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Devil May Cry 4 |OT| of daring to defy your savior


Dahbomb said:
I just beat the game, so now I can tackle the comments by the fans now.

I disagree with a lot of what was said in this post. Except stuff dealing with Kobayashi relating his over promising of the game or leading the fans in the wrong direction.

I think people are too fixated on "OMFG only 6 weapons for Dante" or "OMFG only 1/1 weapon for Nero!" I was of this opinion as well.... until I played the game. Dante is already too complex to be able to hold anymore weapons at once, he has like 4 devil arms, 3 firearms one of which can transform into 7 firearms (seriously Pandorra is just insane) and then you have 4 styles to switch OTF from.

Nero is meant to be the simplified form of DMC going back to its DMC1 roots and it works like a CHARM. More emphasis on enemy/player interaction, manuevering, timing, powerful DT and lots of powerful moves you can dish out at once. But more importantly Nero brings back the fundamental aspect of DMC and that is just good ol' skill-based bad ass action for all. Dante is DMC3 combat on steroid, in fact it was almost too much for me with the triple devil arm switch (I am getting used to it but I find it easier to incorporate Dark Slayer combos in). It's not how much you have, it's what you do with what you have that matters. What DMC4 has, it does to perfection.

In terms of game play, DMC4 is basically perfect and no other game in its genre comes close. You have two very different options but both ingenious in execution and even if something like Nero was standalone to DMC4 it would've still been superior to most other action games. This doesn't need anymore elaboration because as a fan of the series I don't think anyone can argue this any other way.

The rest of the stuff is arguable. Story admittedly is weak... but I didn't find it significantly worse than either DMC1 or DMC3's story, especially not DMC1's extremely bare bones story. What DMC4 lacked was a solid villain like Vergil or Mundus, someone that you really wanted to finish off at the end. Sanctus wasn't developed well enough and even if he had, beating up an old guy is just isn't that bad ass. I thought the interaction between Kyrie/Nero was decent at best, but it still gave Nero more character than Dante ever had. Quite frankly I am getting tired of Dante, with this "LOLZ this is like cake walk for me" but even then it was an entertaining ride for me. The cutscenes/story were fun, but I do agree they failed to reach on any other level aside from that.

DMC4 does more things right than it does wrong and not a lot of credit is being put on those things. Stuff like art design, enemy design and just general polish to it is far superior to previous games as well as balancing numerous aspects of the game like difficulty, devil trigger and move selection. It is really only marred by critical game design flaws related with poor balance of Dante/Nero play and using that as an excuse for recycled content. To me that should not have happened but it did and the game deserves to get slacked for it. Other than that, DMC4 does an excellent job of bringing in the experiences of both DMC1 and DMC3 together in one package both visually and game play wise.

DMC5 should expand upon mechanics brought in by Nero and should contemplate the return of Vergil. Actually they shouldn't contemplate, they NEED to bring back Vergil.
So basically: DMC4 = DMC1 + 3, no solid main badguy, Nero > Dante, Vergil plz, and "Halo 1 level design" complex. Did I miss anything?

But yeah, I agree with about 90% of what you said. To even mention what that 10% is would just be matters of opinion and nitpicking. I don't fully agree with the guy you quoted, though.

I mean, yeah, I guess in retrospect, the story feels more or less like a "filler," but considering the fact that Nero has more character development than Dante ever will, I'd have to say otherwise.

I liked the anime for what it was (and SOMEHOW, the english dubbing failed), and I enjoyed DMC4's story for what it was, too. Maybe I feel more satisfied with the game than some people because it was exactly what I thought it would be: DMC 1 and 3 mashed together in one way or another, such as taking core gameplay from DMC1 and applying that to Nero, and everything else would be DMC3, but with much longer cutscenes and pretty graphics.


Victrix said:
Just finished it

Story was lame. Lame lame lame. Don't want that horrid emo romance shit in my DMC, put it somewhere else. Lost Odyssey maybe, I hear that game has room on its discs.

Nero is fun to play, insta rev is cool, buster is hilarious. His personality is... eh. Thanks to cutscenes/story, he's a half way tardly emo teenager, thanks to the combat, he's a riot who delights in his own skill, much like Dante.
I think you need to look up what "emo" means, just like half of this forum needs to look up what "whining" means.

Because if I'm not mistaken, "emo" = "self-serving piss-poor attention whore," and Nero is anything but those things. If anything, you got the "teenager" and "romance" parts right.


Probably answered a million times in this thread and I'm really sorry if this is the case, but where is your avatar from Darkpen?
It's so cute, and it looks like one of those stupid and funny IOSYS clips, so I was wondering if there was more to it than just this. ^^
Darkpen said:
I think you need to look up what "emo" means, just like half of this forum needs to look up what "whining" means.

