Well here's a bit of a story GAF. (Also writing this through my iPhone; currently in class.)
So if you guys remember the game "Tales of Graces F" that was released over a month ago, my local gamestop has this HUUGE poster of that game that says on the bottom "available now!". It's an advertising poster and under the Tales of Graces Wallscroll poster are the shelf of PS3 copies for the game. I inquired to the manager of that store asking if they sell the poster (as I'm a big Tales of- fan). The manager told me that they don't sell it but raffle it during midnight for free, on May 15.
I asked them why May 15? They replied "cause were switching that poster on that day with Diablo 3".
Soon I told them , " Tell you what, if I'm the first person to be here in Midnight , think you can give that poster to me (tales of graces poster). He said sure and also added that if I come back on June 16, he'll throw that Diablo 3 poster to me.
Pretty much tl;dr
Im getting a giant ass Tales of Graces wall scroll w/ glass frame and the collector edition Diablo 3.