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Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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So don't or do go into the cellars? And by cellars, you mean the ones on tristram road or something?

Well if you go into a cellar there is a possibility that you meet a rare pack. So if you can´t take them on you should stay away from them.

I made it up to A Shattered Crown and kept dying to a northern pack near the 3 dungeons that hold the crown. (These 4 skele dudes throwing fire patches and purple lines)

I did fine with the other rares or minibosses.

Is that short segment more profitable than farming something in hell?

Well i guess it´s still better than farming hell. But i haven´t really done farming hell act 4 with the valor buff, so i can´t really say if this is worth it.


Found a legendary... what can it be... what can it be...?


Ivory Tower!


Guess I'll play a new toon on the Euro Servers. I took the day off not knowing servers would be down :(

Okay, here goes.


So with 417 resists to all with my Monk, am I alright to dropping some of it down for Inferno? I'm reading all I'd need is a little over 200 or so.


Here's the response I got from Blizzard after my account was hacked:

Rollback / progress reversals for Diablo III accounts are limited (Diablo III accounts have a limit of 2 rollbacks during the entire life of the account), and we cannot guarantee the availability of future rollbacks after one is performed.

Additionally, compromises are rolled back from a "snapshot" of your account prior to the compromise so the rollback process is extremely exact in scope and no changes can be made to the process. Because of this, I need you to read below and think carefully on your options before replying as we require your approval to use a limited rollback to address this compromise situation and it would mean you only have one rollback left for the account if this rollback is done. If you would like us to proceed, please respond to this ticket and clearly say that you would like to use a limited rollback. Here is a list of what your account will look like before and after this rollback if, and only if, you agree to it:

Before Rollback:
Gold - 52622
Beers Demon Hunter Level - 10

After Rollback:
Gold - 114362
Beers Demon Hunter Level - 0 (Will be Deleted)

To summarize the change that will be made if you approve this rollback:
1) There may be items still missing after the rollback.
2) Any progress gained on any characters after the date of the compromise will be lost.
3) It will affect your ability to use in game features such as the Real Money Auction House. If you accept the limited rollback then you will also be required to attach an authenticator to your account before the RMAH is available for use.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I love trying to play a single player game (I have not played multi, and probably never will), game is down... I do not like this one bit. lol


Finally hit level 50 with my barb, starting Hell now.

17K HP, 3K DPS (7K with berserker rage), 2.5K armor.

Frenzy + Whirlwind.
Ground Stomp, Revenge, Battle Rage, SSJ

I killed the bosses of act 4 in NM fairly easily solo.

I hope I don´t die too much :D, any advise?


It's actually a really good shield. Has damage reduction and resist all. With good stats it could be worth a lot.

The ivory series has really high damage mitigation for its armor rating too (min is higher than the skull shield's max or whatever).

ID will probably reveal a 10% chance to block shield though :lol


Neo Member
What is the consensus on classes? Wondering about all 5, just a summary, if there is one elsewhere a link works.

Wondering what to make my second class, and it looks like the consensus is different from Nightmare / Early Hell to late hell / Inferno.


Hmm. Do you have any sort of Life on Hit stats? Been reading that helps out a lot. What stats overall you got?

I have around 33% dodge around 6500 armor which works out to be around 68% damage reduction. Don't have any Life on Hit weapon as yet, pretty much that's what I'm saving up for. But I can pretty much do Act 1 with no difficulty at all. A normal Act 2 mob can hit me for anywhere from 6k-9k and elites well above that.


Level 52 Demon Hunter. 6800 damage, 1200 armor and I think 18,000 life. Act 1 on hell is pretty easy but Act 2 is killing me really fast. I'm wondering if I should save up my gold for level 55 gear and just grind act 1 hell and act 4 nightmare or if I should get level 52 gear ASAP. Most of my gear is around level 40 with a couple 30 something pieces and a couple 50s. Bought a level 50 bow yesterday for 6500 gold with 280 DPS, it only has 60 dex but it still doubled my damage.

Will I be using ball lightning for the rest of the game? It seems to be the best skill for taking out large groups quickly.
Level 52 Demon Hunter. 6800 damage, 1200 armor and I think 18,000 life. Act 1 on hell is pretty easy but Act 2 is killing me really fast. I'm wondering if I should save up my gold for level 55 gear and just grind act 1 hell and act 4 nightmare or if I should get level 52 gear ASAP. Most of my gear is around level 40 with a couple 30 something pieces and a couple 50s. Bought a level 50 bow yesterday for 6500 gold with 280 DPS, it only has 60 dex but it still doubled my damage.

