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Devil May Cry 4 |OT| of daring to defy your savior


chaoticprout said:
Is there a trick to killing the Blitz's as Nero? They're a bitch and a half on SoS while everything else is a cakewalk.

Knock the shield down with level 3 charged shots. When it goes down, DT then Buster 3 times while charging another shot. After the third buster, fire and put a couple more weaker charged shots out. It should be enough to trigger the self-destruct and you'll get an SSS for your troubles.

Guess I should've read the manual earlier. It explains why Nero's arm was in a sling.
Still messing around with the controls. Put Gun Attack on RT, Lock-On on LB, and DT on X. Feels better than having Gun Attack on LB, but I still can't Rev like this and you can't put Rev on anything but the triggers. Gonna have to tinker a little more with the controls.

Narag said:
Guess I should've read the manual earlier. It explains why Nero's arm was in a sling.

Why is that? (I only rented it.)


Attack You said:
Still messing around with the controls. Put Gun Attack on RT, Lock-On on LB, and DT on X. Feels better than having Gun Attack on LB, but I still can't Rev like this and you can't put Rev on anything but the triggers. Gonna have to tinker a little more with the controls.

Why is that? (I only rented it.)

Generic injured in the line of duty line when demons mysteriously started appearing and he gets caught up in it. His sword is damaged and taken in for repairs etc. Its not much of anything but at least its something.


gray_fox224 said:
So if I use a Gold Orb, can I save the game/turn it off? Will it take me back to where I used it?

Also, how does one harvest orbs?

Gold orb is just to continue where you died, It won't let you resume from there later.


gray_fox224 said:
So if I use a Gold Orb, can I save the game/turn it off? Will it take me back to where I used it?

Also, how does one harvest orbs?

No, you can never save location mid-mission, only what you've collected during the mission. Gold Orbs just instant-respawn you where you died, but give you a score penalty.


I guess the demo really didn't translate into sales.

LIVE Activity for week of 2/4
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
3 Guitar Hero III
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band
6 Madden NFL 08
7 Devil May Cry 4 Demo
8 Assassin's Creed
9 Forza Motorsport 2
10 FIFA 08

That should have covered the release first few days of DMC4. Unless it was a slow burn (due to the silver members getting the demo later maybe?), it probably didn't outsell the PS3 version. This is in line with my expectations.
Just cleared 8-11 on SoS....here we go backtracking!

Edit: Man, thinking about it I really really like Nero and his gameplay. Even though the Styles are awesome with Dante I kind of suck with Royal Guard so all I use is Swordmaster, which is what Nero is by default pretty much and then trickster. Styles + Devil Bringer would be amazing.


On my 3rd playthrough now, SOS mode. (finished Human after Devil hunter, just for the artwork and accomplishment. :D )

I'm basically S-ranking every mission now....probably because the enemies take more damage, which makes the combos longer, allowing more stylish points.

Still getting lost though with Nero on some missions; with the backtracking. :lol :lol


Working charged shots into my combos has made S ranking fights a lot easier. It's getting easier on my hand, too :lol I still occasionally get so wrapped up in charging that I forget to instarev, but I do not think that'll be an issue for much longer.
Draft said:
Working charged shots into my combos has made S ranking fights a lot easier. It's getting easier on my hand, too :lol I still occasionally get so wrapped up in charging that I forget to instarev, but I do not think that'll be an issue for much longer.

Switching the gun to the right trigger took me a while to get used to, but since then its been gravy. SSS combos are cake for me now, as long as there are enough enemies.

I LOVE instant rev/charged shot/devil bringer. The only combo for Nero I can't instant rev on every strike is his YY, YYYY(give or take a couple Y's) combo. The timing for that throws me off way too much.

I'm surprised how much I've been playing really (32 hours in 5 days), didn't think I'd like this game nearly as much as I do. Now that I've collected all the blue orbs its time to start DMD tomorrow. Might have to put it on hold though because I'm picking up LO and I've barely touched Culdcept.

Also I dont get the hate for the jungle levels. The infected guys with the blades are annoying, but they're not that bad. The purple clouds can be annoying I guess, but I got stuck there for like 2 minutes maybe. And Echidna is probably my favorite boss, so thats a plus.

