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Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June

Their choice to replace some of Nero's cutscenes with these mini cutscenes of Vergil standing still and looking at enemies seems odd. I kind of wish they would have foregone it altogether.
I assumed you guys would be going nuts over the new info. Then again, it's still early.
I'm super pleased to hear that Lady and Trish apparently have just as much depth as the other characters (and from a source that seems to have a pretty good idea what he's talking about giving the references to inertia and guard flying). But I guess now that we've got our 8 minutes of Vergil footage (plus another 8 from that Polygon video) I'm not nearly as starved and ravenous for new info. I'll probably go nuts again when we see the new characters in action though.

Huh, Vergil's Judgement Cut End special move didn't do much damage against Berial.
Using it to stay invulnerable through Berial's explosion was pretty cool though.


Santa May Claus
Screw it. I'll TLDR.

-Dante and Nero appear largely untouched. No adjustments to things like DRI, Guard Flying, Inertia.

-Confirmation that High Level Concentration + DT are needed for Dimensional Slash
-Mentions Vergil's version of Roulette, though it might be the air-only upkick move we've seen
-DT leads to faster charge, faster recovery, and enables Table Hopper\
-Hints at possible Nero origin in cutscene; might just be a guess.

-Has Pistols, Shotgun, Kalina Ann
-Only melee weapon is Kalina Ann
-Gunstinger follow-up is an auto recoil shot
-Double jump is a rocket jump
-DT is a room clearing grenade volley
-Exceed system based on a timer? Allow for different types of attacks with her guns. She charges quickly. Not sure how it's performed.
-R1+back+jump is a defensive jump back with grenade release

-Crowd control; large hitboxes on moves hitting multiple enemies
-Triangle is Bare Knuckle w/ Lightning attacks + Circle is Sparda attacks
-Has Pandora and Handguns Luce and Ombra (he refers to them as Ebony and Ivory, but I'm assuming it's Luce and Ombra)
-Roundtrip keeps enemies locked in place (similar to DMC1 and MvC3?)
-Has an Ultimate super move that is an autocombo (sounds almost like DMC4 Dante's Dance Macabre)
-Trish's divekick leaves a streak of Lightning that traps enemies in place (like Zero Lightning in MvC3?)
-Trish has a move similar to Spinning Bird Kick (hope he isn't referring to the aerial Lunar Phase)
-Pandora beam uses DT meter

The article overall has some good impressions. Well worth a read.

Huh, Vergil's Judgement Cut End special move didn't do much damage against Berial.

It seems a lot like Omen. Good against mobs, but probably pretty inefficient against bosses.


man, I hope they have made these tweaks/fast movements for Dante too! i say this for ground combos, because Dante its not fast in the ground in the switch weapons connections for combos.
Previews are up!

Impressions from all the new characters. Also, Dante and Nero are pretty much untouched.


this was the thing the guy was teasing.

And here's 8 minutes of Vergil gameplay from Polygon.

Hype hype!

I still want Dante to be more streamlined in future games, which doesn't necessarily mean taking away styles but doing simple, obvious things like "Lock On + Forward + Shoot = Gunstinger." Which makes that input a whole lot easier and frees up the style button for a new .

Personally I'm not for that input but, they could easily implementing like DmC did with Stinger. You can have the multiple input option and satisfy both parties.

Dem additions, doe



Santa May Claus
Personally I'm not for that input but, they could easily implementing like DmC did with Stinger. You can have the multiple input option and satisfy both parties.

I'm not really a fan of it either since it would mean you can't walk toward an enemy while shooting a particular one. But I also don't really care for double taps.
Dahbomb probably figured this thread was bumped because we were discussing old info again plus speculation. Man vergil looks so fluid and fast in that gameplay it's insane. I hope they make dmd harder because vergil may make the game easy mode..


gameplay with Vergil looks so smooth! Dante deserves this treatment too...

i was work in a wallpaper


i'll work nero and vergil version



Strange preview. The guy asks the other guy about the game, then they sort of go back and forth, and the first guy proceeds to talk as if he was doing the preview, while still looking at the other guy. Anyway, Vergil gameplay looks much smoother than last week's stream. Looks like they got someone with some actual skill to play, assuming a Capcom employee did the demonstration.


