digital us mac version
Where are the reviews...... :!:!:![]()
Only 2 of the Collectors'
The rest are for the plebes.
They weren't presented in what form? A picture? ...of words? It's not like you automatically saw the cinematic just because you saw a picture of the damn title of it, and there's nothing spoilery about it if you've been on GAF the past few months and following Diablo 3.
Besides, it was a thumbnail to begin with, you didn't have to click it.
Where are the reviews...... :!:!:![]()
My Amazon order just changed to 'shipping soon'
Uh, ok?
Yes you can put me on friends list, even if we're not in the same serverYOSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!
plz answer me! ;_;
Hah noob, mine changed hours ago.
I went outside for two seconds and got stung by something.
I'm staying inside for the rest of the day.
Yes you can put me on friends list, even if we're not in the same serverYou can do it through Real ID/Battletag
Only 2 of the Collectors'
The rest are for the plebes.
There are like 100 streams on I think it went okay! =D
I can't watch the class intros. Only the first cinematic. Is something wrong?
Same! No watch.
Now bro, even though I have not even played this installer yet, let me tell you that your score is bad and your should feel bad. 8/10 easily based on WoW and SC2 experience.
Not sure if I can live with this.
asia streams: (witch hunter) (monk)
Oh come on. The installer is not even in 1080p but a substandard 640x480. Can we really be immersed by that in today's HD gaming world?
This might sound crazy but... would you give me one of your CE keys so I can play now and I'll give it back once mine ships from Amazon?If you would like any insurance or voucher, just name it.
Did anyone locate/rip the installer music. I can't sleep without listening to it again.
Who buys boxed PC games these days? Digital 4 lyfe.
Where are the reviews...... :!:!:![]()
Start the game up. You can't login and play but like all recent Blizz games you can watch cinematics from the login screen.