prodystopian said:How did GoW (a PSP game) get stickied on four pages and this thread can't get stickied? said:oh my god I finally S ranked/finished Bloody Palace my hand is killing me
Dante caught me in a combo near the end and I didn't have enough to devil trigger, I got so scared. :lol
Fucking awesome!Darkpen said:
Darkpen said:
Darkpen said:
Toonami 99 said:Beat BP today it was a blast. Dante had me worried at the end but I had a full 30 min to mess with him. Narag barley beat your rank. #378
ToyMachine228 said:Add me to the sad "I can't beat Burial in Bloody Palace" crew. I've got there twice now once as Nero, once as Dante, and died both times. Had plenty of time left, just died. Son of Sparda is giving me some trouble as well. I guess I suck:lol
Darkpen said:
prodystopian said:Edit: In case you guys don't follow Yahtzee and Zero Punctuation, he did DMC4 this week:
Funny as usual. And he takes the same shots at the game as everyone else for the most part.
Hesemonni said:ASDKLASDHweasdalkseqwkjeSDÖLKÖAk321!!
FUCK : !"W3ö1231
Fucking Dante.
He just single handidly destroyed my fun with this game. I feel about the same as with Murai few years back in Ninja Gaiden. There just something with not being able to block that just doesn't feel right.
I fucking hate this game.
And one button combo system is from roadkill skunk's maggot infested rectum.
...I'm off to bed.
Ronin said:Already sank 46 hours into this. Love it to death. Just got to Credo on DMD and holy shit, this is like the best fight ever.
C- Warrior said:And DMC4's one button system allows the game to avoid "dial me a combos" that falter so many other action games. It's intuitive, simple, and moves for multiple weapons are easy to master since you don't have to memorize fuckin XYXYXYXYYYXYXYXYXYXYYYY button sequences.
Sidzed2 said:Credo is without doubt the highlight of the game.
BeeDog said:Quoting myself for some help here. Haven't played the game at all since that post (since I should be busy studying for two exams ugh), so really would like some help before I get back to it.
brandonh83 said:So after a month am I still the only one that thinks this is by far the best installment?
Vaxadrin said:Last boss strategy:
When you get his health low, he will berserk and be a bitch to hit. All you can really do is keep dodging his attacks, and hopefully get in a few quick hits on him. Hope this helps.
Yes, in reverse, sans theDevelopmentArrested said:I just got to Mission 12..
Do I have to replay the last couple missions asnow?Dante
Wow, like an ass i highlighted this.rance said:aw
I wanted to fightI know he'sCredo as Dante.and all, but they could pull off some tacky shit likedeadand it'll fit in the story just fine.zombie/reborn/whatevs Credo
3/4ths of Dante's stuff put together aren't anywhere near as usefull as Nero's Devil Bringer and Buster. I really hated playing as him (Dante) to be honest, but I got over it.ThirstyFly said:I just got tolevel too (does that really need a spoiler tag?). I REALLY miss the Devil BringerDante'sThat really added a lot to the combat for me.
raYne said:3/4ths of Dante's stuff put together aren't anywhere near as usefull as Nero's Devil Bringer and Buster. I really hated playing as him (Dante) to be honest, but I got over it.
Key is to stick to Swordmaster and Rebellion and mix the guns based on each fight. The, when you're comfortable enough, you can start adding the rest of the arsenal to the mix.
raYne said:3/4ths of Dante's stuff put together aren't anywhere near as usefull as Nero's Devil Bringer and Buster. I really hated playing as him (Dante) to be honest, but I got over it.
Key is to stick to Swordmaster and Rebellion and mix the guns based on each fight. The, when you're comfortable enough, you can start adding the rest of the arsenal to the mix.
C- Warrior said:And DMC4's one button system allows the game to avoid "dial me a combos" that falter so many other action games. It's intuitive, simple, and moves for multiple weapons are easy to master since you don't have to memorize fuckin XYXYXYXYYYXYXYXYXYXYYYY button sequences.
Vaxadrin said:Last boss strategy:
I'm assuming you're talking about fighting Sanctus in the wierd looking room, not the giant statue as dante. It took me a few tries, but here's essentially what I did.
Keep locking on & grabbing him, this will pull you towards him. Then, just mash Y or Triangle in mid-air to break his shield. He will fall on the ground. Then, DT and hit him with the biggest combo you can, ending in a buster. The buster will end his vulnerability and send him into a series of attacks again. When you get his health low, he will berserk and be a bitch to hit. All you can really do is keep dodging his attacks, and hopefully get in a few quick hits on him. Hope this helps.
Papercuts said:Well, after beating Bloody Palace there's nothing left but S ranking.
I still have a lot to go, but I should finish Human tomorrow. I'm actually surprised that S ranking some of these is kinda hard, I come up short on style because I just rev too much
Narcosis said:I actually think it's harder to S rank missions in Human than it is in Devil Hunter. I've been going for S ranks and find in Human the No item and No Damage boosts are what typically what redeems my attempts when I only A rank the Style and Orb collecting categories.
Ferrio said:Wrong
You can just buster him right as he's about to hit you, and you'll own his ass
drohne said:dante 2 is an absolute bastard on dmd. i've finally got a reliable way to beat him with no items, but that level's annoying too, and i've yet to put it together for an s-rank :/
There's always bloody palace D:rance said:aw
I wanted to fightI know he'sCredo as Dante.and all, but they could pull off some tacky shit likedeadand it'll fit in the story just fine.zombie/reborn/whatevs Credo
Really good stuff! keep them coming.Dahbomb said:DMC4 Combo video trailer - Nothing
As the title says this is just an extended preview of what is to come in terms of combos in DMC4. It is still worth a watch for some crazy set ups the player performs for Dante. Nero's combos were lacking aside from a couple, he has more potential than just what is shown and so does Dante.
ThirstyFly said:Just beat the game on Devil Hunter. Awesome, awesome game.
I messed up with 30 seconds left during the credits mini-game though
Tried again and did even worse. I want the secret ending but man, the last boss fight is just so annoying and you have to redo it every time. I might replay on Human just for shits and giggles, does that make the credit mini-game any easier?