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Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

Just my two cents: DMC5 should focus on Dante and there shouldn't be actual character switching mid game canonically (though there should be optional replays with bonus characters).

The main reason for this is DMC5 needs to learn from the mistakes of its predecessors. DMC4 was Nero's story with a guest appearance by Dante, and DmC was not DMC. It's been 10 years since we've had a DMC game centered around Dante, and considering the controversy over DmC Dante, DMC Dante should be front and center on any marketing.

For new players, a lot of the issues with DMC4 can be attributed to the character swap mid-game. It's jarring, potentially overwhelming, opens the door to backtracking, and the enemies are more balanced for one character over another. It also stilts the pacing of progression, since each character will have to gain abilities quicker for their truncated campaign.

Extra characters are practically mandated at this point. It's necessary and important. But I don't think there needs to be extended story segments for the other characters, except for possibly mini side-campaigns or post-campaign DLC. Integrating those mini side-campaigns mid-game can still create issues, as there were a number of complaints about how NGS and NGS2 added some bonus chapters for the other characters mid game.
I think it would would be cool if you could pick characters and the story branches from there, but that is way outside DMC's budget..


Santa May Claus
I think it would would be cool if you could pick characters and the story branches from there, but that is way outside DMC's budget..

Yeah, that's the issue of scope. I mean, if they had all the money, time, and resources in the world, then they could just create separate campaigns for every character. We know that's not going to happen, and we've seen how limitations in budget affect the final product in this series.
Well both me and Morue were talking about DMC6 and how it should have two main characters in the story and how developers should approach that idea. I think that even if they had all the time and resources available to make it happen they still shouldn't IMO. Personally I'm not too keen on the idea of each character getting their own separated campaign especially after RE6. I mean that game tried to do it and we all saw how that worked out for the story and pacing of each campaign.

I think having one campaign with character switching every few missions could really help in having good pacing of story and exploring it from deficient angles.

But of course that's all DMC6 talk, when it comes to DMC5 I think we all agree that it should be centered around one main character which most likely will be Dante. (though I would love to be wrong and have a Sparda or Vergil game instead).
Ah, I apologize. I misread DMC6 for DMC5.

Nah, it happens :)

You actually have good points about DMC5. They really have to be as focused as they possibly can with that game cause as you said it's been 10 years since we had a "complete", Dante centric DMC title.

I still prefer Vergil as main character tho :p


so chances of DMC announcement at the PS event?
5%, some site speculated DMC5. Take with massive grain of salt.

But dat 5% tho....

After playing Bloodborne (DLC too) and I guess Bayonetta 2 as well the bar for humanoid boss fights have been raised ridiculously high. I just fought a boss in the Bloodborne DLC that made me go "god damn DMC5 needs to bring the fucking heat!" Vergil boss fight in DMC5 better annhialate my senses.
5%, some site speculated DMC5. Take with massive grain of salt.

But dat 5% tho....

After playing Bloodborne (DLC too) and I guess Bayonetta 2 as well the bar for humanoid boss fights have been raised ridiculously high. I just fought a boss in the Bloodborne DLC that made me go "god damn DMC5 needs to bring the fucking heat!" Vergil boss fight in DMC5 better annhialate my senses.
Let me guess.....

I fought
a few hours ago myself and it instantly became one of my favorite fights of all time. It's soooooo good.
5%, some site speculated DMC5. Take with massive grain of salt.

But dat 5% tho....

After playing Bloodborne (DLC too) and I guess Bayonetta 2 as well the bar for humanoid boss fights have been raised ridiculously high. I just fought a boss in the Bloodborne DLC that made me go "god damn DMC5 needs to bring the fucking heat!" Vergil boss fight in DMC5 better annhialate my senses.
I think Devil hand is the best boss fight I've played in action games. The dodge system in God Hand made you feel like you were really in the fight. In fact I'd say most God Hand fights trump a lot of boss fights, except the demon form bosses.


Devil Hand was a ridiculous boss fight because he was like you and he had like dozens of moves.

