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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This

I mean, I get the importance of augs in the world, and yes I was definitely loose with the details and perhaps a bit inexact in how augs relate to the various things I listed. But nevertheless, all of those things DO directly concern augmentation one way or another, and I can't help but feel that the entire aug angle is plumbed just a little too heavily. I mean certainly, there are other things going on in the world not related to augs?

I guess part of my exhaustion with hearing "aug aug aug" over and over stems from the fact that I kind of just don't buy the whole foundation - that people would flock en masse to permanently modify their bodies with mechanical parts. Certainly there would be a fringe group at least that would happily do it, but on the whole people don't like things in their body. I've worked in a hospital and seen how deeply upsetting it is for people to have anything interfering with their body. Like I said, there can be exceptions, but I don't think most people would readily swap their limbs for mechanical ones no matter how great the benefits seemed to be.

So in short, I don't mind suspending my disbelief for certain things (
Golem City
was very cool, for instance) but on the whole I think the entire aug thing is just too much. There are other stories they can tell with the aug angle as a constant, a backdrop, that don't have to directly concern augmentations and the people who use them. The first Deus Ex, for instance, talked about augs here and there - it was a part of the world but not all of it. It feels like every single story has to concern augs to an almost ridiculous degree.

Again though, I'm enjoying the game immensely, and I'm not trying to get anyone to agree with me necessarily about the aug thing, I just think the idea and its various implications have been thoroughly exhausted, and by this point in the game's timeline it feels like it should be more something that simmers in the background rather than dominates literally every single that happens.
Did you play Deus Ex Human Revolution?

I'm not sure the exact source but for me by the end of that game, it seemed pretty natural for why so many people were getting augmented. It was like electricity, a car, a phone... it was aptly named 'Human Revolution' because suddenly people had accessed to tools that dramatically improved their lives.

But there was also a rather huge (and under stressed in DXMD) element of 'forced' augmentation. It was a pretty big theme in Hengsha in DXHR though.

A lot of augs were war vets, of which there were a lot after not only the US wars but also the Russian States war and the Australian Civil War (these things are also not really stressed outside of emails or eBooks).

Another large number of augs were indirectly forced to remain competitive. In the same way you basically need internet, need a smartphone, in DXHR a lot of people needed basic vision or sensory augs. 'Soft' augs... not limbs or such, but a lot of augs just got minor things like Malik or that stock trader in Hengsha. A lot of labourers also needed limb augs, however, simply to remain employed.

DXMD however doesn't do the best job of either making the player feel that, or giving 'emotion' to the Aug Incident. There's one short story cutscene late in the game where a character retells an anecdote from that date, but in general the game assumes you sort of already know why augs are so common and also 'feel' (not just know) the Aug Incident was so horrible.

Both of which I think were only really conveyed by playing (and I supposed being immersed in, emotionally moved) by the Hengsha and Panchaea sections of DXHR.

And even then, maybe it didn't connect for everyone or it's been too long and DXMD should have had a better [emotional] (not just text) that makes you feel and understand that again. At times I did feel the game did not actually make you FEEL about the Aug Incident or 'segregation' enough -- it constantly pushes in in your face and TELLS you it's happening, but it doesn't do enough to make you believe it. It just assumes it's already accepted commonplace from DXHR I guess.
As someone who devoured the original and beat it 3 times across 2 different platforms, platinum yo!, In 5 days, I have to say I am a bit disappointed after just finishing this one.

This is not what a sequel that took 4.5 years to make should feel or play like. It's literally the same as the first game in almost every aspect, even down to the way too simple animations.

My biggest complaint is that using all those awesome weapons and combat augments still feels wrong in the world with the alarms etc. I wanted more areas separate from the hub and enemies that ARENT cops so I could at least feel like I could maybe let loose. Instead, most of that shit I upgraded and collected was left untouched as I waited for
boss fights that never came.

But goddamn, do I love adam Jensen as a character so fucking much. His look, his voice, his personality, it's a huge reason why I loved the first as much as I did and why I still enjoyed this one. That all said...

Those 8-ish score were right on the money I feel.


Just downloaded that Deus Ex Universe app.

Was playing a stealth play through and I'm pissed it says I've set off 1 alarm, thought I have been a ghost so far.

