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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


Am I missing things, or are there fewer paths in HR than in DX?

For example, the gang hideout:
to get in without being detected, the only way I can find is the rooftop entrance. But once I blow my way in, I need the Icarus upgrade to even enter as the drop is lethal...

Or the police station:
I can get to the morgue through the sewers (after messing up the receptionist dialogue) but it's so swarmed with cops that I can't sneak anywhere else.

I don't remember getting so "stuck" in DX, to where I feel I need to come back with more augmentations. Maybe I'm just dumb and not problem solving though.

Also, more sadness points:
- can't go through windows
- minimap rotates with you
- objective markers show up on map even when you have the quest disabled and objective markers disabled
- have to open a second dialogue to read more about your inventory

I don't know how this happened. As someone who only recently played DX I didn't expect to turn into such a zealot against all the changes they made.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
3chopl0x said:
(end game spoilers)

I think the suicide ending was the most appropriate and had the best logic, none of them have the right to spin the news, and if Jensen lived then inevitably he would have had to answer for what happened. It also had the most emotional impact on me, had tears in my eyes :'(

In terms of a canon ending yes, I think the suicide option is also the best.

But in my opinion Taggert had the right idea. Augmentation helps many people but it also can create monstrosities like those Mercs or hell even Jensen himself. No human should have that kind of power and with the Illuminati keeping corporations in check, I believe that they could control it (of course DX1 we find that's not the case but still...)

Also, I just didn't want Jensen to die :(.
thefil said:
Am I missing things, or are there fewer paths in HR than in DX?

For example, the gang hideout:
to get in without being detected, the only way I can find is the rooftop entrance. But once I blow my way in, I need the Icarus upgrade to even enter as the drop is lethal...

Or the police station:
I can get to the morgue through the sewers (after messing up the receptionist dialogue) but it's so swarmed with cops that I can't sneak anywhere else.

I don't remember getting so "stuck" in DX, to where I feel I need to come back with more augmentations. Maybe I'm just dumb and not problem solving though.

Also, more sadness points:
- can't go through windows
- minimap rotates with you
- objective markers show up on map even when you have the quest disabled and objective markers disabled
- have to open a second dialogue to read more about your inventory

I don't know how this happened. As someone who only recently played DX I didn't expect to turn into such a zealot against all the changes they made.

There's a sewer entrance to the gang hideout and you can enter the police station from a third floor vent as well.
Pancakes said:
Augmentation helps many people but it also can create monstrosities like those Mercs or hell even Jensen himself. No human should have that kind of power

Haha, I love how this game really brings out people's actual feelings on the subject, really neat ending setup.
I was totally with David Sarif, except for the fact that I wouldn't lie for him, so I put my faith in humanity to get shit straight and brought the whole station down.
Clevinger said:
If you think the highlight dumbs down the game, turn it off.

I played the game all the way up to Tai Young medical without the highlight option & I missed half of the stuff from the game because of it.

When I went back to Detroit, it blew me away I could actually open drawers, there was stuff on the desks that I missed despite combing entire rooms inch by inch. There would be credit chips or energy bars underneath couches that would be impossible to spot with the naked eye. Cracked walls that blend in with the rest of the walls.

Of course the game looks ugly as shit when a massive yellow forcefield is engulfing every single ladder, terminal, door & etc...

Sucks they took out the simple highlighting system that made it easy to tell apart usable items in the environment from the first two games & replaced it with this shit.


thefil said:
Am I missing things, or are there fewer paths in HR than in DX?

For example, the gang hideout:
to get in without being detected, the only way I can find is the rooftop entrance. But once I blow my way in, I need the Icarus upgrade to even enter as the drop is lethal...
There's actually girders that you can drop onto, I did it before I got the Icarus landing system.
thefil said:
Or the police station:
I can get to the morgue through the sewers (after messing up the receptionist dialogue) but it's so swarmed with cops that I can't sneak anywhere else.
There's like an emergency exit around the side that you can enter the station from and sneak around in from as well, I did it without the cloak.
thefil said:
I don't remember getting so "stuck" in DX, to where I feel I need to come back with more augmentations. Maybe I'm just dumb and not problem solving though.

