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Deus Ex: Human Revolution |OT| I never asked for this... It gave me lemon-lime


Junior, please.
The_Darkest_Red said:
Well I got Pacifist and I was extremely dedicated to remaining unseen so I have no idea how I didn't get it. There were times when guards became alarmed but it was only for a split-second before I took them out and no one ever triggered an alarm. I had a few cameras go suspicious on me but never hostile. Oh well.

Damn, this has got me worried for my Foxiest playthrough. Ah well, at least it won't be a chore to play through it another 3 or 4 times!
I found the bosses to be super easy on my second playthrough, playing on Give Me Deus Ex difficulty. I tried to beat the bosses in ways that were fun instead of going for pure efficiency (spamming Typhoon), although I ended up with a pretty simple solution for beating
. Here are my strategies:

Barrett: For Barrett I simply used the cloak and avoided letting him see me the entire fight. While he was off exploring some corner that he thought I was in I was running to explosive barrels and tossing them at his back. Once I ran out of barrels I used a stun gun shot or two followed by some shotgun blasts to finish him off.

Federova: Fedorova is extremely easy to beat if you know one trick --- you can sprint right past her when she charges you and completely avoid taking damage. Her charging attack causes her to thrust forward so if you sprint towards her she will end the attack far enough away from you to not hurt you at all. My strategy was to sprint towards her when she charged, turn around and stun gun her, and then blast her with the shotgun until she snapped out of it. If you do this a few times and avoid her machine gun fire the fight is very simple.

Namir: This fight was a complete joke, and it was mostly by accident. As soon as the fight began I ran towards Namir and used Typhoon on him. While he was stunned I ran back to the wall near him and took cover. Three tossed frag mines later and the fight was over.
thanks darkest red. looks like i did it right in the end, but only by accident.

sucks being suddenly low/out of ammo with some weapons after being full to the brim for the entire level though.


In terms of bosses,
Barrett was the hardest in the game for me. The others were piss easy cos of the Typhoon and even the last boss was a joke. With Barrett, you're less equipped (primarily Typhoon-lacking) and I just found it a nightmare.
thelatestmodel said:
Damn, this has got me worried for my Foxiest playthrough. Ah well, at least it won't be a chore to play through it another 3 or 4 times!
I don't know if I can bring myself to play through it a third time in such a short span of time. It's a fantastic game but I've just put so much time into it recently and I'm pretty demoralized at the moment. Finding out that I missed 1 Darrow book after picking up the final one and wondering why the trophy didn't pop was brutal.

Also, tip for those who are going for all the Darrow books --- make SURE you have the Icarus Landing System by the time you get to
Tai Yong Medical
, it's required to get one of the books. I didn't have it when I got there and I thought all was lost but luckily I was able to accumulate some Praxis points from later parts of that stage and back-track before it was too late. Still, it's a pretty arbitrary situation and I can definitely see it screwing some people over.
Carbonox_Ratchet said:
In terms of bosses,
Barrett was the hardest in the game for me. The others were piss easy cos of the Typhoon and even the last boss was a joke. With Barrett, you're less equipped (primarily Typhoon-lacking) and I just found it a nightmare.
There are so many easy ways to beat him, though.
You can use the cloak to avoid him even seeing you and hit him while he isn't looking, you can wreck him with grenades from behind cover, you can spam the stun gun on him and follow up with something lethal like a shotgun, and you can of course use Typhoon if you have it. I guess I can see how he would be difficult at first but once you understand him he's a breeze.


The_Darkest_Red said:
Well I got Pacifist and I was extremely dedicated to remaining unseen so I have no idea how I didn't get it. There were times when guards became alarmed but it was only for a split-second before I took them out and no one ever triggered an alarm. I had a few cameras go suspicious on me but never hostile. Oh well.

One thing I noticed is that enemies go hostile when you gas grenade them despite the fact that theyre all standing there choking. Once they drop, the hostile mode drops as long as there arent any other enemies around. Did you gas anyone and not realize that it went into hostile mode?

Another thing I saw was if you tossed an item as a distraction and hit a guard by accident, they went hostile. Fire extinguisher explosions caused it too. The guard would be standing there waving his arms around and choking but still activate hostile.

If I ever do a Foxiest run, Im probably not going to touch a single guard unless its for a quick take down.


