I'm open if you're still trying to. PS4: SharkJAWAnyone up for cheesing HM Oracles and Templar? I have a save on my level 27 warlock, so would like some higher leveled people to help out.
I added you (dwin45).ONE MOAR! We can probably take on a newbie who wants to learn, since we're all 29s. Or another 29/30 for a fast clear.
I added you (dwin45).
The comments/replies are fucking hilarious
This one slayed:
"On a scale from Pretzel to Dead Sea, how salty are you?"
He has valid points most of the community harps on, Bungie just for some reason doesn't try their damnedest to appease the community
We are 6 weeks away from the Moon Raid from opening up, 5 weeks from the DLC dropping
This game seriously needs to go through an identity change for the better
Even a game like MAG went and update itself 4+ fucking times
MAG, MAG 2.0, MAG 2.5, MAG 3.0 in the way the overhauled the system just to the communities liking
Destiny I bet is now seeing a nice decline in players now that COD AW has launched
Soon the other heavy hitters will rip them away from it
You would think a dev would try their hardest to remove or "expunge" the stains that have been splashed upon them
I'd like to get in on that, if there's still room. PSN: Ashley_USAnyone up for cheesing HM Oracles and Templar? I have a save on my level 27 warlock, so would like some higher leveled people to help out.
I can help out, shoot me an invite if you're getting a party together.
Psn: raizel76
I'm open if you're still trying to. PS4: SharkJAW
I'd like to get in on that, if there's still room. PSN: Ashley_US
Wait the moon raid doesn't open until 1 week after the DLC hits... Why? Almost everyone playing the DLC is gonna be at least a level 28 or higher IMO...
That's 4, need 2 more for Oracle/Templar cheese.
They said in the blog, that Moon Raid will open up just like how VoG opened up a week later when Destiny launched
Why?, no idea
It just feels like they're stretching shit out
I mean how stupid would be the DLC if people beat the new Raid like on the first day of release... OH WAIT!
That's 4, need 2 more for Oracle/Templar cheese.
Many thanks to everyone who posted congrats. Also a huge shout out to everyone who has run it with us, especially Cyborg, Steroyd and Lik for getting it done and to Matt and Astro who deserve it more than anyone else. It just doesn't feel right that we had two rando's from my friends list instead of you two, especially since it was literally their first flawless attempt. They benefited from our collective suffering, and they definitely deserve props for following our instructions but it still feels unfair.
It was never about a trophy, it was always about setting a challenge for yourself and overcoming it no matter what. The flawless glitches, and especially our excruciatingly bad luck with those glitches, made the payoff so much more rewarding. I might do some hard raids at the weekly reset, but otherwise I won't be playing this game until the DLC. The only exception is helping flawless raiders, which I will do anytime, especially for anyone I've already run with (Matt and Astro with 1st dibs). Just PM me here or PSN message and let me know what time you want to set up for a run. I will be just as focused and reliable as ever, but without my trademark temper since the frustration has been lifted (haha).
I can upload a screenshot of the Platinum if that is necessary, but not sure when I'll get around to it. It has a timestamp on it anyway, so whatever.
Psn: Eldritch_Spectre lvl 30 titan.
Can I join? Lvl 29 titan defender
I have 2 looking to do it. PSN zewoneDante316 has a HM Atheon checkpoint. We got four now, just need two more equipped for a HM run. We take Atheon out, then run through the easy stuff afterwards.
1. Dante 316
2. Docoglethorpe
3. mtxcamaro
4. GibbShift
That makes 6. Sending out invites. What's your PSN McArkus?
Dante316 has a HM Atheon checkpoint. We got four now, just need two more equipped for a HM run. We take Atheon out, then run through the easy stuff afterwards.
1. Dante 316
2. Docoglethorpe
3. mtxcamaro
4. GibbShift
PSN FixedDante316 has a HM Atheon checkpoint. We got four now, just need two more equipped for a HM run. We take Atheon out, then run through the easy stuff afterwards.
1. Dante 316
2. Docoglethorpe
3. mtxcamaro
4. GibbShift
Inviting you now.I have 2 looking to do it. PSN zewone
Is the Zombie Apocalypse underrated? Never really see it mentioned but I fucking love mine, I barely ever swap it out.
Don't think the vendor one is as good, but here's mine:
- It's a legendary so can still use Exotics for other slots
- Void, so good for the Raid
- More stability than a PS4, 'Soft Ballistics' brings stability up to around 65%, even more stable when crouched.
- Decent mag size (43)
- 'Take a Knee' grants bonus accuracy when crouched
- 'Crowd control', bonus damage after a kill
- 'Flared Magwell' brings reload speed up to about 80%
- 'Single Point Sling' allows you to switch weapons faster
Even on hard mode it takes a second to take down a shield, quick swap with single point sling to VoC and finish off the Minotaur. If you have ammo to burn then you can take one down without needing to reload.
- There aren't actually any Zombies to kill.
Dante316 has a HM Atheon checkpoint. We got four now, just need two more equipped for a HM run. We take Atheon out, then run through the easy stuff afterwards.
1. Dante 316
2. Docoglethorpe
3. mtxcamaro
4. GibbShift
5. Fixed
6. GraveRobberX
That makes 6. Sending out invites. What's your PSN McArkus?
Yeah I saw! It pissed me off! I almost lost third spot on the list because of you! Congrats doe.
Atheon seems to be the worst part (aside from the sweaty palms of the jumping section) because all the glitches.
Replaying from the beginning is more painful than I thought.![]()
I could depending on how many you have so far.FYI: If there are enough people that want to run it at midnight EST I can help, just let me know.
I can at midnight if we have enough
Knew it
Atheons is an oracle killer
Trying to get a nightfall strike going on my 27 titan alt if anyone else still hasn't done it yet.
Thanks for the invite.Thanks for the cheese help guys. Sorry for just leaving. Couldn't talk at the end because my wife went to sleep.