And it's not just that particular boss fight in Bloodborne

Father G, Gehrman, Oprhan of Kos, Logarius etc. All are humanoid, aggressive enemies with some twists/surprises in stock. They keep you guessing and on your toes.
Yeah, I completely agree. Bloodborne's human sized bosses are really fun and challenging and as you said the fact that they change their attacks and behavior through out the fight keeps them really interesting . Now that we are talking about Souls series bosses I think
from DS1 is another that deserves to be mentioned.

Everything in that boss fight just comes together nicely. The atmosphere, the music, the build up in the area before the boss, etc etc. And the fight itself is challenging but really fair so if you pay attention to him you can either dodge or parry all of his attacks. In my opinion it really does a great job in showing how a human sized boss fight should be and what things you need to do right when you are designing such bosses.

Man, thinking about human boss fights in Souls series, Capcom really needs to bring their A game with DMC5 if they wanna top those off.


DMC and DMC3 were ahead of their time in terms of boss encounters in an action game. Agni and Rudra wasn't really matched until Dark Souls did that double boss fight.

Think is that DMC4 did not evolve from its PS2 design. Same level design, enemy encounters and boss fights. Where as now we have PS4 level design and boss fights. The bosses in Bloodborne have like 15 moves in their first phase and then another dozen in their second state. That's crazy when you think about it.

So right now DMC is two generations behind in terms of design. That's why I said so many times that it's not sufficient that they just make DMC4.5.

They have to rethink a lot of aspects of the series. The basic controls, the camera, the lock on mechanic, the Dodge system, the styles system, the level design, enemy encounters, lore, level design, boss fights, extra features, online functionality, animation and physics, the writing... all the while keeping it faithful to the series.

It's a really hard task.
DMC and DMC3 were ahead of their time in terms of boss encounters in an action game. Agni and Rudra wasn't really matched until Dark Souls did that double boss fight.

Think is that DMC4 did not evolve from its PS2 design. Same level design, enemy encounters and boss fights. Where as now we have PS4 level design and boss fights. The bosses in Bloodborne have like 15 moves in their first phase and then another dozen in their second state. That's crazy when you think about it.

So right now DMC is two generations behind in terms of design. That's why I said so many times that it's not sufficient that they just make DMC4.5.

They have to rethink a lot of aspects of the series. The basic controls, the camera, the lock on mechanic, the Dodge system, the styles system, the level design, enemy encounters, lore, level design, boss fights, extra features, online functionality, animation and physics, the writing... all the while keeping it faithful to the series.

It's a really hard task.

I don't think they have to rethink a lot of aspects. DMC still has the best combat system out there, the only problem is that there isn't any material to run the amazing combat. The boss battles can definitely take cues from the souls series, make it interesting with multiple phases, movesets etc...

DMC is really a case of if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Its got strong fundamentals that games like souls series, bayonetta and many others borrowed. So they really don't have to change the core menu, just need to upgrade the service.
Again, I agree with you Dahbomb. Though, unfortunately Capcom might not see it that way.

By definition Souls games are RPGs (and a very unique one at that) where as DMC is considered to be a HnS. Capcom have definitely seen the popularity of Souls series and is aware of its quality (Deep Down was a testament to that) but since DMC is considered to be in a completely different genre by most people (even though they both have melee action based gameplays at their cores) Capcom might not necessarily think of even comparing the two series in any capacity let alone trying to add revolutionary concepts and ideas from Souls series to DMC.

I'm afraid that when it comes to DMC5, Capcom will look at what other games at the genre have done and try to match those. And looking at the games that we have gotten in the absent of DMC series, (MGRR, Bayo, LoS, KiD, etc ) while some of them do introduce lots of new interesting concepts and improvements to the genre, none of them really feel that revolutionary to make Capcom want to take a step further with the next DMC and make another ground breaking title like DMC3.

Well, unless Bayonetta 2 has done something in that vain that I'm not aware of (since I don't own the system and haven't been able to play it) which would force Capcom to do the same, then I honestly don't think we would get anything more than a refined version of DMC4(SE) with better campaign and some new modes for the next DMC.


Well looking at Vergil boss fights in 3 they can do amazing boss fights like Bloodborne just need more of it.

Beowulf is also one of my favorites.


Soulborne games may be considered RPGs but they play hell of a lot like action games. Skill is a major factor in success in these games over having over powered builds (though obviously those help a lot too).

