My impressions of the demo, other should post theirs as well.
Graphics: Pretty good considering the framerate, although there is a great deal of shimmering at times and other times there are very subpar textures. Overall it's a mixed bag. 7.5/10
Music: The music is atrocious, thank god we have custom sound tracks to save the game. Music is a non factor unless you prefer video game tunes :chuckle
Control: Everything controls smoothly, but WTF is up with the jump button being the same as opening doors ? It's not always clear to me which door/gate can be opened being that I'm new to the series. Jumping in front of each door/gate until I find the correct one to enter looks silly as hell. :lol This is probably just my fault considering I'm a newb at the series.
Camera: the control is Very limited and poor. Your stuck in static views ALA Resident Evil in stairways and hallways. tsk tsk, not good at all.
AI: There is none, it's a brainless button masher. A little bit of AI would have gone a LONG way, I mean seriously this is UNACCEPTABLE!! There is litterally NO challange in the demo, sure it may get harder later with a few boss fights or throwing more enemies at you at once, but these horribly shaped monstrosities are poor excuses for enemy charachters with ZERO AI.
Gameplay: 4/10 This isn't next gen gameplay at all, in fact it would have bored me to death last gen as well.
Overall: 5/10
Let's hear other impressions on the demo, I understand it can be fixed a little before release of the full game, but so far I'm not liking it at all. I'm going to pass on purchasing this last gen gameplay.