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Destiny |OT9| Suros Business

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Gonna be raiding raiding later today around 3ish. Anyone around then just add me and we'll work out a team later.

Ps4 gdt5016


Cross post

Time 8:30pm UK.

Place VoG Venus.

I need five willing participants to accompany my alt(s) through the shard filled VoG. Ideally you know what you're doing, have decent weapons and are 27+ But one or two quick learners would be fine.

Any regulars who have alts or just want to get more familiar with the raid are welcome.

1. Seep_UK 28 Titan/Hunter

Enlist for Glory.


Thanks, I don't even know how many times I tried it. Do the stats count incomplete runs? We usually bailed if anyone died. I checked my Raid stats and I only completed the Raid 11 times.

they don't, I've completed it 18 times on normal and 17 times on hard

not including the close to 40 actual attempts

ill link the stats from that run


The Cryptarch's Bane
No I'm about 10 dead ghosts away from plat, will screenshot when done.
Oops. Yanked your Legend away. then saw you posted and gave it back. Congrats!
Looks I guess. Its utter shit otherwise.
how is Monte Carlo an exotic? it's so weak
Was it any good before the AR nerf?
Its always been shit. Useless perks, low impact and awful recoil (horizontal). hip fire is supposed to be better but still sucks.

Its probably the worst Exotic beside Super Good Advice. Never tried Bad Juju.

Monte Carlo IS on the list I made of Exotics that need buffs

MIDA Multi-Tool
Bad Juju
Thorn (for PvE)
Hard Light
Super Good Advice
Monte Carlo

Think that's it...

That said, I find Monte Carlo's special mod VERY interesting and I will be making a build around it to experiment with. I will report my findings to you all of course. Now that I have two, the game clearly wants me to use it somehow.
Bungie seriously need to stop game wide nerfs.
Yeah seriously. Nerf an entire class just because people complain about one weapon. Sounds like bungie to me
Meanwhile the weapon that prompted the complaints is still the best weapon for PVP. Sounds about right....
Please. Not letting this go uncontested. One, the slight AR nerf was good for the game overall. If you don't agree with that I have to wager that you are someone who only used ARs in the Crucible or something. They were literally a threat to kill from any engagement range. You could snipe with them. You could win close quarters fights with shotguns with them. A nerf was needed, and the fact that more weapon types see regular use in the crucible is wonderful even if ARs are still the most common overall.

Two, SUROS Regime was hardly the cause of the nerf; it was just a popular exotic, sold by Xur, that exacerbated the need for it. Any half-decent Shingen-E, Galahad-E, Silvered Hushwind, Painted Suros, Shadow Price, Grim Citizen III, etc. could and still can clean up in the Crucible with extreme ease-of-use. Of these, the Regime was affected among the least because AR headshots were made more valuable and its mod makes headshots easier to get. This is totally in line with its status as an Exotic, requiring you to spend the slot. It remains an easy pick-up-and-kill weapon, but so do the others, and if you ask me: if you have decent aim and know the maps, any one of the other guns I mentioned along with your exotic Special or Heavy of choice is almost definitely going to make you more effective.

Third, the idea that the SUROS Regime used to be the best weapon for PvP is debatable, but since an AR was a superior choice at every engagement range and you didn't have to worry as much about headshots, there was a strong case to be made for spending your exotic slot on it. Now, it's flat-out wrong in my opinion. It's still a wonderful gun for killing people, but so are all the others I've mentioned, and there are very good reasons to favor spending your exotic slot elsewhere. If we discount the need to find ammo/frequency of use/potential for the slot to be wasted if losing spawn contest.... everyone should be aware that Thunderlord is the out-and-out "best weapon for PvP." It's a fucking monsterpiece. But I'm not even calling for THAT to be nerfed, because its use can be denied by controlling the heavy spawns and a hard-fought match won't involve one person getting every scrap of ammo on the map. I would support a reduction in the amount of heavy ammo you get from a spawn, however.

Regardless, this has nothing to do with the Monte Carlo. It belongs to the same weapon class as Doctor Nope, Atheon's Epilogue, Hard Light, etc. which is to say, super low impact, very low range, crazy low stability, huge RoF, huge mag/reserve ammo guns. They were borderline unusable in the Crucible before the nerf and remain that way after it. Low impact and low-range ARs are just a poor choice for it in general.
Now, I still need to do the Nightfall on (all) my chars and 2 of 3 weeklies. Anyone bored tonight that would like to help or hop in please do. If not I'll slog through.

