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Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June


I'm looking for some advice and I'm hoping maybe some of you guys could help me out :)

Where would be the best place to buy an import of a physical copy of this game? I don't really buy many imports but I really want a physical copy of this, and I'm not sure which sites are good. Also, is it confirmed it will be in English like the original DMC4?

Play-Asia confirmed the Asian version will be in English.


Santa May Claus
New Vergil pics from Bloody Palace:

That timer. I was really hoping that they'd remove that thing.

I'm looking for some advice and I'm hoping maybe some of you guys could help me out :)

Where would be the best place to buy an import of a physical copy of this game? I don't really buy many imports but I really want a physical copy of this, and I'm not sure which sites are good. Also, is it confirmed it will be in English like the original DMC4?

We know that the Asian version will feature both English and Japanese voices/subtitles/menus.
We know that the Japanese version will have at least English voices. It could be identical to the Asian version (REmake HD was), but we're not sure.

If you want the standard Asian version, you can get it from Play-Asia for around $33 before shipping: http://www.play-asia.com/paOScore/19-15-Devil+May+Cry+4+Special+Edition+(English+&+Japanese).html

There's a special e-Capcom limited edition that's exclusive to the e-Capcom store. This is the Japanese version only. e-Capcom does not ship internationally, so if you want to get this version, you will have to go third party or proxy:

-Play-Asia: $120 before shipping http://www.play-asia.com/paOScore/1...ecial+Edition+[e_capcom+Limited+Edition].html
-Nin-nin: 9,990 yen (approximately $83) before shipping http://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/sear...y=devil+may+cry+e-capcom&submit_search=Search
-Nippon-Yasan: 8,680 yen (approximately $73) before shipping https://www.nippon-yasan.com/video-...special-edition-e-capcom-limited-edition.html
-dv8mad (proxy): 8,814 yen (approximately $76) before shipping http://www.dv8cag.com/index.php?opt...find-it-for-me&catid=35:dv8services&Itemid=53


New Vergil pics from Bloody Palace:


Source: http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201504180003/

Well, Vergil mode is before DMC3 so it's unlikely but who knows, maybe his ending cutscene will be after DMC1.Gregaman said fans could see hidden hints in those cut scenes.

why do they keep giving us this garbage quality

hit me with some 1080p screens and clips goddamn it

I really hope they drop some combo videos from expert players in HD/60fps soon


Santa May Claus
If you're getting the PC one you can probably just freeze it unless you're against doing so.

Yeah, I'll definitely be getting it on PC as well, so all those nice mods and other options will be available, but it'd be nice for the console release.


I never had any issues with the timer in bloody palace. As long as you play efficiently, you should have plenty time to spare. I guess it's disappointing for people who wants to use bloody palace as a mode to experiment and test moves (basically a practice mode), but I've always seen it as a challenge mode.

One thing I really have liked to see is them split up the mode somehow (maybe split up every 20 levels into its own mission), because dedicating 2 hours for a run is a bit insane. I really like bloody palace but I've only beaten it a few times because it's too much of a time commitment.
I never had any issues with the timer in bloody palace. As long as you play efficiently, you should have plenty time to spare. I guess it's disappointing for people who wants to use bloody palace as a mode to experiment and test moves (basically a practice mode), but I've always seen it as a challenge mode.

One thing I really have liked to see is them split up the mode somehow (maybe split up every 20 levels into its own mission), because dedicating 2 hours for a run is a bit insane. I really like bloody palace but I've only beaten it a few times because it's too much of a time commitment.
If you get the PC version and get debug mode working, you could just teleport to whatever level you want in bloody palaces.
We know that the Asian version will feature both English and Japanese voices/subtitles/menus.
We know that the Japanese version will have at least English voices. It could be identical to the Asian version (REmake HD was), but we're not sure.

If you want the standard Asian version, you can get it from Play-Asia for around $33 before shipping: http://www.play-asia.com/paOScore/19-15-Devil+May+Cry+4+Special+Edition+(English+&+Japanese).html

There's a special e-Capcom limited edition that's exclusive to the e-Capcom store. This is the Japanese version only. e-Capcom does not ship internationally, so if you want to get this version, you will have to go third party or proxy:

-Play-Asia: $120 before shipping http://www.play-asia.com/paOScore/1...ecial+Edition+[e_capcom+Limited+Edition].html
-Nin-nin: 9,990 yen (approximately $83) before shipping http://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/sear...y=devil+may+cry+e-capcom&submit_search=Search
-Nippon-Yasan: 8,680 yen (approximately $73) before shipping https://www.nippon-yasan.com/video-...special-edition-e-capcom-limited-edition.html
-dv8mad (proxy): 8,814 yen (approximately $76) before shipping http://www.dv8cag.com/index.php?opt...find-it-for-me&catid=35:dv8services&Itemid=53

Play-Asia confirmed the Asian version will be in English.

