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Diablo III |OT| Stay Awhile And... *click* *click* *click*

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trying to adjust my sleep schedule so i can be fully awake at 2 am CST. real dedication
Doing the same. Being a student feels good ... once in a while
nah, just lying - AGAIN!

Taking a ~6 hour sleep midday, wake up at 20:00, go to gym, then prolly get some mcdonalds or other fastfood and go home. Nerd life. Like a boss!


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I Googled it just as I posted :lol What the hell is that thing?! I love Japan sometimes.

I think you may need some dark glasses instead for that matsuri. :D

The real e-peen.

For you both...

This is me at kanamara 2012.


I hope the game is representative of it's devcycle...

I still watch that early footage and think it looks awesome. I have only seen a small amount of Diablo now, so it will be amazing to see the rest of the game and all the little things Blizzard has added.

Still miss the SiegeBeast biting heads off.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I hope the game is representative of it's devcycle...
Heck, you were there from the earlier days of the beta - you know how much the game's developed in a matter of months. Now considering the fact that they've been working for years, imagine how much polish they've done for this game.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Still miss the SiegeBeast biting heads off.

god damn, why did you have to go and remind me....

I'm still mad salty about that. Fuck man.

Heck, you were there from the earlier days of the beta - you know how much the game's developed in a matter of months. Now considering the fact that they've been working for years, imagine how much polish they've done for this game.

No doubt, though I was more thinking about content than balance/polish per se.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
For you both...

This is me at kanamara 2012.
That is straight up the craziest picture to have showed up in this thread to date :lol Apparently it's not enough that you're about to eat (?!) him up, he's also about to grab your good stuff :_:
Heck, you were there from the earlier days of the beta - you know how much the game's developed in a matter of months. Now considering the fact that they've been working for years, imagine how much polish they've done for this game.

Oh, I mean you go back and look at that reveal gameplay demo and so much has changed. The core essence has been the same though.

In fact I think I may watch it right now...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh, I mean you go back and look at that reveal gameplay demo and so much has changed. The core essence has been the same though.

In fact I think I may watch it right now...
I watched it and posted a link a couple (~80 lol) pages ago! It's honestly a nostalgia-trip for me...

Wait, did I just mention nostalgia for a game that hasn't even been released yet?! Fuck me.


Man, I remember staying up till like 5AM to watch them unveil the game for the first time in France at the WWI in 2008.

Man, when the guitar started playing and they did that intro followed by a shitload of gameplay... Just glorious. Such a long 4 years have gone by.


How can you stand this guy? So much basic stuff you can find in the game itself. He's acting like it's complicated math ...

Oh really? Ya I was getting confused at the INT as defense part I had to watch that part twice. I felt dumb as fuck.

I don't know I just clicked the video :((((


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
How can you stand this guy? So much basic stuff you can find in the game itself. He's acting like it's complicated math ...
He plays with the tools he gets. It's not like he can open up new stuff in the beta... the dedication for the beta alone should tell you how much he'll get into the full game. His Kripp-tips will surely be of help to many people once he starts rolling out those inferno/HC-videos.
I don't know I just clicked the video :((((
You shouldn't feel bad... Kripp knows his stuff, unlike 99.8% of the rest of D3 Youtube.
Your choice.

It's still in the game
But... -> not really spoilers, it's been a blue post about it ->
I thought Blizzard made a blue post about it being gone because it was a mess to program/animate?


Oh, I mean you go back and look at that reveal gameplay demo and so much has changed. The core essence has been the same though.

In fact I think I may watch it right now...

Watched it again a couple days ago. With the Barbarian on the bridge slaying the endless waves of fallen... delicious.
It looks like the mumble servers are gonna explode.
By the way, do we have a ratio between US and EU players?

It's pretty much 72% NA to 23% EU (there's graphs on the Battletag list that update) and some change for Oceania and Asia.

