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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime

bigdaddygamebot said:
Arrgh! I've heard a number of times that "you get plenty of Praxis points".

You do, assuming you purchase all praxis kits and do side quests. Getting the Ghost bonus also helps.

There was a point about halfway through the gamel where I has 9 extra praxis points lying around. No joke. This was hardest difficulty and everything.


Kalnos said:
I think the bomb goes off after a certain amount of time. If you wait around at Sarif too long they're dead when you get there I heard.
I don't think so. I mean I took my time hacking computers and going back and forth a lot, and got all the way to just before Zeke before I went all the way back to rescue them. They were still alive, and the bomb hadn't exploded.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
darkpaladinmfc said:
What is the point of playing non-lethally? Because it's 'morally right'?

Because it's more challenging which equates to more fun (for some).
thetrin said:
They start to become more common as you get farther in the game.

Okay, cool.

I've done all the side quests, and I'm playing on the hardest difficulty (possibly giving more XP? not sure. ).

It's just a case of "too soon".

Thanks man. :)
I like how the tool tip says you can't max all your augs.

But when I finished....I could have maxed all my augs. I maxed everything except leg and I had 7 praxis kits. I just never messed with the leg stuff because I didn't see the need for it.

With that said......I want a Icarus system IRL! NAO!
Solo said:
But exercising your option to put your fully upgraded boomstick up their ass is even more refreshing.

They're just doing their job man.
But when I finished....I could have maxed all my augs. I maxed everything except leg and I had 7 praxis kits. I just never messed with the leg stuff because I didn't see the need for it.

How many praxis kits did you find? I picked up maybe 3 or 4 over the course of the game, still got every aug I would consider to be useful.
Dilly said:
The whole game has this atmosphere and feel I've never experienced before in gaming, can't put my finger on it.

It's called Deus Ex :)

Exremely good music + cyberpunk + non-linearity = a very believable picture of a not so good future.


darkpaladinmfc said:
What is the point of playing non-lethally? Because it's 'morally right'?

A challenge. Even putting the difficulty up, I find using a silenced pistol+sniper rifle a much easier combination to use than the Tranq+stun gun in ranged situations.

Getting the no-alert achievement is going to be a pain non-lethal, because you get an alert status when you stun gun a guy (right?).
This game just keeps on giving, can't believe how amazing it is to think you're near the end and you realize there's so much more.

Question regarding time left :

I just got to Hengsha a second time. What's left for me?


Ken said:
In my first play through, right before the room with Zeke, I checked my main mission's secondary objective (free the hostages) and it disappeared, so I assumed it not able to be completed by then.
I had a save right outside the final door and was able to go back and complete the secondary objective.
Solo said:
And so am I. Adam "The Janitor" Jensen's sole function in life is to wipe the scum of the earth off his boots.

What if some of those guys are just out there supporting their kids? Do you really want to be Adam "The Orphan Maker" Jensen?


How many missions are in this game? I just completed the
FEMA facility
with the first boss, so I reckon I've completed three or four missions by now. How many missions are in the game in total (a mission being like the factory, police station, etc)?


The Xtortionist said:
What if some of those guys are just out there supporting their kids? Do you really want to be Adam "The Orphan Maker" Jensen?

Yes. The kids can use a Daddy Issues Aug if they get sad.


The Xtortionist said:
What if some of those guys are just out there supporting their kids? Do you really want to be Adam "The Orphan Maker" Jensen?
Exactly. We play Adam as a good guy, not that monstrous orphan maker Nathan Drake.


GAF parliamentarian
I spared guards that were having friendly conversations, and killed the rest. Street gangs got death as well.
I like that lethal Jensen is a bloody psychopath. He doesn't just kill a guy, he brutally butchers him in style. Snap neck from behind? too easy. Grab his skull and spin him into death.
Is there a way to see my game time? I've checked steam, but like usual, it's giving me a false 16 hours. I played more nearly that amount in one sitting, as crazy as it sounds. The game is just that good.

