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Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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Clearly this is my first time ever playing a Diablo game. I just realized I can use more than one skill per category across any of my slots. Face fucking palm. Wow. (Act III level 30 normal before I realized this)


And there we have it! For a large amount of people, there is no way to play DIII securely without paying extra for it

This applies to every online game and/or service you log into from your computer. They use the authenticator method even though it costs the end user money (which they literally don't profit from) because it is the most secure method developed for mass users.


Clearly this is my first time ever playing a Diablo game. I just realized I can use more than one skill per category across any of my slots. Face fucking palm. Wow. (Act III level 30 normal before I realized this)

This is the first time that system has been used, and yes everyone thought that was a stupid move to hide that option.


Found this post on Battle.net forums on a Non-Bear Non-VQ Witch Doctor Inferno build.

I'm only in NM but I'm looking forward to giving this build a try as mixing & matching CC's to stay alive sounds like a lot more fun that just spamming right click non-stop for everything. Sorry if this has been posted already.


Having used VQ-based builds and hybrid Dire Bat + Poison Dart/Spiders etc builds from Nightmare to Inferno, I can honestly say that not only is VQ not fun but it doesn't hold up from Act 2 Inferno onwards. Being forced to take 4 spells with cooldowns (most people seem to use Gargantuan and SH + 2 more) and, as I'm sure you'd agree, Spirit Walk means that we only have either Dire Bats or Charging Bears as primary damage spells. Even more problematic, we are given incentive to use cooldown spells simply to put them on cooldown rather than saving them for their utility when the situation requires. So after much testing I've gravitated towards a very different kind of build (though not dissimilar to some other builds that have been posted) and itemization to focus on survivability and sheer single target damage output.

Justification behind this build:

VQ is extremely limiting and reflects poor game design

Any build with a cheap spammable move (Darts, Spiders etc) + Dire Bats is not optimal because either you have VQ and some mana regen which means you should be using Bats exclusively because its sustainable or you don't have VQ and your Bats are only being used for 3-4 casts at the beginning of the fight to clear trash and occasionally after that when mana permits.

Spirit Walk as your only escape is not enough to survive mistakes or unforeseen events while kiting elite packs with over 2mil HP on each mob. 2 slows/quasi-stun + 2 true escapes and Hex is too good.

A Poison Dart only build (such as this) allows you to use Pierce the Veil and maximize dps on bosses to beat enrage timers. Poison Dart's range surpasses all other WD spells allowing you to offscreen attack better.

Pet spells are useless in Inferno - Gargantuan dies instantly. Also, no VQ means no need for Gargantuan for the cd activation.

Charging Bears due to its small range and requiring VQ has no place in Solo Inferno, particularly past Act 1.

The build:


What items you will need to make this build work best, in my opinion:

2 rings with 15% attack speed
Gloves with 15% attack speed
+8-10 mana regen per sec on either Helm or Off hand
Attack speed on weapon (but don't sacrifice weapon damage or good stats such as high Int/high Vit)
+12% movespeed on boots or better

More generally, to do Inferno, you should also have +All resists on as many slots as you can without sacrificing too much Int/Vit.

My stats (important stats highlighted):


Focus on Int and Vit. Get a helm with a socket and put +12% life (or better gem). Get the highest dps 1h weapon and OH you can find. I don't recommend using a 2her, because the way in which this build beats VQ-based aoe spam builds is through attack speed. VQ builds don't work well with attack speed unless you get +mana regen on both helm and mojo offhand; they go oom. Not only this, but they are limited by the nature of VQ as I've mentioned. Attack speed is core with this build - not only does it mean your single target dps surpasses VQ builds, but you can get many more shots off while stutter stepping (pardon the sc2) while kiting if you have a fast 1h (1.3 or higher base speed) while stacking Attack Speed. You will be stutter stepping relentlessly; versus affix combinations such as Mortar + Jail, you need to keep as far away as possible for as long as possible.

I feel like saying this again - attack speed is incredibly strong. 15% additional attack speed raises my spreadsheet dps the same amount as equipping a weapon with 100-150 extra damage. It's that good.