But it also says I've only shot 1 tranq round, played for 0 hours but spent 5 hours cloaked. So it may be bugged.
As someone who devoured the original and beat it 3 times across 2 different platforms, platinum yo!, In 5 days, I have to say I am a bit disappointed after just finishing this one.

This is not what a sequel that took 4.5 years to make should feel or play like. It's literally the same as the first game in almost every aspect, even down to the way too simple animations.

My biggest complaint is that using all those awesome weapons and combat augments still feels wrong in the world with the alarms etc. I wanted more areas separate from the hub and enemies that ARENT cops so I could at least feel like I could maybe let loose. Instead, most of that shit I upgraded and collected was left untouched as I waited for
boss fights that never came.

But goddamn, do I love adam Jensen as a character so fucking much. His look, his voice, his personality, it's a huge reason why I loved the first as much as I did and why I still enjoyed this one. That all said...

Those 8-ish score were right on the money I feel.
huge agree on that one point (i talked about that in the spoiler thread)

i hated how basically almost all the enemies were obviously meant NOT to be killed in terms of story... there was almost never a reason where it actually even remotely make sense to kill people until the very end. even in DXHR, at least it feels like a choice... you have somewhat legitimate reasons to at least be partially violence for a lot of missions.

but most of this game, you're basically just dealing with augs, cops, or security guards... even the side quests or exploration made no sense for the story. (even by Deus Ex standards... DXHR does a much better job of giving legitimate reasons to explore or connect side quests to the main story, but in MD almost all the side content feels to contradict the story.

also sort of felt like the game had almost too much side content... hidden sewers and apartments. because clearly that must be the reason why the game basically only had 1 main hub, and 3 other areas. i would have gladly sacrificed some of the side questing Samizat or Cult or Georgian Mob side areas if it meant we got another area that actually made sense for the story like the Page Industries thing in San Francisco the game kept referring or maybe a London hub... anything.

Prague has incredibly detail but so much of it has nothing to do with the story, and even fact contradicts the urgency of the story, and I felt like maybe the story would have been better served by less Prague and another area -- or Prague better served by a less urgent, more investigative story.

all game I had been stocking up my armor piercing sniper rifle, grenades, etc hoping for one mission where it made sense to let loose... and in the end I just ended up basically going non-lethal/stealth for the entire game ;p felt like the story never really set me loose... was always some reason where it made sense for my headcanon to keep going 'no alarm' (e.g. GARM and London) or non-lethal (Golem city, martial law)... even the final boss I never used the armor piercing sniper rifle or grenade launcher cuz it made more sense to EMP the shield/stun gun/CQC him to take him alive haha


Least? Illuminati controlled the rejection drug, the incident was triggered because Jensen's DNA threatened its hold over augmented population.

Yea but that's not when augs became commonplace now is it? I am talking about the time when mechanical augs showed up, that was the time when they were shitting their pants because they saw it as a threat to them. They didn't have control over the rejection drug when aug tech showed up and definitely not the biochip which didn't show up until the year HR was set in.


Did you play Deus Ex Human Revolution?

I'm not sure the exact source but for me by the end of that game, it seemed pretty natural for why so many people were getting augmented. It was like electricity, a car, a phone... it was aptly named 'Human Revolution' because suddenly people had accessed to tools that dramatically improved their lives.

But there was also a rather huge (and under stressed in DXMD) element of 'forced' augmentation. It was a pretty big theme in Hengsha in DXHR though.

A lot of augs were war vets, of which there were a lot after not only the US wars but also the Russian States war and the Australian Civil War (these things are also not really stressed outside of emails or eBooks).

Oh I played the hell out of Human Revolution, I loved that game. Still, I didn't really connect that much with the whole voluntary aug angle - the idea people would give up their bodies on purposes to become better at.... lifting things? I dunno.

The "forced aug" thing I did think was super cool though. The gang
in Hengsha collecting limbs and running this black market for workers and criminals
- I can buy into that.

I also liked Johnny in Mankind Divided -
his post-service aug thing, where he's trying to fit back into a normal world and not doing well with it
. That's another legit and interesting angle, and I think you also saw shades of that in DX1 with Gunther Hermann - his frightening appearance and extremely crude demeanor.

