It's godlike if you have accelerated coils in the upgrades.
What element does it have?
Accelerated Coils is one of the upgrades. It's arc damage.
It's godlike if you have accelerated coils in the upgrades.
What element does it have?
Nightfall #1 10 Ascendant Shards
Nightfall #2 5 Strange Coins
I love my solar Light/Beware.Got Light/Beware from the Nightfall. Any good? I don't play with Fusion Rifles very much, but I did need an arc weapon.
Nightfall #1 10 Ascendant Shards
Nightfall #2 5 Strange Coins
Accelerated coils just about cuts the charge time of fusion rifles in half. Making them much more effective.Accelerated Coils is one of the upgrades. It's arc damage.
Sorry about that man. And you were letting me tag along too.... Seems the game always punishes that.
Um. What?
Should be playing with me. I'm on a roll
Yeah we had some of that last weekend. Good times.
It was fun getting killed by a Supplicant while I was standing next to the portal helping take Oracles down.
What you playing?
If you're loving hand cannons, spend your Crucible marks on a Lord High Fixer and slot in some range upgrades. Stupid good.
Invite me.
There is none. Play the level properly, pansy.No burn on nightfall this week? Sweet merciful fuck. What's the cheese strategy??
No burn on nightfall this week? Sweet merciful fuck. What's the cheese strategy??
At the edge of the singularity, light freezes, unable to face the mystery. But you must go on.
Nightfall #1 10 Ascendant Shards
Nightfall #2 5 Strange Coins
There is none. Play the level properly, pansy.
Sorry about that evil. I had a little emergency and had to leave right away. Just let me know when you're planning another raid.Looking for one more 29+ ass maxed guardian for Hard mode confluxes.
No burn on nightfall this week? Sweet merciful fuck. What's the cheese strategy??
I find your reliance on cheese disturbingHe who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.
Just replace run with cheese.
Cool thanks log_ride
Sweet. Looking forward to're in for next week if you can make it
Nightfall #1 down. 8 Ass energies
RNG plz.
Nightfall #2 coming up
No burn on nightfall this week? Sweet merciful fuck. What's the cheese strategy??
The strategy for this boss is something like:
Seriously though the amount of HP on that guy is ridiculous.
Well hey, just got what looks like a really good pulse rifle, haven't used one of those in forever. Question: What are the best pulse rifles in the game and is Fair And Square one of them?
Well doing Hard gives you double loot roll / loot drop.
So e.g. killing Atheon on hard gives you Normal loot roll + Hard loot roll resulting in "double loot" and as both rolls use hard modes loot table you can get double the hard loot. I scored my first Vex Mythoclast and not-my-first raid helm from one Atheon kill, both items being hard mode exclusive.
Edit: If I had done normal clear before hard clear I would have only got hard mode loot roll and missed out on either Vex or helm.
If anyone needs in on a hard raid, hit me up on PSN: bytestyle
29+ experienced preferred as we dont have too much time to teach tonight (but if you want to do it later and learn please add me and let me know so we can hit you up this weekend if we have room).
3 spots open
I don't know if this is just coincidence or a bug (99.99% sure it's a bug), but a colleague was talking about his raid last night and one of his fireteam was being ignored by the Gorgons. Everyone else would get spotted and die, but he stayed alive and could revive the others. When they were revived again the gorgons stare started again because the Gorgon was sitting on top of their bodies, so of course it seen them. That guy had to kill himself because the Gorgons wouldn't shoot him. After they wiped it happened again.
I had a look at his gear (he's a Warlock) and he had "Song of the Light" bond equipped, which has an interesting description:
I'd test it, but I don't have a Warlock, and it's likely just one of the many VoG a bugs...
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