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Destiny |OTForever29| The Season Finale


So with all the recent clan talk, figured I'd mention that Yea Thats a Wipe is looking for a few solid PvPers. This is the first time I put the clan out to Gaf :) We're a small (6 man) tight group of friends that have met through here on Gaf. Most of you know us and we've played together.

All of us have full time jobs and families (responsibilities, ugh) but we get busy. We're usually online anywhere between 7-8pm EST on weekdays and random times during weekends. We're pretty hardcore and usually play till whenever we're done.

The reason why I specifically said PvP is because since we already have 6, it'd suck having someone on the team and no space for a Raid :(. Only a few of us are dedicated PvPers atm and wouldn't mind a few good men so we can make a full team. We'll occasionally sharpen are blades by matching up for some shweats.

If you're interested, feel free to Check out the link and dont be shy to join. At the end of the day, we're all just in this to have fun
except for MildSoss, he's our resident try hard :p


Need 4 for HM DS and Crota! Join mehrmantrout or vernonhillz!

1. mehrmantrout
2. vernonhillz
3. you
4. you
5. you
6. and let's not forget you!
Question about exotic blueprints. Does any one have any insight as to how exotic armor upgrades will be handled? Do we get the exact same roll as our current pieces or will each new piece we create have different stats? I'm hoping for the latter. For the Warlock revive helm it would not even be possible to get the same roll as the attributes have changed. That would provide some use for all the extra shards.


The Cryptarch's Bane

Video explaining how to use stuff since the instructions are all in japanese

All in all my first day with this thing results in the verdict that this is a great controller anyone who is looking for a more Xboxy setup should consider. It's extremely responsive and Destiny simply feels more Halo-like to me while using it. If that appeals to you I definitely recommend it.

The best comparison I could make is that it feels much like the Wii Pro controller, especially if you can imagine what it would feel like if Nintendo had chosen to ape the Xbox 360 pad. Overall shape and fit in hand was very natural to me as someone who uses a 360 pad more than any other gamepad, while the basic plastic used is almost identical to the Pro controller.

For some more detail I'll start with the cons:
Obviously it doesn't look like much to the eye. It does look a shade nicer in person than in images, but basically it's clear they put money into the internals and extra features as opposed to making it look nice. It's wired (though the cable seems pretty long to me, I actually wouldn't think most traditional couch/tv stand setups need a USB extended), and there's no 3.5mm port for headphones, so I know those two factors are a dealbreaker for some.

The bumpers (L1 and R1) are basically garbage. They click very obviously so you know you've activated the function, and that's really all they need to accomplish, so it's fine... but they're quite cheap and a little wobbly. They just didn't give them much attention. That said I'm using Jumper and mashing L1 all the time to jump, and I didn't feel myself thinking about it or them getting in the way. It's just worth mentioning that they're just notably below the DS4 button quality while the rest of the buttons really aren't.

The good stuff:
All of the remaining buttons and the analog sticks are very high quality. The triggers in particular feel quite nice. You really have to ska-weeze the trigger (not to a point that doesn't make sense, you can feel very obviously where the fire threshold is) to shoot, which did take about 15 minutes of adjustment in the VoG as I was first using the pad. But by the Skolas fight later on I was really appreciating the difference from the regular DS4. It makes firing feel more deliberate and satisfying to me. The sticks feel awesome. I've heard a few people claim that they're more natively sensitive than the DS4, and I may try kicking my sensitivity in-game down a notch to see how it feels, but for the most part it just worked with my aiming instincts as I expected. The d-pad is also really high quality, and very different from either the original 360 pad style or the DS4.

The Target function on the back is fascinating. I'm sure it's extremely useful but I'm not sure I actually want to get proficient at using it- it's a little close to cheating for my tastes. Basically it's a button on the back, when you hold it down it creates an ADS-like sensitivity decrease (you can specify a level of sensitivity with a switch) for precision. I have a feeling that an adept user with The Last Word could do some crazy hip-fire madness using this.

The touchpad feels essentially identical to the DS4's to me, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that they were literally the same component.

I didn't mess with the Turbo or Assign features at all, but they are there if you should want them.
I don't know how people managed to farm patrol missions for 250 VIP kills, got like 10 earlier in an hour or so with Robinson and Ikkarus and lost many brain cells in the process. So boring, don't think I'll bother with that.
I don't know how people managed to farm patrol missions for 250 VIP kills, got like 10 earlier in an hour or so with Robinson and Ikkarus and lost many brain cells in the process. So boring, don't think I'll bother with that.