Also, more sadness points:
- can't go through windows
The windows are silly game design, some you can enter in Detroit, there's a few others you can enter late in the game that are broken, but I agree it's odd that you can open one window but the one next to it you can't because the curtains closed or whatever. It's about the same thing as doors, you can't open all doors. I can forgive the fact that they may not have had the time to truly make every single room enterable but for the rooms you can get into it's funny that some doors will not work or you generally can't go through windows.

Kinda the same thing with not being able to break boxes. In Deus Ex you had to break them all, in this one you have to lift them all as every once in a while something's behind or under them.


erotic butter maelstrom
See You Next Wednesday said:
I played the game all the way up to Tai Young medical without the highlight option & I missed half of the stuff from the game because of it.

Wow. I don't use highlighting, but I highly doubt that I've missed a significant amount of stuff. The only objects that I could potentially miss are credit chips and pocket pals, but even then they have a color and glow that stands out from the rest of the environment. I guess I'm just the type to scope out everything before I move on to a new area.


mAcOdIn said:
There's actually girders that you can drop onto, I did it before I got the Icarus landing system.

I actually did that too, so I know it's possible. That said there's also at least like three ways off the top of my head you can get in there without being detected. I imagine there's more.
thefil said:
Am I missing things, or are there fewer paths in HR than in DX?

For example, the gang hideout:
to get in without being detected, the only way I can find is the rooftop entrance. But once I blow my way in, I need the Icarus upgrade to even enter as the drop is lethal...
I've found four or five entrances to that area (maybe six, but I'd have to check), with at least two that spit you out near the objective and let you bypass most of the guards, though one requires leg augs. Every single one lets you
stay undetected.

thefil said:
Or the police station:
I can get to the morgue through the sewers (after messing up the receptionist dialogue) but it's so swarmed with cops that I can't sneak anywhere else.
Four different ways to actually enter the station, with several of those having different paths to reach those entrances.
Just finished the game on PC on Give me Deus Ex, got Pacifist and Foxiest of hounds on first play through, took me 14.9hours. I'd seriously suggest to anyone playing it, to not take the cloak aug, it makes everything just far too easy.

Going to talk in detail now, might get a little spoilery.

Whilst I enjoy the game for what it was, I'm ultimately left feeling disappointed. HR does not tarnish the name of Deus Ex, rather it takes it down another avenue which was not really what I was hoping for.

First of all HR is incredibly linear, for example the first level of Deus EX at the statue of liberty. It's a big area, with multiple points of entry towards the objective, HR has absolutely nothing like this. It's choices are minor with no real effect on the ultimate outcome. If you have hacking, hack your way through, if you have strength, move shit out of the way... or sneak through some vents. That is as far as it goes, you still end up going through the same corridor at some point. The original Deus Ex would let you skip so much stuff if you wanted to, Gunther could be totally ignored in the first mission. HR doesn't do sprawling environments with multiple choices of direction.

The story is a bit shit, I saw the Darrow turnaround coming a mile off (reminded me of that shitty Bruce Willis film Surrogates). The motivations of characters barely get explored and it just happens too fast. Oh and lol at how easy it is to hack into Adam's com signal. HOW DID YOU GET THIS SIGNAL?!?!?!? He angrily asks every major character that starts talking to him. However I did like how the game suggested that Adam has anger issues, then he actually exhibits as the game goes along. Not the cool calm and collected JC Denton. I thought the whole Aug vs non Aug thing was rather interesting, could have gone further, but pretty good.