The strength of this build lies in its raw single target dps through Splinters + Pierce the Veil backed with short-cd cc spells. I prefer Poison Dart over Dire Bats for single target dps. With Pierce the Veil, each Poison Dart is doing 200-210% weapon damage. This is only slightly less than Dire Bats (and Charging Bears with its small range is useless post-Act 1 Inferno). Even with VQ, you can't use PtV with Dire Bats or Charging Bears, period. Also, Dire Bats has smaller range than Poison Dart which means you can't offscreen attack as well, and the slower travel time on Dire Bats means that you're more likely to miss moving targets (such as elite packs with Speed affix).

Can I take Spirit Vessel over Blood Ritual or Spiritual Attunement? Yes, but I only recommend doing so if you are dying even when using Grasp + Wall combo, Hex/SW/Horrify properly. I take Blood Ritual because the 1% health regen is amazing with 40k hp and you need sustain to deal with reflect damage affix. I would keep Blood Ritual over Spiritual Attunement, simply because mana isn't a problem with this build if you have +8-10 regen on helm or OH, or both. If you don't have either, I wouldn't replace it with Spirit Vessel.

No aoe damage ie dire bats/charging bears? The reason for this is that these spells require VQ. VQ requires 4 spells be on cooldown, which leaves Dire Bats/Charging Bears + Spirit Walk. Any build that keeps Spirit Walk on cooldown for VQ is not viable in inferno - Spirit Walk is an escape cooldown for getting vortex'd, jailed or walled. This means you only have 1 escape card in SW and for 15 secs if anything goes wrong you're dead. Another reason is that real challenge in inferno is elite mobs and bosses somewhat. You don't need AOE for these, except when facing invuln minion elite packs where you can't hit the boss elite with poison darts because the minions block. With this build, it's generally worthwhile to just skip elite packs with invuln minions.

Hex is amazing for dealing with teleporters and for kiting in general. When that elite teleports onto you, he's instantly sheeped before he can swing. This saves you from many needless deaths where you were in the middle of a casting animation while kiting and an elite teleports and 1 shots you. I prefer Hedge Magic over Jinx because Hex generally doesn't last more than 2-3 seconds on any mob in Inferno.

Grasp of the Dead with 80% slow is used as a kiting tool. The slow is extremely powerful and with a short CD you will be spamming this when available to funnel mobs slowly through narrow chokes. In conjunction with Wall of the Dead, you have enough tools for kiting permanently.

Wall of the Dead has 3 uses: aoe damage for trash clearing (minor use), blocking off a path for 5 seconds so you get free dps from the other side (standard use), and 'locking' mobs down essentially stunning them (though they can still cast). To 'lock' a mob down, you have to cast Wall directly underneath them so that they are literally standing on the Wall - this traps the mob. This is really useful when you've just used Grasp to slow some elites down in a choke and then trap the frontrunning mobs just as they're about to move off the Grasp. I prefer the slowing rune but increased wall length is also very good.

Horrify is your 2nd escape card, and I'm surprised more builds aren't using it. With 20sec cd it's almost as good as Spirit Walk. Use it when you get vortexed into a group of mobs or just generally when you get surrounded. Now you won't die when anything goes wrong and Spirit Walk is on cd. It also buys you 4 seconds of free dps when it comes to fighting elites and 4 seconds for your other spells to come off cd.

Why no SH? With Pierce the Veil, I'm at ~20k dps. The more DPS you have, the less valuable SH becomes. To me, 3-4k extra dps doesn't justify the lost utility from having 2 kiting spells (Grasp and Wall) and 3 defensive/escape spells (SW, Hex, Horrify). Yes, you only trade one of these spells for SH, but Grasp and Wall have amazing synergy together, SW and Horrify are mandatory (imo) and Hex complements kiting and is another tool to hedge yourself against death. Keep in mind, SH requires you to be close, and many players seem to initiate with Spirit Walk and SH. Using SW in this way is asking to fail in Inferno. Further, SH offers little to no benefit on the harder boss fights (post-Act 1 Inferno) because you can't get more than 1 stack.

No Jungle Fortitude? Why not use a shield? Believe me, I've tried purely defensive builds reaching 500 all resists and 45k hp, with Jungle Fort and using a shield. Act 2 mobs still killed me if they were hitting me for more than 2 seconds. Mortar still 3 shot me. Avoidance is far more important than mitigation in Inferno. DPS output is also extremely important in Inferno. Mobility is, probably above all, the most important factor.