Great game. Great community.
Nice job helping out with the raid. Did the Nightfall with Palom and Crimzon last night, it still works just fine to use Fort Guardian if you want cheese and have the patience :p I'd be really interested in trying it more legit if you're interested, or I'd be happy to help you out in any way if you still need it. Might be busy up to the newbie raid tonight though.
Couple of quick questions -

1) Has the cheese spot behind the crates by Valus Ta'aurc been patched? Just ran a Tiger strike and there seems to be a new bit of geometry that was leaving me stuck in there. If I hadn't had Blink I don't think I would have got out.
Hasn't been touched.
2) I thought breaking down brand new legendary gear gave you 2 shards? I just bought a piece from the Vanguard specifically to breakdown and got 3 shards - did I just get lucky?
2 or 3.
lol. I have lots of thoughts on hunters to share based on this last page but I'll save it for a post that isn't already crazy long


If you stick with handcannons, you won't be disappointed. They are absolutely insane. The level 8 strike boss has a crit zone in the very middle of its "eye". But a lot of strike bosses just take a while to drop unfortunately. Bungie has mentioned wanting to "tweak" their health pools at some point...

The spider tank will expose his main crit zone once a leg is destroyed. You only want to shoot the legs that still have the armor plates on them with the yellow lights in the center to do the most damage. Once they pop off, the spider will expose his center and you should blast it. You can also shoot the sipder's arc gun off (the gun on the side of the turret) so he can't do as much damage to you.

Yellow numbers = crit zone, right? I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong, but I apparently was doing both fights the intended way. I had previously run into a spider tank as a world event on patrol but that one had much much lower hp. Part of the issue might have been my low ammo, I wasn't thinking about it and had wasted all my heavy ammo on the defense wave section.

I didn't know about shooting the plasma gun and that would have helped because that was what kept getting me. I've got a bounty to beat a strike without dying, and since I'd never died up to that point I thought it'd be easy - lol nope.


I have

  • 300 VoC
  • 300 Vex
  • 300 Ice Breaker
  • 300 Ghorn
  • 300 Truth
  • 300 Corrective Measure
  • ...

and still bulletsponge bosses make me vomit little bit into my mouth from disgust of bad and lazy design.
Weak weapons :p you need G'horn... you will kill bosses in seconds... you will understand how these bosses are not bulletsponge anymore.


Yellow numbers = crit zone, right? I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong, but I apparently was doing both fights the intended way. I had previously run into a spider tank as a world event on patrol but that one had much much lower hp. Part of the issue might have been my low ammo, I wasn't thinking about it and had wasted all my heavy ammo on the defense wave section.

I didn't know about shooting the plasma gun and that would have helped because that was what kept getting me. I've got a bounty to beat a strike without dying, and since I'd never died up to that point I thought it'd be easy - lol nope.

Yep, yellow = crit. Snipers/scout rifles are good against the spider tank boss since you can keep a distance and they do more crit damage than other precision weapons at long range. Handcannons are fine for medium distance. Not many people know you can shoot the plasma gun off, I didn't know for the longest time. It takes a while but it is possible.


Don't hear much about people upgrading their sparrow.

Not seeing a good legendary weapon to buy, I blew 175 marks on a rare sparrow, and now am considering upgrading the engine. Is this a total waste of coins?

It's a pretty sexy use of coins, but then you'll get Timebreaker which is a better sparrow and that expensive sparrow goes in the garage....

My emerald-tail legendary is now on my Hunter fresh-start.

Others cant see you dancing. it's a local glitch. me and a buddy tried it last night. i was dancing and he saw me on a sparrow as normal. he was dancing and i saw him on a sparrow as normal. it made me sad...


Guess I'm done playing with that then. Back to endless bounties so I can get this Praetorian Foil up to scratch. It's a nice FR, but the charge time buff is a must.


Others cant see you dancing. it's a local glitch. me and a buddy tried it last night. i was dancing and he saw me on a sparrow as normal. he was dancing and i saw him on a sparrow as normal. it made me sad...