Because if I'm not mistaken, "emo" = "self-serving piss-poor attention whore," and Nero is anything but those things. If anything, you got the "teenager" and "romance" parts right.

I am tired of people whining about the plot. It was ok, thats all that can be said for it but its nowhere near as bad as some people make it sound.

Now the real reason for my post, avatar gif what where now? I must know.


my god... okay, so a few people have applied to our PS3 leaderboard, and I'm afraid I'm going to be updating the leaderboard sooner than I thought I would. Expect to be shocked (or just befriend a bunch of people). Will update later tonight.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
My ":lol :lol :lol " Bloody Palace stats


Hey, at least I'm 10:th place in my country :D



There is no way I can go through all the pages so I'll ask a quick question. I didn't see it in the tutorials.

When pandora's disaster gauge fills how do you transform it into the giant rocket shooting sit-down mobile?
Amon37 said:
There is no way I can go through all the pages so I'll ask a quick question. I didn't see it in the tutorials.

When pandora's disaster gauge fills how do you transform it into the giant rocket shooting sit-down mobile?

Press O (or B I guess on 360) when in Gunslinger style.


:eek: never noticed we had a PS3 leaderboard for GAF.

Awesome job completing Bloody Palace Seiken. I'm going to give it another crack soon. Damn Berial giving out so much damage. Does anyone have tips on what style to use on the guy with Dante?

I use swordmaster so I can keep slashing his face in mid air, but it seems like I would be better of with trickster so I could dodge a lot easier. Any tips?
Man... just found out an easy ass way to defeat
Dante 2
. Just jump on the altar roof in the center of the stage. Keep playing pistol war until he jumps up, when he's in the air snatch him, buster, sword combo and he'll fall off the altar roof. Repeat this and take no damage ftw. Works great on human and devil hunter so far.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Man... just found out an easy ass way to defeat
Dante 2
. Just jump on the altar roof in the center of the stage. Keep playing pistol war until he jumps up, when he's in the air snatch him, buster, sword combo and he'll fall off the altar roof. Repeat this and take no damage ftw. Works great on human and devil hunter so far.

If that is Level 10 or 11... that is what I did to beat him... it is the level before you play as him, right?


MiamiWesker said:
Ok, thats good to know, that way the rankings wont be compromised.

Yup yup. If I remember right, its actually one of the four penalties you can incur.

Gold Orb
Enemy Handicap
Super Character


Wow, i finished DMD a couple of days ago on ps3, now i'm going to play trough the xbox360 version.

Overall i'm satisfied with the game, it was pretty much what i had expected.
I'm very glad that they didn't ditch Dante, he remains the main-series character for me.
In terms of plot, not much was revealed about Nero, which really isn't that suprising. When DMC1 came we knew close to nothing about Vergil and his downfall, it was Dmc3 that explained it for us+the manga's.

I find Nero to be a much more human character then Dante and for that i'm glad. They aren't the same. I do hope that Nero in future installments will be a little older, not a big fan of teen-heroes.

Dante i just find awesome, he's such a badass. And they didn't destroy or degrade his character to make Nero look good, Dante remains the "legendary devil hunter" and it's also implied that he has surpassed his father.

One thing i did find very funny was how so many Vergil-fanboys were so sure that Vergil was going to return at the end. I mean, Capcom made no secret of it that they wanted to keep Nero, there was no way in hell that they were gonna ditch Nero just to bring back Vergil. What we saw in Dmc4 was pretty much it, the redemption of Vergil, his power(now with Nero) is finally being used for good. He fought Mundus and lost, Dante freed his soul in DMC1.
Nero also seems to look up to Dante now, Dante helped and guided him in DMC4, for Dante, it's a second chance at having a sibling.
I also loved the implied relationship between Dante and Trish, the bit where they argued like an old married couple, or the way they easily communicate with each other without words. That's one of the best looking couples, they are just plain hot.

Unlike most people i do enjoy the Dmc-plots, the deepest so far being DMC3. Vergil wanting their father's power and stopping at nothing to get it. Dante the youngster with no direction in life, waking up to the call of justice. It's ironic that the brother that didn't care one bit about power, eventually achieves a greater power then their father.

Gameplay-wise, i enjoy playing with both characters. Nero's devil bringer does seem fresh and new and i just love those grapples and throws you can dish out against the enemies. I would like to see that also for Dante, not the devil-bringer, just throws when bosses are weakend or something. I mean it doesn't make sense for someone with that amount of power not being able to do some awesome throws.

The main enemy was ok, someone of Nero's caliber, and i again i knew that Capcom had lied, Dante wasn't going to finish the game, he could have finished it all the way in the beginning, this was Nero's fight. And he finally proved himself to be a hero, that's also something that Sanctus commented on, how Nero and Kyrie represent Sparda and his loved one Eva. I also don't think that the order is reponsible for Nero's arm, or atleast not directly, their top scientist Agnus knew nothing about it. It says in the manuel that Nero got injured when demons popped out of nowhere and attacked, nelo-angelo's spirit probaly took a hold of him then, the time when these faux-hellgates where being made and the broken yamato was retrieved.

