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Destiny |OT9| Suros Business

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Looking for brave and masochistic souls for...

What: Flawless VoG runs

When: Now [when full]

On: PS4

Expected: Attitude for flawless and time for several attempts in case of fails and bugs

Also if you could join group that I put up so we could at least do VoG clear with members of same clan so we wouldn't go empty handed even if flawless fails. Link to group

On team:

1. Tovarisc

2. Rhelidon

3. Azerach

4. Dante316

5. ethomaz

6. -
Good luck guys! And those glitches at the end are the main issue. Btw you're more to welcome add me for future runs.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I have the Pocket Infinity and can honestly tell you I've used it once since I got it 2 weeks ago. And by once I mean I took it out on some patrols and then it went into the vault (just like my TLW, doesn't stack up to my Hawkmoon).

I've heard you talk about it a few times. What am I missing? My 77 Wizard(s) are legendary and take down aliens quicker than Ripley takes down Xenomorphs.
That sounds an awful lot like you haven't unlocked its title upgrade...
Oh lordy, I just picked up the Thorn bounty last night looking forward to the Xyor challenge but I hit the bounty for 500 Void kills in crucible. The only good Void weapons I have are heavy... I wish I kept that Rare void sniper, that'd have worked. I do have a rare void fusion rifle and I guess that's what I'll have to use. Suddenly I REALLY would like to have received Epilogue in my Raid runs ;P I could alternatively buy the Comedian but don't care for using shottys. Does the VoidWalker super and grenades count towards this bounty?

Could be wrong and I may have missed someone posting but Voidwalker melee kills count as well.
That sounds an awful lot like you haven't unlocked its title upgrade...

Haha, your assumption isn't wrong. I just didn't think much of it and had a number of other guns I wanted to upgrade that took priority.

Should I do the opposite of what my brain is telling me? This wouldn't be the first time that rule would come into play for me.


Is there any point to worrying about gold chests when you are leveling up your alt? I've just been skipping them since I don't recall that there's anything decent in them anyways.

One of the chests on Mars (whichever one you open 4th, I think) has a strange coin. That's about as good as it gets.


Off work tomorrow - so will have a bunch of time tonight/tomorrow to try out the raid - Anyone down to bring a fully leveled voidwalker along with them? Level 26 - only halfway through the sunbro skill tree.

Oops - wrong thread, will post in Raid one.


I keep seeing people ask what's purpose of the pulse rifle. It's pretty obvious, it's the best weapon for getting the 50 Assists in the crucible.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Pocket Infinity used to be a blast to use when it was 8 rounds.

...now it's just a the Pocket Triple.
If the majority wants to go on believing this I guess it's fine with me. Having 8-10 blasts was fun in a maniacal sort of way but the money has always been in Perfect Balance. Its default recoil is perhaps the most unmanageable in the entire game, especially on and beyond that third blast. Your reserve ammo is more of a concern than the ammo in your mag, and Perfect Balance lets you make every shot count rather than firing 8 shots "ehhh somewhere around there." Its real weakness was never having a low magazine but your vulnerability while reloading, which you WILL do and do often (it eats ammo like it's a damn ammo-eating gremlin). The Speed Reload perk isn't worth trading off Perfect Balance for though, so anyone who wants to use Pocket Infinity seriously should build with a piece that provides a Special Ammo Reload boost.

So far as I'm concerned, Pocket Infinity still owns Rumble for the moment. I played two matches before work this morning. I lost the first (Blink Voidwalker... Found Verdict... Nova Bomb reduced cooldown... fuck!)... this was the second:
All kills either Pocket Infinity or Golden Gun, except the two with CM from the final heavy spawn to end the match. I shudder to think what someone who is really good at PvP could do with it.

The funny thing is, while there are absolutely hard counters to Pocket Infinity and I'm nowhere near unstoppable, two of the things that are frequently cited as OP- the SUROS Regime and Arc Blade- are absolutely no threat to me when I'm using this build. A Bladedancer goes down in a single tri-blast; it's gotten to the point where I seek them out when I hear the activation noise.
Still no Vex after a hard run through but can't complain about my drops.

Praedyth's timepiece
Found Verdict
Warlock helmet
and some shards and energies.


