old manatee
Nope, only mouse and keyboard for now.
Ah, that seems like a missed opportunity. I would love to try a Diablo or Diablo clone that controls like Lara Croft Guardian of Light.
Nope, only mouse and keyboard for now.
Here is the blog post the picture is from. Looks like Character profiles like WoW armory are coming.
HahahahReal money auction house?
I smell troubles
So what you're telling me is that i can epeen without even turning the game on?
So what you're telling me is that i can epeen without even turning the game on?
So what you're telling me is that i can epeen without even turning the game on?
Yoshi your excitement and dedication is fucking awesome!! Dumb question but what is the deal with the authenticator? It only asks me for it like once every 10 times I log into SC2 and when I was in the stress test for D3 a few weekends ago I only recall having to type it in 1 time of the 20 or so times I logged in. The only time I ever have to enter it 100% of the time is when I log into battlenet or Wow (which I no longer play).
So many of you probably know my series of videos cataloging the story of Diablo 1 and 2.
Just thought I'd brag a bit. My series comes up on the first page anytime you type "diablo story"! Plus I also find it kind of funny that even though I almost always post the series as the playlist I setup for it, like 5-6 people have essentially remade that playlist, lol.
The authenticator only requires you to type the code in like once a week or something (unless you log onto another computer)!
So many of you probably know my series of videos cataloging the story of Diablo 1 and 2.
Just thought I'd brag a bit. My series comes up on the first page anytime you type "diablo story"! Plus I also find it kind of funny that even though I almost always post the series as the playlist I setup for it, like 5-6 people have essentially remade that playlist, lol.
You can require it to authenticate every time you log in.
You just have to turn the option on.
Here is the blog post the picture is from. Looks like Character profiles like WoW armory are coming.
I heard you can't die in this game though! I'm basing this on the beta! Any truth to this?!I'm going to make a hardcore character just to kill it as fast as possible.
You can require it to authenticate every time you log in.
You just have to turn the option on.
I heard you can't die in this game though! I'm basing this on the beta! Any truth to this?!
I thought that was the default? Or I must have set it up that way.
Anyway, it's a good system to do it every time. Not at all invasive and should be extremely secure.
Hahahaha, sooo good.Yes. Just before you die, Elika saves you.
It's not the inventory being small, it's the loot taking like 6 spots each! So ridiculous :_:Man, I forgot how small the D2 inventory was.
This your first time watching GoT? It's currently my favorite show on TV. Nothing compares.
It's not the inventory being small, it's the loot taking like 6 spots each! So ridiculous :_:
It's not the inventory being small, it's the loot taking like 6 spots each! So ridiculous :_:
Hammer, hammer, hammer, hammer, hammer ♥ Like a true boss, vilmer_ :3
Are you playing 1.13 :3? You're a true dedicated hammerdin if you're still using them in 1.13!<3
The Blessed Hammer will forever be at one with my soul. It's been so long, I wonder why I was rockin' the Wiz spike instead of the Hoto![]()
Going through some ancient screenshots, I can't wait to feel the joys of a fat facking Diablo loot drop again.
Dude you have no idea. I'm so hyped for that moment when I first see a set or legendary item drop. I'm gonna rip both of my arms off at the same time, fuck physics.
What's with this character? A barbarian with 2x the agi as str?This was just posted by a blue Mod
THE GEMS!!! They are socketed intoRINGS!!!
I only had 6 squares and that's after I threw away some charms that I REALLY wanted to keep.
I'm so glad they decided to go ahead with the web stuff. When asked during blizzcon whether they would do something similar to Armory for Diablo, they said they didn't have any plans to. So happy they did it anyway!![]()
What's with this character? A barbarian with 2x the agi as str?
Oh God, you know that feeling you get when you haven't eaten in 18+ hours and you take a bite from a filled sandwich? Yeah, that feeling.
Soooooooo good.
This is fucking genius, I wouldn't have thought about this! Thank you so much, I will do this for sure :3When I get my first legendary drop I'm gonna take a screen shot and frame it in my room.
Hazaro usually tells me when I should go and eat but he's away for 48 hours so we should be lucky I'm eating anything at all!You haven't eaten in 18+ hours?
Are you playing 1.13 :3? You're a true dedicated hammerdin if you're still using them in 1.13!
You haven't eaten in 18+ hours?
Not that bad, really. It's pretty easy once you adjust to it.
It's okay! I still love all my fellow hdins!Sadly I hadn't logged on for a little while before 1.13 came out and all my toons were wiped, I started a new Paladin at the time, but I was deep into WoW mode![]()