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Details on Noel Gallagher's first TWO solo albums (1st out Oct 17)!

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I was disappointed it wasn't following the previous video, since we had been promised a "to be continued," but the ending was a pleasant surprise.

Video itself was pretty meh, but I did laugh at Noel shrugging when the groom was appealing to him.
Were the musicians on the balcony the same ones from Death of You and Me traveling with the stage coach?


As someone said in the comments section

THere seems to be an obsession with people falling into pools/water in these videos


Oasis to me have never been known for their music videos

It only seemed of late Noel has taken an interest in doing videos that don't just revolve around the band playing (probably because he is not a band anymore) and random people doing random shit... now he is acting (albeit minimally) with the people doing random stuff now


Typographenia said:
I was disappointed it wasn't following the previous video, since we had been promised a "to be continued," but the ending was a pleasant surprise.

Video itself was pretty meh, but I did laugh at Noel shrugging when the groom was appealing to him.
Were the musicians on the balcony the same ones from Death of You and Me traveling with the stage coach?

AKA What a Life video is the "to be continued" follow up.


Perhaps because of the inclusion of Russel Brand, his "star" appeal can get Noel's video played more on American video channels


I was looking up reviews and I found this one from last week that's a track-by-track rundown from MusicRadar.com. They LOVED it.. wow, it really couldn't get any more glowing than this. Here are their thoughts:


1. Everybody's On The Run
After a few seconds of studio prep sounds (talking, clanging, a cough), a snare kicks off this rousing opener that immediately recalls the epic grandeur of George Harrison's All Things Must Pass.

Soaring background vocals and heart-tugging strings blend for a massive dramatic sweep. Throughout, Noel sings like a desperate, impassioned soul - "Hang in there love/ you gotta hold on/ 'cause everybody's on the run," he pleads in the chorus - weaving melodies that swirl around one's head but stick like glue.

The arrangement is grand but never artificial. The bridge has a classic rock feel and a symphonic intensity. Acoustic guitars overwhelm and lead into the last resounding chorus, during which Noel extends and hammers home his lyrical meaning. A smashing lead-off track, but can the rest hold up?

2. Dream On
You wouldn't think that Noel Gallagher would give a damn about any trumpet-playin' band, but he uses horns on this track, and elsewhere on the album, to stunning effect. And it most certainly is rock 'n' roll!

A jaunty, pounding beat underpins briskly strummed, robust-sounding acoustics (and a bit of Link Wray riffiness), making Dream On feel like something of a more aggressive She's Electric. But Noel, using a more mature vocal, brings a new kind of charm - and vulnerability, an unmasked need - to the proceedings.

The choruses are doozies, complete with "la-la-la" sing-alongs. Brass creeps in, dominating the end section, bringing a taste of New Orleans as the tune bops along to a flourish. Expect many iPhones waving in the air as Noel plays this baby live.

3. If I Had A Gun
Talk about anticipation. Ever since leaked soundcheck demos of this song appeared on the internet, much interest has attended its inevitable studio rendering. We can happily report that the results meet every expectation and then some.

With piano and acoustic guitar guiding him, Noel - moody, delicate and restless - sings, "If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun/ and love would burn this city down for you" in this quasi-Wonderwall-like gem.

Haunting background vocals create a stirring leitmotif. If I Had A Gun pops with electric guitars, heading right into the first chorus in which Noel intones, "'Scuse me if I spoke too soon/ my eyes have always followed you around the room/ 'cause you're the only God I will ever need/ I'm holding on and waiting or you to find me."

That's major-league writing, in what will surely become a modern-rock standard. Noel keeps his delivery in check, never surrendering to showboating, and even as the instruments pile up and peak around him, he stays the course. A hands-down winner, this one.

4. The Death Of You And Me
The first single from High Flying Birds is a whisper, starting with a capoed, 12-string acoustic intro figure that ushers in Noel's sweet falsetto. The overall mood here is laid-back, '70s-era Kinks, but it's honest and sailing, with nothing getting in the way, as a melancholy Noel sings, not ironically, "High time, summer in the city/ kids are looking pretty/ but isn't it a pity in the sunshine."

The beauty in these lines is how Noel personifies the words, making them his own, and in that way, because we know they're special to him, we can relate. Even the way he draws out the word "sunshine," making it a sneery "sunshiiiiine," is a communal expression - whether it's Johnny Rotten or Liam, we get it. He does it with wink, and we're there.

While the track bears an unmistakable resemblance to The Importance Of Being Idle, it gradually takes on its own form, looming larger, with another taste of New Orleans-style brass skillfully moving in.

5. (I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record MachineAt first, we hear the sounds of schoolchildren on the playground - innocent, unspolied, complete in their world - and then, amidst an acoustic guitar and and a Phil Spectorish jingle stick, Noel begins singing what very might be his own teenage symphony to God.

Bass and electrics climb aboard, with Noel's double-tracked voice becoming mega. Strings emerge, big and bold, in a chorus that's an absolute grabber - we're talking fists in the air. Whether it's an homage to the Wall Of Sound or not, it caresses the senses in much the same way.