_leech_ said:
dice game
on Mission 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

If you dont know the dice trick, the dice roll in a preset order (1-4-2-6-3-5? not 100% sure off hand). When the number you want comes up, use your buster and it will always land on the number that is on top.


Draft said:
Working charged shots into my combos has made S ranking fights a lot easier. It's getting easier on my hand, too :lol I still occasionally get so wrapped up in charging that I forget to instarev, but I do not think that'll be an issue for much longer.
I should start a Blue Rose defense force. :lol Haters be damn!!!!
iconoclast said:
If you dont know the dice trick, the dice roll in a preset order (1-4-2-6-3-5? not 100% sure off hand). When the number you want comes up, use your buster and it will always land on the number that is on top.

I find counting to six out loud in your head. Bustering on 6 has worked for me pretty much 100% of the time.
Only a couple missions in so far, but I'm enjoying the game. Playing it through 1st on Human, will play through the 2nd time on the other setting (am a damn achievement whore :( )
Took a few tries but I finaly beat Credo (SoS), He was giving me hell right when he only had one health section :lol . One of the best boss fights in the game.
I never argued anything about the gameplay, I said it's really well refined and all. I'm saying Nero is not needed. Capcom's reasoning was that they needed Nero in order to cater to newcomers of the series. Well I don't get how they thought Dante would overwhelm newcomers with his extreme number of moves and abilities and yet somehow they still make him playable in the game. If the moves are too overwhelming, no one's forcing anyone to use all of them.

Capcom apparently had this ingenious idea of the Devil Bringer but they couldn't give it to Dante because it didn't suit him. Well fine, it doesn't necessarily have to be a mutated arm, it could've just been some original new style or weapon that'll enable him to buster and snatch enemies. Nero is just the result of Kobayashi's retardation. He gets a potentially good idea, but completely mishandles it by introducing lame ass twists and turns to the franchise that sacrifices everything in order to implement them.

Gilgamesh, Rebellion and Lucifer are of course excellent weapons, but it wouldn't have hurt if Dante had at least 3 more weapons like let's say a new sort of spear/scythe, the return of the awesome nunchuckus and the oh so badass Sparda sword in playable form with new original moves, all of which could be exchanged and customized at the Divinity Statue. But right now, DMC4 having less weapons than its predecessor just seems like a step back.

And I don't really know too much about this, and maybe it's because I've only played 8 missions as Dante so far, but having 3 OTF weapons with just one button to cycle through them is a bit too cluttering. Maybe I just need to get used to it though. Obviously idiot Kobayashi is partly to blame, as it was his decision to completely rule out Vergil from the game, and squeeze all his abilities and moves into Dante.

Speaking of Vergil, Nero's disgustingly bland and awful story is the result of his absence and of Dante's "lulz this shit's too fucking easy lulzorz everything's a piece of cake and a walk in a park" attitude. That attitude was lame in the anime, and it's lame in DMC4. I'm not a Vergil fan by any means, but I recognize his importance to the series. Dante's character shines through when he interacts with his twin brother, they're both very similar in terms of power, but have completely different personalities, goals and desires. Here's a direct translation by kiera from the official DMC3 "Trinity of Fates" book to better explain it:

Trinity of Fates said:
"Just like Dante, Vergil wanted to protect his mother, you can also see his sense of reverence for his father Sparda. This is not merely a picture of polar opposites with Dante=Good and Vergil=Evil. Their love for their parents is the same, but the most important part of their father's legacy is for Dante, his soul, and for Vergil, his power. Sparda and Eva probably treated the brothers equally, but the fact that their mother was killed trying to protect her children was a turning point for the twins, and it seems that after that their lives were divided."

"The battle where Dante and Vergil place themselves on opposite sides is a battle with one's other self. Dante and Vergil are each other's shadows, and at the same time each other's light. The relationship between Dante and Vergil is such that each of their selves are formed due to the other's existence."
Dante's badass-ness only really shows when he's pushed to his limits, not when everything's too fucking easy for him like in DMC4. The Mundus fight in DMC1 is a great example. Vergil is one of the few that continually poses a serious challenge to Dante. And it's the fact that Dante still acts cocky in situations like these that truly make him a genuine badass.