Don't get me wrong I think there are legitimate and interesting stories to tell, but there are quite a few times in Mankind Divided where it feels like their just hitting the same note a little too hard. Like I said, some of the above things are interesting and thought-provoking, but the whole "racism" / "our people" angle seems like it is going a little too far into hard-to-believe territory. I think that theme would fit better if the game was about the rise of actual robots and AI, but not when they are clearly just normal people with mechanical limbs - prior Incident or not, it seems far fetched.

The thing to note is that the world in Deus Ex went through a phase of transhumanism. Augs were letting them do things that was so far beyond anything that a normal human could do or achieve that it wasn't even funny. It was almost magic...getting things done to their body was a small price to pay for all of that. It was also during a time when illuminati had the least control over human beings.

Not 100% sure what you mean with the Illuminati thing. If you're talking about the world in Human Revolution / Mankind Divided,
they have tons of control - literal control. That's what the whole incident thing was. They got everyone by the balls
. If you mean the world of Deus Ex 1, they were bunch of has-beens ("pretentious old men" haha).

But like I said, personally I stand by my feelings. Based on my experiences and discussions, I don't think you would see mainstream adoption of highly synthetic looking artificial limbs among average citizens. Soldiers, criminals, perhaps laborers, but completely voluntary replacement of limbs? I just don't see people doing that so much that it becomes a common sight.
ughhhhh. i'm experiencing some really annoying bugs on PC. when i fired this up today, the button prompt to 'hold B to remove marks' is just stuck there on the lower right. It's annoying, but i was dealing with it, but just now the big huge prompt that pops up across the screen that says something to the effect of 'press Y to see when augs you can remove to cool down' is up on the screen DURING GAMEPLAY AND WON'T GO AWAY! tried reloading, not working.

please help GAF :(


This is so annoying. Crash at the same fucking place on PS4, can't continue the game. :( I'll have to start over on the PC.


Not 100% sure what you mean with the Illuminati thing. If you're talking about the world in Human Revolution / Mankind Divided,
they have tons of control - literal control. That's what the whole incident thing was. They got everyone by the balls
. If you mean the world of Deus Ex 1, they were bunch of has-beens ("pretentious old men" haha).

But like I said, personally I stand by my feelings. Based on my experiences and discussions, I don't think you would see mainstream adoption of highly synthetic looking artificial limbs among average citizens. Soldiers, criminals, perhaps laborers, but completely voluntary replacement of limbs? I just don't see people doing that so much that it becomes a common sight.
Like I said previously I am talking about a time when augs were introduced, which is a lot earlier than HR. By the time Illuminati could exert any control augs were already widespread, which is the entire reason they acquired the anti rejection drug production and started the biochip thing. If it was up to them they would have prevented augs from becoming common place altogether and limited it to the elite and their servants, but since they couldn't they went with plan B which drug control and biochip.

Keep in mind that the real plan for the biochip was not to cause aug incident, that was solely on Darrow who wanted to take the world into an age without any augs at all. The actual plan was to use the biochip to limit the aug abilities of existing augs by making their auguments less effective so that the only people fully capable of using their augs were the people affiliated with Illuminati.
Oh I played the hell out of Human Revolution, I loved that game. Still, I didn't really connect that much with the whole voluntary aug angle - the idea people would give up their bodies on purposes to become better at.... lifting things? I dunno.

The "forced aug" thing I did think was super cool though. The gang
in Hengsha collecting limbs and running this black market for workers and criminals
- I can buy into that.

I also liked Johnny in Mankind Divided -
his post-service aug thing, where he's trying to fit back into a normal world and not doing well with it
. That's another legit and interesting angle, and I think you also saw shades of that in DX1 with Gunther Hermann - his frightening appearance and extremely crude demeanor.

Don't get me wrong I think there are legitimate and interesting stories to tell, but there are quite a few times in Mankind Divided where it feels like their just hitting the same note a little too hard. Like I said, some of the above things are interesting and thought-provoking, but the whole "racism" / "our people" angle seems like it is going a little too far into hard-to-believe territory. I think that theme would fit better if the game was about the rise of actual robots and AI, but not when they are clearly just normal people with mechanical limbs - prior Incident or not, it seems far fetched.
Yeah the limb augmentations for labour are harder to believe. I think they could have maybe had more soft augmentations like sensory stuff... the number of bladed legs does seem rather high.

