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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime

okay fuck it. i will make time for a game that seems this good. fuck the other games for now.

What version is best between 360 and PS3? Any difference in jaggies (Hate those), framerate?
Unfortunately i can't buy the pc version.


EmCeeGramr said:
By the end of the game you learn to love him.

he's pretty much the only one left you can trust, outside malik

No, I want to exterminate him with extreme prejudice.
Slightly underwhelmed and bored of this, and I'm only in CHINA. The dumb AI is killing any joy. Most challenging part of the game? Navigating around China.
thelatestmodel said:
I'm wondering this as well. I'd love to have a go at translating it, but I don't even know if it's something that can be translated, it's just gibberish.

It must be though, right?

Nah, they've had it coming since launch... Odd that they're prolonging it though.


Rez said:
I like this game most when I'm running around the city high jumping around buildings and being a total jerk to old co-workers. The stealth sections -- and they are stealth sections for me, because I can't for the life of me work out how to play through lethally with a gun without having to resort to cheap AI-exploits -- aren't really all that enjoyable.

Headshots and lethal CQC, if you don't want to stealth. Or if you're not that adept at headshots use the combat rifle - which you get tons of ammo for - and just plug away at enemies, though that's certainly far less efficient. Also don't forget to upgrade your weapons, especially their useful special mods like armor-piercing for the 10mm. A 10mm alone can be mighty; it eventually becomes the best weapon in the game when you take into account ammo.

On occasion you can also hack a turret or robot which will take out a bunch of enemies for you, if you have the right augs.

I'm playing on Hard and after starting off non-lethal stealth, I've been murdering my way through in a variety of ways, and it's a blast.


Hengsha = most atmospheric environment ever depicted in a game.

Really? I think Hong Kong from the first game easily tops it. Same with Fort Frolic from Bioshock and numerous other gaming environments I can think of.


This is getting weirder all the time
Solo said:
Really? I think Hong Kong from the first game easily tops it. Same with Fort Frolic from Bioshock and numerous other gaming environments I can think of.

I agree with this, but Hengsha is still awesome, really reminded me of Blade Runner and it must have definitely been an influence

The anticipated release of the Eidos Montreal actioner fell 26,000 units short of the lifetime UK sales of Invisible War in its first two days on sale, but its probable that has since been eclipsed since Sunday and the Bank Holiday yesterday.

Assuming this also happened in the other EU countries, also the US etc, is it safe to say it has sold close to 1.5 million units already?

DE:IW sold around 1.2 million units in total.



Solo said:
Really? I think Hong Kong from the first game easily tops it. Same with Fort Frolic from Bioshock and numerous other gaming environments I can think of.

I dunno, this is all kinds of awesome:

I want to live there.


This game will end up having sold well, I imagine. Snagged the older gamers who wanted something remotely resembling the first Deus Ex again, after IW, and newer gamers or people who had never played Deus Ex who wanted to see what the fuss was about. I think the brand name is quite solid. Marketing largely seems to have been on-point as well, with some nice trailers.


Junior, please.
33-Hit-Combo said:
Nah, they've had it coming since launch... Odd that they're prolonging it though.

I meant that it must be something translate-able, rather than it must be gibberish.

Sorry, I did wonder about my phrasing when I re-read my post.


Solo said:
Now give me JC Denton for the sequel, you bastards.

I dont even care about the story on this but: i just want Jensen vs Denton for some MYSTERIOUS REASON involving time travel the iluminati and fucking whatever

make it happen

at least as a fake CG trailer




Solo said:
They might have to remake/reboot the original if they want to make a sequel to it.

I just don't want more Adam Jensen games.

I have no beef with Jensen. I think I liked him more than Denton. That's not the point in these games anyway because I, the player, am in control of everything.

depending on which ending they decide is canon Jensen might be dead anyway.
I just got to (environment spoiler)
TYM last night. The view was absolutely breath-taking up there. I love how much the environment changes during this part of the game.


So punching through walls is pretty useful. I wish I got it sooner. :/ Found a praxis point like 3 minutes after upgrading so it was basically free lol :(
Angst said:
So sad to see that Deus Ex only sold around 1 million and less than IW.