Another thing is the god awful script. Capcom must've gotten complete utter retards to write it. Some of the lines are horrible and embarrassing. Some of Dante's lines especially are completely retarded. Nero's ones are marginally better. Though the best cutscene in DMC4 has to be the Dante and Berial one seen here:


That's one of the few that put a smile on my face, that's how Dante should always act in DMC4, it perfectly captured the classic cocky Dante vs 2000 year old badass demon that's transferring his grudge on Sparda over to Dante. The fact that he acknowledged Dante's legendary status indirectly compares him to his father and that's always great.

As for Nero, I didn't want to hate him as much as I do right now, because I was hoping he'd have some sort of relevance to Sparda and a real connection to Dante that would be explained and all, but that sadly didn't happen. Instead the story feels like a big filler from Bleach or something. Like I said, Nero doesn't need to completely disappear in DMC5, he can be brought back, but let him get the same treatment as Raiden in MGS4. He's not playable, but yet he's still there, all matured and mysterious. It would be awesome if we were to fight him as a boss, and that Dante would kinda have to take him seriously this time in order to win.

These are all complaints that I'm hoping Capcom acknowledges when making DMC5, I hope they won't be like "Oh look DMC4 sales are very good, let's give them more playable Nero, less playable Dante and a more random, unrelated story". I know the newbies think that DMC was never about story but all about gameplay, but this is coming from a big DMC vet, and well I've always liked the DMC universe and characters and so do a lot of other fans, so I want a good story thank you very much. It makes the gameplay all that more fun to play. But don't get me wrong, I'm more into the gameplay than anything else, I will be attempting SS runs on DMD and all, but a lackluster story and Kobayashi's idiotic decisions are a major turn off.

Personally, though, I don't understand why Capcom couldn't have just changed it up, DMC4 doesn't need to follow DMC3's formula... devil bringer could have been given to Dante and still provided a variety of weapons, whether as a style or a replacement for style button (circle ala nero) altogether, furthermore Dante getting the DB would have made sense...
The sons of sparda united once again, that which was halved is now whole! XD XD XD XD XD


How many hours are you guys at right now?

I'm at about 30. definitely the most time I've put into a game in this short of a period in a long time.

non-game spoiler:
all time high is 80 hours into DoA:Ultimate online when it launched. I was.....a big fan at the time. not so much any more :lol


the_id said:
How are the sale for the PS3 version compared to the x360 version?

all will be told in next month's npd.

coincidentally, that's when all the friendly PS3+360 coexisting in this thread will end. :lol jk


Mamesj said:
How many hours are you guys at right now?

I'm at about 30. definitely the most time I've put into a game in this short of a period in a long time.

non-game spoiler:
all time high is 80 hours into DoA:Ultimate online when it launched. I was.....a big fan at the time. not so much any more :lol

48 and I don't see this game getting old for a long time if ever.


DantesWrath said:
I never argued anything about the gameplay, I said it's really well refined and all. I'm saying Nero is not needed. Capcom's reasoning was that they needed Nero in order to cater to newcomers of the series. Well I don't get how they thought Dante would overwhelm newcomers with his extreme number of moves and abilities and yet somehow they still make him playable in the game. If the moves are too overwhelming, no one's forcing anyone to use all of them.

Capcom apparently had this ingenious idea of the Devil Bringer but they couldn't give it to Dante because it didn't suit him. Well fine, it doesn't necessarily have to be a mutated arm, it could've just been some original new style or weapon that'll enable him to buster and snatch enemies. Nero is just the result of Kobayashi's retardation. He gets a potentially good idea, but completely mishandles it by introducing lame ass twists and turns to the franchise that sacrifices everything in order to implement them.

Gilgamesh, Rebellion and Lucifer are of course excellent weapons, but it wouldn't have hurt if Dante had at least 3 more weapons like let's say a new sort of spear/scythe, the return of the awesome nunchuckus and the oh so badass Sparda sword in playable form with new original moves, all of which could be exchanged and customized at the Divinity Statue. But right now, DMC4 having less weapons than its predecessor just seems like a step back.