I haven't checked the mumble servers since I hopped on to see average traffic. I was worried that posting the info in this thread would overload them a bit as it wasn't hidden before, but not exactly easy to find. And with this being one of the biggest games of the year decade...

I'll probably hang out in one of them (same name as here) while playing through single-player.


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Staff Member
It's pretty much 72% NA to 23% EU (there's graphs on the Battletag list that update) and some change for Oceania and Asia.

I haven't checked the mumble servers since I hopped on to see average traffic. I was worried that posting the info in this thread would overload them a bit as it wasn't hidden before, but not exactly easy to find. And with this being one of the biggest games of the year decade century...

Fixed for you


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
so i assume most of gaf is starting off on HELL difficulty right?
You can't though. You have to clear normal to go to nightmare (and you have to clear nightmare to go to hell, clear hell to go to inferno).


Man, I remember staying up till like 5AM to watch them unveil the game for the first time in France at the WWI in 2008.

Man, when the guitar started playing and they did that intro followed by a shitload of gameplay... Just glorious. Such a long 4 years have gone by.

God damn I love videos like these, they always get me so pumped up. Reminds me of the twilight princess reveal with people screaming as soon as they realized what it was.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
God damn I love videos like these, they always get me so pumped up. Reminds me of the twilight princess reveal with people screaming as soon as they realized what it was.
Yeah, definitely... Back when announcements were actually good. Now it's just announcements for announcements that leads to another announcement and oh hey, all this hype was for this shitty sequel that I don't even give a shit about!


Carbonatedfalcon said:
It's pretty much 72% NA to 23% EU (there's graphs on the Battletag list that update) and some change for Oceania and Asia.

I haven't checked the mumble servers since I hopped on to see average traffic. I was worried that posting the info in this thread would overload them a bit as it wasn't hidden before, but not exactly easy to find. And with this being one of the biggest games of the forever...

Fixed for you

Fixed again for both of you.


Some of you may recall that I posted a picture last night of my Diablo 2 character as the #1 amazon on USEast hardcore ladder. While this is still true, it probably won't be for long, and I'd like to explain why and its importance to Diablo 3 in the most comfortable of all formats: the long-winded forum post.

As I type (and likely as you read), I am in the process of losing the rather large lead that I had yesterday. It is now a medium-sized lead, and it is one that will probably be non-existent by this time tomorrow. I am currently losing ground to a follow bot; for those who aren't familiar, a follow bot is a computer-controlled character that follows another computer-controlled character into games, where it automates the completion of Baal and his minions over and over, facilitating the gain of experience without any input from whoever it is that controls the character. Unlike the character that actually has to clear the throne room (who is, as previously mentioned, also computer controlled), the follow bot is never in any danger so there is basically no way to impede its function short of cheating. This means that the "player" who is about to pass me probably isn't even aware of that fact and may not know it for many days afterwards.

Should I not be passed by the cheater who possesses the follow bot, I will surely be subdued by the cheaters who are trying to kill me. Being on the top of a ladder from which you can be removed by being killed (hardcore characters have only one life) means that invariably someone will try to kill you, which is a fact of which I am aware and certainly not complaining about. However, very few players have tried to kill me through legitimate means: Two attempts have been made to kill my character by surrounding a town portal in monsters and masquerading it as a safe portal; I'm always prepared for this possibility so these attempts were not successful, unscrupulous as they are. The majority of the attempts to kill me, however, have been through the TPPK, a cheat that allows a character to kill another character without putting themselves in any harm. It functions by firing a slow-moving projectile at a monster, entering a town portal, and then hostiling so that that projectile is now able to target the player that the TPPKer is trying to kill (in this case, me). Blizzard made a valiant effort at stopping the TPPK but it was not quite good enough, so it is still very much possible.

