Is faster when you use the overloading boost. Normal boost, the upgraded rare with the engine from Xur is faster.Timebreaker is faster when you use the boost.
One blows up and eats time. The other doesn't and goes faster anyway.
Is faster when you use the overloading boost. Normal boost, the upgraded rare with the engine from Xur is faster.Timebreaker is faster when you use the boost.
I still haven't seen anyone who has done it without at least one person using the hidey hole spot.
He's a bullet sponge
Don't get it.. why are yall calling the last boss of that Mars strike Spongebob?
Monte Carlo IS on the list I made of Exotics that need buffs
MIDA Multi-Tool
Bad Juju
Thorn (for PvE)
Hard Light
Super Good Advice
Monte Carlo
Think that's it...
That said, I find Monte Carlo's special mod VERY interesting and I will be making a build around it to experiment with. I will report my findings to you all of course. Now that I have two, the game clearly wants me to use it somehow.
Sent FRQuote for next page. No one?
Too late bigmanny287Quote for next page. No one?
I actually haven't ever noticed that. There's a high risk of some of the tracking clusters going to other nearby targets than the one you hit which can cause the total damage to the intended target to vary, but that's the very definition of "worth the tradeoff."its seems really inconsistent with damage on many mobs, especially in the raid
heh. yeah dont really agree with this at all but whatever.even if it's not a bug, im sure bungie would love to call it a bug after seeing that video where they drop hard mode atheon in 17 seconds with ballerhorns
let's consult the bungie dictionary:
Bug (/bəɡ/) - noun: anything that makes the game too easy, promotes strategy or produces extreme amounts of pleasure for the player
It just does tons of damage. I have no idea why anyone would suspect this is a bug. by all indications it's intended to do tons of damage and it does. it is glorious.What Tovarisch said, basically. The shrapnel does extreme damage when it all goes to one target and catching a few of the damage numbers from when it does hit makes me actively wonder if there's invisible "hits" or much more shrapnel / wolfpack rounds than I can see. And, again, it's due to how fast gatekeepers go down / the huge chunks ripped out of Atheon.
With one Gjallahorn, half-upgraded at that, Hydruxxo and I killed the "Venus" gatekeeper so fast the snipers never spawned.
Okay so you know how corrective measure is great? Thunderlord is like that but better in every category. Lightning Rounds ("this weapon fires faster and more accurately the longer the trigger is held") mean that if you're shooting at multiple people in the same space it's just game over.Hawk , what exactly makes Thunderlord so good in Pvp? I've been using my maxed out Corrective Measure so afar (as Thunderlord is hardly levelled at all and stops me using The Last Word).
Also, stand toward the back center of the room rather than the sides to keep Atheon more centered rather than veering off where people in the center can't hit him.Please everyone take note
I don't know how they can buff MC though
Just got my third exotic bounty last night - my only options were Thorn (which I already have) or Bad Juju... I picked up the Bad Juju bounty, but is it even worth completing?
He is bulletspongiest boss out of all strike bosses.
On other topic. After few weeks of PvP by using Mythoclast I equipped Suros for few rounds, only thing I could think of was "So this is what Mythoclast must have felt in PvP pre-nerf, neat".
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
Wooo first Legendary Engram, what could it be?!
3 Ascendant Energies. FUCK.
Stop saying RNG will give one thing. You don't know.
I don't know how they can buff MC though
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
Been leveling my Striker and I just got Shoulder Charge
The slipstream is addictive
Just got my third exotic bounty last night - my only options were Thorn (which I already have) or Bad Juju... I picked up the Bad Juju bounty, but is it even worth completing?
Yeah... probably. It's a terrible gun right now (the worst in the game IMO), but once they buff it who knows where it will stand.
I picked that one as well. Why not? Nightfall/weekly strikes count for more than one strike I think, so you don't have to do quite as many if you're high enough level.
He is bulletspongiest boss out of all strike bosses.
On other topic. After few weeks of PvP by using Mythoclast I equipped Suros for few rounds, only thing I could think of was "So this is what Mythoclast must have felt in PvP pre-nerf, neat".
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
So addictive I usually die constantly trying to use it in the crucible when I shouldn't be. Lol
He is bulletspongiest boss out of all strike bosses.
On other topic. After few weeks of PvP by using Mythoclast I equipped Suros for few rounds, only thing I could think of was "So this is what Mythoclast must have felt in PvP pre-nerf, neat".
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
Been leveling my Striker and I just got Shoulder Charge
The slipstream is addictive
Yeah, you're right. I keep forgetting I since I get sparrows or the ship every time.
Meh, not that bad.
Eh, I do just fine with Grim Citizen.