And I don't really know too much about this, and maybe it's because I've only played 8 missions as Dante so far, but having 3 OTF weapons with just one button to cycle through them is a bit too cluttering. Maybe I just need to get used to it though. Obviously idiot Kobayashi is partly to blame, as it was his decision to completely rule out Vergil from the game, and squeeze all his abilities and moves into Dante.

Speaking of Vergil, Nero's disgustingly bland and awful story is the result of his absence and of Dante's "lulz this shit's too fucking easy lulzorz everything's a piece of cake and a walk in a park" attitude. That attitude was lame in the anime, and it's lame in DMC4. I'm not a Vergil fan by any means, but I recognize his importance to the series. Dante's character shines through when he interacts with his twin brother, they're both very similar in terms of power, but have completely different personalities, goals and desires. Here's a direct translation by kiera from the official DMC3 "Trinity of Fates" book to better explain it:

Dante's badass-ness only really shows when he's pushed to his limits, not when everything's too fucking easy for him like in DMC4. The Mundus fight in DMC1 is a great example. Vergil is one of the few that continually poses a serious challenge to Dante. And it's the fact that Dante still acts cocky in situations like these that truly make him a genuine badass.

Another thing is the god awful script. Capcom must've gotten complete utter retards to write it. Some of the lines are horrible and embarrassing. Some of Dante's lines especially are completely retarded. Nero's ones are marginally better. Though the best cutscene in DMC4 has to be the Dante and Berial one seen here:


That's one of the few that put a smile on my face, that's how Dante should always act in DMC4, it perfectly captured the classic cocky Dante vs 2000 year old badass demon that's transferring his grudge on Sparda over to Dante. The fact that he acknowledged Dante's legendary status indirectly compares him to his father and that's always great.

As for Nero, I didn't want to hate him as much as I do right now, because I was hoping he'd have some sort of relevance to Sparda and a real connection to Dante that would be explained and all, but that sadly didn't happen. Instead the story feels like a big filler from Bleach or something. Like I said, Nero doesn't need to completely disappear in DMC5, he can be brought back, but let him get the same treatment as Raiden in MGS4. He's not playable, but yet he's still there, all matured and mysterious. It would be awesome if we were to fight him as a boss, and that Dante would kinda have to take him seriously this time in order to win.

These are all complaints that I'm hoping Capcom acknowledges when making DMC5, I hope they won't be like "Oh look DMC4 sales are very good, let's give them more playable Nero, less playable Dante and a more random, unrelated story". I know the newbies think that DMC was never about story but all about gameplay, but this is coming from a big DMC vet, and well I've always liked the DMC universe and characters and so do a lot of other fans, so I want a good story thank you very much. It makes the gameplay all that more fun to play. But don't get me wrong, I'm more into the gameplay than anything else, I will be attempting SS runs on DMD and all, but a lackluster story and Kobayashi's idiotic decisions are a major turn off.

Maybe Nero is easier to use? I mean, the general gamer cannot produce million combos that show on youtube and that's the big part of why they don't find DMC as fun as it should. Nero comes with the simpler ability, 1 gun + 1 sword + 1 arm. Surely the hardcore player can find it deep with some practice. But the general gamer can still be fun without trying to make it deep as well. Just imagine the player who can enjoy Dynasty Warrior.

I'm quite sure Capcom will still provide both style (like Nero and Dante in DMC4) in DMC5. This is good for the game to maintain mainstream preference while serve the need of the hardcore.

* But I agree. The story was lame. I think they try to make the player argue about Nero's origin with only the glimpse of 'He has Sparda's blood'. But that is not enough. We need something more to maintain our conversation before DMC5. DMC4 start with the interesting mystery (Nero, The order, relation with Dante, etc) but fail miserably at the end just because they decided to explain nothing.


Mamesj said:
How many hours are you guys at right now?

I'm at about 30. definitely the most time I've put into a game in this short of a period in a long time.

