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Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

I think it's really great. Your Trish is a joy to watch, so I think it makes sense to center the video around her.

I was wondering about the music as well. With a video this long, it would make sense to have a track running over the whole thing. Best to just play it safe, I suppose.

So back when the DmC: DE tournament start I did ask this question

Is there a rule of using music at all? There's often an issue with Xbox One in that sometimes the GameDVR doesn't record the sound, or (all the time) the audio is out of sync once it's rendered. Is adding music OK?

Re: Gregaman:
You can add music to mask an audio issue. I'd just like to kindly urge voters not to let the music sway their judgment of the video content itself.

Source(comments): http://www.capcom-unity.com/gregama...on-style-tournament---round-1?pageSystem=full

Sorry on my phone, so I can't copy, paste and quote as well as I'd like to.

For me: I'm going to stick a song from the DMC series over the top as I have some XboxDVR issues. But I'm also going to make one without sound(and just let the muted clips play) and submit both then see if the music one is OK to use. I'm sure if you use a DMC song just to make it interesting or cover up any audio issues(as stated) you're OK. Using actual copyrighted music might be an issue for places like Germany so I think I you stick to the DMC soundtrack, you're good.

Yeah I'm re-doing mine. Dante vs Berial is eh. Done that for years.

well, here's my finished entry i guess. only 2 slight additions (the gimmick above and a quick runthrough of the laser grid).

haven't gotten a reply from gregaman about whether it's legal or not to have background music from non-dmc sources in my vid, even though it's still from a capcom game... so i'm just submitting it as is.

Oh man your Trish is hot stuff.


thanks for the feedback ya'll
meanwhile, workin' on this 'cuz my controller ended up breaking in a silly way
vergil's color codes are really annoying and scattershot. i'm probably just gonna change yamato's stuff (and maybe force edge's?) cuz bleh

finished! find 'em at: http://s1.zetaboards.com/InfernalWorks/topic/5868005/1/



Santa May Claus


yeah i'm super happy how the gold palette turned out. it looks really cool, though it blends with the hitsparks quite a bit too.

meanwhile, catherine enthalpy released a lady combo collection:

still seems pretty iffy in terms of style, though...
i dunno if lady really has anything if he can't draw stuff out of her moveset in an interesting way


only 2 week away for TGS... i hope some info leaks out

i am sinking into the skeptic zone but i feel that's alright because then i can't be let down (i can totally still be let down please be real)

meanwhile, voting for the final round of the capcom tourney has started!
bumblebee cody(mariotaz), guardianE and myself(hiimtab) are all in, so good luck to my competitors and may the best video win!



Santa May Claus
meanwhile, voting for the final round of the capcom tourney has started!
bumblebee cody(mariotaz), guardianE and myself(hiimtab) are all in, so good luck to my competitors and may the best video win!


Adding some links:
Voting Deadline: Friday, September 4th at noon (PT).

Mariotaz (BumblebeeCody)
Serj Angelo
Hiimtab (Seyavesh)


Your Trish entry is phenomenal. BumblebeeCody's video has some amazing Vergil stuff. I'm glad I was able to get something entered at least.

They've been moving this contest along pretty briskly. The DmCDE tournament was stretched out a bit more, if I recall correctly. Maybe they're trying to lock everything down before TGS? :3 *fingers crossed*
They've been moving this contest along pretty briskly. The DmCDE tournament was stretched out a bit more, if I recall correctly. Maybe they're trying to lock everything down before TGS? :3 *fingers crossed*

man at this point, even the wind blowing will get us hyped up for TGS.

Capcom announced CE for SFV! that means they are talking!...getting things out of the way for DMC5!

yeah I'm tired of all those subtle hints like the artbook release, verendus, access games etc.... just need some hard evidence


Good luck Cody, Seya and Guardian. It's amazing that there are three GAF members in the final round. Your entries are the best as well. I'm having trouble deciding on who to vote for. You're all too good.

Speaking of TGS, we're now less than two weeks away from the Sony TGS conference:



Santa May Claus
Are there any legit TGS rumors right now? I think it's been pretty quiet overall.

And Capcom just announced Ace Attorney 6. Anything could happen.


The only thing was that SE's TGS lineup is revealed. Nothing from Capcom so far, official or not.