Vergil's "Crazy Combo"-ish Yamato move is exactly how I always envisioned it would look since DMC3:SE, lol.

Really looking forward to Lady and Trish gameplay in the coming weeks. Want to see what sort of craziness they bring to the table.

I'm not really a fan of it either since it would mean you can't walk toward an enemy while shooting a particular one. But I also don't really care for double taps.
Yeah, this is my main beef with that particular input, and stuff like "Lock On + Forward + Jump" being stuff like Air Trick - especially if you're going to start adding aerial inputs like a Stinger move.

Admittedly, if the controls were to be streamlined, I'd be down for Gun + Jump being "Gunslinger" like how DmC did it for Rainstorm. You could just use inputs + the combination to get the additional moves and what have you. Same for Swordmaster being, say, Triangle + Circle. Though I really don't mind if they keep the style system and just expand upon it and/or make it better. I have faith in Itsuno.


vergil has the rising cut from DmC, that's neat

also the biggest thing i've noticed is actually that vergil's hits all have that really meaty DMC3 kinda look to them which is something i really missed


Junior Member
That Polygon footage....oh my.

Do we know i Vergil is unlocked from the start?

I think I read somewhere that you need to beat the game first. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

EDIT: just got told that you don't need to beat the game.

Thanks akiller.


The ideal solution for an integrated control system would be having all abilities being either mappable as a single button or a double button input, and like Cody said, having the option to switch between which inputs you want via the options like the Stinger motion in DmC Definitive Edition.

So by default Gunslinger would be Jump + Gunfire, but you could map it to a single button, and you would have an option for Gunslinger to be Gunfire + directions or Gunfire + Jump + directions, or both at the same time.

You could assign double buttons for Trickster and Royal Guard, for example. Or single buttons, or get rid of either. The standard roll dodge would of course need to exist. Adding new styles would work with this framework as well. You could give them double button inputs to have more than 4 styles at once, or you could just switch out one of the existing buttons.

Swordmaster would be superfluous if each character/weapon had back-forward and 360 degree inputs both on the ground and in mid-air. Having 8 directional commands + neutral direction inputs + super moves would be way more practical than the current system where you've got the extra Swordmaster button that only gives you 3-4 more attacks. 8 directional commands for Swordmaster would be possible but would be way too much. I want more at least 5 melee weapons next time, not 3 or less.
In that 20 minutes vid you can see you can select which characters you want to play as in the mission select screen, I suppose that all characters share Proud Souls and Orbs

One thing I hope is that I can change which character I want to play as after every campaign mission so when I replay the campaign can go like: Start with Nero, change to Lady, change to Nero, change to Vergil, change to Dante, change to Trish. change to Vergil, change to Lady, change to Nero

So much gameplay variation would make me enjoy the campaign a lot more


I find it disappointing that Rising Sun is tied to DT Lunar Phase instead of being its own move still. Would honestly have preferred if DT Lunar Phase transitioned into Rising Dragon with Rising Sun left intact as its own Back + Attack move, since Rising Sun is iconic to Vergil, IMO.