They can see you, but you have to go through a loading zone first, otherwise its only local.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Finally got to play a bit tonight, got to level 9 on a Warlock.

I reaaaally like handcannons. They feel great. The only console FPSes I've ever liked were (Bungie's) Halo games, and I was a bit concerned with Destiny since it added things like ADS and wacky space magic. But the feel of the guns and combat is just fine. Burning down a Fallen champion's shields with a fusion rifle then finishing with a handcannon headshot feels remarkably similar to the plasma pistol/headshot combo from Halo.

The last thing I did was run a Strike, the level 8 one on earth. I don't know if it was my gear or crappy teammates but goddamn that spider tank took a good 10 minutes of solid shooting to bring down - I was going for the legs and engine when I could but I was only doing 100 damage per hit (or 450-something with a sniper). The end boss wasn't as ridiculous but still a huge bullet sponge. I noticed the game has elemental weapons so maybe that was the issue? I don't really have much available to me atm.

Gonna play some more tonight but I'm hoping I just got unlucky with that strike. It did seem like I was the only one doing anything so maybe my teammates were shooting the wrong parts.
when you're at-level the bosses are hefty bullet sponges that take forever, it was actually identified as a "bug" of some sort. In later content, there are sometimes modifiers called "burns" that let you leverage Elemental damage and kill them much quicker, and having fully upgraded top-tier weapons helps a ton too.
You need G'horn.
haha, no kidding. Even Talus Va'aurmaxHPface last night took a long time mainly due to playing very very conseratively in the cheese spot rather than lack of being able to damage him. I really want to try it legit and see how long it takes if I come in with full heavy ammo and then pop a synth for 10 shots on him right up front.
Yellow numbers = crit zone, right? I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong, but I apparently was doing both fights the intended way. I had previously run into a spider tank as a world event on patrol but that one had much much lower hp. Part of the issue might have been my low ammo, I wasn't thinking about it and had wasted all my heavy ammo on the defense wave section.

I didn't know about shooting the plasma gun and that would have helped because that was what kept getting me. I've got a bounty to beat a strike without dying, and since I'd never died up to that point I thought it'd be easy - lol nope.
Heavy ammo is massively crucial to cutting down boss kill times. The Gunsmith in the tower sells ammo synthesis- buy a bunch of Heavy as soon as you have the glimmer. They are Destiny's mana potions, you need them.


I'm on 252/500, very boring to get it alone. We can do the crucible bit over the weekend before taking on the moon strike.

Cool, if you see me on my 30, feel free to invite. I'm currently trying to grind my alts for the Platinum. Trying to get them to 20 so they can equip all the Legendaries and Exotics I got in the Vault.


Weak weapons :p you need G'horn... you will kill bosses in seconds... you will understand how these bosses are not bulletsponge anymore.

What the... I mean... what?

Ghorn == G'horn == Gjallahorn

What is it exactly that makes it so damn good?

Main explosion + target seeking sharpnel. Both of those deal ludicrous damage and when sharpnel seeks to target struck by main explosion... well... it smelts everything and anything in seconds.

HM Atheon goes bye bye so fast its not even funny.


I don't have it, but I've experienced it in raids. Right side portal cleared in seconds, before relic holder can even get close to praetorians...

What is it exactly that makes it so damn good?

Something about the wolfpack rounds doing obscene amounts of damage. From what I've seen its often inconsistent as well, not sure if raid bug or ballerhorn bug. I've seen it one/two shot gatekeepers in hard mode, othertimes it barely scrapes them.


I don't have it, but I've experienced it in raids. Right side portal cleared in seconds, before relic holder can even get close to praetorians...

What is it exactly that makes it so damn good?

The wolfpack rounds after the initial rocket hit do ridiculous damage. It feels like they do more than they're supposed to or are visible even as damage numbers.

Like I said, it was enough of a difference to feel bugged when we used one halfway upgraded one last night to make me think otherwise.


why would it be bugged?

I think people see shrapnel dealing so much damage as bug / error by Bungie.

If it can 1-2 hit kill Gatekeeper is because main warhead explosion + shrapnel hit Gatekeeper, but it not smelting Gatekeeper fast isn't a bug because sharpnel can seek to other targets around primary target.
Weak weapons :p you need G'horn... you will kill bosses in seconds... you will understand how these bosses are not bulletsponge anymore.