21 hours. Beat DH and Human mode, played a little bit of Bloody Palace as well. Started Son of Sparda. This level's difficulty has been exagerated. I kicked Berial's ass. The Yamato DT moves as well as the face slam and uppercut will absolutely destroy Berial and all in one go.

This is easily the most time I've spent on an action game since DMC3. The ability to carry your stats over to a new difficulty level is one of the reasons this is my favorite action franchise.
gray_fox224 said:
Jesus, how can I defeat the battle with Credo as Nero?
learn his pattern and when to dodge
charge shots and buster grabs can break his defence.
you can also grab his spear and throw it back at him


Zzoram said:
I guess the demo really didn't translate into sales.

LIVE Activity for week of 2/4
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
3 Guitar Hero III
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band
6 Madden NFL 08
7 Devil May Cry 4 Demo
8 Assassin's Creed
9 Forza Motorsport 2
10 FIFA 08

That should have covered the release first few days of DMC4. Unless it was a slow burn (due to the silver members getting the demo later maybe?), it probably didn't outsell the PS3 version. This is in line with my expectations.

Barely anyone on my friends list seems to have it, not sure if that would be a good indicator or not but only a few people have it.

Othwerwise I'm stuck on the boss right now on DH mode mission 17, he sucks my damn energy and I don't know how to stop it.
unomas said:
Barely anyone on my friends list seems to have it, not sure if that would be a good indicator or not but only a few people have it.

Othwerwise I'm stuck on the boss right now on DH mode mission 17, he sucks my damn energy and I don't know how to stop it.

shotgun up close or pandora's box should stun him. If that doesnt work try Gilgamesh.


unomas said:
Barely anyone on my friends list seems to have it, not sure if that would be a good indicator or not but only a few people have it.

Othwerwise I'm stuck on the boss right now on DH mode mission 17, he sucks my damn energy and I don't know how to stop it.

Try to Devil Trigger to break it. I can't remember if Dante can do it or not. If he's charging you to grab and take your energy, roll out of his way. If its the thing in the middle, go all out while he's floating in the air to knock him out of position.


Appreciate the tips, I figured it out shortly after my post. I would have had a great time on that mission but obviously I screwed up that part time wise. Now on to mission 18! I think I'll save it for tomorrow, looks like it will be a good challenge at the very least.

Edit: I think I actually like Dante more but I do miss the arm, all his different styles can really do some serious damage against different enemies. It's like he has this giant toy box of weapons to play with.


For anyone that cares, I've updated the PS3's leaderboard thread with actual leaderboard info.

Thread is over here:


And here are the leaderboard scores for GAF:

<[Leaderboards: Top 3]>

(Note: some names listed are fellow GAF members who have not signed up for the leaderboard, but I have on my friends list regardless)

All names are listed by their GAF name for easier association.

Human Total (02/13/08):
00483 - KGKK - 992161
01134 - Defuser - 897158
04601 - akachan ningen - 729243

Human M01 (02/13/08):
03759 - Matrix - 7289
03780 - Remy - 7284

Human M20 (02/13/08):
06216 - KGKK - 20680
07395 - Defuser - 19444
11148 - akachan ningen - 17012

Devil Hunter Total (02/13/08):
00384 - miamiwesker - 1331930
00458 - I3rand0 - 1300249
06693 - Defuser - 768803

Devil Hunter M01 (02/13/08):
01426 - Remy - 10669
04719 - miamiwesker - 8886
06895 - I3rand0 - 7804

Devil Hunter M20 (02/13/08):
00499 - I3rand0 - 40715
00898 - miamiwesker - 36413
04070 - KGKK - 26989

Son of Sparda Total (02/13/08):
00443 - Defuser - 2182596

Son of Sparda M01 (02/13/08):
00859 - miamiwesker - 11701
01170 - KGKK - 11253
02055 - Defuser - 10567

Son of Sparda M20 (02/13/08):
01000 - miamiwesker - 53712


Oh, I almost forgot. Bloody Palace :)

Blood Palace Ranking (02/13/08):
01261 - miamiwesker - 240149
01459 - Defuser - 218455
08120 - ~Devil Trigger~ - 109722
09351 - KGKK - 106306
09754 - akachan ningen - 103768
13541 - Ninja Kn1ght - 87653

Narag: why? that list consists of I3rando, miamiwesker, KGKK, sagat2036, myself, EekTheKat, and Defuser, in that order. You haven't added your name to the GAF leaderboard list (aka sent me a friend request). Or were you referring to worldwide records?