Tracer Tong looked nothing like Tracer Tong. I thought oh his son must be Tracer Tong, then I found him and thought wtf, that doesn't look or sound like Tracer Tong. Then a little while later I see him get on a boat that says TRACER on it. WTF was that shit lol.

The boss fights, ugh the boss fights. In Deus EX, you had Anne, Gunther and Walton Simons, all three of these characters are fleshed out throughout the game. You understand their personality, you understand who they are and what they do. Oh and you could fight them, tell them their killswitch code or not kill them at all. Barrett and err the other 2 are completely anonymous, they serve no real purpose other than to provide you with something to kill. They aren't part of the plot in any real manner. They're derp mercs, bad guys, go kill them, shut up and do it.

The Augs. By the end of the game I had pretty much every aug. I didn't have the ability to mark targets or the armor upgrade, had everything else. The cloak aug made the game ridiculously easy.

Length: I felt the game was short, I didn't rush, I completed all the side quests (at least I think I did) and I think the story suffered because of it. The conspiracy wasn't so much as picked apart, it just sort of fell into your lap.

Environments and objects: Surprisingly sparse and few. I was surprised by how few locations there are in the game, and how much cookie cutting had gone on. Every apartment in HengSha was exactly the same. Everyone owned the exact same furniture in every location. Start the game off opening lockers in a factory, end the game opening the exact same lockers in the Arctic. Every passcode is on a pocket secretary, every article is on a blue thing, if you want energy, better eat an energy bar. Shocking lack of variety. And why did so much of the game take place in Sewers? Who knew sewers were a major location for international conspiracies. I thought hey cool I'm going to get to explore upper Hengsha, but nope, stuck inside an office block. The original game had Liberty Island, Hell's Kitchen, Paris, naval bases, MJ12 bases, airfields. Hong Kong, Templar's Cathedral etc. By comparison, HR feels tiny in it's scope. AND THE VENDING MACHINES DON'T WORK!

I thought the weapons were excellent, loved the basic pistol. Cover system worked well.

The sound was the best part of the game for me, all of the music is great.

It probably says a lot that the best part of the game for me, was the Bob Page end of credits bonus, then the classic theme starts up.

Overall, I enjoyed HR, it was a good game, but in my opinion. it had more in common with games like MGS, Mass Effect and Invisible War, than it does with the masterpiece of Deus Ex. Yes it is a good game, but it never reaches the brilliance of the original, it doesn't even get close.
14.9 hours... wtf? I don't know why people rush through games this good. You might have done all the quests but you missed a lot of rooms and areas and ebooks and all kinds of random stuff... a shame. Game is on par with the original as well. Saying it's "not even close" is bogus.
I don't mind the glow, only because due to more modern graphics the environments are a lot more detailed and busier than the original. In the original it was easy to notice a Multi-tool lying on the table. While if I didn't have the glow I'd probably walk past a lot more.


Heavy said:
14.9 hours... wtf? I don't know why people rush through games this good. You might have done all the quests but you missed a lot of rooms and areas and ebooks and all kinds of random stuff... a shame.

One man's rushed is another man's slow. I don't know how people can sink 70 hours plus into ME2 when I can't stretch that shit beyond 20 hours at the absolute most. In brief, everyone plays differently.


I do think with Eidos' next DX game, they definitely have to bring back melee weapons. I appreciate to some degree what they tried to do with making the player balance the energy content, but it's just too silly that this fucking cyborg you're playing somehow loses control of his arms if he has no energy (though he can still climb ladders).


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
14.9? Wow. I hadn't even left Hengsha when I was at 15 hours.

Also, has someone yet made a mod to make all batteries auto recharge?


thetrin said:
14.9? Wow. I hadn't even left Hengsha when I was at 15 hours.

I haven't even left the first hub, lol.

Still, the counter is supposedly busted for a lot of people. Something related to the cloud saving.
Heavy said:
14.9 hours... wtf? I don't know why people rush through games this good. You might have done all the quests but you missed a lot of rooms and areas and ebooks and all kinds of random stuff... a shame. Game is on par with the original as well. Saying it's "not even close" is bogus.

