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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime

theycallmeryan said:
In the Shanghai Justice sidequest, does anyone know the code for the Hive's panel or whatever (at the end)?
It's really pissing me off because I can't hack it (no worms or nukes).

If you really want to complete the sidequest without hacking, you can just kill Lee. Obviously Malik won't be happy and the guards will be on your ass. Not quite a satisfying ending to the quest, but the game still counts it as complete and you still get the achievement.


This question has probably been answered before so forgive me...

Is there only a limited number of praxis points that you get, or is it possible to max out every skill for the augs?

Basically, I want to know if I should be spending my points willy nilly or should I be carefully deciding what I want to 'specialize' in as far as my skills go.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You can't max everything, but if you do everything you can get close- the consensus is, specialize early on, but by the endgame you'll have an abundance.

My question is, can you ever actually get the twisty-hand extending enemy killing augmentation Alex uses in the trailer? I don't want to keep my hopes up.


Hawkian said:
You can't max everything, but if you do everything you can get close- the consensus is, specialize early on, but by the endgame you'll have an abundance.

Awesome thanks!
Debug mode is everything I wanted for my second playthrough.

I do love this game. So addictive, and such quality. I think I'm going to write a piece of fan mail, like on a real letter sent through the post office. That good.


Hawkian said:
My question is, can you ever actually get the twisty-hand extending enemy killing augmentation Alex uses in the trailer? I don't want to keep my hopes up.

That isn't an aug, just one of the random takedown animations (lethal) when approaching from the front.


Hawkian said:
You can't max everything, but if you do everything you can get close- the consensus is, specialize early on, but by the endgame you'll have an abundance.

Does XP max out? Because in theory you could use the infinite hacking trick to get enough XP to get all of them. But I'm thinking it would take a LOT of patience. More than I have, anyway.


RetroGamer42 said:
Does XP max out? Because in theory you could use the infinite hacking trick to get enough XP to get all of them. But I'm thinking it would take a LOT of patience. More than I have, anyway.

No, not from what I can tell. I was 5 points short of being maxed out by the very end, and I'm sure I could have squeezed a couple more points worth via XP at least just changing how I did some things.
UFRA said:
Awesome thanks!

My minor suggestion to specializing: Dont bother going above 3 hacking and 1 stealth. Ignore the other hacking trees. At lvl 3, you will be able to hack 95% of things, and anything else you can find codes for. Any higher, and you will collect a mass of nukes and time worms that will never be used. At about 80% through, when you will have already begun spending points on stuff you dont really want, bring the hacking up to lvl 5.


Just finished. I really liked the game, though there were a few really annoying bits, like the forced combat.

Was anyone else really bothered by the fact that you only regen the first battery if you run dry? Seems to make the extra battery upgrades pretty useless. You just use candy bars if you need to get an extra-long stretch of invisibility, knock out two people in a row, or spam the Typhoon. I would have had a lot more fun with the game if it all came back (I think everyone is OCD enough to be a little reluctant to restore energy unless they need it).

It felt a lot like Vampire, and I'll probably go back through at some point for Pacifist and Foxiest (though I already went through mostly stealth).

I suppose that if you're trying to max out on augs, you ought to go through all stealth-like while still knocking out as many guards as possible. Terminator-style doesn't seem to give nearly as much experience. Plus those guns really hurt on the highest difficulty. I assume that you can take a lot more damage on lower difficulties, but does the difficulty matter at all for stealth?


Gotchaye said:
Was anyone else really bothered by the fact that you only regen the first battery if you run dry? Seems to make the extra battery upgrades pretty useless.

I think it's [numberofbatteries div 2] actually. I'm pretty sure I remember 2 batteries recharging when I had 4 of them... I could be wrong though.

Nose Master

The battery thing is annoying, for sure. I don't have any active skills that require tons of energy (haven't tried cloak yet), so it's worthless unless I intend to one hit kill an entire room full of dudes.


Mordeccai said:
Is anyone else experiencing freezes on the 360 version?

In my 30+ hours on the 360 version, I experienced one hiccup where opening a door lead to a cutscene that wouldn't start and left me in a black screen. Had to restart my 360.

Never had freezes during gameplay though.
s anyone else experiencing freezes on the 360 version?
No, but when I get an achievement the 360 acts like it's going to and gets stuttering audio for a few seconds and then goes back to normal. Only time it happens. Does anyone else get this? This is a Slim 360 model that's less than a year old and the game is installed to the HDD.
Wallach said:
Any battery beyond the first will not recharge if it is fully depleted. It will recharge if you only partially deplete it.
Yeah I understand why they did it, but it just meant I very rarely ever used more than one battery for anything.


