yeah i actually wanted patience and time.
people get upset when he sells stuff that they already bought
people get upset he wont sell something he already sold and that they missed out on.
yall shoulda bought the gjallarhorn when he sold it the last time, cheaper than the suros
Did PSN just explode for anyone else?
I have two other people for Hard starting at Gatekeeper if you're interested. We'd be 4 total so far with you, starting at around that time! a_javierp on PS4.
Aren't they adding raid gear as crucible rewards soon?
Not sure, but having difficulty sending messages and getting elk'd and baboon'd. Raiding over for tonight!Again?
Soon? No. It's during the next Iron Banner which no one knows when it is returning, most likely a while from now at the current event output rate.
Ok I have a question does anyone know what controls the exotic bounties?
I've done pretty much done everything in this game, lvl 30 warlock ext... But i have never had one?
I'm not overly fussed just find it weird.
I have a Hard checkpoint at Gatekeepers. Anyone up for it tonight?
Absolutely. Fuck Minotaurs and their bastard brothers praetorians, hobgoblins too.One-shoting a shielded minotaur with a sniper rifle is the best feeling ever.
People just want Hypehorn. Should have bought it when it was on sale really. I for one am glad it's a new weapon this week. Last week should've been Last Word's week though.Basically. He's actually selling a new weapon this week and people are complaining more than when he sold the Suros again.
I can only speak for myself but my issue has never been with the weapon he's sold. I'm annoyed on principle that the same armor pieces are being sold over and over again while a couple pieces are never getting sold. For example, there are only two exotic chests for Warlocks and yet only one ever gets sold. Sun Breakers three times in the amount of weeks Xur had come at that point was ridiculous. If it's truly random, it's a really shitty random generator. That may be a disingenuous comment but I've experienced many a random generator in my time and haven't ever seen so much repetition. You see it with the Strike playlist too, doing the same strike three freakin times in a row.
Yikes, that's weird.
I think it's just purely random but you should've at least had one by now.
More like all you need is superblack. Now to find out where to get itIt took 42 levels for the cryptard to finally give me the thunderdevil shader.
All I need now is the god of war shader.
I'm 27. Issue your verdict.
No. But PSO and Destiny are roughly in the same subgenre.
This is a terrible, just god-awful, approach as a consumer. If nothing else, you have learned a valuable lesson for future purchases right?
It took 42 levels for the cryptard to finally give me the thunderdevil shader.
All I need now is the god of war shader.
I can safely say my experience with them strongly goes against your theory.I will go to my grave believing that the chances of getting an exotic quest greatly improves if you (a) turn in 3 or more quests at once and (b) turn in the bounties AS FAST AS YOU CAN CLICK. I've received so many exotic bounty offers that I purposefully click slower so I don't have to bother to accept/abandon the exotic bounty quest line. I'm definitely over 30 exotic bounties offered so far.
I will go to my grave believing that the chances of getting an exotic quest greatly improves if you (a) turn in 3 or more quests at once and (b) turn in the bounties AS FAST AS YOU CAN CLICK. I've received so many exotic bounty offers that I purposefully click slower so I don't have to bother to accept/abandon the exotic bounty quest line. I'm definitely over 30 exotic bounties offered so far.
Sorry. I was a tard bit late to warn you about that last night. Keep you're coins for now. Next week Xur will bring in something else. An Helmet would be a better choice for your first exotic anyways.I know. I have 20 strange coins but I think the piece of armor Xur has will be one I purchased a legendary version of from the Vanguard, meaning I wasted the marks and should have waited.
I can only speak for myself but my issue has never been with the weapon he's sold. I'm annoyed on principle that the same armor pieces are being sold over and over again while a couple pieces are never getting sold. For example, there are only two exotic chests for Warlocks and yet only one ever gets sold. Sun Breakers three times in the amount of weeks Xur had come at that point was ridiculous. If it's truly random, it's a really shitty random generator. That may be a disingenuous comment but I've experienced many a random generator in my time and haven't ever seen so much repetition. You see it with the Strike playlist too, doing the same strike three freakin times in a row.
