of stuff in this game that was cut or changed is all due to Bungie being "too ambitious" then this is one of the world's most colossal failures.

I believe someone (some people) made a decision at some point during development that drastically altered what this game came out like at release.

What criteria do you use to label something a colossal failure? Because I feel like people keep looking at everything they don't have, without appreciating everything they do.

There is a solid engine here, with good landscapes and environments. Great enemy AI and variety.

I'm not saying this game is perfect, but it's about as much of a "colossal failure" as Super Mario Sunshine was.


its amazing how this game will be perpetually judged against the concept of itself

title cost me $60 bucks, and ive been playing for over 100 hours

its very fun




Ran the raid last night on normal. Was butter smooth, only had 1 wipe on templar (group wanted to cheese, and they were going about it wrong, lol really?) and 2 on maze. no one died on jumping puzzle, which was the first time i've had a group do that. then i actually went into the portals for gatekeeper phase (1st time) and kicked ass. then we started doing atheon...

- Alright guys get ready for teleportation
*Atheon opens a time stream*
- Alright where did you guys get teleported?
- I don't know
*does a head count*
- no one got teleported?

got a no teleport once, a 1 teleport twice, and a 2 teleport two or three times, i even tried going into the portal to help them out if i didn't get teleported but it was too late.

when it does teleport 3 people the encounter is fine, adds some chaos that i enjoy (especially on normal).

Doing Hard mode tomorrow with my clan but i have a feeling we may not get past atheon. You can only wipe so many times because of the game breaking before you need a break.

I can't even imagine the horror of trying to do flawless with these glitches, unless you only need the one teleport phase before Hypehorning atheon?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'm hoping for Thunderdevil shader above all else right now. Fucking RNG

Arctic proxy is the best shader. So many people ask me about it when I wear it on my hunter.



There's another safe spot for Nexus where you just drop down directly below and there's a little alcove behind the concrete that leads to a tiny two sided cave. Solo'd the 28 weekly from that.


Looking for some raid vets to help a group of raid first timers with it.

We'd be doing the normal raid.

I'm hoping for 2 or 3 other Xbox One players to help us.

We have a a 29 warlock, 28 warlock, 28 hunter and possibly a 27 titan.

Please PM me or send me a message on Xbox live. GT is Axoman909



There's another safe spot for Nexus where you just drop down directly below and there's a little alcove behind the concrete that leads to a tiny two sided cave. Solo'd the 28 weekly from that.

Yup, this is where i go, just rotate sides, use ice breaker to give ammo for praedyth's revenge. easy cheese.
Holy shit no he didn't. I had high hopes for this video because I've made terrible semi ranting posts on how terribly annoying/bad Destiny can be. But this is like conspiracy theory craft taken to another level. More than half of the video is unverified guess work. There are a lot of reasons why you should tell people to hold off on the DLC but he's pretty much hit none of them. What he did hit upon is that douchebaggey holier than thou they nerfed it for the casuals asshattery. There's obviously a lot of poor decision making that happened with Destiny but I find it quite evident that the reasons he supplies are fictional garbage. I also dislike his general tone quite a bit with the constant semi epeen wanking he does about being some sort of superior breed of gamer that Destiny obviously wasn't catering too. I fucking broke down laughing at the rant near the end. I wish there was a transcript because ROTFL. He fucking references cable news, honey boo boo, cupcake wars as a monument to our collective sin.

This... this right here. I fast forwarded to the end just to hear this rant that people have been talking about. Yikes. Imagine a video with this dude and Angry Joe ranting together. Haha, oh my god... that would take the award for highest degree of douchebaggery (as you so eloquently put it above) ever.


I got Skullfort from a nightfall, so cool-looking. It seems like one of the weakest exotics to me, but I'm totally gonna make a build work for it.

I don't have it yet and I am hoping to get lucky with the exotic helmet engram I grab from Xur tonight, but I think we could make pretty interesting Brawler builds with that helmet.

Automatically getting Transfusion is a good addition for melee build Striker Titans, which allows for us to pick another perk in that tree.

Spawning with melee energy + with the helm perk that melee hits regenerate grenades then you could have an Intellect + Strength build and use your melee to regen your grenades, or you can go Intellect and Discipline since this is primarily a PvP helmet and if you always respawn with melee energy then a melee cool down from Strength isn't as useful and may be wasted unless you're a god and stay alive for minutes on end!

It seems like a great helm for melee and Shoulder Charging, especially because Transfusion has no cool down while Shoulder Charging, which I think is awesome that you can constantly charge your way to kill and regen health.

And spawning with melee energy means more opportunities for Storm Fist kills which mean (with the Amplify perk) even further reduced cool down of Fists of Havoc.


At what level do you have a chance at earning legendary mission rewards, or even start seeing legendary engrams drop on occasion? I've been at level 21 for a while and haven't seen a legendary reward or engram yet. I've just been farming vanguard marks so I can make my first legendary purchase, but it would be nice if there was at least a chance for rng to help me out.

You need to focus on getting rares with more and more light until ur 24 then you have a better chance for legendaries
But marks are still the best way to go


its amazing how this game will be perpetually judged against the concept of itself

title cost me $60 bucks, and ive been playing for over 100 hours

its very fun

No way, dude. Doing the same thing over and over is not fun. Makes me wonder how old the people are that keep saying it's very fun.


Yo, Bungie!

When's that bank update coming?

Not included are two exotic chest pieces, 1 exotic helm, a second Ice Breaker, a second Gjallahorn, a second Suros, and a second super good advice.