At least we got news of AA6, the RE Origins Collection and Wesker mode in RE0. Along with R. Mika last week good news are flowing from Capcom, more so than from other JP companies right now.

One thing we can be pretty sure of is that Karin will be revealed at Sony's conference.


Santa May Claus
Anyone remember how long before FF7 remake reveal that the rumor came out from siliconera?

I think it was a day or so before. June 15th.

But there were rumors well before that. Verendus hinted at it a whole year beforehand. Then again, Verendus has hinted at DMC5 as well.


The only thing was that SE's TGS lineup is revealed. Nothing from Capcom so far, official or not.

At least we got news of AA6, the RE Origins Collection and Wesker mode in RE0. Along with R. Mika last week good news are flowing from Capcom, more so than from other JP companies right now.

One thing we can be pretty sure of is that Karin will be revealed at Sony's conference.

Capcom's line up was shown, it was a bunch of MH games.


I just realized there isn't a thread for the DMC4SE style tournament. I'll go ahead and make one to gather some interest for the remaining period.

Edit: Thread is up. Better late than never.

Capcom's line up was shown, it was a bunch of MH games.

Ah. I completely missed that. Thanks.

Here it is:

Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX (3DS) – Playable
Monster Hunter Spirits (Smartphone) – Playable
Monster Hunter Stories (3DS) – Stage Event, Live Stream
Monster Hunter X (3DS) – Playable, Stage Event, Live Steam
Resident Evil 0 (PS4, XBO, PS3, 360, PC) – Playable, Stage Event, Live Steam
Street Fighter V (PS4, PC) – Playable, Stage Event, Live Steam

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2015/08/capcom-announces-tgs-2015-lineup#WFiuSBp0CwzKG2VY.99

If this was a couple of years ago I would have believed this was everything. At least it's better than Konami's line-up.


Santa May Claus
I'll have to get some footage together sometime soon.

Hopefully you can submit something to BumblebeeCody ' s GAF CMV, unless you're doing your own thing.

Actually this is a good reminder for everyone to try to submit something to BumblebeeCody soon. The deadline is approaching, September 10th. It'd be nice to have a healthy number of participants.

I can't look at this without chuckling.


Hopefully you can submit something to BumblebeeCody ' s GAF CMV, unless you're doing your own thing.
I'll try to put some stuff together for his CMV. I've only played a little Vergil in the past few weeks but I can at least pull some near A material together pretty quickly.

Got some ok stuff. Can work a bit more on it. Should I encode into an mkv?


Seyavesh: gif
The bloody hell is with those Dante images?
in regards to the faces, all the characters make silly faces when you taunt with them. just a funny 'lil detail.

as for content:
huangRS's combo vid just came out- it's got some neat lady and lucifer stuff in it:

catherine enthalpy released another vergil combo collection that has a hilarious ending combo that i am stealing the hell out of:

now i'm wondering what i'm gonna do with the signed pizza box as i'm not much of a collector and don't own a ps4...


Santa May Claus
Aaaaaand to the surprise of no one, Seyavesh takes it by a landslide! Wholly deserved. No contest. Congratulations!


I personally think that BumblebeeCody should have taken second here, but I guess it's nitpicking at this point.

as for content:
huangRS's combo vid just came out- it's got some neat lady and lucifer stuff in it:

catherine enthalpy released another vergil combo collection that has a hilarious ending combo that i am stealing the hell out of:

It's finally out! Been looking forward to huangRS's ComboMAD. That Vergil play by Catherine Enthalpy is jaw dropping, too.


Yea the Trish play was really nice, Seya definitely pushed that character as much as possible.

I thought Bumblebee's entry was great as well but just felt a bit unrefined. You could clearly see great skill amd tech at display but it wasn't as cleanly put together and probably why didn't get as many votes as it could've gotten.

Congrats to all those who entered and made it that far.

LMAO @ that first combo video when Vergil does that one combo and kills with 5 hits.

Dante's reaction to it is priceless :"HAHHAA!! Bro please, let me show you this work!"
Yeah I kinda threw stuff together. Some took around 3 hours to come up with ...which is normal considering I spend upwards of 5 hours for some 30 combo clips for fighting games or DMC etc.

Anyway yeah, gonna post this again.