The short version is that because of such a prolific cheating population, I will probably lose my spot at the top of the Amazon ladder. I have held my position for nearly nine days (the ladder was reset on May 2nd), and I have done it without ever cheating; I've accomplished that by putting in a huge amount of time and effort to play my character. But nine days is nothing for a bot, and my accomplishment will be worthless in a short time from now. I will likely be leaving Diablo 2 knowing that my attempts to play my favourite game of all time at my best was entirely squandered by someone who downloaded a script, and I can't help but think of how important it is that Blizzard be vigilant at preventing cheaters from taking over Diablo 3 like they have Diablo 2. If they can't make botting a thing of the past, then all of the work that they'll have done on the game will be irrelevant. For players who like to see some sort of tangible indication of their accomplishment -- a group which make up a significant percentage of those that play RPGs online and which includes this poster -- allowing cheaters to proliferate completely destroys any purpose to playing the game. And that bites.

I am probably making too big a deal over what is ultimately just a game, but I was really hoping I could go out with a bang after having played it for twelve years. I don't plan on giving up (my intention was to stay on top until midnight on the 15th, and I'm still going to try to do that), but I'm not optimistic.



Oh really? Ya I was getting confused at the INT as defense part I had to watch that part twice. I felt dumb as fuck.

I don't know I just clicked the video :((((
Don't know if your being sarcastic lol, but I didn't mean to offend anyone. But come on, stuff like diminishing returns is in pretty much every game today(note: not in SWToR, they had to patch it in ...).

He plays with the tools he gets. It's not like he can open up new stuff in the beta... the dedication for the beta alone should tell you how much he'll get into the full game. His Kripp-tips will surely be of help to many people once he starts rolling out those inferno/HC-videos.
Fine, if people find it helpfull - good for them. Still doesn't change the fact that he is arrogant as fuck. Seriously, in the settings video there were lines like "display screennames, so you can see your mates. I've talked about that in our world record video of clearing the beta content and how important it was". I mean like ... yeah. Thanks for the info.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fine, if people find it helpfull - good for them. Still doesn't change the fact that he is arrogant as fuck. Seriously, in the settings video there were lines like "display screennames, so you can see your mates. I've talked about that in our world record video of clearing the beta content and how important it was". I mean like ... yeah. Thanks for the info.
He is arrogant, there's no doubt about that, but at least he has the right to be. In the WoW-community, 99% of the people who think know their shit probably don't - and they act like douchebags on top of this! For me, being arrogant doesn't really affect my relationship to the guy - I come from the fighting community where you had to be a douchebag to survive... so yeah :lol


Fugu, that is pretty awesome what you did. But I can't see anyway diablo 3 will get anywhere near as hack ridden as diablo 2, almost everything in d2 was client side due to offline single player and just horrible security. Sure bots will exist in d3, but things like inferno mode/warden and blizzard just being more aggressive you will probably never run into a bot.

Edit: I mean look at WoW, bots/dupes/fly hacks/speeding and all of that exist there, but blizzard has handheld it all pretty well. Blizzard has learnt a lot from D2, when (not if) dupes are found in D3 they will be patched immediately.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fugu, that was an awesome (yet depressing) read. Bots might end up showing up in Diablo 3 but I wouldn't worry about them being as good/effective as they were in D2, so I wouldn't worry about it! Oh, and no world pvp helps this situation :3


Fugu, that is pretty awesome what you did. But I can't see anyway diablo 3 will get anywhere near as hack ridden as diablo 2, almost everything in d2 was client side due to offline single player and just horrible security. Sure bots will exist in d3, but things like inferno mode/warden and blizzard just being more aggressive you will probably never run into a bot.
I'm pretty sure the only game as hack-ridden as Diablo 2 is the original Diablo. However, I think the presence of the RMAH will incentivize the facilitation of more sophisticated hacks due to the monetization of the game, and I really hope that Blizzard is prepared to face that.

