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Devos removes Obama Student Loan protections

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I know it's been said a billion times so far, and it'll be said a billion times more. But it can't be said enough:

Seriously. Fuck this administration.
Because...just because. No legitimate reasons provided by Devos or her team.



She is going to relocate the funds into the Grizzly Bear defense measures, that has caused havoc at schools.
Don't worry guys, I'm sure one of the other billionaires on Trumps cabinet will communicate to Devos how life is for the middle and lower classes and why doing this will destroy lives

Right, Guys? Where are you going? Guys? GUYS!


Something something "young people just need bootstraps!".

Even though the POTUS is literally a Billionaire but rides off taxpayer money.

It's quite clear the goal of the rich is to send people into crushing debt while still having a hand in their pocket.


Expect the year from now a major riots all over the nation. I'll probably be one of them due to ridiculous all this bull crap our government is doing to destroy this generation of Youth.


Something something "young people just need bootstraps!".

Even though the POTUS is literally a Billionaire but rides off taxpayer money.

It's quite clear the goal of the rich is to send people into crushing debt while still having a hand in their pocket.

And was born into a rich family.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Literally every move made will be in the service of a dystopic corporatist oligarchy. It's really simple and that is the only goal.

How does this help any of their supporters who are probably poor and uneducated?

It helps keep them in their place as mules and serfs to their betters.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
time and time again you have to ask why would they do that??


Obama legacy = delete

You guys aren't going deep enough. Navient has the potential to get a contract servicing all these loans, It's a 1.1 trillion dollar business, which they likely wouldn't have been even a decent contender for because of the regulations. With those regulations removed, Navient is a strong contender.

It's mention in the article.

Obama's team also sought to reduce the possibility that new contracts would be given to companies that mislead or otherwise harm debtors. The current round of contracts will terminate in 2019, and among three finalists for a new contract is Navient Corp. In January, state attorneys general in Illinois and Washington, along with the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, sued Navient over allegations the company abused borrowers by taking shortcuts to boost its own bottom line. Navient has denied the allegations.

The withdrawal of the Obama administration guidelines could make Navient a more likely contender for that contract, government officials said. Navient shares moved higher after the government released DeVos's decision around 11:30 a.m. New York time. Navient stock ended up almost 2 percent.

If you even just google Navient all the news results are on how they scammed and preyed on people.


No bald cap? Lies!
Has there ever been such a concerted and blatant effort to undermine and erase the legacy of a prior administration?

This shit is unreal.
There were many reasons. You just had to get past judging her like a book cover, and actually read up on her.

Yeah, no shit. Anybody with half-a-brain should have understood what the choices and the consequences were, and the people who didn't vote for Hillary were going to get screwed a dozen ways to Sunday. Welcome to your dystopia, dumbasses.

you gotta hide your bait better, come on bro

Caught one, I'm full.


Honestly it's because they only care about donors and giant corporations.

That's part of it and if it was a normal republican presidency that might be the answer. With Trump there is the other side of it that is likely the bigger and top reason. He desperately wants to undo everything Obama did because he has a massive inferiority complex when it comes to him. He hates him and constantly wants to show he's somehow better. So he'll try to undo anything Obama touched just because. Doesn't matter if it's something that clearly benefits the very people that voted for Trump. If Obama touched it then it must die no matter how illogical or stupid it may be to do so.


Yet another example for the "both parties are the same" fuckheads.

And examples like this will be forgotten by the next presidential election. Like they always are.


I can give some reasons but they've already been said. I don't understand the blatant focus on removing Obama's legacy while sacrificing stability to do it. You make the country worse, but you get rid of Obama's legacy.


So the memorandum was inconsistent (whatever the fuck that means)? Why not just fix the inconsistencies?

Oh that's right, because you're not actually about helping people. Somehow, some way, some when, we went from government of the people, by the people, for the people to government of the elite, by the elite, for themselves and it is now completely fucking broken.


Unconfirmed Member
I can give some reasons but they've already been said. I don't understand the blatant focus on removing Obama's legacy while sacrificing stability to do it. You make the country worse, but you get rid of Obama's legacy.
He's black, my dude.


Pardon my ignorance but wasn't s*** bout to hit the fan before Obama took over? So what will happen when they reverse every single thing Obama has done since his presidency? Well that means that we will go back to the point where our country was about to collapse under the the debt and corporations about to go under because of that? Please don't tell me my country's this stupid?


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Pardon my ignorance but wasn't s*** bout to hit the fan before Obama took over? So what will happen when they reverse every single thing Obama has done since his presidency? Well that means that we will go back to the point where our country was about to collapse under the the debt and corporations about to go under because of that? Please don't tell me my country's this stupid?
Look at your president and answer that question yourself


Has there ever been such a concerted and blatant effort to undermine and erase the legacy of a prior administration?

This shit is unreal.

Not even Jefferson, who hated everything that Washington and Adams did, was able to. Because he realized that government actually works a certain way.


Pardon my ignorance but wasn't s*** bout to hit the fan before Obama took over? So what will happen when they reverse every single thing Obama has done since his presidency? Well that means that we will go back to the point where our country was about to collapse under the the debt and corporations about to go under because of that? Please don't tell me my country's this stupid?
Okay, I won't tell you.
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