All in all it has been a great year for DMC, a good anime(yes, i enjoyed it) and now a killer-game which i'm sure will be succesfull.
My hopes for DMC5, longer game, equally shared time between Dante and Nero. Worthy main-enemy for Dante, not Vergil, Dante has long since passed him. Perhaps Mundus again, Sparda, Vergil with Sparda's power? I don't know, it's a pretty short list on who could pose a threat to Dante. Then again, they could go after his loved ones, he obviously cares for Lady and Trish is his woman.
For Nero, it would be awesome if he were to fight Nelo Angelo in his mind for dominance and i hope he learns to use Yamato, i was dissapointed that there were so few moves for it for Dante.
DMC5 should be exclusively Nero's game with an unlockable Dante story (no back tracking). Here me out. The way Nero absorbs Yamato is pretty kick ass. Imagine if he could gain numerous devil arms which he could then absorb, adding different attributes to his DT?! That'd friggin' rock.

Here's how I imagine it: Let's say Nero can eventually acquire 3 additional devil arms (Yamato being the default). These weapons are assigned to a direction on the d-pad much like Dante's styles. Pressing a direction "summons" the desired weapon (or you may cycle through them with R2). The weapon's attack button would then be mapped to Circle, eliminating the use of snatch and such. You can re-absorb the weapon by holding R2 or tapping the same direction that the weapon is mapped to allowing you to regain snatch and buster.

Each devil arm should have it's own aura color so you'd know which weapon is equipped (or ready to be equipped) based on the color that your hand is glowing. I'd like to see DT's change based on which weapon you currently have in reserve. DTing with Yamato gives you the blue demon with the basic abilities (and upgraded abilities) that we see in DMC4. But having, say, a scythe would give Nero a totally different moveset in DT. Maybe the demon aura will grab the enemy in the air with it's scythe after you've high timed it skywards and slam it back down. It's kind of like a tag team with your own shadow.

One last thing. While the demon arm is in reserve, extra abilities should be added to the devil bringer option. A fire weapon in reserve, pressing circle could light flammable objects for added light or melt frozen doorways allowing you to advance. I can think of a ton of ideas that are far better than grabbing random relics and inserting them into your arm to make inanimate objects move (WTF capcom?).

...and yes, I have a lot of quiet time at work to think of this stuff.

EDIT: WOW, I hope I don't confuse anyone with that. I guess I had a hard time putting the thoughts into words. Don't feel like smoothing it out though.... :D


So with many of us having finally played DMC4, in your opinion, of all the DMCs, which Dante model do you prefer (looks....not gameplay-wise)?
I know many liked the DMC2 one but for me, definitely this one from DMC4 is the best. He looks great, the clothes are better and he seems more fit.


Btw, remember this...LOL :lol



I suck, I'm only getting up to Berial in Bloody Palace mode while everyone else it making to the big leagues.

I'm going to slit my wrist and write dark poetry now. :(


Narag said:
Yup yup. If I remember right, its actually one of the four penalties you can incur.

Gold Orb
Enemy Handicap
Super Character

What does enemy handicap mean? I got it one time on a boss


pj325is said:
What does enemy handicap mean? I got it one time on a boss

What hteng said. You get it from continuing 3 times on a level if I recall.

Also, the attract vid shows Nero using a revved streak to knock back the charged ball the knights will shoot. Is this possible in-game (I know about charged shot knocking it back) or was it from an older build they used to make the vid?


pj325is said:

is there any way to keep that from happening? (don't say "stop sucking")
Unfortunately not, no. If I were to die a 3rd time I'd just restart the mission instead of continuing.


pj325is said:
F both of U

At least I offered constructive help!

Use items if you have to. You'll lose the no item bonus but won't get the enemy handicap penalty if you're still alive.

Also 360 users, there's a signup thread in the online forum for a GAF leaderboard. Don't be shy!


It took me half an hour last night to get to Level 30 of blood palace, and then I fucking died.

The timer really ruins it for me - this is the first bloody palace I've wanted to actively participate in due to the great combat of the game, though the timer really does ruin things especially with the enemies that take ages to kill like Blitz or those massive Mephistos.

So yeah, does anyone else have REALLY BAD hand pains after playing an intense round of Blood Palace?

Furthermore, who do you recommend to complete Bloody Palace with? My previous best was Level 26 with Dante but now it's Level 30 with Nero. Finally, are there any "tricks" I'm missing out on?