The top 3 M20 DH in the world is as follows
1) Monban357 - 114180
2) brea - 113881
3) MH7sA - 112177


Darkpen said:
Oh, I almost forgot. Bloody Palace :)

Narag: why? that list consists of I3rando, miamiwesker, KGKK, sagat2036, myself, EekTheKat, and Defuser, in that order. You haven't added your name to the GAF leaderboard list (aka sent me a friend request). Or were you referring to worldwide records?

The top 3 M20 DH in the world is as follows
1) Monban357 - 114180
2) brea - 113881
3) MH7sA - 112177

Thanks, I was curious about worldwide!
Darkpen said:
Oh, I almost forgot. Bloody Palace :)

Narag: why? that list consists of I3rando, miamiwesker, KGKK, sagat2036, myself, EekTheKat, and Defuser, in that order. You haven't added your name to the GAF leaderboard list (aka sent me a friend request). Or were you referring to worldwide records?

The top 3 M20 DH in the world is as follows
1) Monban357 - 114180
2) brea - 113881
3) MH7sA - 112177

I just got that bloody palace score a few hours ago, I actually made it to the 30's. I am becoming a Blitz killing machine (pandora's box omen for the win!)

Brea is slowly losing his top spot in many missions I noticed. I think he still has the overall game lead.


MiamiWesker said:
I just got that bloody palace score a few hours ago, I actually made it to the 30's. I am becoming a Blitz killing machine (pandora's box omen for the win!)

Brea is slowly losing his top spot in many missions I noticed. I think he still has the overall game lead.
Oh yeah, brea's fucking insane (and makes me want to cry in the corner), but he does look like he's being passed up by a few people.
Darkpen said:
Oh yeah, brea's fucking insane (and makes me want to cry in the corner), but he does look like he's being passed up by a few people.

Their scores are just stupid crazy. I get S/S/S on all categories in some missions (I dont get a no damage bonus though) and they still get like double my score, its crazy.
played up to mission 5 so far. and, um, i suck at this game >.<

i need some serious practice.

the opening cutscenes were fucking awesome. and gloria, oh gloria :lol

man capcom really overdid it with her.


Finally finished SoS,yeah sorry for taking took long although I got the game earlier,was too busy with other stuff.

Time to start DMD.


I just beat the game, so now I can tackle the comments by the fans now.

Just beat the game for the first time. Never felt this disappointed in my life since DMC2. The story is atrocious. Nero sucks. The script is horrible. No Vergil, no extra costumes, stupid unlockables. Only 3 weapons for Nero and only 6 for Dante? WTF happened to "DMC4 will have more weapons that all of the previous games combined"??

Beating the game made me feel like I just watched one long ass filler arc that messes and completely ruins the story. Ridiculous. Agnus/Credo/Kyrie are all stupid, useless characters. Even Dante has almost no relevance to the story. Trish did almost nothing, and don't get me started on Lady. The story feels too much like the abysmal DMC anime, but worse. And I know it's all because of Kobayashi, since he worked on the DMC anime too.

All that's left for me in this game is the core gameplay, which is really well refined. All I can think of right now is maxing Dante and start making some crazy combos. I didn't mind the backtracking and the fact that you have to fight bosses multiple times. The level design isn't on the same caliber as DMC1, but it's very hard to compete with Kamiya's genius, especially if you have an idiot like Kobayashi working on the team.

My score: 7.5/10.

I am now officially no longer a DMC fan. I am a DMC1/DMC3 fan. I will not be looking forward to DMC5, unless Capcom admits and realizes all their mistakes in DMC4. Nero should be what Raiden is in MGS4, Dante, Vergil and Sparda should become the main focus again and finally Kobayashi's role should be no higher than coffee-fetcher boy.
I disagree with a lot of what was said in this post. Except stuff dealing with Kobayashi relating his over promising of the game or leading the fans in the wrong direction.

