Has anybody heard or witnessed Atheon on Hard (or Normal) dropping boots?
Not once in any clear, but that could just be RNG.
Has anybody heard or witnessed Atheon on Hard (or Normal) dropping boots?
Has anybody heard or witnessed Atheon on Hard (or Normal) dropping boots?
Melees are fucked, that's for sure. I stay out of melee range as much as I can. When I refer to lag, I mean I don't get killed around corners or screwed as in I felt I should have killed the guy and he got away. I do think kill trades and weird post mortems happen too often, but I don't know if that's lag or shitty programming. Halo 2's melees were fine and then they fucked it up for Halo 3.
No I don't want to do Mars strikes, they suck, thanks anyway Bung'e.
Healing effect? I never saw that... it kills or at least left close to kill a Praetorian lvl 30 from what I saw.Okay this is overstating it a bit, but it and icebreaker are your PvE essentials. Lol
Atheon needs way more than 7-8 rockets from a level 30 to die (The actual number is closer to 20), and it typically does not one shot level 30 Praetorians, even if the shield is down, due to the stupid healing effect thing that will happen while the wolfpack rounds are hitting it.
That being said it's nuts and I'm sure they will nerf the damage of wolfpack rounds but may as well enjoy it while it lasts.
heavy ammo is the only thing that creates map movement at the moment. without the team dynamic, there'd be little reason to push for them since the maps are lacking in desirable positions.
they should lower the amount dropped and then relocate the poorly positioned ones to contestable locations. that would create more interesting battles without simply handing one team 20 rockets.
firebase delphi's probably the worst offender for this. good luck getting heavy ammo if you spawn at C.
I guess that would be okay, to reduce the overdominance, I just really like the reward of a team playing together, winning the spawn and waiting for others to activate the ammoi would tweak the drop of the heavy spawns to maybe 2 players per team, but the spawn rate should be left alone - and the map control dynamic of fighting for the spawns is a great gameplay element
yeah I think there are a really solid number of gun classes and individual guns that are viable right now.also agree that im seeing a ton of handcannons and scout rifles these days, the AR dominated era is over, imo - sure the Suros is still one of the top 5 options, but why is that a problem? IMO The Last Word is easily the strongest PVP gun in the game, at least for the smaller maps.
Yeah I'm very curious about Osiris as well as the new IB.And count me in on the contingent that thinks fusion rifles need a small nerf, increasing the spread would probably do the trick - theres no way they should be as one-shot deadly from the range that they are.
But yeah i love the crucible - hope the trials of osiris end up being a challenge
Has anybody heard or witnessed Atheon on Hard (or Normal) dropping boots?
I got boots, chest and gloves on normal yesterday... first run with alt.Has anybody heard or witnessed Atheon on Hard (or Normal) dropping boots?
I think they should also shorten the "Heavy Ammo Incoming" message time to when it actually appears. It allows too much camping of the Heavy Ammo Spots.
Altho they could alleviate this by making the spawn spots completely random.
Healing effect? I never saw that... it kills or at least left close to kill a Praetorian lvl 30 from what I saw.
Seems like way less than 20 shots for Atheon Hard.
I got boots, chest and gloves on normal yesterday... first run with alt.
I got boots, chest and gloves on normal yesterday... first run with alt.
People say here Helm is only hard mode but my first Raid gear was the Helm and I needed it to reach lvl 29 to play hard... so I guess I got from normal too but I can't confirm.
the AR dominated era is over, imo
Healing effect? I never saw that... it kills or at least left close to kill a Praetorian lvl 30 from what I saw.
Seems like way less than 20 shots for Atheon Hard.
Last time I did it, I got Final Verdict.
Unfortunately enough, I couldn't manage to defeat Atheon on normal few weeks ago due to not having a Defender Titan (Because the splash damage were too powerful for the relic shield to handle, apparently) and the bugs and glitches that hurt my fireteam.
And now with less friends playing Destiny, I doubt that I'll be able to even finish VoG.
I got boots, chest and gloves on normal yesterday... first run with alt.
People say here Helm is only hard mode but my first Raid gear was the Helm and I needed it to reach lvl 29 to play hard... so I guess I got from normal too but I can't confirm.
Now this blows my mind. Even if you see them less, they're still the most used gun and also the easiest to use. They said they're nerfing the Suros, but I use a Shadow Price and personally feel it's better. They need another nerf.
Boots = OraclesFrom Atheon, or out of the Oracles/Templar?
Not once in any clear, but that could just be RNG.
I don't think I've ever seen Atheon drop armor except for Helmets on Hard.
Pretty sure the only piece of raid gear he can drop is the helmet on Hard.
It is because when I first played Hard I needed only the boots (and Gloves but I had Sunbreakers so I just needed boots) and I remember my first raid gear was helm.You are literally the only person who said they got the helm in Normal.
I despise the ones where only two people are teleported, or even better, people who are teleported get detained.
Or the effect of the -ammo bug every time we spawn.
The teleport/relic glitches are my main problems. The regain health problem is definitely a lag issue. It seems random and way less common so it's not too much of a deal.
I just want them to fix the teleporting back to three people so we're able to have a chance. Just fix the code for that as a priority. I can still deal with the rest.