Will I be using ball lightning for the rest of the game? It seems to be the best skill for taking out large groups quickly.

6800 dmg with which passive skills ?

Seems awfully low.


Looks like they are buffing legendary items in a future patch. I wonder if I could hold onto an unidentified legendary until the patch and get the better item, or is the identified item chosen when the legendary is dropped.

Anyways, Act 2 inferno is just insane, everything one shots me and there isn't enough room to kite without grabbing an extra 5 champion/elite packs. Managed to get one pack down and died to the rest of the mobs, and couldn't come collect the loot due to the 100+ mobs camping the area. I only have ~60k EH, but even if I farmed up and tripled that, I could only survive 2-3 hits and everything would take 4x as long to kill. Not very fun...


Looks like they are buffing legendary items in a future patch. I wonder if I could hold onto an unidentified legendary until the patch and get the better item, or is the identified item chosen when the legendary is dropped.
Nope, the changes won't be retroactive, so you might as well identify (and bin them) now. It's mentioned in the notes.


Okay, have a few questions about the game and my class for some guidance that I couldn't get answered yesterday, maybe I can get something today while servers are down :p

-How does XP work in multiplayer? Do only people that hit a monster get XP, or does everyone get XP and maybe the player who did the finishing blow gets the full amount with everyone else getting a % of that, or?

-On your stats screen it says that your Damage/DPS stat includes crit %, so is the DPS just an overall average which includes critical hit damage at whatever % you have? I'm playing DH and at one point I switched from a 2h bow + quiver to a 1h crossbow + (same) quiver because it raised my DPS. My understanding is that 1h crossbows will fire faster than bows (assuming no quiver or the same quiver), and my per shot damage was lower but I understand I was firing faster. However my crit % was low so I wasn't landing many criticals, and it didn't seem like it was working out for me overall even though it says my DPS was higher, so wasn't clear on how that works.

-Also looking for some general tips on my class; currently a Level 29 Demon Hunter. I'm still on normal (I wound up running most of the first act a few times due to tech issues so that's why my level is so high) but trying to look online for help/guidance on this class I seem to mostly be finding Level 60 strategies/builds and I can't tell if I'm doing it "wrong" or not. My current build is:

Primary: Hungering Arrow + Shatter Shot
Secondary: Elemental Arrow + Ball Lightning
Defensive: Caltrops + Torturous Ground
Hunting: Companion + Bat Companion
Passive: Steady Aim
Passive: Hot Pursuit

I have two more skill slots with Multishot and Smoke Screen on them, but I don't really see the use of them, at least on normal. Multishot seems alright but between my other stuff right now it's unnecessary, and I have yet to be in a situation where Smoke Screen was really needed, all of which I think is feeding back into me not being at a point where I need to actually use any of that stuff on my current difficulty so maybe I'm overthinking things.

Right now I'm rolling with the Templar and my general strategy is if it's only a few enemies I'll just use Hungering Arrow. For large or difficult groups I'll drop Caltrops where I'm standing (in case things go bad or I think things might get through to me) and start unloading Elemental Arrow. I did try Frost Arrow for a while and it seemed pretty good (faster and more damage per shot than Ball Lightning), but I'm guessing overall it's not as effective as Ball Lightning? Also until I locked Scatter Shot I was thinking about going back to Entangling Shot + Chain Gang which I was using most of the game (along with the Passive where you do 15% more damage to slowed enemies); I liked taking the damage hit for the ability to hit and slow 4 enemies a shot, how viable is this? I mostly only switched to Shatter Shot once I got Ball Lightning for shits and giggles. Obviously Shatter Shot is better for DPS, but that doesn't really seem to be as much the priority right now.

So far I've had no issues and haven't died, but I'm also overleveled for where I am (I think I'm at the end of Act 3) and I've also been using the auction house freely which is kinda broken for getting way better shit for cheap at my level. I can't check right now but I want to say that both my armor and DPS are around 550-600, Magic Find is 68% and my HP is something like 3300-ish. Gear-wise I generally prioritize Dexterity, Magic Find, and Vitality.

So I guess long-term what should I be looking for? Trying to decipher information on various forums I'm gathering that once I hit around level 50 I should switch to 2 1h crossbows and start going for crit chance and crit damage, is this accurate? Also I'm seeing a lot of talk about all resistances being important on Inferno, but the I keep seeing that at least for DH you're a glass cannon so if you get hit you're fucked anyway, so should I even worry about that? I'm confused :(
I'm going to say it. To me personally, D3 is the most disappointing game I've played in quite a while. The game's combat hasn't evolved at all since D2. Throughout the game, the only way combat varies is by throwing more and more enemies at you. More and more of the same, mostly uninteresting enemies. The very few that do have different mechanics often have really cheap or unbalanced attacks.