That said, the game does say Prague actually has one of the highest concentration of augs in the world. Game says the sort of EU migration that is happening now kinda transitions into aug migration to Prague because of their open borders and pro-aug policies. Most cities don't have so many... Prague just does because they purposefully had pro-aug (and pro-business) policies pre-Aug Incident, which is why it's so important in the story -- it has by far the highest proportion of augs so other countries are watching Prague to see how they handle their social situation.

Though again the story doesn't really stress that too well... it just makes it seem 'normal' when in fact according to one of the loading screens (and I think an eBook) Prague is the exception not the norm.

I agree about that character.
In fact I wish the game spent more time doing that because it actually makes the player feel and believe the themes of the game, whereas DXMD doesn't make enough of an effort in that regard and just assumes you believe it and obviously it's bad without actually investing the time and content into truly connecting the player to those emotions -- instead dedicating that time to unrelated content or themes that are great gameplay [and even cool side stories] but really don't help (and maybe even do a disservice) to its core story.


still can't get over how 'better with stealth' game, Jensen still has no 'stealth' takedowns lol.

Maybe in the future aug's can't afford good hearing.
still can't get over how 'better with stealth' game, Jensen still has no 'stealth' takedowns lol.

Maybe in the future aug's can't afford good hearing.
what do you mean by 'no stealth takedowns'? maybe i misunderstand what you mean.

there are cover-based takedowns that don't reveal your position (after the animation, you and the target are behind cover), and also invisibility takedowns that don't break your invisibility.

also new ways to take out 2 or 4 guards at the same time to ensure no alarm is raised*

(*which has to be physically done so you can also plant mines at alarms before you take out groups so just in case someone tries to run directly to it you can still retain 'zero alarms.')


I started a sidequest involving infiltrating the
and I feel like I've made a terrible mistake.

The place is like a fortress. I could get lost in here for hours.


So I have played previous games in the series but never seriously. Never beat a single one.
I have rented this from GameFly as why not.
Just played the first opening mission and since i Loaded the Save Point several times thinking I was fucking up, I just want to confirm,
you cannot actually stop the copter right?
yeah those 3 circles... e.g. it'll blink Alpha 2 times, Omega 1 time, Beta zero, so if you choose an Alpha response you'll get the more positive response in the meter above.

non-story development/plot but a gameplay design/review comment on the system in the game as a whole...
not that it really matters a lot cuz there's basically only 1 important conversation duel and it doesn't have much (or any? i think you could get in that room from the outside window and just hack that vault even without the keycard)

i mean there's another duel and there's a couple small conversations where you can use it too for 1 response but it's nothing like all DXHR's conversations


Wait how do I check my stats through the app? Do car alarms count against the achievement? Uh oh...

Loving the game thus far. Just slowly exploring every little bit of Prague. 14 hours in, wanted more HR and it feels just like it in all the right ways!
So I have played previous games in the series but never seriously. Never beat a single one.
I have rented this from GameFly as why not.
Just played the first opening mission and since i Loaded the Save Point several times thinking I was fucking up, I just want to confirm,
you cannot actually stop the copter right?
yeah, and save the agent... actually i don't know what happens otherwise...

but if you stealth bumrush to the back of the helicopter and take out the battery, the helicopter is stopped and the agent lives

dunno what else matters... i found that satellite uplink side mission and also i never killed any guards [non lethal] since the story said non-lethal would help his cover not get blown.

and if you're too slow, the agent can get shot and killed but the helicopter battery still removed.

but if you're fast you can do both.


Tried to stop a robbery in progress, ended up somehow accidentally punching out the victim and being killed by the perp. FUUUUUCK!!!


Its kind of incredible how much of the game is there just for the side quests, which have been more involved and interesting than the main missions


Yeesh, finally got to sit down and play for a bit tonight. Plays buttery smooth on PC, I forgot how nice a new video card can be. The first thing that jumped out at me was how much bigger the environment and number of enemies they put you against even in the tutorial area. I found myself playing faster and more aggressive and the end of the mission was bigger then anything I remember in Human Revolution. I like it so far. The long cut scene after the tutorial was very well done.
Though again the story doesn't really stress that too well... it just makes it seem 'normal' when in fact according to one of the loading screens (and I think an eBook) Prague is the exception not the norm.