Another query, what did everyone role as on their first time? I was mostly silent, though I occasionally had firefights. I'd say I was around 85 percent stealth, and 15 percent guns blazing.

I'm going to replay it, either after my next Fallout: NV replay or before, and be more action orientated. See how that goes.
Qwomo said:
Not having to murder people is refreshing.

I get my violence fix by sneaking up and punching guys.

Adam...Adam is a violent lad...although they way he beats some of those guys down, I can't help but think they would be better off if I had just shot them.


erotic butter maelstrom
The Xtortionist said:
What if some of those guys are just out there supporting their kids? Do you really want to be Adam "The Orphan Maker" Jensen?

They know what they signed up for. I'm sure there was something in the small print of their contracts about the possibility of having their faces blown off by an augmented psychopath.


Snuggler said:
They know what they signed up for. I'm sure there was something in the small print of their contracts about the possibility of having their faces blown off by an augmented psychopath.
They didn't ask for this.


The Xtortionist said:
What if some of those guys are just out there supporting their kids? Do you really want to be Adam "The Orphan Maker" Jensen?

Well, it's either "The Orphan Maker" or "The Quadriplegic Maker".


erotic butter maelstrom
Clevinger said:
Well, it's either "The Orphan Maker" or "The Quadriplegic Maker".

If anything, Lethal is the more humane option since they won't have to spend their remaining years pooping into a bedpan.


The Xtortionist said:
What if some of those guys are just out there supporting their kids? Do you really want to be Adam "The Orphan Maker" Jensen?

" Please daddy! Please come back save to me and small jack! Everytime you leave Jack starts to cry because he thinks you won't come back like mommy! I explained to him that daddy is only going to work and he will bring back some money so we can eventually buy some food and the medicine he needs! "


darkpaladinmfc said:
What is the point of playing non-lethally? Because it's 'morally right'?

You get about 30 more xp for a non lethal takedown, plus it's more fun to give yourself that added challenge instead of just mowing through each room like it's COD.


This game is my GOTY so far... even beats out Portal 2 for me.

It's phenomenal. How you approach any given situation or level is so refreshing. I've been playing it non-stop today and the time has flown by.

I'm on the second main mission in Shanghai.

I can't see how it can get any better. I love the stealth and just playing with the enemies. So good.


Anyone else feel that they made the non-lethal/lethal takedowns backwards? It seems that a non-lethal takedown should require you to hold down the takedown button rather than just tap. Non-lethal takedowns should be more of a challenge, not less.


It would be awesome if the sequel to Human Revolution had the player character as Jordan Shea, the bartender from Hell's Kitchen. There's a huge back story to be revealed here. http://deusex.wikia.com/wiki/Jordan_Shea
A former UNATCO operative, Shea worked alongside Gunther Hermann and Anna Navarre during the "mech-aug" era. Although no specific reason is given for why she resigned from the service, her hostility is openly apparent when JC Denton mentions that he is "in the business". Jordan then retorts with an unimpressed remark, wishing him an insincere good luck with his "business", indicating that she is now strongly opposed to UNATCO's operations and personnel, no doubt due to her experiences with Hermann and Navarre in combat.


One of my favourite little things in the game, so far (non-story, at the end of your second visit to Detroit):
While the riots are going on, if you check the computer in your office there's a bunch of e-mails from employees who are going nuts and turning on each other because there's an 'office bandit' sneaking into their offices and stealing all their things.
The only way that could have been better is if reading the e-mails made Jensen start giggling.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
darkpaladinmfc said:
But doing a lethal takedown is just as skilful as a non-lethal take down, unless pressing Q is more skilful than holding Q.
Actually if you do a kill it's more likely to alert everyone else. If anything, non-lethal is easy mode. Don't stun guns work instantly? Silenced pistol means you have to headshot, and that's not enough sometimes.
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