Additionally, for such a great universe, the story and writing are both very uninteresting. As are the dungeons, most of which are too long and boring. I am legitimately surprised at how lackluster D3 has been thus far. I'll also openly admit that I have not finished the game yet. But god damn...10-years for this?


formerly nacire
What class? DPS/ Armor/ HP? And how many deaths if you can count?

Demon Hunter/ DPS read below/ Armor and HP don't matter as I get 1 shot from anything/ I can't count the deaths on Rakanoth, that shit was mind numbing. Izual was tough, but not as bad. It's really all about timing your Smoke Screen for the AoE frost blast.

With Sharpshooter passive and my crit sitting at 100% my dps tooltip is +60K. I'll update my dps without the passive after maintenance.


played a ton over memorial day weekend and hit 60 on my wizard and almost finished act 1 on inferno. i expected inferno difficulty to be harder to be quite honest after reading all the horror stories, but i suspect I'm going to have to farm act 1 for quite a while before progressing into act 2. i imagine the open desert sections to be a bitch with the jumping cats and stupid wasps.

i started to use the auction house in my hell run and it made my hell run easier than nightmare. i'd like to play coop but from everything i've read the increase in difficulty is not worth playing in a party when it's easier to solo.

for a newer 60 is it better to farm act 3 hell - heart of sin and azmodan runs or act 4 hell runs, or just stick with farming act 1 in inferno?


I have around 33% dodge around 6500 armor which works out to be around 68% damage reduction. Don't have any Life on Hit weapon as yet, pretty much that's what I'm saving up for. But I can pretty much do Act 1 with no difficulty at all. A normal Act 2 mob can hit me for anywhere from 6k-9k and elites well above that.

-sigh- And all this time I was thinking I was going to have an easier time with Inferno Act II.


Does anyone know what happens to AH items during the downtime? Do auction durations extend 8 hours, or are any bidding wars essentially over and the highest bid before the downtime wins?


Does anyone know what happens to AH items during the downtime? Do auction durations extend 8 hours, or are any bidding wars essentially over and the highest bid before the downtime wins?

In WoW the auctions just ended at their predicted time (whether the server was up or not) as far as I can remember. I assume D3 will be the same.
Does anyone know what happens to AH items during the downtime? Do auction durations extend 8 hours, or are any bidding wars essentially over and the highest bid before the downtime wins?

The time continues to run out. Same as with WoW. There's a source on that to confirm somewhere.

I actually have a couple that I bid on (the bid price was the vendor price) and will probably win - things I intend to resell and make bank with, so it works to my advantage.


@Legendaries: There's a few useful ones but it's mostly due to their oddities like the Movement speed ones (Lacuni Prowlers, Unity, Hammer Jammers) and IAS ones (Lacuni Prowlers, Boj Anglers).

I need to know what build you're running because my DH is shit in Inferno. From what I gather, you use Tactical and SS (probably with the extended time rune?), which I use.. Do you also use Nether Tentacle?

~14k HP (because lol I die oh well), ~20k base DPS (~850 Damage 2H Bow), no idea what my resists are honestly. 25% Movement and ~230% Gold Find is about all she's for but Act 1 Inferno isn't that bad; Act 2 is trolling me with the most bullshit elites every time I tried but it's fairly tame otherwise.

Skills are:
Hungering Arrow > Shatter Shot
Elemental Arrow > Nether Tentacles
Smokescreen > Lingering Fog
Preparation > Focused Mind
Companion > Ferrets
Multishot > Fire At Will

Passives: Tactical Advantage, Sharpshooter, Archery. Steady Aim is better damage but I keep forgetting to swap out since I switched from Crossbow to regular ol' Bow. Templar meatshield in use but he's pretty much terrible at that so I may just use someone else.

Ferrets are just for the Gold Find so I'd swap it out for basically anything else. Sentry or Traps, I guess.


Does anyone know what happens to AH items during the downtime? Do auction durations extend 8 hours, or are any bidding wars essentially over and the highest bid before the downtime wins?

So disappointed that the two items my Wizard needs (Tal Chest, Lacuni Prowlers) will finish well after the downtime so I couldn't even try to snipe a bid in.
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