Fresh Hard Raid, 29+, assed to the max! PS4
1. Kalamari (EvilKalamari)
Your loot awaits you. Beginning when full.
So in total.. I played 4 lvl 26 raids, 2 on hard (full) and other random bosses here and there throughout
I got the helmet, I got the vex, I got the void auto rifle, I got the raid gauntlet..
All is good, but I can't get the leg armor! Everyone is suggesting that I create another warlock to raise my chances of getting it. But that's stupid.
I'm almost done with this game and its random system. It's simply unfair and stupid
I know someone who has 3 characters and played many more hours than me, and he's in the same situation I'm at. So unfair. The reward system is stupid in this game and I can't wait for the next big game so I can just stop playing,
So glad I didn't get the ultimate edition. I definitely won't get the stupid expansion now
EDIT: and what's frustrating, the leg and chest armors always go to my friend who are wearing them already! how stupid is that? It's like the game is just rubbing it lol
Fresh Hard Raid, 29+, assed to the max! PS4
1. Kalamari (EvilKalamari)
2. Gen_Hof
3. biggy70696
4. Cosmos_man
5. squidyj
Your loot awaits you. Beginning when full.
You mind all 3 my chars grab checkpoint for oracles?
Doing Weekly at the moment solo
So why is everybody popping boners over this?
I got it as a random postmaster reward like a month ago and I've barely used it. It's fun and all but I rarely use RLs as it is. What's the big draw besides looking good? I've used it in the raid a couple times and against bosses in strikes and it's just ok.
No it's not just ok. Did you have it maxed out?
Give me 2 minutes or join since he's at half health.I turned in 3 bounties and not a single skill tree upgrade...
I'm down... Psn gunawi1spot left.
Maybe half way leveled so far.
Maybe half way leveled so far.
So here are the things I'm settling into doing on a Weekly Basis both for my own progress and fun, and to help others:
- Wednesday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Static Group Normal Raid
This is my ongoing group's "serious" raid each week (not that we are at all serious about it).
The fixed roster for this is:
1. NarcissisticJay
2. Squall ASF
3. wins1991
4. Palom12
5. Hawkian
6. UnionCarbine
If any of you can't make it this week, please contact me somehow. We have a few alts lined up in the event that one or more of us can't make it. If they're unavailable I will always come to this thread looking for people to jump in and help.
I'm thinking this week, since we tolerated Jay's fledgling 25 last time around, we'll be fine with me bringing my 27 Warlock to the party and then I can use my more mature Hunter to lead the group tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll transfer Gjallarhorn. I know you guys are all chomping at the bit to do Hard, too. I suppose I'm ready now that I'm 29. Maybe we should aim for much earlier in the day on a weekend day if everyone is available.
- Thursday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Hawkian's Laid-back Newbie-Friendly Normal Raid
This is the weekly one I'm leading to teach the raid to players who haven't had the chance to get in yet, are intimidated by it, aren't comfortable with various roles inside, etc.
I will teach legit (non-cheesy) strategies for each section as we go through and point out variations on these strategies I have encountered that other groups might sometimes use.
It's primarily aimed at people who do not have much raid experience, but all are welcome- if you are familiar with the Vault of Glass, then this run will be geared toward forcing you out of your comfort zone and taking on jobs that you're not typically assigned. For example, if you have never held the relic, have only been confined to one side for Conflux defense, or have no idea what goes on in the Green portal during the Gatekeepers, this raid is for you too. We'll do a lot of rotating different jobs even from wipe to wipe, and I promise we will all improve as players in the process.
The one restriction on getting a slot is that you may not attend this raid two weeks in a row, to allow as many people as possible who need the experience a chance to get in.
This week's roster so far is:
1. Hawkian
2. airjimmy
3. Berried_treasurE
Please reply with your PSN ID if you would like a slot for this Thursday- they will be given first-come first-serve.
The atmosphere in these runs (which will be streamed, you can decide to opt-in to your voice showing up or not) will be VERY casual and laid-back. Do not join up if you are not okay with the prospect of wiping quite a few times as everyone gets the hang of what we're doing.
- Friday, 9:00PM Eastern Time - Hawkian's Pay-it-Forward Weekly Heroic/Nightfall Strike Service
If you've had me in your group to help out with a Weekly Heroic or a Nightfall Strike on a Friday evening for the last few weeks, you might have heard me give you a little elevator pitch at the end: "if you have the chance, now that you know how to do this, try and jump in and help out one other person who needs it by the Tuesday reset!"
Essentially, unless I have other plans, I'll pop into this thread at 9 on Friday and ask for anyone who needs help with either their 28 Heroic or Nightfall for the week. I'll get us through and demonstrate either a legit (for the Heroic) or cheesy (for the Nightfall) strategy which has been proven to work and is easily repeated- then at some point when you have a free half hour before the week is over, do the same for one other person who needs theirs. I'll do one or both with you, for as long as it takes to get us through, and then hop out to help another group.