I have an almost maxed Horn that I wanted to try on the Nightfall strike boss after reading all the rave reviews on here and I still dropped him way faster on the run we went through when I strictly used Icebreaker. I don't get the love for this thing. It's fun to use but not that effective considering most enemies require some kind of precision damage.


why would it be bugged?

its seems really inconsistent with damage on many mobs, especially in the raid

even if it's not a bug, im sure bungie would love to call it a bug after seeing that video where they drop hard mode atheon in 17 seconds with ballerhorns

let's consult the bungie dictionary:

Bug (/bəɡ/) - noun: anything that makes the game too easy, promotes strategy or produces extreme amounts of pleasure for the player


I have an almost maxed Horn that I wanted to try on the Nightfall strike boss after reading all the rave reviews on here and I still dropped him way faster on the run we went through when I strictly used Icebreaker. I don't get the love for this thing. It's fun to use but not that effective considering most enemies require some kind of precision damage.
The love is from hard raid. Horn drops Gatekeepers and Atheon faster than any other weapon.


Hawk , what exactly makes Thunderlord so good in Pvp? I've been using my maxed out Corrective Measure so afar (as Thunderlord is hardly levelled at all and stops me using The Last Word).


I know :D I just can't explain how I missed it when I read.


You missed it because you were so confused by my attempt to say "Look, I have put A LOT time into D and have this many guns"? :D

its seems really inconsistent with damage on many mobs, especially in the raid

Inconsistency more often than not comes from shrapnel seeking into multiple targets and not all concentrating on intended main target. When all sharpnel go to intended main target round after round damage is consistent [read: ludicrously high].

At least this is my experience with Ghorn in strikes and raid.


The love is from hard raid. Horn drops Gatekeepers and Atheon faster than any other weapon.

Yeah, its crazy. Sometimes, the super on the relic can bring a gatekeeper down to 5-10% or so. Other times it barely does anything. (crit zone related?).


Maybe I should try going through normal raid with my Warlock to see if I get enough raid gear to get to 30, then I'll have 2 chances to get the Vex a week rather than one.
The love is from hard raid. Horn drops Gatekeepers and Atheon faster than any other weapon.

Every time I've faced Atheon he walks back and forth the whole time we shoot at him, often only exposing his side so you can't hit his weak spot. How the hell does anybody time it from all the way across the map so you can hit him with a rocket?

Gatekeepers I get though.


man, the talent they got for really bit parts in this game is boggling to me, like... claudia black doesn't even get lines in the story, she's literally just some random npc.


Every time I've faced Atheon he walks back and forth the whole time we shoot at him, often only exposing his side so you can't hit his weak spot. How the hell does anybody time it from all the way across the map so you can hit him with a rocket?

Gatekeepers I get though.

You aren't supposed to or need to hit Atheons weakspot with Ghorn, you just hit him. When you just hit him Ghorn proceeds to remove noticeable chunks of Atheons HP.

man, the talent they got for really bit parts in this game is boggling to me, like... claudia black doesn't even get lines in the story, she's literally just some random npc.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of this talent was hooked in by original script and then they made contract. This contract then has forced them to do VO for new script where most of roles were butchered.



Every time I've faced Atheon he walks back and forth the whole time we shoot at him, often only exposing his side so you can't hit his weak spot. How the hell does anybody time it from all the way across the map so you can hit him with a rocket?

Gatekeepers I get though.

He walks back and forth if everyone bunches up in the front.

If you DPS him from the center platform he stays there and eats a ton more damage.

But you're not going to want to shoot a rocket at him from the bubble, so you'll probably want to hang out near one of the portal gates.


why would it be bugged?

What Tovarisch said, basically. The shrapnel does extreme damage when it all goes to one target and catching a few of the damage numbers from when it does hit makes me actively wonder if there's invisible "hits" or much more shrapnel / wolfpack rounds than I can see. And, again, it's due to how fast gatekeepers go down / the huge chunks ripped out of Atheon.

With one Gjallahorn, half-upgraded at that, Hydruxxo and I killed the "Venus" gatekeeper so fast the snipers never spawned.
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