There's a lot more info about Prague being so aug heavy than just that but you only get it if you explore a fair bit so its easy to miss.


what do you mean by 'no stealth takedowns'? maybe i misunderstand what you mean.

there are cover-based takedowns that don't reveal your position (after the animation, you and the target are behind cover), and also invisibility takedowns that don't break your invisibility.

also new ways to take out 2 or 4 guards at the same time to ensure no alarm is raised*

(*which has to be physically done so you can also plant mines at alarms before you take out groups so just in case someone tries to run directly to it you can still retain 'zero alarms.')

I mean the animations. Dude is shoryukening guys lol.
This is not what a sequel that took 4.5 years to make should feel or play like. It's literally the same as the first game in almost every aspect, even down to the way too simple animations.

Not sure if it was in full production that entire time. EM also made Thief in that time and provided an assist on Rise of the Tomb Raider.


yeah, and save the agent... actually i don't know what happens otherwise...

but if you stealth bumrush to the back of the helicopter and take out the battery, the helicopter is stopped and the agent lives

dunno what else matters... i found that satellite uplink side mission and also i never killed any guards [non lethal] since the story said non-lethal would help his cover not get blown.

and if you're too slow, the agent can get shot and killed but the helicopter battery still removed.

but if you're fast you can do both.
Thanks. Obviously
I just suck as I did neither.
LOL I was literally
right at the back of the helicopter too for a good 20-30 seconds and just did not see any prompt at all to remove the battery.
Damn it now I feel like I need to play it all over again.
I at least
found the side mission of the satellite uplink.

Since I really am not what one would call a veteran of the series and I never checked out HR I think it is going to take some time to get familiar with how it should be played.

Thanks for the reply.


EMP + melee non-lethal takedown

Edit: Quite a few have asked this same question today, people don't experiment?

Personally, as I was going for a no kill run, I didn't have a weapon other than the tranq rifle and stun gun. So I couldn't have experimented with emp rounds, even if I had the inspiration to do so!


The fact that civilians and police are on the same alert level is stupid. Walk out of a restricted area door and be seen by a civie? All the cops in the world start shooting you. that's idiotic, ESPECIALLY in the setting they're trying to establish.
I mean the animations. Dude is shoryukening guys lol.
some of the cover ones are not too bad for that haha.... most seem to pretty clearly bring the guy behind cover in a quick way but there are a few where he takes a little long 'in the open' pounding his face before returning to cover lol
The fact that civilians and police are on the same alert level is stupid. Walk out of a restricted area door and be seen by a civie? All the cops in the world start shooting you. that's idiotic, ESPECIALLY in the setting they're trying to establish.
where does that happen?
late game spoilers.... cuz you could be referring to a different point, so don't real unless you've beat the game... it's a minor plot spoiler but i think it's far better to see it happen -in-game that to read about in on a forum. so, late game plot spoiler
i hide near and get seen by civilians all the time during martial law and they never alert the cops... i always hide by that cage near the metro when i have to stealth back to the apartment (when you come out of the metro and you go left), and sometimes i'll run behind the backs of cops [with an arrested civilian looking at him and me] and also no alert...

usually only time i civilian alerts a cop for me is if i've done something wrong.. e.g. they see me punch someone in the stairs, the cops below will get alerted after they scream

actually, maybe you mean in the bank or something? i think that happens to be there, yeah. like near the vault elevator, i come out of the vent and a civilian across the way caused an alert once.

the fact it happens there but not during martial law though makes me wonder that maybe he's not actually a civilian but an employee ;p or just it's natural for any bank customer to alert their bank when their bank is being trespassed hehe

but i don't think it's a blanket system because it don't happen during martial law
Does panic count as an alarm? If it does fuck that.
i don't think so... the way i kept track is the first time you get an Alarm, the game gives you an 'Alarm' pop-up... like all the other Help pop-ups.

so any time I got an Alarm, I reloaded the game, and basically I still got that Alarm 'help' pop up the entire game any time i screwed up.

and there were a couple times where guards saw me, panicked, but I still took them out before an Alarm was raised... and then later in the game, if I screwed up and I did get an Alarm, I still got that help pop-up (which would indicate the game thinks I still haven't got my first alarm).

my [no alarm] playthrough is still about 10-15% away from the ending tho so not 100% sure if I get the Foxiest of Hounds trophy tho haha


so i hear they rebalanced exp gain from killing dudes (no real incentive to not be full passive last game) so killing dudes is worthwhile.

