Say what? I just combed the entire Tower and didn't see him...
As you enter the hangar area turn right and be dissapointed.
Say what? I just combed the entire Tower and didn't see him...
Clocks went back an hour so Xur is working earlier shifts.
Thank you all for the response! Still kinda new to farming. I'm only lvl 26 and trying to get a higher level into raid.
Thank you all for the response! Still kinda new to farming. I'm only lvl 26 and trying to get a higher level into raid.
Anyway, I'm not arguing that Truth is necessarily better, just that there's not much between them. I'm glad you're all over the moon about wolf pack rounds... you know what? Forget it. I'm not gonna be the guy telling you to curb your enthusiasm over a weapon. Enjoy.
As you enter the hangar area turn right and be dissapointed.
No, you should keep the helmet and go for Raid gear next. The normal Raid will eventually give you everything but a helmet.
Raid gear + Exotic Helmet = LEVEL 30!
I bought everything to get to level 29. Don´t rely on random drops. Get your weekly marks, get you vanguard rep to 3 and buy legendary armor.
Even though the raid says the reccomended level is 26, the real reccomended level is 27 preferred level is 28, because the enemies levels go up from the halfway point.
9 more minutes till sweet Ballarhorn is ours. Atheon is trembling
But didn't that happen already a few days ago? this fucking hour forward hour back shit has to stop who the fuck thought of this? so I guess bounties and daily etc. are reset too?
I just wanna know because if not I'd hop on real quick and get me some double bounties for later
GHorn is the best overall PvE weapon in the game, not just the best RL or best exotic. Of course there are important situational uses for other guns but nothing comes close to GH for general use DPS and especially raid boss DPS. That's why the 17 second hard raid Atheon kill used 4 GHs, it's why the 2 man hard raid team both had maxed GHs and had the relic guy drop the relic and fire GH at Atheon, etc.
Obviously people should play however they want and use whatever weapons they enjoy but I also want as many maxed GHs on my raid team as possible.
Aww crap }:[ I didnt know that. I've been maxing out my exotic armor, and dont have an exotic helmet (unless I buy Mask of the Third Man)
I really don't understand why bungie is doing this, honestly.
WHY sunbreakers again? WHY mask of the third man again? WHYYY Truth again?!
We know that the stuff Xur sells is not random because they tweeted something like "after many requests we got the suros back" or something like that.
I just can't comprehend it's like they create more things to hate about the game?
All these little "fuck you's" will add up and some people WILL quit because of shit like this.
Not me though I'm a fucking shit and will keep playing heh
No Ballerhorn, sorry man.
Just venting...gotta love playing against scrubs
Yeah.... because what makes Gjallarhorn the best is the velocity of the rockets....... /facepalmthroughdeskexplodinghead
People still arguing against the supremacy of Gjhorn are either ignorant (having never used a fully upgraded one) or just jealous.
Get them. If you get the raid helmet and you ever play as sunsinger you'll want them.
I bought the Sunbreakers the second week Xur appeared and never looked back. Best day-to-day exotic for a Sunbro if you use the first grenade (in my opinion).
Heart of Praxic Fire is great, too but I never use my super unless I actually die in a tough situation so the perk would rarely be of use to me, while I benefit from Sunbreakers every time I throw a grenade.
They also look pretty fucking amazing if you ask me.
Destiny |OT10| Still Horny
Just venting...gotta love playing against scrubs![]()
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous how many exotic pieces I have for my titan, considering I only have considerably less time played on her compared to my hunter.Thanks. On my way to Xur again.
It's funny how many pieces of exotic gear I have for my level 15 Warlock and my nonexistant Titan, compared to my level 30 Hunter main.. I still only have the Symbiote helmet, nothing else.
You're on my fr right? I will prob be doing more crucible this weekend. I am going to try to get that relic hunter trophy this weekend!We need to team up and pub stomp. It gets lonely pub stomping by myself =/
Destiny |OT10| Still Horny
Yo, did you ever upload the video from our flawless run? I would upload mine but I don't actually have the "kill shot" because I had been getting teleported. I'm walking out of the portal right when he dies so I was hoping to see a view from the outside.
There was something up with the uploading when I last tried, will try again today, I don't think I have the killshot either because the git was behind a pillar when he died. That said I do have a good POV of no-one getting teleported multiple times.
Destiny |OT10| Still Horny
I'm doing the weekly and then the nightfall. Feel free to join me. PSN: Wretched_Walrus
Destiny |OT10| Still Horny
You're on my fr right? I will prob be doing more crucible this weekend. I am going to try to get that relic hunter trophy this weekend!
May I please challenge your "easily acquired" in your "was easily acquired through a glove engram" sentence? ^^Wait why are people complaining about him selling the mask of the third man again? He sold it the first week the game was out and since then he sold every single exotic piece for the hunter except young arkhams spine which two weeks ago was easily acquired through a glove engram because there are only a total of 3 exotic gloves in the game.
Yeah it's really stupid because I can't even tell the difference. Really fucking lame game mode. I do like salvage however.Good luck with that. Salvage was last weekend. It's the stupid vehicle playlist again that no one gives a shit about.
How does one upload an entire raid?
my PS4 only let´s me record 15 minutes of data![]()
There was something up with the uploading when I last tried, will try again today, I don't think I have the killshot either because the git was behind a pillar when he died. That said I do have a good POV of no-one getting teleported multiple times.
How does one upload an entire raid?
my PS4 only let´s me record 15 minutes of data![]()
Destiny [OT10] Working As Intended.
The problem is Truth is an exotic. If it was a legendary then it would be better than HV.I think truth might be better than HV since it has tracking. HV is awesome but you have to hit first.