Thorn PvP users, are using the Range perk or the Perfect Balance perk?
I really wish instead of bars it showed actual numbers, like a number in meters for the range value.
Send It
Thorn PvP users, are using the Range perk or the Perfect Balance perk?
I really wish instead of bars it showed actual numbers, like a number in meters for the range value.
Send It (range) for sure. Perfect balance isn't needed.
The gun is literally as effective as a sniper rifle at range. If you can see someone, you can pop them.
Sometimes I've camped on first light and sniped people with thorn just for fun, there's a pencil-tip sized head in the distance that is suddenly wondering why they are about to die from poison.
Possible?Alright, the fact that it's getting a possible buff scares the shit outta me now.
Haha. Yeah, seriously. Pulse? The fuck kind of gun is that? They have those in Destiny?
Although, my first Legendary weapon that I received in the game was a pulse (Bad Seed Down). The gun is total garbage but I won't dismantle it because of that. I'm so sentimental sometimes.
The denial is strong with this one
Red Death and the Stranger's Rifle are great in pvp.
Thorn hate come PvE gamers only... It is fantastic in PvP.
I don't even know how they can buff it.
Thorn hate come PvE gamers only... It is fantastic in PvP.
I don't even know how they can buff it.
Has anyone used the praedyth's timepiece? I have it but haven't leveled/used it at all. I'm all for elemental primaries but I haven't used a pulse rifle since week 1.
Haven't had the opportunity to grab it, but the impact is terrible and Secret Round is pretty meh.
The only thing it really has going for it is the arc damage...but Fatebringer puts it to shame across the board.
What a difference a week and a half makes. I ran the raid for the first time almost two weeks ago at level 27. It took about 3 hours and I was a liability at the gate keeper and atheon seconds as I only had a lightly upgraded devil you know.
Ran it again yesterday at 28 with an almost fully upgraded voc and ice breaker and we made it through the whole thing in under an hour with only two deaths (one was a hilarious platforming miscue). The voc rips right through the oracles, it's almost unfair. Of course I was rewarded with all shards and energy, but I feel better about my survivability going forward.
How big a jump is it to go from normal to hard? I'd obviously need to get to level 29, but I want to hold out until I get some raid gear so I don't waste all my shards on gear that I'm just going to trash. Can a 28 with fully upgraded voc, ice breaker, and hezen vengeance do it, or am I going to be a liability until I hit 29?
Yep, totally serious. That would be extremely helpful if you upload the videos. I just can't imagine there are many QA guys grinding away at flawless. They are probably onto the DLC..
29 is essential unless you're being carried through cheese.What a difference a week and a half makes. I ran the raid for the first time almost two weeks ago at level 27. It took about 3 hours and I was a liability at the gate keeper and atheon seconds as I only had a lightly upgraded devil you know.
Ran it again yesterday at 28 with an almost fully upgraded voc and ice breaker and we made it through the whole thing in under an hour with only two deaths (one was a hilarious platforming miscue). The voc rips right through the oracles, it's almost unfair. Of course I was rewarded with all shards and energy, but I feel better about my survivability going forward.
How big a jump is it to go from normal to hard? I'd obviously need to get to level 29, but I want to hold out until I get some raid gear so I don't waste all my shards on gear that I'm just going to trash. Can a 28 with fully upgraded voc, ice breaker, and hezen vengeance do it, or am I going to be a liability until I hit 29?
You want to be 29, but it still sucks.What a difference a week and a half makes. I ran the raid for the first time almost two weeks ago at level 27. It took about 3 hours and I was a liability at the gate keeper and atheon seconds as I only had a lightly upgraded devil you know.
Ran it again yesterday at 28 with an almost fully upgraded voc and ice breaker and we made it through the whole thing in under an hour with only two deaths (one was a hilarious platforming miscue). The voc rips right through the oracles, it's almost unfair. Of course I was rewarded with all shards and energy, but I feel better about my survivability going forward.
How big a jump is it to go from normal to hard? I'd obviously need to get to level 29, but I want to hold out until I get some raid gear so I don't waste all my shards on gear that I'm just going to trash. Can a 28 with fully upgraded voc, ice breaker, and hezen vengeance do it, or am I going to be a liability until I hit 29?
My thorn setup
I looked at the raw range values from the API, Thorn has 62/100 range with this setup. My Praedyth's Revenge has 66/100.
Eh guys, will it be possible for me to do the Raid on my alt without unlocking Venus? I went a little overboard with the Crucible bounties and now I'm level 19 and a half with only the earth story missions, earth strike and the first moon story mission done, and once I go hand in these last few bounties I'll be level 20. Am I fucked? O.O
Eh guys, will it be possible for me to do the Raid on my alt without unlocking Venus? I went a little overboard with the Crucible bounties and now I'm level 19 and a half with only the earth story missions, earth strike and the first moon story mission done, and once I go hand in these last few bounties I'll be level 20. Am I fucked? O.O
Yeah its not a big secret. I run into thorns constantly in pvp now. Some players are good and others just tear you apart with it. And it needs a buff? My friend just got the bounty i told him get it done and you will be a beast in pvp once you learn how to use it.
Guys, I got Red Death!
It's my first exotic alrightPlease don't laugh at me
Not explicitly Destiny related, but have many people here been getting the "Rest Mode" error since the firmware update? Orange blinking light on console, won't turn on with the power button or via controller. Just happened for the 2nd time even though I swore I turned off the console completely. I just restart the console in safe mode then re-install the update file and seems to fix it momentarily. Any advice?
What a difference a week and a half makes. I ran the raid for the first time almost two weeks ago at level 27. It took about 3 hours and I was a liability at the gate keeper and atheon seconds as I only had a lightly upgraded devil you know.
