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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime

My thoughts after completing the first hub (~8 hours):

  • I have a ton of money (16,000 cr) and nothing to spend it on. I don't need to buy guns, and they don't sell the ammo I need (stun darts) or upgrades. And there are no more praxis kits to buy.
  • I totally hack everything. Have the access code already? Hack it anyway. Use a vent to get inside a room. Ransack it, exit through vent, return to door and hack it. Hacking is enjoyable and tons of XP.
  • Ammo is incredibly scarce for just about everything. Take a guard's rifle, 2 shots in it. WTF?
  • I will smash as many fools as I need to so that I can hack a terminal in peace.
  • The newest PC patch with snappy load times is fantastic. I know this is cheesing the game, but if I get locked out of a hack, often times I just reload my save (~10 sec) rather than wait for the lockout (30 sec). I only do this when I'm in an office where there's no danger anyway.
  • The first boss wasn't as bad as I thought (definitely helps going in with the right expectations). You can save mid-fight, which is helps a ton. Here's a tip in the form of an extremely mild room layout spoiler:
    And you can hide in the side rooms to recover your batteries.
  • In general, I like that if you screw up, it only takes 2-3 shots before you go down. This feels right.
  • The lighting in this game is phenomenal. Just gorgeous.
  • This section in the lead-up to the first boss, was genuinely scary.
    I was really afraid that those mechs were going to start activating. When I first descended into the FEMA facility, I saw that robot and realized that all those boxes I'd seen on the surface were huge mechs I nearly crapped my pants.
  • This game needs a new game plus.

~ John
Derrick01 said:
Pretty sure I don't want any dlc to be before the main story, it'll just be a normal cover shooter then since Jensen won't be augmented...unless they want to use a different character as the focus.

They could probably slip something into the main story, maybe even another hub if they really wanted to. They slipped the gamestop mission right in to the storyline effortlessly, but that was a ~20 minute mission.

About thaaaaat..

Will we have any flash backs to the Mexicantown Massacre? Will Jensen ever live this event down?

“There are no direct flashbacks in this game, no.

But since this is such a major part of Adam’s story, it’s not impossible it might be explored at a later time.

I would like that myself very much!


Junior, please.
MrCompletely said:
It's been awhile that I've felt lost in a game environment. I love that feeling, and with all that verticality, random apartments and shops with backrooms, Hengsha is definitely one of my favorite environments ever. It's dirty and seedy with filthy people, oh just spectacular! Then you look up and see the metal sky of the B-level and realize it's always night time down here.

Same here. I got there, and just thought "well, shit". I had no idea where I was going and I loved it. It's that daunting feeling you get when you're in a new city, you just try to get your bearings and get everything to link up in your mind.

I wandered around for a good hour or so just taking it all in. As one reviewer noted, it almost feels like you're in Neuromancer.


shintoki said:
I have to say, its a shame it has to be on consoles too since that will make them lean more towards the DLC path. And not making an expansion pack. Expansion pack would allow them to add in that completely new hub, 7-8 side quests, with probably 2-3 mission quests. DLC is probably going to be a side quest or two + mission.
I agree with that. I'd prefer an expansion pack myself. There's quite a bit I felt they could have expanded upon in the game that was either poorly done or perhaps cut out due to time or budget that I'd love to see put back in but frankly I'm a tad apprehensive about how they could do it now. Going in and addressing those specific story elements with DLC I think would be a bit, well, tacky. You've already beat the game and now you're supposed to go back and start yet again to see some shit in the middle? I kinda' don't like that. I feel almost as if if they couldn't get it in the game than leave it out, which to me leaves stuff that happen after the post game as possible DLC which excites me less. Like I said, I think there's stuff in the middle and the end that needs to be explored more, that seemed cut short of what was originally intended and would be much stronger if more time were spent on it but I dunno if I'd be receptive to spending additional money and playing through a third or fourth time just to see it.

Honestly speaking, the Tong mission I thought was pretty damn weak as a DLC and in a way does go against what Eidos said above about DLC not being stuff held from the game, granted, a bonus is a little different from mandatory paid content from the start and it doesn't change the story at all but it was pretty weak.