Can anyone tell me how far I'm though and how long I have left?

I'm only doing the main quests.

I've saved just after the helicopter crash
Salaadin said:
One thing I noticed is that enemies go hostile when you gas grenade them despite the fact that theyre all standing there choking. Once they drop, the hostile mode drops as long as there arent any other enemies around. Did you gas anyone and not realize that it went into hostile mode?

Another thing I saw was if you tossed an item as a distraction and hit a guard by accident, they went hostile. Fire extinguisher explosions caused it too. The guard would be standing there waving his arms around and choking but still activate hostile.

If I ever do a Foxiest run, Im probably not going to touch a single guard unless its for a quick take down.
The thing is, enemies going hostile shouldn't mess up your Foxiest run. In order to get the trophy you have to earn the "Smooth Operator" experience bonus on every objective where it's applicable. All of these objectives are similar in that there are alarms that can be triggered by the enemy, either by an individual running up to an alarm panel on the wall or by a camera / turret / robot / lasers. Enemies seeing you and going hostile doesn't actually affect the Smooth Operator bonus at all as long as you take them down before they set off an alarm. I honestly don't remember setting off a single alarm, and I don't even remember an enemy being alive for more than a second after spotting me. I just don't know where I went wrong. The only thing I can think of is maybe a turret spotted me for a split second and went hostile and I just didn't notice or something.

The next time I do the run I'll go as stealthily as possible and I probably won't even worry about the guards. The only reason I did this time is because I was going for other trophies simultaneously. Also, to make sure that I get it right, I'm going to watch carefully and look for the Smooth Operator bonus after every objective where it applies. If I don't see it I'll reload and try again.

ultron87 said:
Allow me to be Post #456 that says: This first boss fight is fucking stupid.
I had a blast playing this boss fight and focusing my strategy on cloaking. It was a very interesting game of cat and mouse.

The boss fights are really what you make of them. You can cheese your way through each one if you want but there is some real fun to be had if you opt for some of the cooler methods of approaching the fight.


The_Darkest_Red said:
The thing is, enemies going hostile shouldn't mess up your Foxiest run. In order to get the trophy you have to earn the "Smooth Operator" experience bonus on every objective where it's applicable. All of these objectives are similar in that there are alarms that can be triggered by the enemy, either by an individual running up to an alarm panel on the wall or by a camera / turret / robot / lasers. Enemies seeing you and going hostile doesn't actually affect the Smooth Operator bonus at all as long as you take them down before they set off an alarm. I honestly don't remember setting off a single alarm, and I don't even remember an enemy being alive for more than a second after spotting me. I just don't know where I went wrong. The only thing I can think of is maybe a turret spotted me for a split second and went hostile and I just didn't notice or something.

The next time I do the run I'll go as stealthily as possible and I probably won't even worry about the guards. The only reason I did this time is because I was going for other trophies simultaneously. Also, to make sure that I get it right, I'm going to watch carefully and look for the Smooth Operator bonus after every objective where it applies. If I don't see it I'll reload and try again.

Oh wow, I didnt know that. I thought that when you had a full room of enemies hostile towards you, it screwed your Foxiest run. They have to actually set off the alarms though?
Good to know.
Salaadin said:
Oh wow, I didnt know that. I thought that when you had a full room of enemies hostile towards you, it screwed your Foxiest run. They have to actually set off the alarms though?
Good to know.
Yeah, the trophy/achievement is actually for completing the game without setting off a single alarm. The one you're probably thinking of is "Ghost," which requires you to make it through an entire section without being seen by an enemy. Thankfully there is no achievement/trophy for doing this throughout the entire game.


Regarding Malik:

I had accidentally spoiled myself in this thread that there was a section where Malik could die and was expecting this crazy tough situation with my no-kill playthrough but it wasn't that bad at all. The key was getting rid of the mech early and taking down the heavy guards quickly.

After the sequence starts I just tranq a few guys while I circle around to take down the first heavy. When the mech pops I toss an EMP instantly then tranq the snipers. It only took 2 tries and I had Malik saved without a single death.

