I think you mentioned that third party trading was "safe" in a previous post. There was nothing all that safe about third party trading. People got scammed all the time, so the inclusion of a safe alternative is a good thing IMO. People will still get suckered in by third party trades, but it won't be as prevalent now.
Sorry, I thought that since you clearly stated your opinions regarding those matters I could answer with mines.Well, you don't but plenty of other people do.
You could have a 4 player party in D2. Either set a smaller lobby or only party with 4 people.
What do you mean? I could do vita caster and maxblock caster. Also, characters were a commitment. You made a FB sorc, a javazon, charge din, etc.
Nobody is going to want my HC shako worth pixels for SC shako worth $, for example.
Gave me a reason to make more than 1 of each character. I enjoyed having experimental builds that everybody couldn't copycat at a few clicks of a mouse if they got killed by it.
My position is that yes, while it's their game i feel that it's exploiting their player base for money, that's my problem with it.
My position is that yes, while it's their game i feel that it's exploiting their player base for money, that's my problem with it.
I've ordered the CE, and it is on its way, not sure if I can get my hands on it today though. But if I have understood it correctly, I can just download the standard version I get from the annual pass, play it tonight, and then upgrade it to CE when I get my hands on it?
I think you'd still use your usual client, but you'd select the EU servers in the options.So.. if I have a US battle.net.. can I download the EU client and log in on EU servers?
Yeah, it seems to me Blizzard want a cut of what the third parties were making from their game. I can't see how this is a bad thing, unless you're one of those third parties.How?
My position is that yes, while it's their game i feel that it's exploiting their player base for money, that's my problem with it.
You can avoid that by simple using that money (via paypal) to buy stuff online. No need to withdraw cash to your account, just use paypal as the mode of payment for an online transaction and the paypal balance will get used instead of your credit card / bank account.
So.. if I have a US battle.net.. can I download the EU client and log in on EU servers?
I think you'd still use your usual client, but you'd select the EU servers in the options.
can anyone confirm? please?
The RMAH is brilliant on all levels for blizzard and is going to lead to alot of players making money rather then being exploited for it.
I mean you can even use third party places like d2jsp in tangent with the RMAH to better make money off the game. Sell stuff people would buy on there for small amounts of currency that wouldn't sell on the RMAH and keep hording it up to buy a super rare item worth a bunch on the RMAH so you can resell it in game to turn a real money profit off a game you will be playing anyways.
All the while blizzard not only is able to make the game safer for the consumer, they managed to offer a way for there players to recoup the cost of the game back all the while generating additional profit off the game itself that doesn't even come out of the players selling items pockets.
Honestly whoever came up with the RMAH should be given a nice pat on the back by blizzard brass.
He means that when you sell an item, you either have to choose a) send to B.Net balance for free or b) send to paypal balance at a 15% cut.
You never want to send it to your B.Net balance EVER. Unless you are gonna use the money to buy Blizzard products anyway, since that's all that balance is good for.
Yep, but your character won't carry over to the US server if you decide to switch after.
I agree with everything except for this. The 15% fee you'll incur when cashing out will make flipping items pretty difficult, unless you get a ridiculously good deal.
I'm in Australia so I'm more concerned about the time zone which comes faster
Its 8am here when EU servers open.
Its 5pm here when US servers open.
B.net balance is also good for buying other items you may want / have a use for more then the ones your selling. As far as I know you can also send your B.net balance to paypal whenever you want and its not a one and done decision but I could be wrong on that facet.
That isn't the same kind of flipping as you are thinking of. Im talking selling less rare stuff that wouldn't sell on the RMAH on a site like D2jsp for there forumgold and then using said forumgold to buy items you know will sell on the RMAH. Its essentially making money off stuff you normally couldn't with the RMAH so it ends up being nothing but profit.
B.net balance is also good for buying other items you may want / have a use for more then the ones your selling. As far as I know you can also send your B.net balance to paypal whenever you want and its not a one and done decision but I could be wrong on that facet.
I'm in Australia so I'm more concerned about the time zone which comes faster
Its 8am here when EU servers open.
Its 5pm here when US servers open.
Yep, confirmed:I'm almost certain that you can't.
Can I convert my Battle.net Balance into cash?
Any amount you add to your Battle.net Balance, either through an approved payment method or by adding Diablo III auction house earnings to your Battle.net Balance, will not be refundable (except as otherwise provided by law), and you are not able to convert that Balance into cash. Battle.net Balance can only be used to buy designated Blizzard Entertainment products and services or to acquire items from Diablo III's currency-based auction house. In certain regions, Diablo III players may choose to receive cash, rather than add to their Battle.net Balance, from the sale of an item from the currency-based auction house. Those players will be able to do so via PayPal for an additional fee. Players will need to determine which method they wish to use at the time they post their auction. For more information on the currency-based auction house, see the Auction House FAQ.
I'm almost certain that you can't.
Forums have their own currency? O_O
True you can use it to buy items again.
However you're wrong about being able to send your Battle.net balance to Pay Pal. They do not allow this and everyone should be warned of this fact.
If you're planning to get your Battle.net balance to max and then "cashing out" by sending it to PayPal, you will not be able to do so. It's a one time decision made after the sale of an item.
You said above that your real problem was the amount they were taking and that 5% would be fine. But now you know that the percentage is only on commodities to avoid multiple transaction fees on one listing, and that any equipment that sells for $20 or more would be fair to you (or generous! If an item sells for $250 Blizzard earns a whopping .25% off of it.)
And there are no listing fees at all, which you asked for information about under the apparent assumption that there were listing fees.
Does anyone have a guest pass code for me? Would be really nice.
edit : As for forums having there own currency, thats how D2JSP works and its probably the most popular third party item selling site for d2 and some other assorted online games. Utilizing both could really end up in some decent profit from the game.
I see, that is unfortunate but I guess not to terrible in the long run.
edit : As for forums having there own currency, thats how D2JSP works and its probably the most popular third party item selling site for d2 and some other assorted online games. Utilizing both could really end up in some decent profit from the game.
The Auction House looks really simplified, compared to the WoW AH.
Im in the same boat. But, we will need a guest pass key to use the starter edition. We would have to get it from another collectors edition owner.
Edit:this is a stealth beg post, sorry if it is too obvious everyone.
Does anyone have a guest pass code for me? Would be really nice.
I thought I get the starter edition from my WOW annual pass?
I thought I get the starter edition from my WOW annual pass?
check pn
Does anyone have a guest pass code for me? Would be really nice.
Very few people have boxed copies of the game right now. Once the midnight launches happen, a lot more people will have them to give away.
Aah, I see. Yeah, I guess that could work. I'm not sure what items won't be on the RMAH though. With the listing fee at $1, I could see people selling things even though they barely make a profit on them. I guess there is more wiggle room without that $1 fee, but you'd need to do a huge volume to make any money at those prices.
Question about item loot:
I read somewhere that items in the game are randomly created by a new system meaning that each player have something unique that no other player can have, is this true??
Does anyone have a guest pass code for me? Would be really nice.
How so? I've never played WoW, so I'm curious.
I guess there's more to it, but the WoW AH has visual previews on your character, a dedicated smartphone app, etc. I guess they have to make it easier on the eyes when it's about real money.
How so? I've never played WoW, so I'm curious.
Not exactly something unique, loot is instanced, that means that if we play together we can't see nor take each other drops until we pick it from the ground and drag it out of our inventory back on the floor.Anyone???
There's a lot more types of items, particularly in crafting, that you can trade in WoW.The Auction House looks really simplified, compared to the WoW AH.
Nope.Will it be live at midnight for UK players?