Is there really any point in owning and/or upgrading more than one piece of exotic armor (chest, helmet, arm)? They take so long to upgrade that it just seems pointless to replace my fully upgraded exotic helmet with an non-upgraded exotic piece of armor from Xur. Is there something I'm missing here?
Is there really any point in owning and/or upgrading more than one piece of exotic armor (chest, helmet, arm)? They take so long to upgrade that it just seems pointless to replace my fully upgraded exotic helmet with an non-upgraded exotic piece of armor from Xur. Is there something I'm missing here?
I have a Hard checkpoint at Gatekeepers. Anyone up for it tonight?
:lol I don't understand why there's so much hate for Xur today.
Some of the most fun I've had in years; it rather explicitly reminds me of the early Dreamcast era playing stuff with friends on a 56k modem and staying up, you know, just one more hour, until it's 4:30am.But, you didn't say if it's very fun or not.![]()
makes perfect sense-Which explains why I'm not enjoying Destiny as much as I thought I would.
...oh, haha, well, that's something to be said for it as well.That being said, I still play for an hour or two almost everyday.
Okay, well, I apologize. This direct quote:Hold your horses for a minute. Don't make assumptions!
Led me to believe that you didn't necessary even know what genre the game belonged to.I bought Destiny on Bungie's name alone.
You still feel as though you didn't make a mistake in your decision process, considering that your premise is that Destiny is "not very fun"?With Destiny, I watched a couple of trailers and read maybe a couple of articles. That's it. I knew Bungie was behind it and I knew they'd done Halo, so I was sold. I don't think I made a mistake in my decision process.
Shit happens. I've been burned like this before. I used to buy games developed by Insomniac blindly. I won't do that anymore: after the huge disappoint of Resistance 2 and a couple of Ratchet and Clank games that simply did not live up to their previous efforts, I now have to do some research before I deicde to buy.
I don't think it is completely random tbh, and I'm not saying you can't be disappointed (last week he didn't have anything I didn't already have), but I don't get the hate. He's selling exotics, just not always ones you want.
So what is Xur selling today!?
He had Gjallarhorn the first week. Most people weren't high levels yet. Not to mention, nobody really knew how good of a weapon it was until weeks later.
I'd have bought it if I had the coins & if I had known it was so good.
I was far from having 17 coins on his second showing.It was the 2nd week. Red Death was the 1st week, Suros was the third. and Gjallarhorn was only 17 coins.
where's xur and please tell me he's selling a handcannon. or gjallarhorn.
If you do that then don't you always accidentally pick up the first exotic bounty whenever you get it and lose the change to pick up the other two?
I don't think it is completely random tbh, and I'm not saying you can't be disappointed (last week he didn't have anything I didn't already have), but I don't get the hate. He's selling exotics, just not always ones you want.
I don't think it is completely random tbh, and I'm not saying you can't be disappointed (last week he didn't have anything I didn't already have), but I don't get the hate. He's selling exotics, just not always ones you want.
At this point I certainly have not seen anything to indicate it's not a completely random roll.I can only speak for myself but my issue has never been with the weapon he's sold. I'm annoyed on principle that the same armor pieces are being sold over and over again while a couple pieces are never getting sold. For example, there are only two exotic chests for Warlocks and yet only one ever gets sold. Sun Breakers three times in the amount of weeks Xur had come at that point was ridiculous. If it's truly random, it's a really shitty random generator. That may be a disingenuous comment but I've experienced many a random generator in my time and haven't ever seen so much repetition. You see it with the Strike playlist too, doing the same strike three freakin times in a row.
He's down by the crucible guys.
I can't even get Xur to sell me an Exotic handcannon in the game. I wouldn't think they exist if it weren't for my friends, people in matchmaking, and those gloating in here about them.
This isn't my first "MMO" or "loot" game. But i'll be damned if the loot system doesn't suck balls in this game.