Unfortunately I think I might have caused some collateral damage with the exploding mech as I don't remember taking down the second heavy. I didn't check all the bodies to make sure no one was dead so we'll see if I get pacifist or not. I don't really care but it would be disappointing regardless.
First boss fight was easy, beat it on my 2nd try... not sure what is so hard. I just used the combat rifle and... ran. Pop out go pew pew pew and run for cover elsewhere. Pot out go pew pew pew... run..... couple seconds and it was over.
garath said:
Regarding Malik:

I had accidentally spoiled myself in this thread that there was a section where Malik could die and was expecting this crazy tough situation with my no-kill playthrough but it wasn't that bad at all. The key was getting rid of the mech early and taking down the heavy guards quickly.

After the sequence starts I just tranq a few guys while I circle around to take down the first heavy. When the mech pops I toss an EMP instantly then tranq the snipers. It only took 2 tries and I had Malik saved without a single death.

Unfortunately I think I might have caused some collateral damage with the exploding mech as I don't remember taking down the second heavy. I didn't check all the bodies to make sure no one was dead so we'll see if I get pacifist or not. I don't really care but it would be disappointing regardless.
I played this part again last night and was able to make it through on my pacifist / Give Me Deus Ex playthrough. My strategy was fairly simple:

As soon as I gained control I sprinted straight ahead towards the heavies. I popped a ProEnergy pack to get 4 bars and put on my cloak. I took down the heavy on the right first, then the guard on his right. Next I took out the second heavy on the left side and tossed an EMP grenade at the bot that appears. I ran under the left-hand (from the starting point) structure and took out the guy there before running upstairs to handle the sniper, all while maintaining my energy with consumables. Then I ran to the right structure and took out the three guys on the second story level before climbing the ladder to take out the sniper there. Finally I dropped to the ground floor and took out the last baddy.

I was happy to discover that no one was killed during this process. As long as you go for the heavies right away they will still be far enough away from the exploding bot to stay alive.


So what are Deus Ex GAF's impressions so far? I just finished the original and fucking loved it. Is there a GAF backlash incoming?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Zeppelin said:
So what are Deus Ex GAF's impressions so far? I just finished the original and fucking loved it. Is there a GAF backlash incoming?

so far people are very positive, but the game isn't perfect.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I normally avoid guides like the plague, but I just received a copy of Future Press' collector's edition guide for Deus Ex:HR and I have to say I would rather have guides by this company than any collector's edition. I don't necessarily need the guide as a reference, but the detail and attention they give every facet of this game (and any other guide) certainly should get the attention of fans.

And for the record, I am not using the guide until after one playthrough.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
just wanted to pop in - i don't stick around gaming OTs often because of all the negativity - and say i love this game

i'm maybe 12 hours in, heading out to the second city.

love some of the references (highway 17, calling for detective deckard at the police station, etc).

my favorite bit is how cyberpunky noir the atmosphere is... really love the blade runner vibe.

Zeppelin said:
So what are Deus Ex GAF's impressions so far? I just finished the original and fucking loved it. Is there a GAF backlash incoming?

it's a fantastic game


subversus said:
so far people are very positive, but the game isn't perfect.

Sounds good! What are the main drawbacks? I heard Jeff on the Bombcast talking about the game not really allowing the run and gun approach. I can live with that because I would favour stealth anyway.
DenogginizerOS said:
I normally avoid guides like the plague, but I just received a copy of Future Press' collector's edition guide for Deus Ex:HR and I have to say I would rather have guides by this company than any collector's edition. I don't necessarily need the guide as a reference, but the detail and attention they give every facet of this game (and any other guide) certainly should get the attention of fans.

And for the record, I am not using the guide until after one playthrough.
I agree, I absolutely love the guide for this game. I basically did the same thing as you, I didn't use it for my first playthrough but I have used it quite a bit since then and it has been incredibly informative and useful. Everything I could care about is covered.

Neuromancer said:
Not sure if this has already been posted but someone made a tweak to Rock Paper Shotgun that makes it look like the newspaper in DEHR:

So cool.

fallengorn said:
So how screwed am I for the Pacifist cheese mint, if I tranq'd someone and the game somehow killed them afterwards? I dragged a DRB guy underneath this platform and when I came back he was now bent over the platform and dead. :\
You're screwed. Re-load a previous save if you have it.


Bitches love smiley faces
Finished my first run, and started a second.

