One slot for hard atheon.
Ps4: ruthlesbarbarian
Ps4: ruthlesbarbarian
Nothing recieved what's your psn?You would make three for us. Invite sent. Anybody else?
One slot for hard atheon.
Ps4: ruthlesbarbarian
One slot for hard atheon.
Ps4: ruthlesbarbarian
I love this game. I've put more hours into it than any release in years. i wouldn't be surprised if half my posts on GAF have been on Destiny threads starting with the Alpha. That said, I think I'll be dialing my playtime way down. I will hop back in weekly for Nightfall/Coins and a Normal Raid but that's it.
I'd love to keep progressing but taking my weapons to 300 attack will require literally hundreds of planetary materials. It's boring and frustrating and tedious and I hate Bungie for giving me zero alternatives to playing whack-a-mole. Everything else in the game can be had in multiple ways.
It's been real fun guys. If these people ever let me pay for mats in any currency, real or virtual, if be back playing daily. Zero hope there though.
I find Skirmish and Salvage to be intolerable with randoms but my favorite modes with a premade group.That's it I am fucking DONE with randoms on 3v3 anything, anyone want to team up for the salvage trophy, I am fucking done with this mode forever when I have this trophy, I can't take the team quitting lopsided bullshit anymore.
I love this game. I've put more hours into it than any release in years. i wouldn't be surprised if half my posts on GAF have been on Destiny threads starting with the Alpha. That said, I think I'll be dialing my playtime way down. I will hop back in weekly for Nightfall/Coins and a Normal Raid but that's it.
I'd love to keep progressing but taking my weapons to 300 attack will require literally hundreds of planetary materials. It's boring and frustrating and tedious and I hate Bungie for giving me zero alternatives to playing whack-a-mole. Everything else in the game can be had in multiple ways.
It's been real fun guys. If these people ever let me pay for mats in any currency, real or virtual, if be back playing daily. Zero hope there though.
Yeah I totally didn't deserve it. I'm one of the worst Destiny players in this thread.
Yo wanna join us? The 6th lost connection and we are at the first chest.Looking for a normal raid, not bothered from where psn yorkie7480
I love this game. I've put more hours into it than any release in years. i wouldn't be surprised if half my posts on GAF have been on Destiny threads starting with the Alpha. That said, I think I'll be dialing my playtime way down. I will hop back in weekly for Nightfall/Coins and a Normal Raid but that's it.
I'd love to keep progressing but taking my weapons to 300 attack will require literally hundreds of planetary materials. It's boring and frustrating and tedious and I hate Bungie for giving me zero alternatives to playing whack-a-mole. Everything else in the game can be had in multiple ways.
It's been real fun guys. If these people ever let me pay for mats in any currency, real or virtual, if be back playing daily. Zero hope there though.
I love this game. I've put more hours into it than any release in years. i wouldn't be surprised if half my posts on GAF have been on Destiny threads starting with the Alpha. That said, I think I'll be dialing my playtime way down. I will hop back in weekly for Nightfall/Coins and a Normal Raid but that's it.
I'd love to keep progressing but taking my weapons to 300 attack will require literally hundreds of planetary materials. It's boring and frustrating and tedious and I hate Bungie for giving me zero alternatives to playing whack-a-mole. Everything else in the game can be had in multiple ways.
It's been real fun guys. If these people ever let me pay for mats in any currency, real or virtual, if be back playing daily. Zero hope there though.
I'd love to keep progressing but taking my weapons to 300 attack will require literally hundreds of planetary materials. It's boring and frustrating and tedious and I hate Bungie for giving me zero alternatives to playing whack-a-mole. Everything else in the game can be had in multiple ways.
Is everything a bug with this game? It's obviously how they designed those encounters. It's not like sometimes they're bullet sponges and sometimes they're not. They're always the same so it's clearly not a bug cause there's no way nobody noticed that before the game launched
If we were smart, we'd have tried more pre-patch too.
You had no way of knowing that the Atheon fight would be broken. More than it already is haha.
Yea but it looks like it's the sniper doing most of the damage on the boss. It also appears to be from the raid. I used it during this fight as well and didn't do half of what this person is getting (~6,000). Is that because I was too far back? Or maybe it's because the weapon isn't fully upgraded. I'm exactly lvl 28 so not sure if that could have an effect either lol. Quite a number variables but I'd love someone's input.
