Thanks so much everyone! I'm going to work on a lot of your advice the next time I get on for PvP. And Hawkian I will look forward to reading your basic PvP guide. And thanks Grave for your guide!
Just to add-on to some of the tips:
On weapon and armor choice:
1) The best weapons which work best for PvP are usually not the ones which are the best for PvE. You don't need legendaries to do well at all. Weapon damage is normalized according to whichever bracket the weapon belongs to in its own type. For an easy example of this there are 2 brackets of FRs, slow charging high impact (e.g. 77 Wizard) or fast charging low impact (e.g Light/beware). My best primary weapon is The Strangers Rifle, while my best heavy is a blue Hannibal-E which is increased stability and expanded magazine.
2) Know how many shots it takes to kill with your gun, so that you can sidestep to avoid lag compensated hits and prevent trading deaths. For example with The Stranger's Rifle it takes exactly 3 bursts to the head to kill (29 x 3 damage in one burst). So if I know all my shots are on target I sidestep / take cover immediately after I've unloaded the last burst, preventing trading a kill. This lets me consistently beat Suros Regime users.
3) A higher stability usually is king (for me), because it lets me kill quicker over range. This is by far my preferred stat for: Pulse Rifles, Fusion Rifles, Hand Cannons. If close ranged engagements are your thing, you might prefer higher ROF.
4) Keep some blue (rare) armor just for PvP. Unlike legendaries they can spawn with only one stat, equip them to make stat focused builds. For example when I play gunslinger with 100% cooldown to super and take the perk that boosts super cooldown, I can easily get 3 to 4 supers per game of clash.