Just had the most fun I've ever had on the Gatekeeper and Aetheon fight just now.
It was normal difficulty, party was composed of 28s and 29s.
It was just that perfect combination of a team where everybody knows exactly what they're doing... but everybody is a little sloppy.
People died, sometimes at REALLY bad times and in REALLY bad places, but we kept working and pushing forward. It wasn't flawless, it was dramatic.
At one point on the Gatekeeper fight, the guy that went in for the relic died. So I, as the guy holding the portal open, went in after him. I rezed him, but succumbed to Hobby sniper fire, he hid behind cover and pot-shotted as he could until the timer went down to rez me back, and then we headed back to the portal.
Unfortunately, because our attempt to snag both relics simultaneously failed, the guys holding the portal open had to go support the guy from the other portal at the conflux. So they lost the portal. So we had to stand at the portal, taking out enemies, until they could open it back up, then we hit the middle with them and obliterated everything.
On the Aetheon fight, thanks to some miscommunication (and maybe some help from a malfunctioning relic shield... *cough*) three of us died on the platform. Somebody suggested maybe we should wipe, but we said 'fuck it, see how far you can get'. So one guy (me) held the portal down while the other three fought through to the other side, then we rezed everybody and were right on track.
I was bittersweet. It showed me just how fun and thrilling this game can be when the game just gets out of it's own damn way.
It also made me wish the Xbox One had the PS4's recording functionality, cause I had NO TIME to go to Game DVR and save a video every five minutes, lol.