You can beat these games without even leveling up. Unlike many other RPGs where if you don't level up you would get out paced in terms of damage/health dramatically and eventually you will hit gear/level checks that prevent progress.

Just because it's in a different genre doesn't mean they can't take ques from it. Point is that the people who play these games also play DMC and vice versa. There's great overlap in demographics. It just makes business sense to use these games to improve the other areas of the DMC series to draw those people in. Like it's better to draw inspiration from these games than like God of War (nothing wrong with GoW but I feel that DMC caters to a slightly different audience).

And of course I don't meant they should re-think the combat... but just about everything else. That does include some features of the controls. Stuff like movement, dodging, locking on, camera can be improved a lot.

Bayonetta 2 is mainly a very refined version of Bayonetta. Great humanoid bosses, solid enemies and weapon selection but overall nothing revolutionary. It fixed some of the issues of the original. It's nothing in comparison to the jump between DMC1 and DMC3.
Yeah, I understand what you are saying, they are way more action oriented games than usual ARPGs. But still while we do see these games more as action titles (or different than usual RPG genre to say the least) unfortunately that doesn't necessarily mean that Capcom will share our view as well. They might look at souls series and see great games but in a different genre so they may not feel compelled to bring DMC up to the standards that they have made in the past few years.

I hope that I'm wrong and Capcom do look at them for inspiration for next DMC but all I'm saying is that we shouldn't hold our breath for that cause the actual chances of that happening aren't that high, IMO.

Edit: Your post became almost twice its original size in the time that it took me to reply to it o_O


Honestly DMC should have way crazier bosses than Bloodborne. The bosses in Bloodborne are balanced around the stamina constraints, cancel/buffer limitations and limited mobility of the main character. And even with that in mind, many of them you can put in a DMC game and they would be fine.

Characters in DMC can jump, dash, air dash, teleport, parry, shoot from a far with unlimited ammo. have no stamina restrictions, have powered up modes and can cancel out of a lot of their moves. The bosses for the most part can't really compete with that at all. It's really only Vergil that actually competes against the character tool wise.
When it comes to designing bosses for DMC that would make you utilize your abilities I'm honestly clueless to how they could do them without making some sort of copy of Vergil from DMC3. Either that or having forced platforming in boss fights like Sanctus that I personally think makes his fights more of a chore and not really fun.

What I want from future boss fights in the series tho, is for them to feel actually challenging and give you the sense that you are fighting with some powerful being. So when you finally manage to beat them you would actually feel like you've accomplished something grand. (I think Souls series have spoiled me there so I'm not sure if many DMC fans will agree with me on this)

That and the fact that these fights really need to be fair. It's not fun if you are fighting against a boss that can one hit you right of the bat or have ridiculous range that can hit you across the field without giving you any opening and such. It might be challenging but that's not the kind of challenge that I'm talking about.

In short, to put it in Bloodborne's terms, I want more epic and challenging yet fair bosses like
and not cheap as hell bullshits like

But as I said I don't know how they would be able to do it, so I'm just gonna hope that Itsuno and co do :)


damnit, i'm still out of ideas on the trish side for strict combo stuff

i guess that means i actually gotta learn the game and try to freeform well w/ her
DMC will be modernized, I'm just concerned which games they would take reference from- the biggest Melee combat franchise right now are God of War and Bayonetta (one for sales and the other for critics)

While I don't think they would copy the feel of those games outright, i do wonder if they would switch to a light/heavy Melee system like pretty much everyone else is doing.


DMC will be modernized, I'm just concerned which games they would take reference from- the biggest Melee combat franchise right now are God of War and Bayonetta (one for sales and the other for critics)

While I don't think they would copy the feel of those games outright, i do wonder if they would switch to a light/heavy Melee system like pretty much everyone else is doing.

I'd hope they keep the current approach - it's an integral part of DMC's central game design, and abolishing it would remove a not-inconsiderable portion of its distinguishing nature, while not offering all that much in return. Continuing in the vein of 4SE Vergil would be a better way to make concessions to accessibility.

Though I do think a light-heavy input system might work as a character-specific gimmick for Trish - she'd retain a full set of one-button strings for both bare hands and Sparda, but have additional combos that required alternating inputs.