Also, for the record, game generation, map generation, hosting, and character information are all handled serverside (provided you are not playing open Battle.net) in Diablo 2; the rampant cheating is largely a result of a systemic lack of effort on Blizzard's part for around a decade to keep the game secure.

Fugu, that was an awesome (yet depressing) read. Bots might end up showing up in Diablo 3 but I wouldn't worry about them being as good/effective as they were in D2, so I wouldn't worry about it! Oh, and no world pvp helps this situation :3
I don't mind that other players are trying to kill me, I just wish they'd do it without the script. As it stands, I don't have a fighting chance; I can't even hit them back.

I'm not sure how you'd program a bot to survive Inferno bosses since they one hit. Inferno in general is going to be the difference maker, unless someone finds exploits (once divulged, they'd get patched of course).
Diablo 2 has more or less demonstrated that if a human can do it, a bot can ultimately learn to do it as well. Bots survive thousands of runs, each with their own variables -- variables that include multiple boss packs per run and player interference. I don't necessarily agree that difficulty alone will prevent the proliferation of bots, although it will certainly hinder their development for a period of time.


I'm not sure how you'd program a bot to survive Inferno bosses since they one hit. Inferno in general is going to be the difference maker, unless someone finds exploits (once divulged, they'd get patched of course).


The impact of any botters in the game will also be minimal most likely - the ah's will be shared by millions of people and not 3000 like in WoW.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I'm not sure how you'd program a bot to survive Inferno bosses since they one hit. Inferno in general is going to be the difference maker, unless someone finds exploits (once divulged, they'd get patched of course).

If that's the case, then I must say it's a silly difficulty. I mean if the control of your character was as nimble/precise as say DMC and DMD mode, but getting hit once and dying sounds like a recipe for disaster in a game with such a controlcheme as diablo.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Do your stats reset everytime, starting afresh each time?
Nope, you literally keep everything except for the quest-progress you did in the previous difficulty.


I'm pretty sure the only game as hack-ridden as Diablo 2 is the original Diablo. However, I think the presence of the RMAH will incentivize the facilitation of more sophisticated hacks due to the monetization of the game, and I really hope that Blizzard is prepared to face that.

Also, for the record, game generation, map generation, hosting, and character information are all handled serverside (provided you are not playing open Battle.net) in Diablo 2; the rampant cheating is largely a result of a systemic lack of effort on Blizzard's part for around a decade to keep the game secure.

I am pretty sure that is the result of Blizzard North being closed and Blizzard considering D2 "dead" even when some patches and ladder resets still coming. World of Warcraft has proven that Blizzard knows how to control a 10+million player base where there are no item dupes (and if there were for a short moment of time, they were always caught, corrected) - there is no point in assuming that for some reason, the company is not going forward with this, but instead channels the mentality of a dead, closed studio and a semi-abandoned game. Not with RMAH present, that is more than guaranteed.


I'm pretty sure the only game as hack-ridden as Diablo 2 is the original Diablo. However, I think the presence of the RMAH will incentivize the facilitation of more sophisticated hacks due to the monetization of the game, and I really hope that Blizzard is prepared to face that.

Also, for the record, game generation, map generation, hosting, and character information are all handled serverside (provided you are not playing open Battle.net) in Diablo 2; the rampant cheating is largely a result of a systemic lack of effort on Blizzard's part for around a decade to keep the game secure.

Yes some things were handheld server side, but the client had too much power of what it requested. Example, when you do anything in a online game it sends a packet. Some games the packet says "I casted fireball on this monster" More modern games the packet simply says, "i clicked a spell in slot 2, do I have that spell? Ok I wanna cast it on this monster, is that cool?" and server checks everything. Aka things are a lot more secure, blizzard has learned :)

The "fireball" example was actually something possible in the original wow beta. I ran around on a rogue casting Mage spells ;p I did it to report it too Blizzard though (I'm not a "haxor")

If that makes sense? I have a huge history with this topic, but I didn't wanna get into too many details.
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