The idea here is that TONS of people get their Weekly activities done early in the week, sometimes with all 3 characters even before I get home from work on Tuesdays- leaving the remaining GAF crew with fewer options to group up later on. I know it sucks to replay content when you aren't getting any tangible reward for it, but some people- even if they're level 28- just don't have the time or ability to attempt their Weekly+Nightfall until very late in the week. But between the huge Rep gains, marks, Strange Coins from Heroic, and XP boost/potential drops from Nightfall, these activities are some of the most concrete progression possible in Destiny, and I hope that as a community we can help more and more people get them done each week.
Keep your eyes peeled if you make it to Friday night and haven't been able to get yours done, and if you know anyone else who hasn't, direct them here!![]()
Playing muh titan doe
.hurry up
you're dragging the team down
Gjallahorn says fuck you, Valus Spongebob!
Edit: dammit, double post...
I missed another hard raid groupup?
Still waiting.
I missed another hard raid groupup?
Still waiting.
I'd like to get in on this. I'm doing the raid for the first time today and wouldn't mind running it on a Titan the next time just to see if it's any different.
PSN - EyelessOrphan
Hey man,mind if I get in on the Thursday night new player raid? Only done it once with randoms on destinylfg.I'm "the7thAssassin" on ps4. Thanks bro. Let me know if there's room.
You're in- that's 4, 5, and 6.I'd like to sign up for the Thursday noob friendly raid if there is still room. I've done the raid completely legit just once. 29 Titan
Psn is mcstevens88
Sorry! I'll put you down as first Alt.Is there still a spot open for this? I tried my first raid last week but we couldn't beat Atheon. PSN - FenixOne
P.S. First post in here, been lurking for a month, hi Destiny-GAF![]()
Hahah... sometimes. I usually have to be reminded by someone I'm playing with, I forget about it constantly, even though almost all of them I can do in <10 mins on both my Hunter and Warlock on 28. I just forget a lot, and some days I don't play and I'm not logging in just for thatDo you do the Daily anymore Hawkian?
Thanks! and definitely, I hope we can soon. I'm up prettty late usually.Hawkian, you are awesome and this is amazing. At some point we must play together, but I play a bit later than you. We'll have to figure something out.
Join ours?
Hard Raid to start ASAP:
You're in- that's 4, 5, and 6.
Sorry! I'll put you down as first Alt.
Hahah... sometimes. I usually have to be reminded by someone I'm playing with, I forget about it constantly, even though almost all of them I can do in <10 mins on both my Hunter and Warlock on 28. I just forget a lot, and some days I don't play and I'm not logging in just for thatShards might be an issue for my Titan.
Thanks! and definitely, I hope we can soon. I'm up prettty late usually.
I was thinking about something...
I don't get good rewards when I do only the Hard Rad... I know it is for the two but the rewards are a bit depressing.
But when I do first Normal and after Hard... holy shit I got everything less G'horn.
ha haSo why is everybody popping boners over this?
I got it as a random postmaster reward like a month ago and I've barely used it. It's fun and all but I rarely use RLs as it is. What's the big draw besides looking good? I've used it in the raid a couple times and against bosses in strikes and it's just ok.
Got a spot for me? Lvl 29 Sunsinger. PSN: Kydd-BlaZeJoin ours?
Hard Raid to start ASAP:
Join ours?
Hard Raid to start ASAP:
Got a spot for me? Lvl 29 Sunsinger. PSN: Kydd-BlaZe
29 Hunter up for it, if you still have space
You can't take this wolf down, fig! I won't go down easily!reported
You're in- that's 4, 5, and 6.
Sorry! I'll put you down as first Alt.
Hahah... sometimes. I usually have to be reminded by someone I'm playing with, I forget about it constantly, even though almost all of them I can do in <10 mins on both my Hunter and Warlock on 28. I just forget a lot, and some days I don't play and I'm not logging in just for thatShards might be an issue for my Titan.
Thanks! and definitely, I hope we can soon. I'm up prettty late usually.
Looking for one more 29+ ass maxed guardian for Hard mode confluxes.
RNGesus has smile upon me. It threw it's stink eye on the poor soul who completed my Nightfalls for the week.
In an act of supreme benevolence.
I never doubted you RNGesus.
5 strange coins from the Nightfall.
In all seriousness, what on earth made the think this was a good option on the loot table? How astonishingly stupid do you have to be to put half the value of the weekly strike on the loot table for nightfalls?
Fr sent. WestonianBAnyone else need Nightfall? Running it one more time with third alt. ."the7thAssassin" ps4 if anyone wants in.