Their choice to replace some of Nero's cutscenes with these mini cutscenes of Vergil standing still and looking at enemies seems odd. I kind of wish they would have foregone it altogether.
I'm super pleased to hear that Lady and Trish apparently have just as much depth as the other characters (and from a source that seems to have a pretty good idea what he's talking about giving the references to inertia and guard flying). But I guess now that we've got our 8 minutes of Vergil footage (plus another 8 from that Polygon video) I'm not nearly as starved and ravenous for new info. I'll probably go nuts again when we see the new characters in action though.I assumed you guys would be going nuts over the new info. Then again, it's still early.
Using it to stay invulnerable through Berial's explosion was pretty cool though.Huh, Vergil's Judgement Cut End special move didn't do much damage against Berial.