Dear Bungie, instead of the same old Vault of Glass that gives us shitty loot every time, give us a mode called the Vault of Nami. I'm gonna loot the heck out of that Hawkmoon he has!


The Cryptarch's Bane
All of them!

Seriously though, that's quite the stash, are you only running a single character?
there's no way.
90% of the time I'll wear something because it looks good, not because it is good. :p

Aw yiss.
hawkian approved.
VoG is my favorite bit on content in the game, even with the glitches, so if Crotas End is just as fun then the DLC will be worth it for me just for the raid & new gear alone.
I've decided what I actually care about most is the new exotics followed by the new raid, which I am thrilled to have a great group to run with as it is released. But the real subcutaneous crack for me has become collecting Exotics and daydreaming about how to build around them. I find it a lot more compelling than I expected.
He put together what a lot of us were thinking and feeling into a well done little video. I REALLY feel like i shouldn't buy the DLC and vote with my wallet... but... it's going to be so hard to refuse myself the DLC raids. Take all the other junk away and just give me the raids.
The thesis of the video is that because of disingenuous advertising by Bungie, their intentionally withholding content already on the disc to be resold, and enforcing design decisions that are anti-player, you should not buy the DLC because doing so would be supporting these practices in the only way that consumers can tangibly show support. If you agree with this premise and still buy the DLC, then not only was the video not "well done" (or little, 35 minutes ffs, I don't understand how you could all sit through it without skipping!) but you basically just listened to a dude masturbating for a half hour and enjoyed it. In the <10 mins of the intro and conclusion that I listened to alone, he makes a lot of very tenuous claims about the gaming market as a whole and the gamer-at-large's potential role in future sales and development practices. Things I am extremely skeptical about with regard to whether his vision of the future has any bearing on reality or is more of a flight of fantasy based on the influence he feels that he wields as someone who can pull 100k+ views on a youtube video of him running around shotgun spamming with a blink voidwalker in the crucible.

if you don't want to support what Bungie has done with Destiny then don't buy the DLC. That's the argument boiled down to one sentence. Or to simply quote the title of the video, which includes an obvious premise I disagree with: "Don't Buy The Dark Below or House of Wolves Destiny DLC Expansion Packs Because Destiny is Bad." Simple as that. If this is not an option for you, at least wait for it to go on sale, have a price drop, or bundled into some kind of value pack, so that your money/support will not be counted among the initial launch sales which will be the primary indicator to Bungie of how successful their endeavors have been.
Lol shit... ok i must admit i made it halfway! ;P

Where does he go from the logical stuff in the beginning? Does it spin out of control into just make believe?
Oh come on! You didn't even watch it?!

I feel like I should transcribe the concluding paragraph so that people who agree with the first few minutes can decide if they really want to hitch their horses to "Batman"'s wagon.
What criteria do you use to label something a colossal failure? Because I feel like people keep looking at everything they don't have, without appreciating everything they do.

There is a solid engine here, with good landscapes and environments. Great enemy AI and variety.

I'm not saying this game is perfect, but it's about as much of a "colossal failure" as Super Mario Sunshine was.

Colossal Failure was a not-so obvious over exaggeration. The game is obviously fun and I've played it a ton.

But in respect to what they advertised the game as over the past two years.... then the product that we got. I don't buy it all changed because they ran out of time.
Thunderdevil is what i use with my Hunter, looks great with almost everything, Chatterwhite with my titan when i use defender, and Thunderdevil for striker, Gilgamesh with my Warlock


You didn't play PSO, right?

And no, not PSO2.

No. I don't play MMOs - they are a huge time sink and I have no time for that. Wait...is PSO a MMO? :|

I bought Destiny on Bungie's name alone. I know almost nothing about the game. i thought it was going to be a new epic FPS for fuck's sake.


Dear Bungie, instead of the same old Vault of Glass that gives us shitty loot every time, give us a mode called the Vault of Nami. I'm gonna loot the heck out of that Hawkmoon he has!
Nah, you just need to use a ghost swipper when he uses the vault and Ka-Ching! Vault access.

Identity theft seems simpler in the world of Destiny.

No. I don't play MMOs - they are a huge time sink and I have no time for that. Wait...is PSO a MMO? :|

I bought Destiny on Bungie's name alone. I know almost nothing about the game. i thought it was going to be a new epic FPS for fuck's sake.

PSO, short for Phantasy Star Online, was an online RPG back in the Dreamcast, Gamecube and OG Xbox days.

Not an MMO, but it had co op and a lobby that actually was a lobby.

DC version had 4 maps and GC/Xbox /PC had 8. Yet people (me too) grinded the shit out of it because it was fun.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Whoa... havent seen that! Where the hell does one get this? Let me guess... RNGesus drop?

That's literally what people always tell me. They havent' seen it, and where did I get it?! I got it the first week of release from a random drop. Been wearing it ever since.


So much BS and assumptions in that Destiny Fails video. I mean obviously the game is disappointing even though I still love it. Just look at his rant about gambling, yet there is gambling in the game Xur item for motes....that could have been all the devs meant.
You know what is pissing me off. How worthless the Crucible is.
It is by far my favorite thing to do if I am playing solo and it is pretty much pointless for my character at this point.
You know what is pissing me off. How worthless the Crucible is.
It is by far my favorite thing to do if I am playing solo and it is pretty much pointless for my character at this point.

It is worthless. It almost never gives you even remotely good gear as drops. Your gear levels up at a laughable rate. And you can't even get the best gear in the game through it. That's reserved for cheesing a boss for free exotics.
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