The sonics increase, and before long Noel is at the top of his lungs, open-hearted and open-throated - it's a delirious feeling. After a brief, gentle break, the song breaks away into a grand gallop. Here's one pony that can't be tamed.

6. AKA...What A Life!
A pounding four-on-the-floor beat drives this incessant, piano-heavy rocker. Noel, cynical and evil, sings with a world-weariness, "Some say you might find your hero/ some say you might lose your mind."

In the chorus, he twists and raises his voice, elegantly and poetically, making the last word of the title sound like "liiiiiiife." He plays with nuance, finding a center and skirting with the outer edges.

A piercing guitar line links the verse and chorus sections, and right when you least expect it, an honest-to-goodness six-string solo breaks out - and it's a spine-tingler, too. An elongated verse ends the song on an ominous note, but it's one that leaves the listener breathlessly waiting for more.

7. Soldier Boys And Jesus FreaksIt's a pop-sounding cut, and appropriately so, this ode to the Turtles, all stark guitars and a moving bassline during which Noel sings what are perhaps his most pointed political lyrics.

The chorus is a cymbal-heavy crasher, but horns meet Noel and carry the bridge in true '60s fashion. Here's it's a mishmash, a bright mix of Sgt. Pepper meets The Association meets The 5th Dimension with even The Doors a la The Soft Parade thrown in for good measure.

The ride-out is a smasher, ending with a jingle-jangle of tambourine. It puts a smile on one's face, and it's a crafty counterpoint to the weight of the song's message.

8. AKA...Broken Arrow
Perhaps the most straightforward song on the album. A sparkling mix of drums and acoustics lead into Noel singing what feels like a love song: "Fallen angel/ a broken arrow/ she comforts me and eases my troubled mind/ she shines a light out into the shadows/ all the world that we will leave behind."

Like all of Noel's best compositions, the hooks and resolves flow naturally, revealing little to no artiface. The dynamics, including his voice, rise and fall effortlessly, as if there's no other possible way to go. Scores of songwriters strive for unbridled spirit, but only a few, and Gallagher is one of them, can tap into, and master, such feelings.

9. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach
A thumping garage rocker, glowing with a bass-note pattern over which Noel sings in his most wistful voice. At first, it feels like a bit of a trifle, especially in light of what's come before, but it's affecting nonetheless, working its way under your skin and into your being.

Some artists can do that; they touch us and they matter; they loom large and take on a space of importance that even friends and relatives can't occupy. The sound of their voice triggers emotions and stirs our blood. It's a gift, and it's one Noel possesses, and like the brightest of Hollywood stars, he can rule our passions with just the subtlest of gestures.

Handclaps accentuate the drums, and the tone grows aching as Noel sings, "Drowning, I'm sinking in the quicksand/ stranded on the wrong beach/ come and rescue me."

10. Stop The Clocks
Written sometime in 2001, Noel said of the track a year later that it was about "a dream I had one night. It's wondering about if you were dead, how would you know you were actually dead, how would you know you were actually alive."

Originally intended to be included on 2004's Don't Believe The Truth, Stop The Clocks has achieved something of a mythic status amongst Oasis fans, with studio and live versions leaking onto the internet over the years.

How can you blame anyone for not holding back this five-minute piece of genius? It's difficult. On the other hand, did they hear the memorable organ riff than informs the body of the finished song? Did they know of the explosive power when the number kicks in, not once but twice? The final version that Noel Gallagher has realized makes good on all past promises.

"Stop the clocks and turn the world around/ let your love lay me down," Noel sings in the opening verse, displaying his heart and making his feelings come through his pores. He has a way of sharing with the the listener why he's sweating - it's as if he's trained to do so, but then that would be too easy an explanation.

After a furious build-up, the song rides out on a bonkers lead guitar break. It's a star-turn, sure, and Gallagher might very well end his set milking this rocket for all it's worth, but it works dramatically, and that's all that matters. After the numerous builds and releases that this album provides, going out on anything less than the highest of highs would be a letdown. On High Flying Birds, Noel Gallagher might have reached his Everest.


I'm sure the album will be great, but I have heard a combination of stand alone singles and b-sides, gonna need to create a new mix album to accomodate this
Meier said:
I hope someone gifs Noel's shrug of acceptance when she reacts to the cowboy.

Darn fade transition.

But, the real reason I bumped this thread-


It's not available in my country (USA), but it appears as though the video for "What a Life" is up. That, or it's an 8.5 minute something related to it. Can anyone confirm for me?
Meier = Noel, confirmed.

I had always had my suspicions...

Looking forward to finally seeing the video. I suspect it will be available to US before too much longer.


Typographenia said:
Meier = Noel, confirmed.

I had always had my suspicions...

Looking forward to finally seeing the video. I suspect it will be available to US before too much longer.
Haha, that's awesome. Last video was available for the US within the day.. so let's hope so!