I dunno, I want to see more of the universe but I feel they kinda missed the boat in terms of actually doing more and would be better served doing either a full blown sequel or, directly in opposition with what they said, a DLC ending that's an epilogue of sorts. Not a fan of going back and sticking things in the middle when the game's as linear as it is.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Rez said:
I appreciate the size of the areas they give me full access to, but in the end, when I'm in the middle of an action sequence, all that I care about is how long it's taking me to get back into the game when I die. The load times are so, so awful.
With the patch on PC they are now 5-10 seconds for me. Especially in unique mission areas, those are always like 5 seconds.


angular graphics said:
About thaaaaat..

I hope they're reading this thread still.

DO NOT DO THIS. It's the quickest way to kill all the goodwill they earned with this game. No one wants to play all human SWAT officer Jensen. That screams boring cover shooter to me.
mAcOdIn said:
I agree with that. I'd prefer an expansion pack myself. There's quite a bit I felt they could have expanded upon in the game that was either poorly done or perhaps cut out due to time or budget that I'd love to see put back in but frankly I'm a tad apprehensive about how they could do it now. Going in and addressing those specific story elements with DLC I think would be a bit, well, tacky. You've already beat the game and now you're supposed to go back and start yet again to see some shit in the middle? I kinda' don't like that. I feel almost as if if they couldn't get it in the game than leave it out, which to me leaves stuff that happen after the post game as possible DLC which excites me less. Like I said, I think there's stuff in the middle and the end that needs to be explored more, that seemed cut short of what was originally intended and would be much stronger if more time were spent on it but I dunno if I'd be receptive to spending additional money and playing through a third or fourth time just to see it.

It all depends how they will handle DLC. You can go Mass Effect way - 30 minutes. You can go Fallout New Vegas - 6-8 hours. Fallout New Vegas DLC had a ton of custome textures not present in the base game, so it's not like they simply cut the content and sold it as DLC.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Rez said:
I appreciate the size of the areas they give me full access to, but in the end, when I'm in the middle of an action sequence, all that I care about is how long it's taking me to get back into the game when I die. The load times are so, so awful.
They were really bad, but I'm glad the PC version was patched. Using my SSD the load times , on average, take no more than 3-4 seconds. It's extremely fast now.


Is it possible that failing a hack would set off an alarm and fuck up the Foxiest of the Hounds achievement?

It seems to have stopped me getting a Smooth Operator XP bonus.

I have a horrible feeling I've wasted nine hours here :(


Untracked said:
Is it possible that failing a hack would set off an alarm and fuck up the Foxiest of the Hounds achievement?

It seems to have stopped me getting a Smooth Operator XP bonus.

I have a horrible feeling I've wasted nine hours here :(

Yes it can.


Untracked said:
Is it possible that failing a hack would set off an alarm and fuck up the Foxiest of the Hounds achievement?

It seems to have stopped me getting a Smooth Operator XP bonus.

I have a horrible feeling I've wasted nine hours here :(

i would assume that failing a hack would definitely nix the achievement.

can you not load a previous save and try the hack again?


Castor Krieg said:
It all depends how they will handle DLC. You can go Mass Effect way - 30 minutes. You can go Fallout New Vegas - 6-8 hours.
Haha, I haven't played either of those titles but I still think this is a bit different. At least with Fallout 3, which I felt were actually decent DLC along with Borderlands that had nice DLC, the game is off the rails enough that it just kind of fit anywhere. Of course you have the difficulty issue and some is late game content and some can be done at any time but the non-linear design of those games kind of allow you to tackle those at will for the most part. Deus Ex is dragging you by the hand from one location to the next. For instance, if I want them to expand on
Eliza and Picus
, which I absolutely do want, I'd have to replay the game all the way up to that point, I can't do the prologue and then zip over and do the DLC.

Of course if they did fix some of my gripes and actually pad out the middle and end game with enough new content perhaps it would be fitting and deserving of a "GOTY" edition or, perhaps more fitting, a 2.0 Directors Cut edition. Even though I'm unsure everyone would replay it it would complete the game itself and make it the stronger title.


Nork unification denier
dmshaposv said:
I haven't started the game yet (just got it!) but was wondering about this. I loved the original Deus Ex but Denton had no personality what so ever.

So does Jensen's personality suck that much or is this nostalgia?