DMC will be modernized, I'm just concerned which games they would take reference from- the biggest Melee combat franchise right now are God of War and Bayonetta (one for sales and the other for critics)

While I don't think they would copy the feel of those games outright, i do wonder if they would switch to a light/heavy Melee system like pretty much everyone else is doing.

I was a little worried about this but all that was cleared after DMC4SE, Itsuno and his team really don't care what others are doing. They didn't incorporate a single element from Bayonetta, or PG in general, for any of the 3 new playable characters and just did their own thing.

What they did with Vergil alone surpasses what PG is doing with Bayo. Did Bayo 2 even have a single brand new system mechanic? The only new addition was Urban Climax and that was basically just boss mode Bayonetta from Bayo 1.

Vergil on the other hand rocks character defining mechanics up the wazoo. And they struck a near perfect balance between complexity and accessibility with him.

Even Lady felt so satisfying to play as that I would be very bummed if she wasn't playable in DMC5.

So yeah, I don't think they will, or need to, look to inspiration to anyone else. Itsuno and co are in a league of their own and I can't wait to see what they come up with for DMC5.


DMC can definitely benefit from taking inspiration from similar series in some areas, but central mechanics aren't one of them. Overall game structure, level design, bonus modes, sound direction, environmental art, narrative and enemy / boss design; however...

The direction they've taken with 4SE's new characters is promising enough (especially when you consider the circumstances of Trish and Lady's inclusion); hopefully the rest is in similarly good hands. I'd hope Chinone and Narita's DMC4SE music isn't indicative of the next game's soundtrack, at least.


DMC can definitely benefit from taking inspiration from similar series in some areas, but central mechanics aren't one of them. Overall game structure, level design, bonus modes, sound direction, environmental art, narrative and enemy / boss design; however...

For most of those they should look to DMC3 for inspiration imo.


Some of those elements are dated in DMC3 as well. It's a PS2 game after all.

And mechanics aren't the issue. I know Itsuno will deliver that. It's everything else that needs work on. DMC mechanics are still ahead of most other games but it's an issue when the game itself fails to exploit those mechanics to the best of their ability.
So, 2 days to TGA and 5 till PSX.

After that Onimusha trademark I really don't know what to think anymore. Before that, I didn't expect anything but now? Come on, Capcom! You can't honestly tell me that you are gonna announce a new Onimusha before DMC5!

Just announce the damn thing already!

God, please let the trademark be real. We are long overdue for a new Onimusha! I would even take a HD collection. Hell, at this point I'll even buy them as PS2 classics. Just please be a real Onimusha title.

Son Of D

I was a little worried about this but all that was cleared after DMC4SE, Itsuno and his team really don't care what others are doing. They didn't incorporate a single element from Bayonetta, or PG in general, for any of the 3 new playable characters and just did their own thing.

What they did with Vergil alone surpasses what PG is doing with Bayo. Did Bayo 2 even have a single brand new system mechanic? The only new addition was Urban Climax and that was basically just boss mode Bayonetta from Bayo 1.

Vergil on the other hand rocks character defining mechanics up the wazoo. And they struck a near perfect balance between complexity and accessibility with him.

Even Lady felt so satisfying to play as that I would be very bummed if she wasn't playable in DMC5.

So yeah, I don't think they will, or need to, look to inspiration to anyone else. Itsuno and co are in a league of their own and I can't wait to see what they come up with for DMC5.

You have to remember that DMC4SE had a fairly small budget and a hypothetical DMC5 will have a bigger budget so they can do some experimenting and modernisation with the overall package.


An interesting watch. I agree 5 is not worth doing unless its done right.

Man talk about being a Debby downer.

DMC3 was made in less than 2 years and was feature complete.

DMC4's situation seems like a unique one. With the way they teased the game it definitely felt like they had 2-3 different versions of DMC4 that had to be changed dramatically. Plus the whole going multiplatform obviously affected development time. The DMC4 proper probably wasn't worked on full time for more than 2 years.

It's all about direction and planning. And who knows how long DMC5 is in production. Rumors of it being in development have been around the since last year. I think a 3 year cycle is just fine for a DMC game.
More of a concern for me in DMC is either make fun noncombat sections, or don't do them at all. It's surprising in DMC4 how many more fights they could have stuck in levels that have you mostly treading through empty space to fight like 5 guys in a room...
Also- I know people say they don't play DMC for the story but goddamnit I feel strongly that they need to start something in DMCV. Open up a new chapter/arc/saga, anything to get us invested in for the next 3 games (DMC0/6/7).