What about sustain? What about the healing from SH Siphon rune? Granted, being backed into a corner and having SW and SH come off cd, allowing you to safely run through the enemies while healing 10k from SH is good, but it's not that important. You could replace SH heal with a pot. Or, you could use Horrify to get out of that sticky situation. Or you could Wall them and lead them to one side and escape by going the other side. Hex with Hedge Magic is used for sustaining against reflect damage mobs. We also take Blood Ritual because it offsets Pierce the Veil mana cost increase and the 1% regen with 40k life is 400/sec which is nothing to scoff at.

If you're going for single target dps, why not use 'ultimate' spells like Big Bad Voodoo or Fetish Army? I prefer having 6 short-cd spells which I am able to use constantly. It just feels more 'secure' and less risky when I'm kiting an elite pack for 3-5 minutes. Secondly, being constantly on the move and kiting means that Big Bad Voodoo is not very useful (when solo) and Fetish Army requires you to be rather close as well. Thirdly, dps isn't an issue for bosses (as bosses in Inferno are rather easy compared to some affix combinations on elite packs) so these ultimate spells aren't required when going solo.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading my guide. Though Poison Dart-based builds are common, hopefully I've provided some insight into my particular playstyle which has been successful so far.

edit: Quite a few people have asked about taking Spiritual Attunement when mana doesn't appear to be an issue. With ~35 mana regen + Blood Ritual + Spiritual Attunement and the attack speed items mentioned (+45%) I have found it possible to see a net loss in mana over time if you're under heavy pressure and using cooldowns when they're ready, and spamming Poison Dart at all other times. Under low pressure situations it's normal to be sitting at max mana because you'll probably be casting Grasp and just spamming Darts and things will die. Spiritual Attunement is the least important of the 3 passives so you could take Spirit Vessel or Jungle Fort/Bad Medicine, or as some have mentioned, Sycophants.

edit: Dealing with fast mobs that are difficult to kite with 80% Grasp and all the other tools. In most situations of this kind, the solution is more DPS. Clear and secure a narrow corridor where your Wall can block entirely in more than 1 place. Pull the elites, Wall trap, spam Darts for 5 seconds. Then Grasp when Wall is about to finish, spam more Darts, hit Horrify when they get close and spam Darts for 4 seconds, then SW and run through them to the other side. Continue running - Grasp should be up soon then Horrify/SW at around the same time. Horrify again and Dart spam for 4 sec, then SW through (they should go to your ghost) then Wall trap and Dart Spam. I'm sure you get the gist. If this isn't working, you probably need more DPS. With the Wall/Horrify CC combo and Grasp in between you can get a decent amount of free DPS at a time. Hex also buys some free dps when 1 elite outruns the others.

One caveat though; Jail/Wall makes this a lot more difficult. Mortar + Jail/Wall makes it nearly impossible, so I recommend skipping these. Be prepared to pull elites very far away from where you found them to a pre-chosen location where you can do this properly.
This is the first time that system has been used, and yes everyone thought that was a stupid move to hide that option.

Haha, ok thank you for saving me a little face. I knew I could mix the order up when I enabled that hidden option but I didn't think I could chose more than one skill from each group. Loving my new build. Evasive fire as a primary? Shit yeah.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Stop complaining, buy a smartphone or an authenticator, it's your fault really. Only 10€ (well, or whatever a smartphone costs). And if you get hacked, don't complain, after all you could've spent money to protect yourself. Apparently that's common sense, I guess. :(

What is your solution then?


Anybody have good build ideas for a Demon Hunter, sorry I have read through pages and have not seen much. Also is a dexterity focus very important....
Yeah I'm going to drop familiar because I need another escape/defensive measure in Act II forward. I'll lose a few k dps but it's not that much. I also have glass cannon passive on, and yes, crit % and bonus damage are huge factors. Simply changing energy armor to pinpoint barrier (5% more crit chance) would take my damage from 48k to 51.5k. I have 22% crit chance from gear so I don't use that, but for example.

*takes notes*

alright, I just spend 50k on a glove, but added 45% more crit damage and 50 more int. so I guess that works out.