Damn, it's so difficult to find a flawless group. Just need that one trophy. Sigh, have to try destinylfg.net or r/fireteams.


Damn, it's so difficult to find a flawless group. Just need that one trophy. Sigh, have to try destinylfg.net or r/fireteams.

Our group is going to try and get our regs through first. When that's done a few of us will be running it for others.

If you haven't got it by then you're welcome to join us. I don't think it will take us long at all now we know the glitches so well.
This is a debate I'd love to see in this thread because I can't think of anything that wouldn't replace other weapons or make it OP.


It suffers the same fate almost every Pulse Rifle does... the stability kills it.

I think Pulse Rifles should have a different stat. Pulse Accuracy, basically.

Pulse Rifles should inherently be 100% stable, as in your cursor shouldn't move at all when fired, or if it does, very very minimally.

Now, the Pulse Accuracy should impact how accurate the 2nd and 3rd bullets are compared to the first. So imagine a Pulse rifle with 0% Pulse Accuracy, the first bullet hits the cross hair mark dead on, but bullet 2 and 3 are off by a full degree. Where a 100% Pulse Accuracy leave bullet 2 and 3 dead on the cross hair mark to accompany number 1.

Basically, I want something closer to the BR in Halo 2/3. The only Pulse Rifle I like is the Stangers, and it was okay for what it was, but only because it had perfect stability. I've used Red Death, and it's okay, but it's slow rate of fire combined with it's not quite perfect stability make it lackluster.

Long story short, Pulse rifles don't seem to offer anything unique about them. They don't have a specific range they are good at, and they don't seem to accommodate any type of specific play styles.


Non-skippable cutscenes has to be my least-favorite thing about this game. A jaw-dropping omission given the content and the repeated nature of it - at least I hope it's an omission and that Bungie didn't think those scenes were worth us seeing 20 times apiece.
In our raid last night we got the first Gorgon chest on our first
and then made it through the maze also on our first


Yeah and it's amazing. The Crucible vendor sells it if you've got the marks piling up. But if your rare one has a decent charge time and mag you'll be in fine shape with that too. Fusion Rifles are quite ridiculous

Ah, I think I'm close to hitting rank 2 for Crucible so not buying that anytime soon! I don't play it much unless needed for exotic bounties or a trophy though it is gradually getting better with the weapon tweaks. I know this is kind of an elitist, douchey attitude but it really turned me off that PvP for this game amounted to virtually nothing but auto rifles and shotguns. I consider those noob weapons that require less skill and prefer a MP where precision rifles are very viable. The Scout buff and Auto nerf helped a lot though I think the Auto still needs range nerfed. I figure this will be my game for co-op and RPG element fix while Halo MCC will be my go to for multi. Bungie will never out-do Halo 2's MP anyway so basically MCC will be the game of the forever as far as FPS PvP goes haha

On another note, I don't recall if you said you'd be down for running Raid with me when I take my RL friends through it? I figure I'll need two Gaffers. Two of my friends are 28s so that should help with their inexperience a bit, the other is at least 27. Once I get two Gaffers on board, we can schedule a time/day to do it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Haha, your assumption isn't wrong. I just didn't think much of it and had a number of other guns I wanted to upgrade that took priority.

Should I do the opposite of what my brain is telling me? This wouldn't be the first time that rule would come into play for me.
I guess it depends, does the idea of rolling with an exotic Fusion Rifle appeal to you?
Hawkian, what time is the noob raid again?
9pm Eastern Time. Here is our roster:
1. Hawkian
2. airjimmy
3. Berried_treasurE
4. EyelessOrphan
5. the7thAssassin
6. mcstevens88

You never know when we'll have a no-show, though- so stay tuned if you're interested in getting in tonight!
Ah, I think I'm close to hitting rank 2 for Crucible so not buying that anytime soon! I don't play it much unless needed for exotic bounties or a trophy though it is gradually getting better with the weapon tweaks. I know this is kind of an elitist, douchey attitude but it really turned me off that PvP for this game amounted to virtually nothing but auto rifles and shotguns. I consider those noob weapons that require less skill and prefer a MP where precision rifles are very viable. The Scout buff and Auto nerf helped a lot though I think the Auto still needs range nerfed. I figure this will be my game for co-op and RPG element fix while Halo MCC will be my go to for multi. Bungie will never out-do Halo 2's MP anyway so basically MCC will be the game of the forever as far as FPS PvP goes haha
hehe. I don't use ARs or Shotguns on my hunter at all XD