I'm not expecting it to be Shakespearean, just enough to lay the groundwork.


More of a concern for me in DMC is either make fun noncombat sections, or don't do them at all. It's surprising in DMC4 how many more fights they could have stuck in levels that have you mostly treading through empty space to fight like 5 guys in a room...
Non combat sections are essential for action games to keep proper pacing. Same for action movies. You can't just have non stop action all the time, that would just lead the player to becoming numb. Look up the graph of action beats in action movies and games, it's a rising graph that has lots of peaks and valleys.

They can go the Bloodborne route and have the non combat sections revolve around item hunting/exploration. I do however want platforming to be a part of DMC because with stuff like wall runs, double jump, whips and dashes you can make some interesting platforming sections. Of course they shouldn't bother if they are going to be half baked.

Of course no one wants puzzle solving unless it's combat oriented puzzles but those are generally secret missions anyway.
I've been trying out the DMC3 Style Switching mod (which btw makes the PC version perfectly playable!) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to open the File/Item etc menus or what in the world the F-keys do aside from removing the HUD. There are no instructions anywhere as far as I can tell. Why is there no readme?


Also- I know people say they don't play DMC for the story but goddamnit I feel strongly that they need to start something in DMCV. Open up a new chapter/arc/saga, anything to get us invested in for the next 3 games (DMC0/6/7).

I'm not expecting it to be Shakespearean, just enough to lay the groundwork.

It doesn't even need to be an extended arc. I just want a strong, self-contained narrative - like you said, DMC's plot isn't its main draw, but a simple and competently-executed story with some degree of actual tension and character development shouldn't be too much to ask for.

Non combat sections are essential for action games to keep proper pacing. Same for action movies. You can't just have non stop action all the time, that would just lead the player to becoming numb. Look up the graph of action beats in action movies and games, it's a rising graph that has lots of peaks and valleys.

They can go the Bloodborne route and have the non combat sections revolve around item hunting/exploration. I do however want platforming to be a part of DMC because with stuff like wall runs, double jump, whips and dashes you can make some interesting platforming sections. Of course they shouldn't bother if they are going to be half baked.

Of course no one wants puzzle solving unless it's combat oriented puzzles but those are generally secret missions anyway.

The precedent set by the series so far wouldn't make it seem like any future platforming sections could be anything but half-baked. Which is a shame - as you said, the characters' varied array of traversal methods could lend themselves well to that sort of design - I think it might be a good idea to keep the bulk of platforming off the critical path if they insist on including it, and limit it to the exploration required for item collection / secret missions. If Secret Missions are playable from the main menu, that'd also mean the vast majority of platforming and traversal sequences wouldn't be forced onto the player every time they were to replay a chapter (assuming they keep the chapter structure).


Also- I know people say they don't play DMC for the story but goddamnit I feel strongly that they need to start something in DMCV. Open up a new chapter/arc/saga, anything to get us invested in for the next 3 games (DMC0/6/7).

I'm not expecting it to be Shakespearean, just enough to lay the groundwork.

I wouldn't mind a solid story, but yeah. As long as the plot itself is strong enough, I can manage.


Just go balls out crazy and do DMC universe 1 vs DMC universe 2. Like an alternate universe where Sparda is still alive and is evil so he rules instead of Mundus. Then we can have a legit Sparda boss fight without worrying about it making sense.

Or have a universe where demons already have control over earth and want to expand their control over another earth.


dmc5 dante should be cooler than dmc3 style switcher dante, who is really fucking cool

also it should have trish with a real/complete moveset


Santa May Claus
If they insist on making platforming a central break from the action, I'd like a couple of changes:
-The increased maneuverability from the wishlist.
-The manual camera control from the wishlist.
-Make the platforming stylish. A collection of free flowing Trickster type moves at your disposal to speed forward with satisfying momentum.
-No instant deaths or fail states. In fact, eliminate the penalty of failing entirely progression-wise. Instead, have it somehow impact style. Like everything else in DMC, if you fail, it should just make you take some damage and look like an ass.
-Make it more about traversal than precarious jumps. Forward momentum versus a straight climb. A jumping puzzle rather than a platformer.