I saw some socketed rings with some good crit damage as well, but the AH went down as I was contemplating purchasing. I'll be closing in on 200 there, and I'll be adding a couple of crit damage star gems when commodities comes back up. I'll see about finding a hat with some additional crit chance.

I'm dumping attack speed. It's nice when using a configuration that takes advantage of standing still and holding left/right click, but I'm finding those opportunities to be exceedingly rare. More often, it's one shot (2 at most) and run until I can safely turn and shoot again. As such, crits and damage are more valuable or, it seems that way. At least, for the way I'm playing with Magic Missle and Arcane Orb. They're just not attack speed weapons.

I might give Electrocute + Lightning Hydras + Paralysis passive + attack speed boost a try to see if it can be viable for me. I'd probably want to buy items that can improve stun chance first, though. (sorry, typing thoughts). Hmmmm.


Stop complaining, buy a smartphone or an authenticator, it's your fault really. Only 10€ (well, or whatever a smartphone costs). And if you get hacked, don't complain, after all you could've spent money to protect yourself. Apparently that's common sense, I guess. :(

That's where Blizzard's failure was, for anyone that hasn't played an MMO or Blizzard game they more than likely had no clue what an authenticator was.


I don't have a smartphone

I've seen people claim to have been hacked when using the dial in authenticator

Blizzard apologists are the worst thing, the whole thing is ridiculous.

There really is no argument here. The solution is simple. If you want to protect hours upon hours of in your blizzard games you download the mobile app, or, if you don't have a smart phone, you spend the $6.50 at the blizzard store for an authenticator:


A free option is available, so arguing against cost is irrelevant. At Six dollars and fifty cents Blizzard is not selling these devices for profit. If you can spend hundreds of dollars on blizzard games, but not under 10 bucks to protect yourself that's on you.


Found this post on Battle.net forums on a Non-Bear Non-VQ Witch Doctor Inferno build.

I'm only in NM but I'm looking forward to giving this build a try as mixing & matching CC's to stay alive sounds like a lot more fun that just spamming right click non-stop for everything. Sorry if this has been posted already.


I linked to this build in OT two. I like it. I'm only on NM, but my survivability is through the roof. Takes some time to learn how to play it just right, but I can pretty much kite anything now.


That's where Blizzard's failure was, for anyone that hasn't played an MMO or Blizzard game they more than likely had no clue what an authenticator was.

True they should be advertised more. I tried my best to warn people.. but it's always the "I've never been hacked before" yadda yadda.


which one should i use? (for a DH in inferno)




sparkle this bitch
What is your solution then?

Steam Guard seems to work fairly well with IP locking it to a PC through a 3rd party system. If they got your email, then you would have a problem, but your Bnet account would be a smaller issue you.

I'd think the problem would have been solved if they involved Authenticators in the box and release an official PC version of it, like the ones listed. And have that locked down to one PC at a time.

But there really shouldn't be much of an issue with the ones posted already.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
*takes notes*

alright, I just spend 50k on a glove, but added 45% more crit damage and 50 more int. so I guess that works out.

I saw some socketed rings with some good crit damage as well, but the AH went down as I was contemplating purchasing. I'll be closing in on 200 there, and I'll be adding a couple of crit damage star gems when commodities comes back up. I'll see about finding a hat with some additional crit chance.

I'm dumping attack speed. It's nice when using a configuration that takes advantage of standing still and holding left/right click, but I'm finding those opportunities to be exceedingly rare. More often, it's one shot (2 at most) and run until I can safely turn and shoot again. As such, crits and damage are more valuable or, it seems that way. At least, for the way I'm playing with Magic Missle and Arcane Orb. They're just not attack speed weapons.

I might give Electrocute + Lightning Hydras + Paralysis passive + attack speed boost a try to see if it can be viable for me. I'd probably want to buy items that can improve stun chance first, though. (sorry, typing thoughts). Hmmmm.