So how screwed am I for the Pacifist cheese mint, if I tranq'd someone and the game somehow killed them afterwards? I dragged a DRB guy underneath this platform and when I came back he was now bent over the platform and dead. :\


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
The_Darkest_Red said:
I agree, I absolutely love the guide for this game. I basically did the same thing as you, I didn't use it for my first playthrough but I have used it quite a bit since then and it has been incredibly informative and useful. Everything I could care about is covered.

So cool.
I have been tempted to look for some codes on my first playthrough...

Given the high quality of the work on this guide, I have to say Future Press is one of this generation's best stories. Deus Ex deserves the praise it gets, and this guide just adds to the overall high production values already present. Now, just fix the stuttering on PC and I am golden.


I find the first boss to be hard when I was playing on console (PS3). I then switched to my friend's copy on his computer and it's noticeably easier because all you have to do to shoot is to point and click. No messing around with the analogue stick just to get the proper target and then having to move around awkwardly in first person mode, not being able to see what's around you. Although the method shown on youtube up above is pretty efficient for console gamers.
Replicant said:
I find the first boss to be hard when I was playing on console (PS3). I then switched to my friend's copy on his computer and it's noticeably easier because all you have to do to shoot is to point and click. No messing around with the analogue stick just to get the proper target and then having to move around awkwardly in first person mode, not being able to see what's around you. Although the method shown on youtube up above is pretty efficient for console gamers.
Good grief, you have got to be kidding me...


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Zeppelin said:
Sounds good! What are the main drawbacks? I heard Jeff on the Bombcast talking about the game not really allowing the run and gun approach. I can live with that because I would favour stealth anyway.

Boss fights are the main complaint.

Also not sure why they said it, it's much easier with combat approach (if you upgrade yourself and weapon in the right way). But it's definitely more interesting in stealth.
subversus said:
Boss fights are the main complaint.

Also not sure why they said it, it's much easier with combat approach (if you upgrade yourself and weapon in the right way). But it's definitely more interesting in stealth.
The game shines at its brightest when you're playing as a stealthy, hacking, take-down specialist.


Replicant said:
I find the first boss to be hard when I was playing on console (PS3). I then switched to my friend's copy on his computer and it's noticeably easier because all you have to do to shoot is to point and click. No messing around with the analogue stick just to get the proper target and then having to move around awkwardly in first person mode, not being able to see what's around you. Although the method shown on youtube up above is pretty efficient for console gamers.

lmao, I beat the PC version twice using the 360 controller.


ultron87 said:
Allow me to be Post #456 that says: This first boss fight is fucking stupid.

First boss is sooooo easy. Can be done in under 60 seconds. Using only a few bullets.

Just throw an EMP at it right at the start, then throw all the cannisters/extinguishers etc around you. Then a few bullets and you have one dead boss.

Really easy!


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
There's a glitch if you hack a system, use nukes (makes it faster) and can get to the Red server node (if allowed ===, not allowed ===>=== or ===<===) get the prompt of what you earn, just reload last save and it stacks

I did it couple of times here and there, got 50+ nukes/stops
Zeppelin said:
Sounds good! What are the main drawbacks? I heard Jeff on the Bombcast talking about the game not really allowing the run and gun approach. I can live with that because I would favour stealth anyway.

Stealth and hacking are prioritized over all other approaches in terms of XP. You'll want to hack everything and move through all of the vents even if it serves you no purpose in terms of progressing through an area, and non-lethal takedowns give you far more XP than kills. Also, the imbalanced XP rewards for hacking render passwords and codes essentially useless. It feels like the developer is very heavy handedly guiding you to play the game in a certain way imo. This probably sounds like nitpicking, but it's a very strange design choice in an ostensibly open-ended game. To me at least, open combat simply feels like the wrong way to play this game, especially since Adam Jensen goes down so quickly no matter which augmentations you upgrade.
ColonelColon said:
Stealth and hacking are prioritized over all other approaches in terms of XP. You'll want to hack everything and move through all of the vents even if it serves you no purpose in terms of progressing through an area, and non-lethal takedowns give you far more XP than kills. Also, the imbalanced XP rewards for hacking render passwords and codes essentially useless. It feels like the developer is very heavy handedly guiding you to play the game in a certain way imo. This probably sounds like nitpicking, but it's a very strange design choice in an ostensibly open-ended game. To me at least, open combat simply feels like the wrong way to play this game, especially since Adam Jensen goes down so quickly no matter which augmentations you upgrade.
I'll be honest, while I absolutely love this game and consider it my favorite of the generation, you are completely right. It's so weird that you don't get XP for using codes and passwords, and the game really does feel like it's meant to be played with stealth as the primary focus. Luckily for me this is exactly what I'm looking for and I still feel like there is enough flexibility to make things sufficiently interesting, but I totally agree with what you said.