Nostalgia, imo. I liked the first game, but I'm enjoying this one far more. I hope it becomes an alt-universe, as I'd love to see sequels to this game that don't have to concern themselves with maintaining any sort of consistency with Deus Ex. I'd shed no tears if DEHR ignores DE entirely for any future sequels - this is a much cooler world than the first game. Biomechanical augments >>> nanotech.
angular graphics said:

Well here's a hint to help you to crack the #DXHR #deusex code: r 5 / i e / y p

Anyone any ideas?

And more: http://twitter.com/#!/sdastous/status/108539875761995776

DXHR's treasure hunt ... i have been told to tweet this important message "a d / u k / w 0" ... good luck to all

And more from facebook:

Seriously, what's with the moonman language stuff?
b o / z v / 3 n / 4 h / 9 b / $ = / = 8 / s t / - 9, I mean come on.

WTF is going on.. Should we make a new thread about this ARG/"treasure hunt"?
Can someone either tell me or show me a site on how to hack properly in this game? I know this is probably a dumbass question but i have no idea what I am really doing.
Jintor said:
Wow. This third boss fight is bullshit.
It doesn't help matters that like the idiot I am I went and installed an illuminati chip in my brain

Haha. I knew that decision would come back to bite me in the ass but I did it anyway. Can't ignore a side quest. Gas grenade was very helpful in that fight. For me at least.
Can someone either tell me or show me a site on how to hack properly in this game? I know this is probably a dumbass question but i have no idea what I am really doing.

You see a map of 'nodes' connected by 'edges'. This is basic graph stuff. Anyway, the game highlights nodes that you can reach from where you are. Your goal is to 'capture' the target node. To do this, you must capture the nodes that lead to it, but you can only capture nodes connected to the ones you have already captured. Most nodes look like folders, they do nothing special. Cube nodes contain rewards that you will get if you complete the hack after capturing them, but require you to go out of your way to capture, so they are a risk vs reward thing.

Each node has a number attached to it, indicating how hard it is to capture (the higher the number, the longer it takes). When you have captured a node you can "fortify" is, increasing it's rating. The reason is, once the security detects that it's being hacked, it will try to capture your point-of-origin node, and when it does that, you lose, alarms will be set off and you will be locked out of trying to hack again for 30+ seconds.

The general strategy is to get as far as you can before you trigger the security. The difficult of a node also determines how likely it is to trigger the security system on a capture. You can buy an aug called "hacking - stealth" that lowers this chance, to make it easier for you. Instead of capturing a node normally, you can use a "nuke virus" to instantly capture a node with 0 chance of detection. These are consumable, you only have a limited stock, so be careful.

When you get detected, you should try to multitask if possible - while it's capturing the next node, fortify your existing nodes so you have longer to capture the rest. If it looks like you're about to lose (the timer is about to run out), abort the hack so you can try again straight away. If it's a tough hack and you want to ensure victory, don't be afraid to use a nuke virus or two at the start.

Stop! worms freeze the security systems in place, pausing the timer for a fixed amount of time. If you're going to use them, use them sooner rather than later because the security system will fortify nodes as well, making you take longer to capture stuff.

Hope I covered most of it.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
Montreal was supposed to be a full hub but got cut back to a single mission.

Daw :/

Meus Renaissance said:
5000 credits to
leave her alone?
Hmm. That is hard to accept

If you
pay him then knock him out or kill him he should have that 5000 credits on him. He also gives you a Praxis kit.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
You'll get an achievement for it, but there is an alternative solution where
she gives the chip back.

Heh that's what I did, but the asshole
gave me nothing for it and also chewed me out, so I put him away and then picked up the Praxis kit from his limp body.
Zeliard said:
If you
pay him then knock him out or kill him he should have that 5000 credits on him and maybe even a Praxis kit.
He gave me the Praxis kit when I paid the 5000 to leave her alone which kind of cheapened the decision.


Can someone either tell me or show me a site on how to hack properly in this game? I know this is probably a dumbass question but i have no idea what I am really doing.

You got to get to the green ball. Each node you take over shows a possible detection rate in a percentage form. You can lower that percentage through hacking stealth Aug's. Most of the time you don't need to worry about any other symbols on the sheet. The hexagon ones provide you with little bonus's(i.e worms which can make you detect a node unnoticed) while the cog symbols do various things (I.e lower a node's level, etc.).

A node's level, the 1-4 number, also determines how long it takes to hack that node. The lower the level the faster you hack. When caught you can disconnect or attempt to capture the green ball anyways.