(Yes it was made in paint)

Here is our chance for a NeoGAF Collaboration CMV.
If you're unsure of what one of these is, here is an example. Much like that, I wanna make a video featuring all of you. A video that will showcase the very best of what the NeoGAF DMC4 community has to offer.

Q) Who can enter?
A) Only members within the NeoGAF community. No outsiders.

Q) I want to enter. How many videos can I submit?
A) 3. Each player has a limit of 3 videos that they can submit. This means you can submit 1 video if that's all you can come up with. I want as many people to be featured as possible, even it means you have one combo section lasting 20 seconds.

Q) What are the character restrictions?
A) None. This is a completely open CMV. If you wanna use Super Nero on Normal speed fighting Basilisks on HaH difficulty, by means do. Most people will play on Turbo DMD, but again, this is completely open. Have as much fun as you can on a difficulty, stage and/or character setting that suits you. You can submit 3 Nero combo videos, or 2 Vergil and 1 Dante. Just so long as it's a maximum of 3.

Q) What are the enemy restrictions
A) Any enemy that you can combo and make look interesting to style on. This usually means no bosses but if you can make a boss fight interesting or can combo them, do so.

Q) What are game restrictions?
A) I know a lot of you here are PC players, so please no debug menu combos. Feel free to use costume modes or any cosmetic changes. Just nothing that changes the way the game runs(This really only applies to PC players)

Q) How long should my video(s) last?
A) It's a bit hard to say but I think any single combo video that lasts over 60 seconds is a bit much. Imagine we have a 10 minute video and one of your videos 1/10 of the length. I'm not saying don't make them long or that 60 seconds is too much, but make them brief and concise.

Q) What can I use to record? Quality settings?
A) For us console plebs we can use the built in Game DVR that the Xbox One and PS4 have. Or you can use a capture. For PC players, you can use any software you like.
As for quality, please make it as best as possible. 720p minimum or at least a quality that doesn't look like we're in 1995.

Q) Who will edit this together?
A) Me (BumblebeeCody/Mariotaz/Taz(real name).

Q) I have my 1/2/3 combo(s), how do I submit them?
A) Upload your video file to a file hosting website such as Mega or Media fire. Send me a PM and I'll download it so I edit it.

Q) How much input do I have on the creation of the video?
A) As much as you can offer. Even though it'll be me making the CMV, if you have a recommended song you think would be cool or you want certain text to appear and represent you(plug your Twitch/YouTube channel in the credits) then let me know. I'll be doing updates just to let you all know how it's going too.

Q) Aren't you just doing this for your own YouTube?
A) The idea is that once I've finished editing the video, I'll provide everyone with a download link so they can download it and upload it to their own channel too. It's for everyone to show off :)

Q) OK So what's the deadline for my submission?
A) You from now (August 4th) to (September 10th) to submit your video(s) to me.

1) Work hard on this. I wanna see some sick combos. Combos that you spent hours on to perfectly refine. Just for a few 30 second clips I've spent 5 or so hours on. I'm not saying you have to do the same, but you have a month to really up your game and make some special.
2) I wanna see as many people participate. Even if I only get 2 other people submitting combos, that's fine by me(easy editing then). But if we get a decent amount of people showing off their tech, that'd be awesome :)
3) Have faith in your own abilities. Basically, don't get put off by the higher pro players out there. This is a video for us and by us. Submit a combo video you're happy with regardless of other peoples skill.
4) Be creative. Experiment as much as possible with your character(s)
5) Have fun

5 more days.


catherine enthalpy released another vergil combo collection that has a hilarious ending combo that i am stealing the hell out of:
Biggest issue still, debug with max concentration and infinite DT... It's interesting to do as a tech display but I'm not sure why he/she doesn't do some real stuff. Eventually you have to cut the cord and move on.

Congrats for winning the final. I knew it was going to happen with how much you fleshed out a character I believed could not achieve such heights.

Eh, my PSU is finally on life support. It has been dying for awhile. So I have like a clip or two, PSU will probably make me miss another wave of DMC4:SE content. Doesn't seem it's meant to be that my Vergil sees much of the light.