Meier said:
Haha, that's awesome. Last video was available for the US within the day.. so let's hope so!
I suspect part of the reason why the video is Region blocked due to the fact "What A Life" is a UK digital download single at the moment, but I'm sure once the album is released worldwide it will be available

Also haha, Noely is a GAFfer
I've been keeping an eye on a couple particular forums and Twitter. I have the CD/DVD preordered from US Amazon, but, no way I can wait into November. :)

And did get my Philly tickets. Very excited!
Fjordson said:
Damn, pretty cool video. Noel's really going all out cinematic with this shit.
My thoughts exactly, haha! I really love the aesthetic of the Death of You and Me and What a Life videos. Really great stuff.

Russell was a hoot to watch too, and I think he makes a pretty wonderful villainous figure.


Jesus Freaks reminds me of Happy Together by the Turtles

I love Noel Gallagher's song writing most of the time but the whole album while masterfully composed, I think sounds kinda the same mid-low tempos through out. That's what I miss about Oasis, they had a mix of upbeat and slower stuff.

I'm sure I'll love it but I guess that's why I need my Beady Eye fix as well as Noel's songs.
is it just me or does

dream on
the death of you and me
soldier boys and jesus freaks

all have basically the same tempo

still, it's a pretty good album

everybody on the run, broken arrow, if i had a gun, what a life, etc. all great

as well as the 2 best songs oasis never officially recorded/released (record machine/stop the clocks)

i agree with you medallion about the oasis dynamic of noel only doing about 1/3 of the songs. what we have is kind of 2 fractured pieces of an oasis album but oh well

liam's voice is shit live these days though


brianjones said:
is it just me or does

dream on
the death of you and me
soldier boys and jesus freaks

all have basically the same tempo

still, it's a pretty good album

everybody on the run, broken arrow, if i had a gun, what a life, etc. all great

as well as the 2 best songs oasis never officially recorded/released (record machine/stop the clocks)

i agree with you medallion about the oasis dynamic of noel only doing about 1/3 of the songs. what we have is kind of 2 fractured pieces of an oasis album but oh well

liam's voice is shit live these days though
Liam's voice is a mixed bag live, even during the same concert... one song he can sound totally amazing, next song can sound like he had a chainsaw in his throat. It occurs to me he can no longer sing the ballad songs live, but the rock songs he's still there.

He chooses to sing a certain way live as much as it's the result of his live voice being strained.


I am going to wait until a nice quality version is out there to listen to it all. Shocked it hasn't had a proper leak with less than a week to go till release. I guess having your own label allows you to keep it close to the chest.

The decision to not put it out in the US for 2 weeks after the UK release is just so crazy to me. Of course I've got my preorder in but no one is going to wait to listen to it and this just encourages piracy. So silly.


infiniteloop said:
Someone mentioned a webstream? Usually that's not necessarily up to snuff in terms of quality. Either way, it must have just happened in the past day or two which is impressive given the fact the last few oasis albums all leaked well in advance of a month of their release.


I want to buy Let the Lord Shine a Light on Me! Anyone know how I can do this?! The various releases for this album have been pretty confusing.

Edit: So in order to get this song it looks like I have to download the AKA... What A Life! digital bundle from noelgallagher.com.

This comes with both Let the Lord Shine a Light on Me! and AKA... What A Life! I don't actually want to buy AKA... What A Life! though because it's on the album, which I've already pre-ordered. I don't want to pay for two copies of the same song. Annoying.


I saw a link to a megaupload but it's a transcode apparently. Request has been filled and unfilled 5 times since yesterday. :lol
Curse you, Medalion!

I told myself I wouldn't listen until I got it in store... Maybe just a little bit.

edit: Wow, that's one fantastic album. Definitely my favorite of the year now.
Everybody's on the Run is INSANE. Why would you put a song that fantastic at the start of the cd?!

I think I prefer the newer version of Record Machine, but that last version of Stop the Clocks is probably my favorite over this album version. Still, an extremely solid album.
Meier said:
Someone mentioned a webstream? Usually that's not necessarily up to snuff in terms of quality. Either way, it must have just happened in the past day or two which is impressive given the fact the last few oasis albums all leaked well in advance of a month of their release.

I blame Liam.


Upon first listen, I'm not really a huge fan of his Stop the Clocks reworking and Stranded seemed kind of meh but the rest of the album is excellent. I've gotta find a way to get to one of the shows next month..
This is what I just sent to my brother, who's also a big Noel fan.

First 4 songs are solid. EOTR is massive and great. I loved, adored, would have the kids of the Record Machine demo, so, it's tough to change over to the "new" version.

WAL kinda sticks out a bit as being "one of these things is not like the other", but, it's ok. And then the album closes well. BA sticks out at me as being particularly good.

I like all the songs up until Stop the Clocks. I've heard that one on demo albums for years, and never really bought into it. It's ok. I like a couple of the B-sides better though.

It is definitely more of a pop album than a rock album though. I suspect the live versions are going to be much more stripped down.


Meier said:
Couldn't wait.. I Wanna Live in a Dream final version is STUNNING.

I was kind of disappointed by it. I still like it very much, but the guitar gets lost and the big bass from the demo has been taken away entirely.

The album as a whole is fucking incredible, though. EOTR is so good.
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