I explored a lot, did all side quests. I didn't kill anyone, I actively tried to avoid touching people all together. Did a shitload of hacking, didn't find every book, but I'm pretty sure I didn't miss many, be surprised if it was more than 5. Hardest difficulty too, cloak made it very easy to get to objectives quickly. Oh and I never had object highlighting turned on, did oven plenty of drawers though.
Saving Malik non lethally was just a case of turning on cloak and being quick to taser everyone, stupidly easy.
I don't even know if the number is right. Steam library says 13 hours, achievement page says 14.9 hours.


erotic butter maelstrom
Zeliard said:
I do think with Eidos' next DX game, they definitely have to bring back melee weapons. I appreciate to some degree what they tried to do with making the player balance the energy content, but it's just too silly that this fucking cyborg you're playing somehow loses control of his arms if he has no energy (though he can still climb ladders).

I would like to see this as well. Considering the way that melee is handled in DXHR, I can understand why they wouldn't fit, but I do miss creeping around in the shadows with a knife or a can of pepper spray and a crowbar. Stealth + melee is always the most fun.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Zeliard said:
I do think with Eidos' next DX game, they definitely have to bring back melee weapons. I appreciate to some degree what they tried to do with making the player balance the energy content, but it's just too silly that this fucking cyborg you're playing somehow loses control of his arms if he has no energy (though he can still climb ladders).
Melee weapons? They really only need to bring back the Dragon Tooth.

MrPing1000 said:
I explored a lot, did all side quests. I didn't kill anyone, I actively tried to avoid touching people all together. Did a shitload of hacking, didn't find every book, but I'm pretty sure I didn't miss many, be surprised if it was more than 5. Hardest difficulty too, cloak made it very easy to get to objectives quickly. I don't even know if the number is right. Steam library says 13 hours, achievement page says 14.9 hours.
I can almost guarantee both numbers are wrong.


Junior Member
See You Next Wednesday said:
I played the game all the way up to Tai Young medical without the highlight option & I missed half of the stuff from the game because of it.

When I went back to Detroit, it blew me away I could actually open drawers, there was stuff on the desks that I missed despite combing entire rooms inch by inch. There would be credit chips or energy bars underneath couches that would be impossible to spot with the naked eye. Cracked walls that blend in with the rest of the walls.

Of course the game looks ugly as shit when a massive yellow forcefield is engulfing every single ladder, terminal, door & etc...

Sucks they took out the simple highlighting system that made it easy to tell apart usable items in the environment from the first two games & replaced it with this shit.
You know, your posts in this thread just reveal that you are simply really bad at playing video games.

Really, really bad.


I'd like to gauge how close to the end I am if someone could help me out. I am about to
sneak onto the shipping boat headed for a mysterious location
If I still have a ways to go I'll be a little angry cuz I used all my 10mm bullets when I decided to stop being stealth and kill some fools. But I only did that because I thought I was near the end and wouldn't need to worry about conserving ammo anymore. Can someone give me a rough percentage of how far into the game I am?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
sflufan said:
I honestly am having a difficult time believing these 15 hour playthrough times.

It's probably possible if you do zero exploration, play the game like COD and murder everyone, and skip all the sidequests.

I finished at around 22 hours with a couple missed sidequests.
I think the Talion A.D quest is bugged
I've read the dead dudes pocket secretary and I'm not given a new destination. It says that Zelazny is in the sewer, went down there and found the Harvester hideout and he wasn't there

Where is this fool?
MrPing1000 said:
Tracer Tong looked nothing like Tracer Tong. I thought oh his son must be Tracer Tong, then I found him and thought wtf, that doesn't look or sound like Tracer Tong. Then a little while later I see him get on a boat that says TRACER on it. WTF was that shit lol.
his son WAS Tracer Tong. Tong Si Hung, the guy with the arm and burnt face, was his dad. And he looked and sounded different because he's a spoiled kid in his twenties, 25 years younger than in DX1 and without facial scars.

toasty_T said:
I think the Talion A.D quest is bugged
I've read the dead dudes pocket secretary and I'm not given a new destination. It says that Zelazny is in the sewer, went down there and found the Harvester hideout and he wasn't there

Where is this fool?