Yeah if you can eventually find you a glove with +6% or more crit chance, +30% crit damage and int you're doing good (mine has these stats and 203). Amulet with 5+% crit chance & 40%+ crit damage with intelligence etc. Jewelry can have both, gloves can have both. A weapon with a good chunk of +crit damage bonus is effectively much higher dps than it looks, something to think about. An 800ish dps 1h rare with int and +crit damage bonus is about as good as you can reasonably do for a weapon, then find you an off hand source with 50-200 + damage or more and high int. Helm can have upwards of 200 int with 50+ all resists AND a +crit chance (plus a little vit on mine). My gear that can't have crit stuff I get high int, try to work some HP in there and + all resist. So I'm sitting around 60% in my resistances even with this dps. The AH is really competitive though and I've spent a lot of hours refreshing to get my gear.


which one should i use? (for a DH in inferno)

Here's the simple method to get a good idea: socket the Hellrack with your best Emerald, then swap between the two and check your damage. The only non-damage discrepancy you'd have to guess about is the bleed proc on Hellrack.

Even with Archery, I'm not sure the Hellrack can match the raw DPS of the blue. They'd have to be pretty close to make the bleed proc worth it.


I do agree that Blizzard should be more insistent about the Authenticator option, and I'm also surprised at the frequency of the account hijacks.
There really is no argument here. The solution is simple. If you want to protect hours upon hours of in your blizzard games you download the mobile app, or, if you don't have am smart phone, you spend the $6.50 at the blizzard store for an authenticator:


A free option is available, so arguing against cost is irrelevant. At Six dollars and fifty cents Blizzard is not selling these devices for profit. If you can spend hundreds of dollars on blizzard games, but not under 10 bucks to protect yourself that's on you.

:lol Right, sure they're not

I'll just wait a bit to invest into DIII I think, maybe then the hacking won't be so rampant, and Blizzard might have figured out how to make the game even one tenth as fun as DII


Sadly D3 is no singleplayer game. Read the backside of the game.

lol, it literally is. I can play through the entire game with no one else, no auction house, nothing. So, anything with a mulitplayer mode (is that a dead term?) can't be considered single player?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
At this point ? That's like asking what to do to prevent a car crash, right after a car crash. I'm not sure there's much they can do right now, but I'm sure there's people much more knowledgeable on this issue. After all, I wasn't even aware of authenticators and how much of a common problem keyloggers were.
I don't think keyloggers are the vulnerability for D3. I've been hacked and run extensive checks and there's no sign of anything like that.


Gila, use the first crossbow and give the second one to me.

:lol Right, sure they're not

I'll just wait a bit to invest into DIII I think, maybe then the hacking won't be so rampant, and Blizzard might have figured out how to make the game even one tenth as fun as DII

You're one of those people. Got it.


Actually you're right. But man that's a slow ass xbow.

Is he though? 50% extra crit damage with Archery, guaranteed crit with Sharpshooter, and +40% or so extra crit damage through a socketed gem? That's a hell of a lot of damage.

:lol Right, sure they're not

I'll just wait a bit to invest into DIII I think, maybe then the hacking won't be so rampant, and Blizzard might have figured out how to make the game even one tenth as fun as DII

If the shipping is free, that's a buck or two. Factor in getting them to the US from China (where I'm sure they're made)...

Six fifty is not a huge markup, if it's any markup at all.


lol ya right

so half of you say the first one and other half says the legendary

... :(

(I don't have them atm, I'm purchasing one of them)


I do agree that Blizzard should be more insistent about the Authenticator option, and I'm also surprised at the frequency of the account hijacks.

Agreed. The sheer amount and frequency is suspect. This shortly after release, no less. Seems incredibly calculated.

Also if it was a security vulnerability on Blizzard's end - the wouldn't announce it until it's been 100% confirmed and most likely patched. So I'm not quite sure why everyone stating that Blizzard claims they have no knowledge of it being their end as the word of god.
Yeah if you can eventually find you a glove with +6% or more crit chance, +30% crit damage and int you're doing good (mine has these stats and 203). Amulet with 5+% crit chance & 40%+ crit damage etc. Jewelry can have both, gloves can have both. A weapon with a good chunk of +crit damage bonus is effectively much higher dps than it looks, something to think about. An 800ish dps 1h rare with int and +crit damage bonus is about as good as you can reasonably do for a weapon, then find you an off hand source with 50-200 + damage or more and high int.
Thanks for the insight.

If I happen upon a glove with crit damage and crit chance, I'll buy it and sell the other one I bought. I probably won't replace my amulet. it's giving 41% crit, 152 int and 90 vitality. :D

Not sure if any other equip-able items give crit damage (I think just gloves, rings and amulets). If I can find a good hat with vit, some int and crit chance, I'll grab it.