Any story stuff or any gameplay stuff that changes depending on if you go nonlethal or lethal?
Man, bad habit of accidentally throat punching when trying to skip dialogue.

Also a couple times I've gotten the fallout style glitch where I get thrown 100 ft in the air for no reason, that's always good fun.
so i hear they rebalanced exp gain from killing dudes (no real incentive to not be full passive last game) so killing dudes is worthwhile.

Any story stuff or any gameplay stuff that changes depending on if you go nonlethal or lethal?
small comments, to be sure... i think there's a solid half dozen times where someone comments on it.

but otherwise i'm not sure... i don't think it would really impact the main mission resolution all that much, e.g. in Golem City

no story or plot spoilers but i sort of talk about the 'design' and other people may not want to know how certain design systems actually work.
I think even if you kill augs, you can still win the conversation duel and get him to help.... and even if he didn't help... i think you can still break into his back office to get the evidence from the outside window

in the very least, it seems mostly mission restricted... i could see it mattering during a very late mission but it would just impact that mission and the ending.... but whether you were lethal or non-lethal before in other missions wouldn't really matter. i'm not sure but i can't think of any comment or plot resolution where killing certain groups of people really would have mattered. it mostly comes down to a few clear moral choices rather than gameplay approach.

the one area it could matter is with the gang.... non-lethal does not have any impact but if you were lethal and killed certain people the specifics of their later missions would change [cuz they'd be dead lol]. there are ways to help them too and i dunno how that matters cuz i went total stealth/non-lethal.
Man, bad habit of accidentally throat punching when trying to skip dialogue.

Also a couple times I've gotten the fallout style glitch where I get thrown 100 ft in the air for no reason, that's always good fun.
haha did that a couple times coming out of the menu.

wasn't paying attention and suddenly i've just cold cocked some girl and she's KOed on the ground, and i just sort of stare at the tv a moment thinking wtf i just do :O


I started a sidequest involving infiltrating the
and I feel like I've made a terrible mistake.

The place is like a fortress. I could get lost in here for hours.

Yeah I went pretty deep into that place, got what I came in there for, but still left lots of it unexplored. I'll have to go back after I'm better equipped.
So I tried to capture a node at 45% detection, sometimes when I try the alarm triggers and the countdown begins, other times I'm able to capture it and move to the next one.

Why's that?
So I tried to capture a node at 45% detection, sometimes when I try the alarm triggers and the countdown begins, other times I'm able to capture it and move to the next one.

Why's that?

Uhhhh....because you have a 55% chance of NOT triggering the alarm?

That sounded condescending... Sorry(look up four posts and you can see why I'm in a bad mood). Small tip: go after the lowest level "files' while hacking, the more nodes under your belt(plus fortifications) before you activate the timer, the better.


Holy crap I just went to read the Pocket Secretary from an obviously dead body and when I came out of it the body was reaching up to me. I almost shat myself.

it was because of having both 'grab body' and reading the pocket secretary on 'hold E'.


Holy crap I just went to read the Pocket Secretary from an obviously dead body and when I came out of it the body was reaching up to me. I almost shat myself.

it was because of having bith 'grab body' and reading the pocket secretary on 'hold E'.

Been there done that. It was an unconscious person though and it scared me so I shot him again.
Uhhhh....because you have a 55% chance of NOT triggering the alarm?

That sounded condescending... Sorry(look up four posts and you can see why I'm in a bad mood). Small tip: go after the lowest level "files' while hacking, the more nodes under your belt(plus fortifications) before you activate the timer, the better.

Ok thanks.

So, is there a passcode for eveything you can hack hidden in the game world somewhere?

I'm guessing no.
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