On that note - if I buy DE today, who gets the revenue? Eidos / Warren Spector?

Deus Ex 1 was on one (and a half :p if you count the PS2 port as well) platform, IW was on 2.

Actually Deus Ex 1 sold "really, really well" in Warren's words (a statement Eidos Montreal has repeated as well, that for when it was released it was very successful). 1 million units was a big deal back in the day. Its budget was $5.5 million.

The sequel's budget was around 12 million units, so you see its cost was more than double of the original's, it launched on 2 platforms, but it has only sold just a tiny bit better.

Not that impressive. Maybe even disappointing performance.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Solo said:
Really? I think Hong Kong from the first game easily tops it. Same with Fort Frolic from Bioshock and numerous other gaming environments I can think of.
Seriously? Hong Kong from Deus Ex? It was very cool in 2000, I'll grant you that, but having just recently replayed DX, I don't think it holds a candle to Hengsha in Human Revolution. It's not even close.

As with all environments in Deus Ex, it's very simplistic, boxy map with very little in the way of details. It simply didn't strike me in the same way.

The two tiered design of Hengsha is just stunning in its execution and the environment is thick with atmosphere. Not only that, in terms of layout and design, it isn't even remotely similar to other environments in the game. It's very unique.

Most atmospheric ever? Perhaps not, but I think it easily bests Hong Kong in Deus Ex.

Now give me JC Denton for the sequel, you bastards.
I don't think they should remake the original. If they want to lead up to it, I'd prefer them giving us control of Paul Denton instead (starting before the original DX and leading up into his death).
I know there are still tons of potentially great games coming out this year but it's going to be hard for something to impress me more than HR has. I've basically used every free moment of my time over the past 6 days to play this game, and I don't see that trend changing anytime soon.

On another note, this game is reminding me why I love the MGS series so much (especially 3) and it's getting me really excited for the HD collection.


You people thinking they would even touch the original are beyond nuts. These people clearly like and respect Deus Ex as is.


Haven't beaten HR yet but if they tied the ending in some way to Deus Ex (for example, with
the formation of UNATCO or something with the Illuminati
, then it'll be quite interesting to see what direction they head in with a sequel.


dark10x said:
I don't think they should remake the original. If they want to lead up to it, I'd prefer them giving us control of Paul Denton instead (starting before the original DX and leading up into his death).

His death? He was alive the last time I saw him, in the last area of IW.


SalsaShark said:
You people thinking they would even touch the original are beyond nuts. These people clearly like and respect Deus Ex as is.
I know they basically definitely won't and have said as much repeatedly, but as somebody who has on probably at least 10 different occasions sat down and installed Deus Ex, determined to crack the game open and see what all the fuss is about, and still never managed to stomach it for more than maybe sixty seconds past the end of the dock, it would sure be nice if they did.


Junior, please.
Guys bear in mind that Human Revolution takes place 25 years before the original game.

They could easily write a game that takes place 10 or so years before.

Double D

Anybody want to borrow my wife and kids for a week so I can actually play this game? I've had it since Thursday and I've only gotten through the tutorial level.


Got the game first day and just yesterday is when I started getting into it. Just got my wireless 360 controller for the pc and it makes the game even better. Love the game so far.


Vik_Vaughn said:
Anybody want to borrow my wife and kids for a week so I can actually play this game? I've had it since Thursday and I've only gotten through the tutorial level.

This is my life and the reason I have a massive backlog.


thelatestmodel said:
Guys bear in mind that Human Revolution takes place 25 years before the original game.

They could easily write a game that takes place 10 or so years before.

Yeah but if some of the Deus Ex 1 elements start to become dominant then it'll get progressively harder for them to tell a fresh story, at least for people familiar with the canon. I think one of the reasons HR works so well - and why making it a prequel was a good idea - is it basically tells a brand new story but keeps it in the same setting. If UNATCO for example is a dominant part of the next game, which I would fully expect, I don't know how interesting they can make them for the Deus Ex 1 players who already know what they're all about. There's no real mystery to them.