Thanks for all the info! Probably going to go with the standard Asian version. That Limited Edition is tempting, but pricey as hell.


If you get the PC version and get debug mode working, you could just teleport to whatever level you want in bloody palaces.

I would like it to be an official feature so leaderboards would reflect the change too. I primarily like bloody palace as a score attack mode.
I would like it to be an official feature so leaderboards would reflect the change too. I primarily like bloody palace as a score attack mode.
Yah that would be cool if they tiered off the different sections of bp and had separate scores for each... Makes me wonder why they aren't adding simple tweaks, fixes, and additions like this to DMC4:SE (like Gods Must Die and Must Style Mode), because I'm sure they wouldn't require extensive rework, especially Gods Must Die. Or even choosing a section of bloody palace to play in with separate leader board would be a piece of cake. Feels almost stubborn of them? Maybe? Are all the extra characters taking that much time to add?


Gregaman said there's other minor features they haven't talked about. Timer option could still be in. Someone should ask Greg on twitter.


Santa May Claus
I never had any issues with the timer in bloody palace. As long as you play efficiently, you should have plenty time to spare. I guess it's disappointing for people who wants to use bloody palace as a mode to experiment and test moves (basically a practice mode), but I've always seen it as a challenge mode.

One thing I really have liked to see is them split up the mode somehow (maybe split up every 20 levels into its own mission), because dedicating 2 hours for a run is a bit insane. I really like bloody palace but I've only beaten it a few times because it's too much of a time commitment.

This is the real reason behind doing away with the timer. It's not about any difficulty associated with the time constraint. I guess, where I'm coming from, is if I want to waste 3 minutes toying around with an enemy to style, I should be able to do so without any sort of limitation. DMC3 didn't have a timer in its Bloody Palace and it was perfectly fine.

If you like viewing Bloody Palace as a Score Attack, it can still function as this without the timer, because your score is a function of your Style. Alternatively, you can just create a toggle for the timer, where it disables the leaderboards if you turn it off. This is pretty much the easiest and laziest way to implement a training mode of sorts.
Gregaman said there's other minor features they haven't talked about. Timer option could still be in. Someone should ask Greg on twitter.

What about an option to get rid of the orb mission rank requirement?

Or the option to disable all the red barrier enemies coming cutscenes.

Sometimes capcom just lacks fucking common sense in game design. They'll create the world's best combat system but ignore other obvious stuff. And I'll be honest, some of this 'other stuff' (don't care enough right now to get into details) are the kind of things Ninja Theory gets right.


What about an option to get rid of the orb mission rank requirement?

Or the option to disable all the red barrier enemies coming cutscenes.

Sometimes capcom just lacks fucking common sense in game design.

I assume an option to remove the timer on Bloody Palace is quicker and easier to do. We know the orb requirement is still in, but we haven't seen the options or menu screen so we can't rule out the possibility of a timer option just yet.
What about an option to get rid of the orb mission rank requirement?

Or the option to disable all the red barrier enemies coming cutscenes.

Sometimes capcom just lacks fucking common sense in game design.
The tweak they hopefully make is make the number of red orbs you collect in total for a level over multiple iterations = orb requirement. Ala DmC and keys/secrets, so once you collect enough orbs over a couple playthroughs you don't need to do this again.. But that'd be weird I guess. Most likely they will reduce the requirement...
They should just increase orb drop rate under high style so it automatically takes care of itself.

Or just get rid of it?

The fuck does finding orbs have anything to do with skill in a combat game?

Time Limit, Stylish Points, Damage Incurred, Items Used (negative factor).

Not that hard.


Santa May Claus
They should just increase orb drop rate under high style so it automatically takes care of itself.

That wouldn't even solve it because Red Orbs Found only applies to hidden red orbs in the stage and not those accumulated from enemies. It's really a silly requirement.
Why? Why wouldn't they take that out? I can't be that hard to do or be that time consuming. At least lower the requirements so that I'm not still getting an A at 95% orbs found. Or just flipping remove it!!!!
Or take the DmC approach where once you've found a hidden orb cache it's marked as "found" every time you play that level in the future.