Also, is there a list of the enemies encountered on each level? =P


bish gets all the credit :)
I just switched to Dante and I'm having trouble re-adjusting to linking tricks together. With Nero I would make great use of the Devil Bringer to link. What's the best way with Dante to up those style points?


Leaderboard update!

From here on, I'll only be doing this biweekly. The only reason why I updated this today is because a bunch of people signed up for the DMC4 leaderboard and made a STUNNING UPSET for the previously added roster.

Internal conflicts everywhere!

copy/paste of the DMC4 PS3 GAF leaderboard:

<[Leaderboards: Top 3]>

(Note: some names listed are fellow GAF members who have not signed up for the leaderboard, but I have on my friends list regardless)

All names are listed by their GAF name for easier association.

Human Total (02/14/08):
00169 - hteng - 1174436
00540 - KGKK - 992161
01253 - Defuser - 897158

Human M01 (02/14/08):
00849 - hteng - 8787
03945 - Matrix - 7289
03966 - Remy - 7284

Human M20 (02/14/08):
00817 - Danne-Danger - 31243
03893 - hteng - 23192
06630 - KGKK - 20680

Human - Honorable Mentions:
00029 - hteng - M09 - 83982 (02/14/08)

Devil Hunter Total (02/14/08):
00381 - Vagrant - 1348191
00425 - miamiwesker - 1331930
00481 - hteng - 1306220

Devil Hunter M01 (02/14/08):
01480 - Remy - 10669
03937 - Lince - 9196
04891 - miamiwesker - 8886

Devil Hunter M20 (02/14/08):
00071 - hteng - 76913
00538 - I3rand0 - 40715
00646 - Vagrant - 39293

Devil Hunter - Honorable Mentions:
00071 - MiamiWesker - M14 - 54256 (02/14/08)
00031 - hteng - M10 - 108586 (02/14/08)

Son of Sparda Total (02/14/08):
00025 - Vagrant - 3267764
00194 - hteng - 2684571
00439 - MiamiWesker - 2233476

Son of Sparda M01 (02/14/08):
00137 - Vagrant - 14292
00397 - EekTheKat - 13157
00457 - Danne-Danger - 13011

Son of Sparda M20 (02/14/08):
00055 - hteng - 139101
00131 - Vagrant - 82627
00243 - MiamiWesker - 74213

Son of Sparda - Honorable Mentions:
00001 - Vagrant - M10 - 228232 (02/14/08)
00037 - Danne-Danger - M12 - 123964 (02/14/08)
00065 - hteng - M04 - 198576 (02/14/08)

Blood Palace Ranking (02/14/08):
00030 - hteng - 4125605
00116 - Vagrant - 3238068
00280 - EekTheKat - 831076
01400 - miamiwesker - 240149
01609 - Defuser - 218455
02183 - Danne-Danger - 172532
08699 - ~Devil Trigger~ - 109722
08916 - akachan ningen - 109249
10016 - KGKK - 106306
11256 - Kyoufu - 94668

Bloody Palace - Countries: Top 3:
00305 - Canada - KGKK - 106306 (02/14/08)
00029 - Ireland - Ninja Kn1ght - 87653 (02/14/08)
06240 - Japan - Kyoufu - 94668 (02/14/08)
00001 - Singapore - hteng - 4135605 (02/14/08)
00006 - Singapore - Defuser - 208455 (02/14/08)
00009 - Sweden - Danne-Danger - 172532 (02/14/08)
00006 - U.S.A. - Vagrant - 3238068 (02/14/08)
00020 - U.S.A. - EekTheKat - 831076 (02/14/08)
00157 - U.S.A. - MiamiWesker - 240149 (02/14/08)

So yeah, don't expect an update until maybe either the end of February, when I finally unlock Dante Must Die, or when I feel like it.



Heh I don't think I stand a chance of catching Vagrant :lol

My Bloody Palace score is at around stage 79, so I think at that pace I'm at best around 1 million or so if I can ever get past that stage.


I hope Capcom releases a patch sometime through PSN to remove the time thing for Bloody Palace...or at least make it an option...

It's really, really fucking annoying.

Also, I like the fact that on SOS mode, you don't receive a penalty for using an item or 2.

Never knew this, and was afraid to try it, but shit happens and I don't feel any less manly for using a Vital Star M on the
battle. :D


Dizzle24 said:
I hope Capcom releases a patch sometime through PSN to remove the time thing for Bloody Palace...or at least make it an option...

It's really, really fucking annoying.

Also, I like the fact that on SOS mode, you don't receive a penalty for using an item or 2.

Never knew this, and was afraid to try it, but shit happens and I don't feel any less manly for using a Vital Star M on the
battle. :D

Learn to abuse the DT and charged shot level 3. You'll end up with a massive time to use later on. When I lost to credo on floor 80 earlier, I had a 20 minute timer.
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