One cool direction they can and basically have to go is the progression from mechanical to nano-augs, which should be interesting to see. I assume that's at least one of the major themes the next game will concern itself with.


dark10x said:
I don't think they should remake the original. If they want to lead up to it, I'd prefer them giving us control of Paul Denton instead (starting before the original DX and leading up into his death).

He didn't die.
Solo said:
They might have to remake/reboot the original if they want to make a sequel to it.

I just don't want more Adam Jensen games.

No Deus Ex game should have the same protagonist as another, excepting remakes. I would much, much rather they make another new IP that is inspired by Deus Ex, since the franchise doesn't really have anywhere else to go unless they want to take another stab at a DX1 sequel (hopefully ignoring IW as non-canon).

Not literally a new cyberpunk action RPG perhaps, but as Vampire was to Deus Ex, so Eidos Montreal's third game (after they make Theif 4) should be to Human Revolution.


Zeliard said:
Yeah but if some of the Deus Ex 1 elements start to become dominant then it'll get progressively harder for them to tell a fresh story, at least for people familiar with the canon. I think one of the reasons HR works so well - and why making it a prequel was a good idea - is it basically tells a brand new story but keeps it in the same setting. If UNATCO for example is a dominant part of the next game, which I would fully expect, I don't know how interesting they can make them for the Deus Ex 1 players who already know what they're all about. There's no real mystery to them.

One cool direction they can and basically have to go is the progression from mechanical to nano-augs, which should be interesting to see. I assume that's at least one of the major themes the next game will concern itself with.

Yeah, I don't really want them to mess with the arc in the original game. It's done already. You could go beyond IW into unexplored space, but quite frankly I think the period they have now between DX:HR and DX is more interesting. Also, I like Jensen and don't have any desire to play JC (especially given my choice of ending) and I really don't care about the guy from IW (who I had to look up on Wikipedia just to remember his fuckin' name).


This game just keeps going and going. I am going to be so sad when it ends.

I just
finished Hong Kong and am trying to find Eliza in Montreal. It's driving me nuts because I lean toward not killing and there's some cool stuff in drawers in the middle of a big 4 person and a turret patrol that I want.

Hopefully I have some more time left. I've put 20 hours in so far. I enjoy exploring everything, even back tracking to find other routes even when I've found a cool one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tacitus_ said:
His death? He was alive the last time I saw him, in the last area of IW.
Ha ha, yeah, that's what I thought. Not sure what I was thinking. When I typed up that post, I felt that it was wrong yet somehow submitted it regardless.


Junior, please.
Zeliard said:
If UNATCO for example is a dominant part of the next game, which I would fully expect, I don't know how interesting they can make them for the Deus Ex 1 players who already know what they're all about. There's no real mystery to them.

Very true. But they also don't have to be that way straight away. They could play a very different role and the surprise could come from somewhere else.
thelatestmodel said:
Guys bear in mind that Human Revolution takes place 25 years before the original game.

They could easily write a game that takes place 10 or so years before.

They could, but they shouldn't. The universe will get a bit too crowded if in the space of 30 years there were three seperate global conspiracies to take over the world that had to be thwarted, each one decades in the making, each time by a single augmented agent, a tech guy and a helicopter pilot.

(Post-game teaser spoilers)

We saw in HR that the MJ12 are in position to set up shop, and they're starting to work on Morpheus, the precursor to Icarus/Daedalus/Helios. So if they're already working on the stuff for DX, what new conspiracies will there be in this inbetween game? I'm sure they could do something if they needed to, but again, I don't think it's a very good fit, and I don't think I want it.


Solo said:
They might have to remake/reboot the original if they want to make a sequel to it.

I just don't want more Adam Jensen games.

I haven't started the game yet (just got it!) but was wondering about this. I loved the original Deus Ex but Denton had no personality what so ever.

So does Jensen's personality suck that much or is this nostalgia?
Solo said:
If they aren't going to touch DX1/IW, at least set the next game AFTER those events.

Well, they are forced to either nuke the tech back down or once again fall into the trap of making it 'too futuristic' like IW was. They certainly could do it but do we want it?
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