The main reason why timer existed in Blood Palace was to remove cheese tactics which involved taunting or attacking enemies from a distance to build DT and then regain health. You could restore health to max with Vergil in DMC3.

Orb requirement is lame but without playing its hard to judge the mechanics involved. It might be a DMC3 situation where you can get enough orbs from just playing Stylish. So without playing its hard to comment.
What about an option to get rid of the orb mission rank requirement?

Or the option to disable all the red barrier enemies coming cutscenes.

Sometimes capcom just lacks fucking common sense in game design. They'll create the world's best combat system but ignore other obvious stuff. And I'll be honest, some of this 'other stuff' (don't care enough right now to get into details) are the kind of things Ninja Theory gets right.

Ok, I'm wondering, did nobody ever tried to press start in these parts? The only reason I would ever find them annoying is if it they were unskipable (or if pressing start brings up a menu where I need to manually press skip like in certain game coughBayonettacough)
That wouldn't even solve it because Red Orbs Found only applies to hidden red orbs in the stage and not those accumulated from enemies. It's really a silly requirement.

Orb requirement is lame but without playing its hard to judge the mechanics involved. It might be a DMC3 situation where you can get enough orbs from just playing Stylish. So without playing its hard to comment.

Yeah, I've never understood why red orbs you get from enemies don't count towards the orb requirement in DMC4. The orb requirement in the first game was really just a prototypical combo score, so for them to keep the orb requirement around after a dedicated combo / style score was introduced despite leaving in the "enemies drop more orbs if you get large combos on them" element is really strange. If they don't at least fix that in this release, it'd be a little disappointing.

Ok, I'm wondering, did nobody ever tried to press start in these parts? The only reason I would ever find them annoying is if it they were unskipable (or if pressing start brings up a menu where I need to manually press skip like in certain game coughBayonettacough)

They're still extremely frequent despite being skippable. Skipping them constantly gets kind of annoying.


Yah that would be cool if they tiered off the different sections of bp and had separate scores for each... Makes me wonder why they aren't adding simple tweaks, fixes, and additions like this to DMC4:SE (like Gods Must Die and Must Style Mode), because I'm sure they wouldn't require extensive rework, especially Gods Must Die. Or even choosing a section of bloody palace to play in with separate leader board would be a piece of cake. Feels almost stubborn of them? Maybe? Are all the extra characters taking that much time to add?

There's obvious stuff they could do, but I''m happy enough they're making this at all so I'm not too bothered. Hopefully with DMC5 they'll rethink some stuff with bloody palace (they wouldn't have to do many changes really, and it was already much improved from DMC3 to 4).

Yeah, and the orbs found requirement is still there too -_-

Hopefully modders will put the debug mod and the other DMC4PC mods in DMC4SE PC at least.

There's no way debug mode will be available again. That was only available in DMC4 PC because of a very unlikely mistake Capcom did where they released the game with the wrong executable. Many of the same things you can do via debug mode shouldn't be too hard to do via memory editing though.

This is the real reason behind doing away with the timer. It's not about any difficulty associated with the time constraint. I guess, where I'm coming from, is if I want to waste 3 minutes toying around with an enemy to style, I should be able to do so without any sort of limitation. DMC3 didn't have a timer in its Bloody Palace and it was perfectly fine.

If you like viewing Bloody Palace as a Score Attack, it can still function as this without the timer, because your score is a function of your Style. Alternatively, you can just create a toggle for the timer, where it disables the leaderboards if you turn it off. This is pretty much the easiest and laziest way to implement a training mode of sorts.

Instead of making bloody palace work more like a practice mode, they could just add a practice mode. But I'm sure modders will quickly make a mod which disables the timer as that'd be trivial to make. It wouldn't be hard to make a mod which also makes enemies invincible, and that might be helpful for experimentation too.

It ain't Mercs, Sectus!

All the more reason for it to get closer to mercs.
So question for people who have played DmC Vergil, what advantage does having grim trick have over og dark slayer teleport.. Because from reading about it I'd almost prefer OG dark slayer teleport to the enemy you are targeted on, without the need to pierce them..
An embedded swor provides hitstun to keep enemies in the.
Can be fired at different speeds
Provides a teleport that is cancel-able
Is a faster frame teleport
Also you can embed a neutral sword and switch what type it is on the fly.

The main reason why timer existed in Blood Palace was to remove cheese tactics which involved taunting or attacking enemies from a distance to build DT and then regain health. You could restore health to max with Vergil in DMC3.