Congrats for winning the final. I knew it was going to happen with how much you fleshed out a character I believed could not achieve such heights.

thanks, that was pretty much what i was hoping for- folks recognizing trish as a bit more of a character than they thought as first. though she's still got quite a limited moveset, haha

by the way, could you appraise these vergil combos? i really like 'em, but at the same time it feels like a lot less is happening in 'em vs. other dude's combos. i think it's because i'm not using DT/trick down and whiffing stuff to teleport around the enemy more often, but i'm not sure

here's some unused vergil lines: http://tindeck.com/listen/kefjx
i didn't put in the DT equivs, but they exist
the position/naming of "i need more power!" and "your nightmare begins here!" suggest that they were originally going to be the lines for judgement cut end
"i shall surpass sparda!" is from a taunt file, no idea if it's attached to an unused taunt or not.

edit 2:

edit 3:
unused attack lines- trish literally has more unused attack lines than used attack lines...


by the way, could you appraise these vergil combos? i really like 'em, but at the same time it feels like a lot less is happening in 'em vs. other dude's combos. i think it's because i'm not using DT/trick down and whiffing stuff to teleport around the enemy more often, but i'm not sure
So it's hard to rate other people's styles, especially with Vergil. He has a very unique moveset which allows a lot of variation. However, what I feel is important is speed. Check out the combo below. It isn't the greatest but it highlights Vergil's speed. Any pauses piss me off but this vid is pretty clean; basically minus 1.


The best parts of your clip in my opinion ware the ESC air stinger cancel to aerial rave and reverse helm breaker with the sword pop. They highlight Vergil's speed and what he offers above the rest of the cast in rush-down.

Again though, the slower specials you pull off will resonate better with the casual crowd. They like the ability to process and especially like strong finishers. It's a bit too DMC3 or special ham for me, though again I have a different style. A style that doesn't read to well with most people. :p Overall you have pretty solid stuff though.

I gave BBC some clips. They are...ok, very fast quick cuts, but I'll keep working to add to the CMV.


Santa May Claus
LMAO @ that first combo video when Vergil does that one combo and kills with 5 hits.

Dante's reaction to it is priceless :"HAHHAA!! Bro please, let me show you this work!"

The original Combo MAD was supposed to be just Dante, Trish, and Lady. I think he threw in a Vergil clip because he knew people wanted to see one, and then had a little fun mocking it with Dante afterwards, heh.

here's some unused vergil lines: http://tindeck.com/listen/kefjx
i didn't put in the DT equivs, but they exist
the position/naming of "i need more power!" and "your nightmare begins here!" suggest that they were originally going to be the lines for judgement cut end
"i shall surpass sparda!" is from a taunt file, no idea if it's attached to an unused taunt or not.

edit 2:

edit 3:
unused attack lines- trish literally has more unused attack lines than used attack lines...

Ah, man. I really like some of these. Frankly, I think Lady could have used more lines and more randomization in her lines overall, so it's a shame these were scrapped.


So if anyone has some popular mission spots to share, I'm looking for areas with good enemy setups, nice backdrops, etc... drop something here. I'm a very boring mission 12 / BP guy so would be great to know more colorful areas to do some capping. Thanks.
So if anyone has some popular mission spots to share, I'm looking for areas with good enemy setups, nice backdrops, etc... drop something here. I'm a very boring mission 12 / BP guy so would be great to know more colorful areas to do some capping. Thanks.

Are you on a console?


Just asked Itsuno on twitter if he'll be @ TGS, he answered me he'll be there on the first day(so on september 17th right?).

As i expected, chances of replies are higher if you tweet him in Japanese.


Akiller, did you learn Japanese?

Small correction, though. He said he'll be at the venue for just one day. So he avoided answering whether or not he'll actually be there for Capcom business.


Akiller, did you learn Japanese?

Small correction, though. He said he'll be at the venue for just one day. So he avoided answering whether or not he'll actually be there for Capcom business.

I wish lol, asked a friend for translating the tweets .

Yeah, he could be there just as a visitor, we don't Know it for sure.

Kobayashi Will be @ TGS Too but only for the Basara event it seems.


I wish lol, asked a friend for translating the tweets .

Yeah, he could be there just as a visitor, we don't Know it for sure.

Kobayashi Will be @ TGS Too but only for the Basara event it seems.

That's what he made it sound like. It kind of sounds like he'll be there for longer but will only be on the show floor for one day, but that's purely speculation on my part.
Yeah I hope that they are just trying to keep the announcement a surprise. I mean come on Capcom it's been 7 years! Just confirm the damn thing.
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