You had no way of knowing that the Atheon fight would be broken. More than it already is haha.
Thanks man. I turned my playstation on, headed to Mars and opened a YouTube video. Grounded for 10 minutes then wondered why the fuck am I doing this. This is boring. I'd rather join a Hard raid...but my weapons aren't good enough, I saw your post a while ago (maybe someone different) asking for someone to team up with to farm materials. Briefly considered but decided against it. Sucks because I need them but indeed it so freaking tedious. There are a number of "exploit" routes that a buddy has shown me but I always forget them. Really good place on Mars, actually (you were looking for relic iron). The chests continuously respawn as long as you leave the zone.
Yea but it looks like it's the sniper doing most of the damage on the boss. It also appears to be from the raid. I used it during this fight as well and didn't do half of what this person is getting (~6,000). Is that because I was too far back? Or maybe it's because the weapon isn't fully upgraded. I'm exactly lvl 28 so not sure if that could have an effect either lol. Quite a number variables but I'd love someone's input.
I don't know what sniper rifle that is either but he's using the Weapons of Light perk with his Defender bubble which gives weapons a nice boost to attack power. That and the void burn are why his damage numbers are so high.
i wanna play sunset overdrive but I don't want an xbone![]()
i wanna play sunset overdrive but I don't want an xbone![]()
Hmm, lol. Those of you out there who don't farm mats in a way that crushes your soul, which weapons have you maxed out?
Caved in and bought Armamentarium, but that meant I needed a new helmet since I was only rolling with Saints and Inner Most Light.
Bought the Monitor Helmet, outfit looks good in Chatter White, like some type of Storm Trooper hit squad...
Xbone is worth it, trust me. It's a fantastic console now. I'll be getting a PS4 when Bloodborne comes out.
soooo 99% of the "halloween" stuff is not happening then :\
Caved in and bought Armamentarium, but that meant I needed a new helmet since I was only rolling with Saints and Inner Most Light.
Bought the Monitor Helmet, outfit looks good in Chatter White, like some type of Storm Trooper hit squad...
Pre-patch flawless raiders make me sick.![]()
i wanna play sunset overdrive but I don't want an xbone![]()
guess not, you got lame pumpkin heads and bat effects instead
I'm looking to join a Normal Raid if any are forming soon.
Level 28 Defender Titan, lots of maxed weapons. Shoot me an invite, I'll likely be playing some PvP.
Myself and a couple of others were musing about the changes, we knew we'd have to adapt to the random part but that didn't really worry us.
We did discuss the potential for post-patch glitches, but we shrugged it off with a "how bad could it get?".
lol. Not only am I actively playing other games, I'm a GL of another game's community right here on this very forum.No hawkian. You are the replacement for Dax. You can't play any other games. Your only escape from this hell is to trick another into taking your job.
I can identify one game I want for it, lol. I can't even stipulate I really want the MCC since what I really want is just a remastered PC version of Halo 2 without all the networking/cheating stuff.Xbone is worth it, trust me. It's a fantastic console now.
that'll be the second PS4 game I'll be buying at launchI'll be getting a PS4 when Bloodborne comes out.
Oh yeh, you. Coming on our runs and flaunting your flawlessness.
Cool sounds good, I will be home in like an hour?
Cool sounds good, I will be home in like an hour?
I'll tag along if thats cool. Gonna be running bounties n stuff.
I maxed out Atheon's Epilogue and Ice Breaker because I wanted to gear up for the Raid. I've partly upgraded the Vex Mythoclast, Suros Regime, Corrective Measure, Hezen Vengeance, Void+Solar Light/Beware, MIDA, Cryptic Dragon, TDYK and Vanquisher III. I have a lot of other stuff I haven't even gotten started on. These are the weapons I like best though, and they suit different scenarios so I juggle them around often.Hmm, lol
I'm pretty satisfied with that. I pretty much adore all the guns I've chosen to put the effort into upgrading and I imagine that's the intended experience. I think if I reached the point where I felt like I had to upgrade all the weapons in my arsenal that needed upgrades I'd be pretty burned out with the game too.
Oh yeh, you. Coming on our runs and flaunting your flawlessness.
We'll get it eventually and all pre patch flawless raiders will bow to our awesomeness.