If it's not fun then don't do it. I couldn't less about Grimoire score though.
Thanks! I'll try to get them this weekend.

Now, if I could only bribe someone to take me to the Lighthouse...

Haha we do lighthouse carries all the time. I'll help if I have a partner in crime or I can get you in touch w Wicked and Rubenov who do lots of carries.

I think me, Wicked and Unstable will be doing our normal 3 runs when Trials launches but then there should be some openings around 4pmish EST. First timers get priority, same as Skolas.


I don't know how people managed to farm patrol missions for 250 VIP kills, got like 10 earlier in an hour or so with Robinson and Ikkarus and lost many brain cells in the process. So boring, don't think I'll bother with that.
I never farmed them, just did A LOT of patrol for fun back then, and I have the habit of always trying to see what are the available missions when entering a zone. Got the grimoire score for it pretty naturally, without even trying to get it.
Just pick missions when doing patrol and you'll eventually get it, farming those sound excruciating.
I don't know how people managed to farm patrol missions for 250 VIP kills, got like 10 earlier in an hour or so with Robinson and Ikkarus and lost many brain cells in the process. So boring, don't think I'll bother with that.

I have close to 400 and I never farmed them.

I never farmed them, just did A LOT of patrol for fun back then, and I have the habit of always trying to see what are the available missions when entering a zone. Got the grimoire score for it pretty naturally, without even trying to get it.
Just pick missions when doing patrol and you'll eventually get it, farming those sound excruciating.

^What he said


I like the new FWC hunter helmet, it seems it will be light 200, is there a way to make that stronger, like the weapons?


I think this infusion system will make characters much more diverse. Interesting perks on all gear now (including vendor stuff), and my guess is it will be able to be maxed out if infused with raid gear.


aka Mannny
I think this infusion system will make characters much more diverse. Interesting perks on all gear now (including vendor stuff), and my guess is it will be able to be maxed out if infused with raid gear.
Gonna be using raid gear to infuse my beautiful looking Titan and hunter. Everyone will be jelly.
Hello! I hope you don't mind me checking out your Destiny profile.

At level 21, and with every faction at rank 0, your best bet right now is to wait a few days. Soon you'll be able to level up past 21 using XP instead of having your progress limited by gear.

Mind you, gear will still be important! But you'll be able to better move forward. You are correct in thinking that while wearing a Faction Class Item, both Vanguard and Crucible rep will funnel into that faction.

The best way to level up faction rep is by doing bounties. If you happen to enjoy the Crucible, it's a great place to make some progress. Crucible will often drop Blue quality armor with higher Light levels than what you currently have. More importantly, it had a chance to randomly drop some great Legendary weapons.

At any rate, all the stuff you get will be replaced with new, more powerful gear with The Taken King in a very short time so don't stress too much.

Thanks for the response! Honestly, I've only been playing for 5 days now. I wanted to experience as much of Destiny as possible before The Taken King. I didn't want to rely on the level boost that is being given out with the expansion. I wanted to grind and work my way up to that level. I saw that I was able to participate in that event, so I figured, why not!

I play Crucible quite a bit. It helped me level up as quickly as I did. I've was getting some pretty good drops, up until two days ago. The armor I I have equipped now is the highest that I've been rewarded. Surprisingly, I have been getting Motes of Light quite frequently.

Either way, thanks for the input. I guess it's back to grinding some bounties.


Okay, so I'm finally getting around to preordering Taken King. I thought at one point Bungie said there would be a way for people who already own all of the other expansions to buy TTK by itself AND still get the collector's edition stuff without having to shell out 80 bucks for stuff I already own.

Did that ever happen? I want the collector's edition stuff, but not if it's going to be $40 extra.
Anyone up for a Skolas run tonight or this weekend? I'd like at least one more experienced person, don't mind taking a newbie along.

I need one more completion to get to House of Judgment Rank 3 and buy all the shaders. No guarantees that vendors will continue to sell everything after next Tuesday.


I have no idea how infuse works, lol
You can take a gun that you like and infuse (basically, sacrifice) a more powerful gun into it to make that gun that you like a little more powerful.

Basically, if you had a handcannon that was at 300 attack that you loved but was getting left behind by other, more powerful weapons that have dropped for you; you could take another weapon that was at 350 attack (for example) and sacrifice it into the 300 hand cannon to raise it up to 310 (or something). Those #s are in no way indicative of how the scaling will work but you get the idea.


Okay, so I'm finally getting around to preordering Taken King. I thought at one point Bungie said there would be a way for people who already own all of the other expansions to buy TTK by itself AND still get the collector's edition stuff without having to shell out 80 bucks for stuff I already own.