Orb requirement is lame but without playing its hard to judge the mechanics involved. It might be a DMC3 situation where you can get enough orbs from just playing Stylish. So without playing its hard to comment.

Those tactics still very much exist an in cases I using/spamming Lucifer, are better than playing properly.


I couldn't see well because of all the enemies (LDK mode)
If it's LDK why the blue DT smoke on enemies?


They're still extremely frequent despite being skippable. Skipping them constantly gets kind of annoying.

Yeah, I remember the door animations getting kinda annoying back when I played DMC4, I get that it also doubles as a way to show you where you're supposed to go but I remember them getting on my nerves more than in DMC3 or DmC.


Santa May Claus
Instead of making bloody palace work more like a practice mode, they could just add a practice mode. But I'm sure modders will quickly make a mod which disables the timer as that'd be trivial to make. It wouldn't be hard to make a mod which also makes enemies invincible, and that might be helpful for experimentation too.

Absolutely, but I'm trying to find the path of least resistance here. It's an easy solution that wouldn't ruffle many feathers. Your suggestion of Floor Selection has been tossed around here as well, and I think it's a great idea.

Mods are always an answer, but shouldn't have to be. I'm thinking of console owners.
Destructoid said:
Another example is her R1+ Back + Jump move, which replaces the typical backflip and causes Lady to jump backwards while tossing a number of grenades to the foes in front of her.

That's quite an inventive input for this series, looks like they're really experimenting with new ways to give players more attacks without resorting to style/weapon switching as much. Trish's ultimate move also sounds very similar to Dance Macabre. Hopefully it is a unique animation though.


Santa May Claus
Previews are up!

Impressions from all the new characters. Also, Dante and Nero are pretty much untouched.


this was the thing the guy was teasing.

Though his progression follows the Dante/Nero campaign beat for beat (sans original cutscenes), they feature all new opening and ending scenes to bookend his experiences. And we may even find some answers regarding his connection to series newcomer Nero.

Maybe they will go into Nero's origin a little.

Yo, Vergil has Table Hopper in DT? Charge/Exceed mechanic for Lady?

Her take on double jump has her rocket launcher firing off a shot, propelling her upward and damaging foes underneath (which has damage jump cancelling potential), and her spin on the Devil Trigger is essentially a volley of grenades that clears out all nearby enemies.

So, her double jump is like the DMC3 cutscene where she rocket jumps? Also confirmation that her Gunstinger automatically follows up with the recoil shot. It sounds like she has a lot of moves that allow her to wave in and out, and space herself properly. I just hope they manage to give her enough long range options. I don't want her to feel limited.

For Trish, it looks like they're assigning Bare Knuckle to Triangle and Sparda to Circle, so she has access to two melee options without actually swapping.


Lady sounds fantastic, really want to get my hands on her.

This bit for Vergil is neat:

Not to mention, his DT phase enhances his abilities and combos, giving him faster charge time and reduced cooldown, along with replacing his side-roll with the Table Hopper evade.


Some people wanted Dante to become more streamlined or accessible but they just made another character dedicated to that instead (Trish).

And instead of addressing complaints to buff Gunslinger they made an entire character centered around guns and long range.

I like how this team thinks.


Some people wanted Dante to become more streamlined or accessible but they just made another character dedicated to that instead (Trish).

And instead of addressing complaints to buff Gunslinger they made an entire character centered around guns and long range.

I like how this team thinks.

Yeah this actually gives them a lot more freedom to experiment with stuff without messing with the original characters, I think it's great, they can then use what they learned for the sequel.
Some people wanted Dante to become more streamlined or accessible but they just made another character dedicated to that instead (Trish).

And instead of addressing complaints to buff Gunslinger they made an entire character centered around guns and long range.

I like how this team thinks.

I still want Dante to be more streamlined in future games, which doesn't necessarily mean taking away styles but doing simple, obvious things like "Lock On + Forward + Shoot = Gunstinger." Which makes that input a whole lot easier and frees up the style button for a new attack.

And here's 8 minutes of Vergil gameplay from Polygon.


And wow, he's able to maintain air super easily with Vergil. Seems like there's no limit to how many times he can trick toward an enemy judging by that boss fight.


Santa May Claus
I assumed you guys would be going nuts over the new info. Then again, it's still early.

It's awesome info. Really juicy stuff. I feel like it'd be pretty pointless to recite or relist the new information, since people should click the link to get more details. I can't view the Vergil footage right now.
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