Raise the impact. Simple! It's an exotic, it should hit harder when you land your crits. I haven't touched Hard Light yet but I imagine it'd benefit from same.I don't know how they can buff MC though
MIDA is much harder to buff. The scout buff already helped it out. I think an auto-fire option that fired a little more slowly than VoC would be ok.To add to that list, Mida, you can't really buff without either
A) Making it have auto fire option like vision of confluence
B) Making the damage go up dramatically to be the same as a hand cannon 3 shot
Which at that point would make it the best weapon down pat for 80% of the maps.
That wasn't part of the deal!catch: You can't use the ceiling lamps either.
Is faster when you use the overloading boost. Normal boost, the upgraded rare with the engine from Xur is faster.
One blows up and eats time. The other doesn't and goes faster anyway.
I will be on randomly thoughtout the weekendCømet;137618302 said:When are you three thinking of doing it? I'll join in on the Rumble portion at least. 152/500, AE just isn't the the best gun around for the bounty but I have no void shotties.
Welcome to the glorious dirty loot stealing hunter class! Btw working on lvling up a warlock so we can do some missions together.Fuck it, making a hunter. Will delete my second Warlock when my Hunter's upto a good level.
:lol no
I had both pre-nerf and the Mytho had no equal.
Sent FR
Too late bigmanny287
Cross post
Time 8:30pm UK.
Place VoG Venus.
I need five willing participants to accompany my alt(s) through the shard filled VoG. Ideally you know what you're doing, have decent weapons and are 27+ But one or two quick learners would be fine.
Any regulars who have alts or just want to get more familiar with the raid are welcome.
1. Seep_UK 28 Titan/Hunter
Enlist for Glory.
I do feel like I'm seeing far less of the Suros about in Crucible.
Destiny |OT10| Gettin' Horny with Spongebob
ThanksOops, this was close. I didn't notice how many adds appeared while I was waiting.
On other topic. After few weeks of PvP by using Mythoclast I equipped Suros for few rounds, only thing I could think of was "So this is what Mythoclast must have felt in PvP pre-nerf, neat".
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
Thoughts on the Mytho now? I am about halfway to maxing it out. I love using it but the damage output is weak (especially when compared to my handcannons). I'm definitely maxing it out no matter what but just trying to figure out what the best application(s) are for it in its current state.
No, it isn't a waste. The upgraded rare is the fastest sparrow in the game. I go faster than my friends with Timebreaker and I don't use my Timebreaker.
Thoughts on the Mytho now? I am about halfway to maxing it out. I love using it but the damage output is weak (especially when compared to my handcannons). I'm definitely maxing it out no matter what but just trying to figure out what the best application(s) are for it in its current state.
Yes, and it blows it up.Timebreaker's secondary boost is the fastest you can get.
It's still pretty good, you just need decent aim for it to be viable in Crucible. It has terrible range though, so don't bother trying to out-shoot anything from distance.
It's definitely not worth using in PvE though. The nerf really fucked it.
I've rarely seen it as well. And if I do, the people using it aren't that good with it. My SP can take them out more quickly than they can against me. And I don't even have Field Scout.
Oh lordy, I just picked up the Thorn bounty last night looking forward to the Xyor challenge but I hit the bounty for 500 Void kills in crucible. The only good Void weapons I have are heavy... I wish I kept that Rare void sniper, that'd have worked. I do have a rare void fusion rifle and I guess that's what I'll have to use. Suddenly I REALLY would like to have received Epilogue in my Raid runs ;P I could alternatively buy the Comedian but don't care for using shottys. Does the VoidWalker super and grenades count towards this bounty?
Unless solar burn in nightfall.
Yes, and it blows it up.
I'll have to make a video.
On other topic. After few weeks of PvP by using Mythoclast I equipped Suros for few rounds, only thing I could think of was "So this is what Mythoclast must have felt in PvP pre-nerf, neat".
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
It just does tons of damage. I have no idea why anyone would suspect this is a bug. by all indications it's intended to do tons of damage and it does. it is glorious.
It's still pretty good, you just need decent aim for it to be viable in Crucible. It has terrible range though, so don't bother trying to out-shoot anything from distance.
It's definitely not worth using in PvE though. The nerf really fucked it.
Yeah. I don't have a Suros and I don't think I'll ever bother owning one. I have an SP with field scout that, from what I've seen and read, can more than hold its own against Suros and doesn't take up an exotic slot. For me, that alone makes it a better gun than the Suros.
He is bulletspongiest boss out of all strike bosses.
On other topic. After few weeks of PvP by using Mythoclast I equipped Suros for few rounds, only thing I could think of was "So this is what Mythoclast must have felt in PvP pre-nerf, neat".
Suros is so imbalanced weapon and ultimate easy mode in PvP that its not even remotely funny, its just fucking absurd how imbalanced it is.
Yes, and it blows it up.
I'll have to make a video.