I think people are too fixated on "OMFG only 6 weapons for Dante" or "OMFG only 1/1 weapon for Nero!" I was of this opinion as well.... until I played the game. Dante is already too complex to be able to hold anymore weapons at once, he has like 4 devil arms, 3 firearms one of which can transform into 7 firearms (seriously Pandorra is just insane) and then you have 4 styles to switch OTF from.

Nero is meant to be the simplified form of DMC going back to its DMC1 roots and it works like a CHARM. More emphasis on enemy/player interaction, manuevering, timing, powerful DT and lots of powerful moves you can dish out at once. But more importantly Nero brings back the fundamental aspect of DMC and that is just good ol' skill-based bad ass action for all. Dante is DMC3 combat on steroid, in fact it was almost too much for me with the triple devil arm switch (I am getting used to it but I find it easier to incorporate Dark Slayer combos in). It's not how much you have, it's what you do with what you have that matters. What DMC4 has, it does to perfection.

In terms of game play, DMC4 is basically perfect and no other game in its genre comes close. You have two very different options but both ingenious in execution and even if something like Nero was standalone to DMC4 it would've still been superior to most other action games. This doesn't need anymore elaboration because as a fan of the series I don't think anyone can argue this any other way.

The rest of the stuff is arguable. Story admittedly is weak... but I didn't find it significantly worse than either DMC1 or DMC3's story, especially not DMC1's extremely bare bones story. What DMC4 lacked was a solid villain like Vergil or Mundus, someone that you really wanted to finish off at the end. Sanctus wasn't developed well enough and even if he had, beating up an old guy is just isn't that bad ass. I thought the interaction between Kyrie/Nero was decent at best, but it still gave Nero more character than Dante ever had. Quite frankly I am getting tired of Dante, with this "LOLZ this is like cake walk for me" but even then it was an entertaining ride for me. The cutscenes/story were fun, but I do agree they failed to reach on any other level aside from that.

DMC4 does more things right than it does wrong and not a lot of credit is being put on those things. Stuff like art design, enemy design and just general polish to it is far superior to previous games as well as balancing numerous aspects of the game like difficulty, devil trigger and move selection. It is really only marred by critical game design flaws related with poor balance of Dante/Nero play and using that as an excuse for recycled content. To me that should not have happened but it did and the game deserves to get slacked for it. Other than that, DMC4 does an excellent job of bringing in the experiences of both DMC1 and DMC3 together in one package both visually and game play wise.

DMC5 should expand upon mechanics brought in by Nero and should contemplate the return of Vergil. Actually they shouldn't contemplate, they NEED to bring back Vergil.


Just finished it

Story was lame. Lame lame lame. Don't want that horrid emo romance shit in my DMC, put it somewhere else. Lost Odyssey maybe, I hear that game has room on its discs.

Nero is fun to play, insta rev is cool, buster is hilarious. His personality is... eh. Thanks to cutscenes/story, he's a half way tardly emo teenager, thanks to the combat, he's a riot who delights in his own skill, much like Dante.

Dante is great, the funky weapons are cool, looking forward to fucking around with Lucifer and Pandora more in SoS mode.

The women in this game were excellent. Choose from oversexed pantyless Gloria, or Trish and/or Lady with their chest hanging out, or Kyrie, your generic halpless japanese girl who clutches her chest in fear and/or angst and is in another castle. She probably casts Cure 1 in her spare time.

360 pad sucks for DMC, but I can mostly handle it, outside charging a gun and using buster/style moves simultaneously. Dante's final style was a nice surprise - I hope I keep that going forward in SoS+?

Looks fantastic, cool music, good sounds. lol@pandora's box, seriously.

Overall, I enjoyed DMC3's style and feel far, far more than this, but as a game, I'm enjoying DMC4 about as much. How fun the higher difficulties are will determine if I end up liking it more or less.

I'll be curious to see where they go from here. Trish/Lady DLC? DMC5, play as Sparda and relive history!
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