I don't think it's a bug, everyone's is like that.
There's a sewer near the Alice Garden Pods that's unconnected to the rest, he's down there.


erotic butter maelstrom
Qwomo said:
You know, your posts in this thread just reveal that you are simply really bad at playing video games.

Really, really bad.

Hahaha. I didn't want to say it, but you might be right.


Unconfirmed Member
toasty_T said:
I think the Talion A.D quest is bugged
I've read the dead dudes pocket secretary and I'm not given a new destination. It says that Zelazny is in the sewer, went down there and found the Harvester hideout and he wasn't there

Where is this fool?

Go through the manhole in the lower area in front of the Alice Garden Pods.


I'm probably going to start a second playthrough sometime soon.
I want to save my tomboy pilot, dammit!

I'm just curious; what did the players who completed the game (or are at least in the late stages of the game) here find as the most crucial/important augments to get in retrospect?
EmCeeGramr said:
his son WAS Tracer Tong. Tong Si Hung, the guy with the arm and burnt face, was his dad. And he looked and sounded different because he's a spoiled kid in his twenties, 25 years younger than in DX1 and without facial scars.

Oh I know it was Tracer Tong, just he didn't look anything like what I was expecting, and I thought the boat being called Tracer was a shitty storytelling mechanic to make you realise HEY THIS IS TRACER TONG!


toasty_T said:
I think the Talion A.D quest is bugged
I've read the dead dudes pocket secretary and I'm not given a new destination. It says that Zelazny is in the sewer, went down there and found the Harvester hideout and he wasn't there

Where is this fool?

I've said this before but fuck guys, the game makes you read the information and think for yourself for once and it must be a bug? Really now?


MrPing1000 said:
Overall, I enjoyed HR, it was a good game, but in my opinion. it had more in common with games like MGS, Mass Effect and Invisible War, than it does with the masterpiece of Deus Ex. Yes it is a good game, but it never reaches the brilliance of the original, it doesn't even get close.
I totally disagree. I think it topped the first one, although I will admit that it has now moved slightly towards a new style of game play. The cover system changed a lot regarding the way stealth and gunplay worked compared to the first two, but I do think there was a sort of "step back" with immersion regarding windows, boxes, interactivity with the environment like ATMs, vending machines and stuff like that.

The levels were more linear, I wouldn't say the hubs were that much smaller than stuff in the first Deus Ex but I personally felt that it made sense for the locations they had picked out. There wasn't as many open areas like in the first.

Deus Ex also, in my opinion, made you feel like more of a player in everything than Human Revolution did but again, I think that made sense story wise, Jensen's just a guy working for a company trying to get his people back and find out why his company's getting attacked, he's not a government agent who's slowly peeling back a conspiracy. Again, I think that's just, different, not worse.


Thanks to this game I finally came to the realization that Leroy Green has always simply been an interact-able object.


You will never have enough room in your inventory for a Leroy Green.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
sflufan said:
I honestly am having a difficult time believing these 15 hour playthrough times.

Yeah, I spent more than 15 hours in Detroit... and I am still in Hengsha, and have been for probably 10-15 hours or more.

I am sure it is possible, but its also possible to beat Morrowind in like 45 minutes. Does not mean its fun..
MrPing1000 said:
Oh I know it was Tracer Tong, just he didn't look anything like what I was expecting, and I thought the boat being called Tracer was a shitty storytelling mechanic to make you realise HEY THIS IS TRACER TONG!
Oh yeah that part was silly.
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