They need to do a Sparda prequel.

*Runs away for his life*

We've had some discussion on this topic in the thread, and it's totally viable. Most aren't really opposed to the idea.
We've had some discussion on this topic in the thread, and it's totally viable. Most aren't really opposed to the idea.
I know, I was a part of those actually. I was mostly joking in my last post :)

But I know that most of you guys are against the idea of moving away from Dante which I still think they should eventually do. Definitely not in the next game but if they wanna continue the series then at some point (maybe after DMC6 or even 7) they have to move on to new characters with some new lore and move away from Sparda's family completely, IMO.

But that's far far away so for now let's just wait and see what they'll do with DMC5 :)

EDIT: And speaking of wishlist, didn't someone said that they have some thoughts on it? I'm still waiting for that to finalize it.


Santa May Claus

donguri just uploaded a DMC3 Style Switcher Dante vs. Vergil video. It's pretty neat. Goes through each of the Vergil fights in style. I'm in the middle of watching it, but it looks like he stays true to the canon by only using weapons Dante has at that time in the campaign (though he does use Quicksilver and Doppleganger early).

Some other players have started uploading DMC3 Style Switcher videos too:
ChaserTech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-XQ8ImePd0
DelusionaryKiller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G35b4R9bk8g

I know, I was a part of those actually. I was mostly joking in my last post :)

But I know that most of you guys are against the idea of moving away from Dante which I still think they should eventually do. Definitely not in the next game but if they wanna continue the series then at some point (maybe after DMC6 or even 7) they have to move on to new characters with some new lore and move away from Sparda's family completely, IMO.

But that's far far away so for now let's just wait and see what they'll do with DMC5 :)

I'm not against moving away from Dante for a game or two, but I just know how important it is to stick with him for the next game at the very least.
Just go balls out crazy and do DMC universe 1 vs DMC universe 2. Like an alternate universe where Sparda is still alive and is evil so he rules instead of Mundus. Then we can have a legit Sparda boss fight without worrying about it making sense.

Or have a universe where demons already have control over earth and want to expand their control over another earth.

I don't see why they couldn't add Sparda into bloody palace or make it an unlockable fight (preferable). That way it wouldn't have to make sense nor would they have to dilute the series for it to work.

I'd prefer to see a Dante (Itsuno) vs Bayonetta (Kamiya) crossover if the series was going to get all marvel universe style weird.
I like Vash's stuff. He's realistic about expectations even if he does come across as a bit too negative. Him railing on Jim Sterling after that most recent DmC Jimquisition episode was good to see. He said a lot of points I didn't have the effort to articulate.


Some other players have started uploading DMC3 Style Switcher videos too:
ChaserTech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-XQ8ImePd0
DelusionaryKiller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G35b4R9bk8g
Donguri and suprisingly ChasterTech are not going a good job here. DMC3 doesn't gel with all players, often with DMC4 junkies.

DK is on track. DMC3 has a very different system than DMC4. With this mod, it is less about switching styles for combos and instead focuses on combat situations. That is how DMC3 was designed, styles having advantages in scenarios. DK did some work using different styles in mix-ups that did not affect the flow of the combat. There is a ton more that can be done with a mod like this though, especially with GS.


There is a /v/Style Tournament coming up! A lot of fun games :v
Pretty sure Donguri has DMC4SE, Yoshesque has Bayonetta, and Mike Kob (unless another Japanese person wants to contest him) has God Hand.


-Devil May Cry (Any but the DmC reboot)
-Bayonetta series
-Ninja Gaiden (Any 3D game but Yaiba)
-God Hand
-The Wonderful 101
-Sengoku Basara (3, Utage, 4, and Sumeragi)
-Viewtiful Joe series
-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
-Fairy Bloom Freesia
-Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage
Not this garbage shit again.

So DMC2 is valid abut DmC isn't? Come on son.


Santa May Claus
They basically eliminated western developed games. Ninja Gaiden 3 is eligible even. If there's low participation for a particular game, I can understand them deciding against including it.

Looking forward to the /v/ style entries regardless. Mike Kob is basically untouchable in Godhand.
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