Halo 2 is my favorite console FPS though. I'd love MCC I'm sure but I'm not buying and Xbone.
On another note, I don't recall if you said you'd be down for running Raid with me when I take my RL friends through it? I figure I'll need two Gaffers. Two of my friends are 28s so that should help with their inexperience a bit, the other is at least 27. Once I get two Gaffers on board, we can schedule a time/day to do it.
Yeah I was saying you should find out if they can make it to a weekly thursday one? Like, if they can all do a week from today, a 9pm? I'd have no problem taking them through on that

Deku Tree

Pocket infinity has ver short charge time, the extremely fast reload perk, huge impact, and fires in full auto mode... It is definitely still a beast post nerf IMO.
Jumped into a party of 2 last night doing the Nighfall, got in just as (gonna steal the name) Spongebob was killed. Got another solar Light/Beware for doing absolutely nothing.

Not sure what to think about it.

How does one join a misc. game? Joining a friend from your list?
I have a Hard Raid checkpoint at Atheon. If anyone is interested in taking him out later tonight, around 9pm EST, feel free to add me.

Level 29 Hunter

I will post again later in the day as well and closer to the time.


The Cryptarch's Bane
i can't deny the 8-12 shots from pocket infinity with the extended battery mod was fun, it was great to use and sort of laugh like a mad scientist. but I switched off of it after less than a day because of how ineffective it was. my point about pocket infinity was that it was actually unaffected by the nerf if you were using it at its best- the extended magazine mod was never ideal and speed reload actually addresses its weaknesses better- but it's not worth trading perfect balance for.

calling it pocket triple is a little misleading too, you can still frequently get 4 blasts, sometimes 5, and if very lucky 6 from one trigger pull, because of the special effect (goes right into the magazine and feeds into full auto) :)
Pocket infinity has ver short charge time, the extremely fast reload perk, huge impact, and fires in full auto mode... It is definitely still a beast post nerf IMO.
it actually has a massively long charge time, one of the worst of any fusion rifle. You really need to "cook" it to use effectively...

...but it's not definitely not just your opinion. example



I'm not sure about this at all, my Super Pox VLO has more range, stability and impact than my Shadow Price and Suros, the only thing different is a lower rate of fire, and if that was ever on the level of the Price or Suros then it would be OP. You cannot really change anything about the higher level Pulse Rifles(except Bad Juju) without making them too OP or making other classes of weapons completely obsolete. Fair and Square, Super Pox VLO and Red Death are just fine the way the are imo, if you buff some aspects of them you would have to nerf others, and as a Pulse rifle user I would hate to lose some of the most valuable aspects of my most favourite type of primary weapon just because some people want a higher rate of fire, the guns don't need it.


Hate to repost, but seeing if anyone had any thoughts.

So I should get my Titan alt to level 20 today or tomorrow. Any tips to make the process of getting him raid-ready a little faster? I do have a nice shiny Armamentarium waiting for him (the perks on that look fantastic, by the way) but what are some other methods?

I can't use my main (Warlock) to buy him armor, correct? So just grinding marks this weekend? Is it worth running some Tiger Strikes with my main and transferring a bunch of engrams to him? I actually enjoy running the Tiger Strike playlist and my rewards have been pretty good from it including the Suros.

The plus side is I can give him some pretty good weapons. Maxed Hard Light, almost maxed Suros, 3 Legendary Rocket Launchers, variety of fusions, P&T, etc. And I got Vision of Confluence from my first raid yesterday. That gun is smooth as shit.
Haha, your assumption isn't wrong. I just didn't think much of it and had a number of other guns I wanted to upgrade that took priority.

Should I do the opposite of what my brain is telling me? This wouldn't be the first time that rule would come into play for me.

I would say upgrade a weapon first before you judge it. Especially exotics since they have unique perks
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