Futurevoid said:
No, but when I get an achievement the 360 acts like it's going to and gets stuttering audio for a few seconds and then goes back to normal. Only time it happens. Does anyone else get this? This is a Slim 360 model that's less than a year old and the game is installed to the HDD.

I've had that happen with a few games and achievements on a slim as well.


Probably old, but just saw these two figures for the first time on the front page of AmiAmi.




Nose Master said:
Can you still see weakened walls without the "punch through the world" augment?
Yes. You just can't interact with it. I know this because I saved 2 praxis points until I saw the cracked wall, which I then proceeded to spend on the wall punch augment.

Beaten multiple times.


I'd be in the dick
Nose Master said:
How obvious are the cracks? I know you can open them with explosives. And gunfire? (Thanks, Jessica Chobot!)
They're kind of subtle. Some areas are kind of dark and they're difficult to see in those places.


Ordered this game tonight, should have it around next weekend as my tweener game between now and Skyrim. Was looking for a solid single player action game, this looks to fit the bill.



and done

first playthrough anyway


take it with a grain of salt since mid-week Steam erased like 5-6 hours out of the blue

anyway, been sharing my thoughts about the game the whole way through in this thread, and they havent changed much. Basically i found the first half to be better, but that doesnt mean that the way the game "rushes" a bit towards the end wasnt good either, since more city hubs and fetch sidequests can only take you so far on your enjoyment. The lenght was good.

I really did like the ending
(not much feelings about the final boss fight.. all the boss fights were lame in your standard videogame affair (wich shouldnt be expected in a game like this), and this was just another one of those, albeit even easier)
, as in the ending itself, and how
every ending monologue is well written to the point where they all make sense under the circumstances, so none of them is inherently bad, they all just contradict each other but not in a "this is the best one to take" way, its really up to your opinion on the main thing the game covers; your stance on augmentations. None of it matters in the end :p but oh well

on specifically the last mission:
i overprepared, i was ready for something as long as the first missions and that was a bit of a disappointment, it was really short and there was no challenge whatsoever involved with everyone being an aug zombie :/ i even saved my game yesterday in anticipation and decided to wait to finish it today.. when it would have taken me less than 2 more hours, eh

nerdgasm after the credits was very welcome.


Nose Master said:
How obvious are the cracks? I know you can open them with explosives. And gunfire? (Thanks, Jessica Chobot!)

Unless you're constantly looking for subtle cracks in the wall, I'm not sure you would notice too many weakened walls just by sight. I probably wouldn't have without the highlighting from the augmentation.
Gamer @ Heart said:
My minor suggestion to specializing: Dont bother going above 3 hacking and 1 stealth. Ignore the other hacking trees. At lvl 3, you will be able to hack 95% of things, and anything else you can find codes for. Any higher, and you will collect a mass of nukes and time worms that will never be used. At about 80% through, when you will have already begun spending points on stuff you dont really want, bring the hacking up to lvl 5.

I would say the opposite: max hacking as soon as you can. I had all 3 hacking trees maxed before I left Detroit. The benefits of extra EXP, new ways to solve quests, extra ammo and items are just too good to pass.
Speaking of these cracked walls. I have yet to see any of these in the second hub area. Am I just blind? I found quite a few in the first.


You get so many points that maxing out Hacking and +Stealth is a good idea. I found it to be a chore later on, so anything that makes it easier is good. Fortify is useless.

slasher_thrasher21 said:
Speaking of these cracked walls. I have yet to see any of these in the second hub area. Am I just blind? I found quite a few in the first.
There's a ton.


Just got to Hengsha. I spent around 11 hours in Detroit, I think I explored everything worth checking out. I really liked the last mission in Detroit, it really felt like MGS. Although the boss fight was pretty crummy. I couldn't figure out how to beat him until I just spammed concussion grenades and used my pistol to headshot him and finished him off with Typhoon. Can't wait to dig around Hengsha with all my cool augs.


jackdoe said:
Yes. You just can't interact with it. I know this because I saved 2 praxis points until I saw the cracked wall, which I then proceeded to spend on the wall punch augment.

Beaten multiple times.

Well, you can still interact with it, you just can't punch it. You can break it by shooting at it a bunch, and I imagine grenades/explosives would do the trick as well.
Nose Master said:
Just got an achievement for (not plot related)
dropping a basketball in the hoop.
I high fived myself.

damn..i saw the ball on teh ground and did NOTHING with it! im going to have to find that again. i hope i havent left detroit yet. i assume its a little 5g number?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
lol I killed the first boss in like 10 seconds.

1 emp + 2 frags + 4 shots in the face from an upgraded shotgun.

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