Keep going at it. At the end of Detroit I was a hacking madman that would have made anyone from the movie "Hackers" blush.
mAcOdIn said:
I think it's nostalgia, all the games have somewhat failed at the main character's dialog, they're either too detached or adding too much emphasize on shit you don't feel should have it, I don't think Jensen's better or worse than Denton although a few of the cutscenes make me feel that Jensen's "cooler" than Denton.

"You mean when, rather than if?"
"Pretty sure I didn't..."

Oh yeah!

Also, re: it always being night in Hengsha, I loved the bit
in the elevator when you realise it's been day time the whole time. A really nice little touch.


Rickenslacker said:
He gave me the Praxis kit when I paid the 5000 to leave her alone which kind of cheapened the decision.

Yeah I edited it, forgot that he gives you the Praxis kit anyway when you pay him the 5000 since I never paid him. But either way I think you can pick up the 5000 from his body afterwards.
Got home from work yesterday and poof.... there went 3.5 hours before I knew what was going on. I cant even remember the last game that grabbed me like this. Just bought the Icarus system, like I needed another way to feel like a badass. I love the aug choices, all have their uses IMO.

Also, my "non-lethal" run took an ugly turn, now Im running with it. lol Accidently killed someone, so just running with it. Sometimes, its good to be bad.

Sooooooo gooooood.


angular graphics said:
And more: http://twitter.com/#!/sdastous/status/108539875761995776

And more from facebook:

WTF is going on.. Should we make a new thread about this ARG/"treasure hunt"?

Christ I wish they would just tell us. They hyped up an announcement for several days and then bombard us with gibberish codes. This gen can be extremely frustrating sometimes.


MrCookiepants said:
Haha. I knew that decision would come back to bite me in the ass but I did it anyway. Can't ignore a side quest. Gas grenade was very helpful in that fight. For me at least.
This. I mean it was kinda obvious. I did it because I wanted to see what exactly would happen. In my 'kill everyone' play-through I'm going to ignore it.

And in the 3rd fight I used a bunch of concussive grenades, a laser and a bunch of combat rifle bullets. The fight was pretty cool if you got the thing.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
angular graphics said:
And more: http://twitter.com/#!/sdastous/status/108539875761995776

And more from facebook:

WTF is going on.. Should we make a new thread about this ARG/"treasure hunt"?

If you'd like to make a thread (perhaps GAF's crypto wizards can help) by all means do so.

Jedeye Sniv

Rez said:
I appreciate the size of the areas they give me full access to, but in the end, when I'm in the middle of an action sequence, all that I care about is how long it's taking me to get back into the game when I die. The load times are so, so awful.

Haha, so true. The first boss was annoying not becuase I died 20 times (and I did), but that each reload back into the game too 36 fucking seconds. I must have spent close to 15 minutes just looking a load screen.

The game is lucky it's so damn good, otherwise I woould have taken it back to the shop toot sweet.
ThoseDeafMutes said:
You see a map of 'nodes' connected by 'edges'. This is basic graph stuff. Anyway, the game highlights nodes that you can reach from where you are. Your goal is to 'capture' the target node. To do this, you must capture the nodes that lead to it, but you can only capture nodes connected to the ones you have already captured. Most nodes look like folders, they do nothing special. Cube nodes contain rewards that you will get if you complete the hack after capturing them, but require you to go out of your way to capture, so they are a risk vs reward thing.

Each node has a number attached to it, indicating how hard it is to capture (the higher the number, the longer it takes). When you have captured a node you can "fortify" is, increasing it's rating. The reason is, once the security detects that it's being hacked, it will try to capture your point-of-origin node, and when it does that, you lose, alarms will be set off and you will be locked out of trying to hack again for 30+ seconds.

The general strategy is to get as far as you can before you trigger the security. The difficult of a node also determines how likely it is to trigger the security system on a capture. You can buy an aug called "hacking - stealth" that lowers this chance, to make it easier for you. Instead of capturing a node normally, you can use a "nuke virus" to instantly capture a node with 0 chance of detection. These are consumable, you only have a limited stock, so be careful.

When you get detected, you should try to multitask if possible - while it's capturing the next node, fortify your existing nodes so you have longer to capture the rest. If it looks like you're about to lose (the timer is about to run out), abort the hack so you can try again straight away. If it's a tough hack and you want to ensure victory, don't be afraid to use a nuke virus or two at the start.