Good luck, that Foil seems hard to get.
Quick question. Right now I am fighting to get to level 30. Is there a Helm on normal Raid? Planet Destiny says the Cowl of Hezen Lord is there but others say only on hard. Any expert advice would be helpful. Also anybody down for hard raids psn friend me. I play after work and weekends.
Warlock 29: psn: Javy3
I’m serious about submitting a bug report for the serious Raid bugs, so if anyone has anything to add or can provide videos of said bugs, please let me know. .
Im serious about submitting a bug report for the serious Raid bugs, so if anyone has anything to add or can provide videos of said bugs, please let me know. I know they are aware of some of these, but who knows, something like this may help the guys trying to fix things get more time or resources if the community is behind making these a priority.
So far:
#1 Less than three people being teleported during Atheon encounter.
#2 People teleported during the Atheon encounter are also detained.
#3 Ammo being lost to the Architects during respawn and other loading areas.
i have gotten 3 of them, 2 of which I dismantled.
You are literally the only person who said they got the helm in Normal.
The main thing is they have their niche now. They're still a very good choice often, they're just not literally the best choice at almost every possible engagement distance like they were before.No they don't. They don't overpower in 1v1 against good HCs and even FRs. They don't need another nerf unless you want them to be completely useless like with PRs.
So tired of people complaining about ARs being OP even when they aren't used as much these days anyway.
I got the Universal Remote last week, and with upgrades I don't see the purpose of it. Was it nerfed? I've got better Legendary shotguns than this thing... If the Fire Rate or Range was higher it might be good.
Haha how apropos. Most people will say it's only a hard drop. I've only seen it drop there, between almost 20 hard clears and 60 clears overall.
Our flawless teams have a soul crushing amount of glitches, many of which I believe have been saved. I can go through my archives later tonight and try to upload some stuff to YTube if you are serious about it.
You should do that and also post in the Bungie forums. They seem to take complaints more seriously there.
You are literally the only person who said they got the helm in Normal.
The main thing is they have their niche now. They're still a very good choice often, they're just not literally the best choice at almost every possible engagement distance like they were before.
The Regime is still ridiculously deadly in the right hands but I'm not even really sure what you do to it. It's just a great gun, and costs your exotic slot. I don't expect ARs to be nerfed again in the short term, and at least not before fusion rifles.
You are literally the only person who said they got the helm in Normal.
No they don't. They don't overpower in 1v1 against good HCs and even FRs. They don't need another nerf unless you want them to be completely useless like with PRs.
So tired of people complaining about ARs being OP even when they aren't used as much these days anyway.
What the absolute hell? I'm farming helium on the moon for my fatebringer, along come these 3 players in a fireteam. Not only do they disrupt my farming route, but they sit idly by as I handle a defend warsat public event on my own.
They keep on farming while I take on waves after waves of fallen on my own, then decide to jump in and get the gold rating plus rewards at the very last moment.
Fuck these assholes.
I'm pretty sure it's not possible. Or, it's at least as possible as the guy on GAF who said his Last Word had a 12 shot magazine![]()
Eh, I agree with Hawkian. I like the team aspect and the risk of not picking it up and getting lit the F up by someone while you wait for team members to get close. I nova bombed three guys and gunned down a fourth on my alt who were huddling around the heavy, so I'm okay with it.I still see ARs for days, but I agree with everything you said. Heavy ammo shouldn't get dropped for your whole team if you're all standing near it, either.
TLW seems great on small maps, but man does Hawkmoon do some work.also agree that im seeing a ton of handcannons and scout rifles these days, the AR dominated era is over, imo - sure the Suros is still one of the top 5 options, but why is that a problem? IMO The Last Word is easily the strongest PVP gun in the game, at least for the smaller maps.
And count me in on the contingent that thinks fusion rifles need a small nerf, increasing the spread would probably do the trick - theres no way they should be as one-shot deadly from the range that they are.
But yeah i love the crucible - hope the trials of osiris end up being a challenge
I'm pretty sure it's not possible. Or, it's at least as possible as the guy on GAF who said his Last Word had a 12 shot magazine![]()
For ease of use, yes, they should do less damage than they do now. Maybe the range is the problem. Shadow Price crits for 27 and has a ridiculous fire rate. It drops people in no time. "Not used as much" is subjective. I see them all the time and I easily die to them the most.
That was what I remember... my first raid gear was warlock's helmet but I didn't played the hard until get to lvl 29... for lvl 29 I already had chest, gloves and helmet... just needed the boots to 30.
I don't know... it is a possibility.Are you sure that you didn't pop in on a Cheese of Atheon thinking it was normal, but it was actually hard? That's how I got my Helmet at least.
I don't know... it is a possibility.
I rarely die to ARs so I don't see it much of an issue in PVP. They're not THAT easy to use now since getting kills with them requires aiming for the head to do the best damage. Blatantly shooting from hip doesn't really do as much damage, imo.
What do you use for PVP? I'm curious why you find ARs so OP.
My personal performance and taste...As far as PVP popularity usage, from my personal experience:
ARs>>>>>>>>>>>>Hand Cannons>>Scouts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pulse