are there literally 7 versions of jack frost ?
strawberry, lemon, etc ???
are there literally 7 versions of jack frost ?
strawberry, lemon, etc ???
You know what's funny? Atlus USA must have really spiced it up, because Tom(the fan translation's writer) said the conversations were exceedingly dull and he wanted to keep that intact.
I'm glad Atlus USA got to do it.
You know what's funny? Atlus USA must have really spiced it up, because Tom(the fan translation's writer) said the conversations were exceedingly dull and he wanted to keep that intact.
I'm glad Atlus USA got to do it.
Yeah Atlus USA really did a great job.
But I wonder if the Japanese version of the 3DS remake didn't have some change in that regard.
I remember playing the Japanese version of Strange Journey and it had so jokes like that in demon negotiation.
may pick this up for lucifer frost . alol
He's a pretty good support demon. He takes a while to get if you have no play coins though...
It's nice to know that Finnegan's so popular.
I just discovered this.
悪魔全書, if I'm not mistaken it's basically a super detailed demon compendium, sold separately. (saturn version)
really cool.
Ok now that I got my Izanami, I was thinking of grinding to 85 for Shiva and stuff, but since the level limit is removed on NG+ I dont think its even worth it atm. Is there any important things I should do before moving on to cycle 2?
did you know? You can fuse shiva using three demons found in the first dungeon.
No I did not, tell me more Goetia Bird!
You'll need a Pixie, Galleytrot and Knocker. A lot of them. Like a lot a lot. Like by the time you've managed to fuse up to Shiva you would have been able to finish the game again.
You'll need a Pixie, Galleytrot and Knocker. A lot of them. Like a lot a lot. Like by the time you've managed to fuse up to Shiva you would have been able to finish the game again.
that sounds like way more trouble than its worth lol
Is it worth doing that post-game dungeons? You have to do the whole thing without saving right?
Any other difference in NG+ besides no level limitation to fuse demons?
Is it worth doing that post-game dungeons? You have to do the whole thing without saving right?
Any other difference in NG+ besides no level limitation to fuse demons?
You have to do one of the post game dungeons to unlock New Game + (load your game after you beat the last boss to access it) , but you can save and do whatever in it. The one you access from the start menu (it's listed as "Extra Game") is kind of a massive waste of time, you can't save and you get no reward for completing it.
NG+ has a new ending, but whether or not you want to play through again to see it is up to you.
The dungeons have some fun puzzles, and more voice acted bosses. I couldn't get past Kyouji, though.
I'd like to buy them both. I will, someday.I'd buy it, would complement my Saturn copy nicely.
Just had a tpical Megaten moment with the first boss of the post-game dungeon. When I finished him off the son of a bitch used last resort and killed me. Should've seen it coming. I was at full health but I guess I had to guard to survive that.
I'm serious when I say this is my GOTY.
I'm serious when I say this is my GOTY.
Have you two played SMTIV? It's even better. But yeah, I also loved Soul Hackers.
I'm serious when I say this is my GOTY.
I'm serious when I say this is my GOTY.
I started playing this game after taking a break from SMTIV (my first SMT), and I'm having a lot of fun. A lot of people say that Soul Hackers is archaic but it seems like a simpler version of SMTIV.
I'm in the museum (science?) right now and I just realized walking around costs mag, and I just converted all my mag to money. I don't know what happens besides the green flash effect but I went back and converted money back into mag. I don't think it's a huge probelm since I never noticed it until now and completed the warehouse part 100%.
I don't understand the loyalty and personality stuff. I'm hoping that it doesn't play too much into it because I'm not sure I care enough to learn it. Maybe it's less convuluted than it seems.
No mag = nothing for your demons to feed on besides their own HP (that green flash you mentioned). It's why the guy at the O.E.A. warns that demons are unable to survive without magnetite when leaving the store. You never want to convert ALL of your mag into money, as you not only won't need that much yen on average, but grinding mag also takes much longer before late game dungeons. Not to mention, you also require mag to actually summon demons, costs varying according to which demon you're summoning.I started playing this game after taking a break from SMTIV (my first SMT), and I'm having a lot of fun. A lot of people say that Soul Hackers is archaic but it seems like a simpler version of SMTIV.
I'm in the museum (science?) right now and I just realized walking around costs mag, and I just converted all my mag to money. I don't know what happens besides the green flash effect but I went back and converted money back into mag. I don't think it's a huge probelm since I never noticed it until now and completed the warehouse part 100%.
I don't understand the loyalty and personality stuff. I'm hoping that it doesn't play too much into it because I'm not sure I care enough to learn it. Maybe it's less convuluted than it seems.
Thanks for the info!
Does loyalty decrease if you don't do what they want?
No mag = nothing for your demons to feed on besides their own HP (that green flash you mentioned). It's why the guy at the O.E.A. warns that demons are unable to survive without magnetite when leaving the store. You never want to convert ALL of your mag into money, as you not only won't need that much yen on average, but grinding mag also takes much longer before late game dungeons. Not to mention, you also require mag to actually summon demons, costs varying according to which demon you're summoning.
The loyalty and personality issue was already explained above me. To elaborate a bit further, though...
Sly: like focusing on spells, not physical attacks
Dumb: like being issued the "Go" command
Calm: generally don't like being given direct orders (buffs/debuffs during boss battles usually being an exception); the most annoying to increase loyalty for in battle
Wild: like being commanded to use physical attacks and skills
Kind: as already explained, prefer healing and being told to guard
Will second that getting demons drunk is the most effective way to max out loyalty, particularly by buying sake that changes their personality to Kind.
Hmm, so observe the patterns for a specific Calm demon's behavior to determine how to pick what it likes. Alright, I'll have to keep that in mind. Much appreciated.Calm demons are more complex than most, but I've found that some are relatively easy to raise. Basically, in order to raise a Calm demon's loyalty, you have to give them a direct order that matches what they would normally do in that battle situation. For example, when using the Go command, I noticed that a physical-focused demon would always use Deathbound when there were multiple enemies and Attack when there was only one enemy left. So I gave it the same commands when those particular situations arose, raising its loyalty fairly quickly.
In another case, a demon would always cast a certain debuff spell when placed in the back row, since it couldn't do anything else, so that was another easy one to raise. But yeah, it's frequently easier to just use the alcohol trick to raise a Calm demon's loyalty, since there are times when it's harder to predict the demon's actions, or the demon is just wasting valuable space until it's loyal.
The weird echo/reverb effect on the menu sound effects and the odd detuned chorus effects on the music gives this a very appealing dream-like quality, something that is rather typical for games at that time (aside from the very obvious psychedelic themes like the virtual art museum).
And boy, those warped LSD battle backgrounds... so good.
Well, the 3DS game is now the "main" version or am I wrong?So Gemini, the guy who was doing Soul Hackers PS1 and dropped it like a bad COMP, is working on some FFIV thing. I guess it's safe to call that project dead. He's blocked any and all means of messaging him, so it's kind of hard to confirm.
Well, the 3DS game is now the "main" version or am I wrong?
Is there something notable about the PS1 version?