Stop! worms freeze the security systems in place, pausing the timer for a fixed amount of time. If you're going to use them, use them sooner rather than later because the security system will fortify nodes as well, making you take longer to capture stuff.

Hope I covered most of it.

Yes this explains it perfectly thank you!


thelatestmodel said:
Guys bear in mind that Human Revolution takes place 25 years before the original game.

They could easily write a game that takes place 10 or so years before.


Couldn't help myself :)


I wish I had a better handle on the augs when I started the game. I spent a LONG time sitting on a ton of Praxis points because I couldn't decide what I wanted. I'd upgrade when I needed something (usually another point in hacking) but for the most part I just sat there indecisive.

Knowing what I know now I'd get level 5 hacking, 1-2 points of lowered hacking detection, cone of vision, strength, increased inventory, stealth level 3, reflex, additional battery, icarus fall, jumping

In that order roughly. I have all that now plus see through walls and a couple other randoms and I feel godly.


The only thing I hate is how Adam stands during conversations.

He's sort of folding his arms but he isn't at the same time AND he has this Saints Row gangsta lean going on lol.
It is so rare this gen that I sit down to play a game and don't look at the clock for 3-4 hours, but that happens everytime I fire it up.

I don't know what it is about the game, but I just really enjoy playing it. I'm not sure that I can say that about many games I have played recently.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I think I'm the only one who enjoyed the bosses :p

a) Yes, I too wish that the player wasn't forced into this battles.
b) Yes, I also find it , as someone who played a semi-stealth/nonlethal build, that tossing 20 mines at someone and blasting them with 400 shotgun shells to the face pointblank is rather :meh.
c) Yes, I found some of them to be infuriating, but that's merely because of my reluctance to carry around health items for some reason. I bet if I was stacked on hypostims and painkillers I'd have no issue with any of them.
d) With all of that said, I found the premises of boss no
2 3 and to an extent 4
to be very interesting/entertaining ( as far as bosses in first person games go ) :

2 : the location itself was very cool ( with eliza and all that ) and the DOF effect added a lot to the experience.
3 : again pretty cool environment, also my visual augs were scrambled which in turn made the, otherwise pathetic "fight", quite interesting.

But again, I fully see the complaints and wish they'd gone a different route. However I don't think they necessarily bring down the game as a whole.

edit : also, talk about a shining light in a black sea of games with no replay value whatsoever. I've just recently finished my ~30h playthrough and I'm literally forcing my self not to start a new one a.s.a.p.


I have a quick question that I'm afraid I already know the answer to. I've been going through the game trying for the pacifist achievment. I haven't even fired a regular gun until last night at the first boss battle. I did look at some guys that I took down and I saw a couple that didn't have the (Zzz) icon but instead had a skull icon. Does this mean that they were killed somehow? I don't know how this could have happened since I only have used non-lethal takedowns and tranquilizer rounds. Any clues about this? I don't want to keep trying and worrying about killing people for the rest of the game if something has already messed up.



I am getting immense satisfaction from punching out every single one of these bastards who has had me on a short leash for the entire game.
MaizeRage25 said:
It is so rare this gen that I sit down to play a game and don't look at the clock for 3-4 hours, but that happens everytime I fire it up.

I don't know what it is about the game, but I just really enjoy playing it. I'm not sure that I can say that about many games I have played recently.

Lol, same here. And I'm having difficulty clocking even 1-hour gaming sessions nowadays, but with this game, 3 hours go by without me realising.

Hate the single-cell charging though, and the boss fights are a wasted opportunity.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Jarlaxle said:
I have a quick question that I'm afraid I already know the answer to. I've been going through the game trying for the pacifist achievment. I haven't even fired a regular gun until last night at the first boss battle. I did look at some guys that I took down and I saw a couple that didn't have the (Zzz) icon but instead had a skull icon. Does this mean that they were killed somehow? I don't know how this could have happened since I only have used non-lethal takedowns and tranquilizer rounds. Any clues about this? I don't want to keep trying and worrying about killing people for the rest of the game if something has already messed up.
If you get Praxis points regarding a kill, that counts. Otherwise, I don't think you need to worry about it.


.la1n said:

Couldn't help myself :)


Where was the first place you guys ran into the explosive rounds mod for the revolver? I haven't come across one yet and I want one. With spoilers, of course.
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