Ran it again yesterday at 28 with an almost fully upgraded voc and ice breaker and we made it through the whole thing in under an hour with only two deaths (one was a hilarious platforming miscue). The voc rips right through the oracles, it's almost unfair. Of course I was rewarded with all shards and energy, but I feel better about my survivability going forward.
How big a jump is it to go from normal to hard? I'd obviously need to get to level 29, but I want to hold out until I get some raid gear so I don't waste all my shards on gear that I'm just going to trash. Can a 28 with fully upgraded voc, ice breaker, and hezen vengeance do it, or am I going to be a liability until I hit 29?
I got a Thunderlord from the raid last night... That easy nice but I already have one... I just want The Fatebringer, VoC, or even the Atheon's Epilogue.Yea, I wanted VoC or Fatebringer or even Thunderlord. Nope.
Not explicitly Destiny related, but have many people here been getting the "Rest Mode" error since the firmware update? Orange blinking light on console, won't turn on with the power button or via controller. Just happened for the 2nd time even though I swore I turned off the console completely. I just restart the console in safe mode then re-install the update file and seems to fix it momentarily. Any advice?
Not explicitly Destiny related, but have many people here been getting the "Rest Mode" error since the firmware update? Orange blinking light on console, won't turn on with the power button or via controller. Just happened for the 2nd time even though I swore I turned off the console completely. I just restart the console in safe mode then re-install the update file and seems to fix it momentarily. Any advice?
PvP hand cannon ranking IMO:
The Last Word
Lord High Fixer
Devil You Know
Everything else
You want to be 29, but it still sucks.
Not explicitly Destiny related, but have many people here been getting the "Rest Mode" error since the firmware update? Orange blinking light on console, won't turn on with the power button or via controller. Just happened for the 2nd time even though I swore I turned off the console completely. I just restart the console in safe mode then re-install the update file and seems to fix it momentarily. Any advice?
We did carry a friend with lvl 28 one time with four 30s and one 29 but it is really hard to the guy... it was like do the Hard Raid in five guys... it was before the random atheon too and he never touched a relicWhat a difference a week and a half makes. I ran the raid for the first time almost two weeks ago at level 27. It took about 3 hours and I was a liability at the gate keeper and atheon seconds as I only had a lightly upgraded devil you know.
Ran it again yesterday at 28 with an almost fully upgraded voc and ice breaker and we made it through the whole thing in under an hour with only two deaths (one was a hilarious platforming miscue). The voc rips right through the oracles, it's almost unfair. Of course I was rewarded with all shards and energy, but I feel better about my survivability going forward.
How big a jump is it to go from normal to hard? I'd obviously need to get to level 29, but I want to hold out until I get some raid gear so I don't waste all my shards on gear that I'm just going to trash. Can a 28 with fully upgraded voc, ice breaker, and hezen vengeance do it, or am I going to be a liability until I hit 29?
Do at least the Oracle and Tempar parts... it can be cheesed... the hardest parts for you will be the Gatekeeper and Atheon now with random.Wasting shards isnt really a thing. Wasting weeks you could be running hard mode is a important thing. Shards take care of themselves just by playing the game. Get to 29. Do the hardmode. Get gear.
Those sound like great perks to me, especially for PvE but also for PvP. Zen Moment on the vendor Devil You Know is great for a the stability it provides and you're having Grenadier means each kill will reduce your grenade cool-down by I think 10%? I could be wrong, but if you imagine killing dozens of trash adds in PvE your grenade could have a very short cool-down.
Currently running on 3 hrs of sleep at work. We had a good run on Hard mode last night, but when we got to Atheon, the bugs were the real MVP.
Hopefully we can knock it out tonight before the reset.
Loot wise, got my 2nd Fatebringer (energies) and Corrective Measure. Still looking for some boots#Forever29
I got a Thunderlord from the raid last night... That easy nice but I already have one... I just want The Fatebringer, VoC, or even the Atheon's Epilogue.
Hawkmoon needs to be higher, fatebringer is only ok in pvp, i've had better luck with Lord High Fixer and Devil You Know
29 is ok as long as you know you're a squishy liability, or a sunsinger (just make sure you always have a super available to get out of trouble.
Don't use sleep mode. It's fucked in 2.0
Yeah, I've been getting that. Freaks me out :/
It's a common problem but I haven't experienced it at all. The only fix right now is to have it turn off completely. Stop using Rest Mode.
It happened to me twice until I realized it's a glitch that needs fixing. I had to unplug the PS4 both times to boot it up. I now turn the system completely off which is a bummer, hopefully there's a firmware update soon to fix it.
Hawkmoon needs to be higher, fatebringer is only ok in pvp, i've had better luck with Lord High Fixer and Devil You Know
There are several videos on YouTube suggesting Red Death as the go to primary weapon for PvP. The heal is great.
not even a toss up, pocket infinity wins that hands down now. It's one of the few guns that outright wins a fair fight up against the regime, imo.
a top1% player with a SUROS against a top1% with a pocket infinity or a last word is a toss up, with mid-close range encounters skewing to the fusion rifle / handcannon player
not getting why ARs need a nerf - just because they are the most popular option doesnt mean they are the best option in the hands of a skilled player
truth and facts.yup, Thorn reinvigorated my love for hand cannons. That thing is unbelievable. If they do anything other than increase its reload, it'll be a disaster.
grumble. hawkmoon is obviously the best and Timur's Lash belongs in there somewhere but I guess that's an okay list except hawkmoon is obviously the best.PvP hand cannon ranking IMO:
The Last Word
Lord High Fixer
Devil You Know
Everything else
PvP hand cannon ranking IMO:
The Last Word
Lord High Fixer
Devil You Know
Everything else
Fatebringer is so good. Firefly is the most fun you can have with any weapon