Did that ever happen? I want the collector's edition stuff, but not if it's going to be $40 extra.

They promised that item bundle weeks ago and how it would be available for purchase "Soon". Nothing since then. I'm holding TTK pre-order back for now in expectation of that bundle.
You can take a gun that you like and infuse (basically, sacrifice) a more powerful gun into it to make that gun that you like a little more powerful.

Basically, if you had a handcannon that was at 300 attack that you loved but was getting left behind by other, more powerful weapons that have dropped for you; you could take another weapon that was at 350 attack (for example) and sacrifice it into the 300 hand cannon to raise it up to 310 (or something). Those #s are in no way indicative of how the scaling will work but you get the idea.

But this will only work for TTK legendary weapons, not the existing ones. Right?


It's hard to sell my friends on TTK who either only have vanilla Destiny or just TDB.

$40 is already steep for them and when I explain that they need to buy the other two DLCs or everything over again just to play it, they said no way. Don't really know what to do to convince them. They think TTK looks cool but paying for content that's going to be pointless/pretty much skipped over in leiu of TTK stuff is a lot to ask.

Basically, if you're just jumping in again on Sept 15, is there any incentive at all to play TDB/HOW content?


8 fucking hours of grinding engrams and Crucible to get that last missing Strange Coin for Saint 14 but I've got it, grrr :)


btw guys, think about this:

VoG and Crota will give you lots of shards/energy which can turn into motes of light.
Also all the items in there you get turn into motes of light/more shards/energy.

Motes of Light can be used to buy engrams from Xur or (new) to give XP to weapons/armor.

So technically, doing VoG and Crota is NOT totally useless, it's actually a nice little way of getting guaranteed motes.

Quoting myself from Gaming side, what do you guys think?


Okay, so I'm finally getting around to preordering Taken King. I thought at one point Bungie said there would be a way for people who already own all of the other expansions to buy TTK by itself AND still get the collector's edition stuff without having to shell out 80 bucks for stuff I already own.

Did that ever happen? I want the collector's edition stuff, but not if it's going to be $40 extra.

They promised that item bundle weeks ago and how it would be available for purchase "Soon". Nothing since then. I'm holding TTK pre-order back for now in expectation of that bundle.
They said a month ago that it would be $20 for the collectors edition extras, and the DLC would be available to buy on the 15th. No pre-buy for cosmetics.


They promised that item bundle weeks ago and how it would be available for purchase "Soon". Nothing since then. I'm holding TTK pre-order back for now in expectation of that bundle.

They followed up not long ago by saying the $20 item bundle would go live on the 15h.


They said a month ago that it would be $20 for the collectors edition extras, and the DLC would be available to buy on the 15th. No pre-buy for cosmetics.

They followed up not long ago by saying the $20 item bundle would go live on the 15h.

Before or after TTK release, WTB that permanent XP booster for leveling up :D Thanks for the info btw, now to pre-order TTK when I can be bothered to log into PSN Store.

You can take a gun that you like and infuse (basically, sacrifice) a more powerful gun into it to make that gun that you like a little more powerful.

Basically, if you had a handcannon that was at 300 attack that you loved but was getting left behind by other, more powerful weapons that have dropped for you; you could take another weapon that was at 350 attack (for example) and sacrifice it into the 300 hand cannon to raise it up to 310 (or something). Those #s are in no way indicative of how the scaling will work but you get the idea.
Infusion only applies to 2.0 gear, right?


Do you guys think that since Wolves are leaving they should increase the drop rate of the prison small chests again? I haven't got a treasure key in those chests for weeks.
So with all the recent clan talk, figured I'd mention that Yea Thats a Wipe is looking for a few solid PvPers. This is the first time I put the clan out to Gaf :) We're a small (6 man) tight group of friends that have met through here on Gaf. Most of you know us and we've played together.

All of us have full time jobs and families (responsibilities, ugh) but we get busy. We're usually online anywhere between 7-8pm EST on weekdays and random times during weekends. We're pretty hardcore and usually play till whenever we're done.

The reason why I specifically said PvP is because since we already have 6, it'd suck having someone on the team and no space for a Raid :(. Only a few of us are dedicated PvPers atm and wouldn't mind a few good men so we can make a full team. We'll occasionally sharpen are blades by matching up for some shweats.

If you're interested, feel free to Check out the link and dont be shy to join. At the end of the day, we're all just in this to have fun
except for MildSoss, he's our resident try hard :p

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