Starfall causing a launch state is pretty cool, though.


vergil has the rising cut from DmC, that's neat

also the biggest thing i've noticed is actually that vergil's hits all have that really meaty DMC3 kinda look to them which is something i really missed
Seems like:
Summoned Swords can be embedded similar to DmC Vergil for later us
Teleport cancels with Embedded summon sword
Summoned Swords have hitstun in a COMBO only, but not to interrupt enemies(Juggle properties need to be checked).
Similar Drive to Dantes
Yamato has a huge hitbox
He has a HUGE jump cancel on his box (0:40) Nerf pls, Capcom
Vergil Beowulf seems faster than Dantes.
Can change the speed at which the summoned swords are fired (1:20)
Crown/Blistering swords is a launch similar to DmC Vergil.
Hightime(Hold) is multiple hits (Can see this via multiple hit frames and hit sparks)
You can cancel start, active and recovery frames of hightime to Helmbreak)
8:17 (Holy shiiiiiit)! There is no high restriction on Vergils Kill Bee as opposed to Dantes. (Can be incredibly low to the ground)Thank FUCK! *Dantes is arse.*
Killer Bee has the same hit box as Dantes
Killer Be moveset same as Swordmaster+Giglamesh Dante
9:37 Kick 13
10:13 Grouped embedded summon swords can be controlled through enemies(up and then down(in DT only))?
Air Round Trip A La UMvC3
Killer Bee is an OTG/Launch even on sheided enemies(Angelo at 12:09)
Also , possibly gained inertia from Killer Bee
Yamato has larger hitbox than Spardas sword
15:10 The size of that bullshit air Stinger
So I'll be playing DMC4 for the first time when the special edition releases, and was wondering what you guys thought of the game compared to DMC 1 and 3 as well as Bayonetta 1 and 2. I know the battle system's supposed to be an improvement over previous DMCs, but what about Bayonetta? What about other aspects of the game?


I find it disappointing that Rising Sun is tied to DT Lunar Phase instead of being its own move still. Would honestly have preferred if DT Lunar Phase transitioned into Rising Dragon with Rising Sun left intact as its own Back + Attack move, since Rising Sun is iconic to Vergil, IMO.

Starfall causing a launch state is pretty cool, though.

They could have kept Rising Sun and made either of the three moves into a back-forward input. Vergil having Kick 13 in addition to Lunar Phase and Rising Dragon is pretty lame.


Santa May Claus
So I'll be playing DMC4 for the first time when the special edition releases, and was wondering what you guys thought of the game compared to DMC 1 and 3 as well as Bayonetta 1 and 2. I know the battle system's supposed to be an improvement over previous DMCs, but what about Bayonetta? What about other aspects of the game?

Have you played DMC 1 and 3? Bayonetta feels very loose, whereas DMC is tighter with stricter windows. You'll notice that immediately upon playing.

DMC4 is a diamond in the rough. Its gameplay is practically unparalleled and Dante's depth unrivaled. This includes Bayonetta. It still suffers from horrible pacing issues, odd minigame design choices, and a less compelling story... none of which has changed in the Special Edition.

DMC3 is a more complete overall package, and remains my personal favorite.
bahahaha just saw this

neo_g and his bullshit hitboxes smh

Seems like hotbixes are bigger in DT.
I bet you any money neo_g plays Vergil in UMvC3 Kappa.
DMC4 is a diamond in the rough. Its gameplay is practically unparalleled and Dante's depth unrivaled. This includes Bayonetta. It still suffers from horrible pacing issues, odd minigame design choices, and a less compelling story... none of which has changed in the Special Edition.

This guy knows what's up.
Have you played DMC 1 and 3? Bayonetta feels very loose, whereas DMC is tighter with stricter windows. You'll notice that immediately upon playing.

DMC4 is a diamond in the rough. Its gameplay is practically unparalleled and Dante's depth unrivaled. This includes Bayonetta. It still suffers from horrible pacing issues, odd minigame design choices, and a less compelling story... none of which has changed in the Special Edition.

DMC3 is a more complete overall package, and remains my personal favorite.

That sounds good. Yeah, I've played 1 and 3 and the execution's definitely stricter compared to Bayo. I don't really mind bad stories since DMC was never known for writing, but as long as the cutscenes and dialogue are enjoyable, I'm fine with it. Thanks for the reply.
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