True story: I was watching some dude's stream last night...he had a 1300dps 1h weapn with like +40% damage and some crit. AND a crit gem on it. AND a quiver with good stats and a crit gem on it.

his damage was listed as
. with
500,000+ crits


Clearly this is my first time ever playing a Diablo game. I just realized I can use more than one skill per category across any of my slots. Face fucking palm. Wow. (Act III level 30 normal before I realized this)
Not your fault at all, I didn't even know it before reading the Op while I was waiting for the game to install. Best thing I read prior to playing the game, made my experience so much better.

I mean 3 of my skills come from the same category...


The AH is a disaster right now. All expired items and it won't let you do anything. Bring on that real money auction house where actual money is involved!

lol ya right

so half of you say the first one and other half says the legendary

... :(

(I don't have them atm, I'm purchasing one of them)

Definitely the 1000dps if purchasing. Make sure you don't overpay (1000dps with no dex or vita isn't the end all of bow purchases).


Agreed. The sheer amount and frequency is suspect. This shortly after release, no less. Seems incredibly calculated.

Also if it was a security vulnerability on Blizzard's end - the wouldn't announce it until it's been 100% confirmed and most likely patched. So I'm not quite sure why everyone stating that Blizzard claims they have no knowledge of it being their end as the word of god.

Calculated... to what ends... sell 6 dollar items they ship for free? Ya activision is evil, but I think they could come up with something better than that.

It's a new game with 6 million players, many who probably are using bad passwords, passwords that have been compromized from other systems, or have keyloggers. Of course there's going to be tons of reports.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Agreed. The sheer amount and frequency is suspect. This shortly after release, no less. Seems incredibly calculated.

I wonder how many people who have had their accounts compromised have SC2 or WoW accounts.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
True story: I was watching some dude's stream last night...he had a 1300dps 1h weapn with like +40% damage and some crit. AND a crit gem on it. AND a quiver with good stats and a crit gem on it.

his damage was listed as
. with
500,000+ crits

If I'm not mistaken the +%dmg on a weapon is already factored into the weapon dps. As far as helms yeah they can have +crit chance and upwards of 200 int along with +all resists and vitality. +Crit damage gems in our weapons add more dps than +dmg ones obviously.

Bracers can also have +crit chance but I haven't seen any worthy ones yet.



so the legendary one is 1.3 M

and the 1000dps one is around 1.4 M

make a difference?

e/ alright ill just buy the 1000dps

For 1.4? Don't do it. That's overpriced I'd say. There is stuff in the upper 900 dps with actual stats included (dex, vita, extra crit, extra speed, etc) that should be far less.


Agreed. The sheer amount and frequency is suspect. This shortly after release, no less. Seems incredibly calculated.

Also if it was a security vulnerability on Blizzard's end - the wouldn't announce it until it's been 100% confirmed and most likely patched. So I'm not quite sure why everyone stating that Blizzard claims they have no knowledge of it being their end as the word of god.

If this was on Blizzards end, I would guess that accounts with authenticators would also be getting hacked, yet I've not read of a single account with an authenticator being hacked.
Once again, the latency so high that the game is completely unplayable. Teriffic.

Thanks blizzard! Job well done.
Go fuck yourselves


I wonder how many people who have had their accounts compromised have SC2 or WoW accounts.

This is my theory as well. I think a lot of people were sitting on compromised accounts waiting for this game to go live for a while to skim more off the top. Particularly when the price of gold being sold was soaring due to RMAH delay.


Agreed. The sheer amount and frequency is suspect. This shortly after release, no less. Seems incredibly calculated.

Also if it was a security vulnerability on Blizzard's end - the wouldn't announce it until it's been 100% confirmed and most likely patched. So I'm not quite sure why everyone stating that Blizzard claims they have no knowledge of it being their end as the word of god.

It's not a vulnurability on their end, or it's at least it's extremely unlikely as it happens with the same frequency in World of Warcraft. It's a hugggeeee market.

They need to pack the auths in a box, at this point really. Blizzard CS is like a small army, due in no small part to this garbage.

It's either that or send someone to your house to bop you on the head when you download a keylogger. Some of these people could use a good bop, though.
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