GraveRobberX said:
There's a glitch if you hack a system, use nukes (makes it faster) and can get to the Red server node (if allowed ===, not allowed ===>=== or ===<===) get the prompt of what you earn, just reload last save and it stacks

I did it couple of times here and there, got 50+ nukes/stops
That's cool, I needed a way to have 100 too many nukes/stops instead of the 50 I end up with anyway. :p


The_Darkest_Red said:
I'll be honest, while I absolutely love this game and consider it my favorite of the generation, you are completely right. It's so weird that you don't get XP for using codes and passwords, and the game really does feel like it's meant to be played with stealth as the primary focus. Luckily for me this is exactly what I'm looking for and I still feel like there is enough flexibility to make things sufficiently interesting, but I totally agree with what you said.

Haha I feel the same way. The game is obviously geared towards stealth but I don't care because I've been wanting a decent stealth game for quite some time.


ColonelColon said:
Stealth and hacking are prioritized over all other approaches in terms of XP. You'll want to hack everything and move through all of the vents even if it serves you no purpose in terms of progressing through an area, and non-lethal takedowns give you far more XP than kills. Also, the imbalanced XP rewards for hacking render passwords and codes essentially useless. It feels like the developer is very heavy handedly guiding you to play the game in a certain way imo. This probably sounds like nitpicking, but it's a very strange design choice in an ostensibly open-ended game. To me at least, open combat simply feels like the wrong way to play this game, especially since Adam Jensen goes down so quickly no matter which augmentations you upgrade.

I've commented on this before. If they would just reward getting into a computer or storage with a code that would really open up the playstyles. It doesn't have to be quite as much xp but something similar.

I would propose giving 75% of the available hack xp for bypassing using a code. That way you can reward the exploration and finding the codes and not just have a desire to hack everything just for the xp.
Interfectum said:
Haha I feel the same way. The game is obviously geared towards stealth but I don't care because I've been wanting a decent stealth game for quite some time.
To me it's like being angry at a Metal Gear game because stealth is prioritized. I understand that Deus Ex is generally known as being a franchise that allows tons of viable solutions to a problem (which is probably where most of the complaints come from), but as someone who didn't play the first one and loves the gameplay in the MGS series I honestly couldn't care less.

This game is basically MGS as an RPG, or in other words, my dream game.


DXHR still needs to take a few more hints from MGS to make me love it as much as a stealth game. A capable melee combat system and some form of CQC or the ability to grapple an enemy and drag him to cover BEFORE knocking him out would be real nice. Wall tap and more throwable items/distractions would be incing on the cake.

It definitely helped my urge for MGS style stealth though. Its a very, very good first effort.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Salaadin said:
DXHR still needs to take a few more hints from MGS to make me love it as much as a stealth game. A capable melee combat system and some form of CQC or the ability to grapple an enemy and drag him to cover BEFORE knocking him out would be real nice. Wall tap and more throwable items/distractions would be incing on the cake.

It definitely helped my urge for MGS style stealth though. Its a very, very good first effort.

As far as the wall tap... I jump in place. But the best tool in the game is to just throw something at a wall. The guards will walk toward it, right past you, without noticing. Discovering this, broke the game a bit more.

In other news I think I fucked up my no alarm playthrough. :/ A while back I shot a camera. I'd disabled all alarms panels and guards in the area, but I wanted to hack a PC. So I shot the camera. Didn't hear any alarm at the time. But later in the game, much later unfortunately, I shot another camera. Same deal, no panels active or conscious guards in the area, but this time I did hear an alarm. :/


Btw... for future reference, what about the automatic alarm when you get
rushed after whatshername hides in her panic room in the tower
in China? Doesn't count against you right?
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