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Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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Post your build. Though I'd wager your problems probably stem from gear.



Help me GAF for I know not what I do. I also have no cash or gear as I have to keep selling it for repairs. Spent too much early on levelling up the blacksmith and the jeweller.


[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/dPb5Q.png[/IMG]

[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/f7a2z.png[/IMG]

Help me GAF for I know not what I do. I also have no cash or gear as I have to keep selling it for repairs. Spent too much early on levelling up the blacksmith and the jeweller.

why do u have a skill without rune?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Question about barbs... Are you using any variety in abilities at higher levels?

I'm 41 and currently using this build:


Frenzy (Sidearm)
Revenge (Retribution) -> (Provocation at 52)

WotB (Insanity)
Battle Rage (Marauder)
Leap (Iron Impact) -> (Death from Above at 60)
War Cry (Hardened Wrath) -> (Impunity at 60)

Passives: Nerves of Steel, Superstition, Tough as Nails

I really don't see any room to pull these skills out, but I also have no way to spend fury. It's kind of like, cast my two shouts, jump in, hold down the left mouse to frenzy, and just mash the right click in case Revenge procs. What is barb? Is this barb?

I'm thinking about removing Superstition for Berserker Rage since I'm almost always at full fury and have no way to spend it.

Here's what I'm using while farming Act 1 Inferno:


I have a 1200~ DPS 2h Hammer with 600 Life on Hit (Frenzy gives 75% of that per hit, I think). Any time I need healing I just pop Ignore Pain. If a rare pack shows up, I pop Wrath of the Berserker, Ignore Pain, and then Earthquake so they melt in seconds while I'm constantly healed for insane amounts.

Good for farming, but it's not quite viable in Act 2. I can progress in Act 2, but I end up dying a lot.


Yep. I'm usually kiting with Force Armor, Diamond Skin and Slow Time, and I have DHs that can't even vault or SS properly. It's truly depressing. The 40's are a tough time to find people unless you've been leveling with another person, because it seems not many gaffers or goons are around that level. They're either at 60, or they're way below.

Zuly, what level are you right now?

do you need someone to play with? myDH is 36


Ugh, I don't think Blizzard created enough monsters that just straight up run away from you all the time -.-

Melee problems.


Ugh, I don't think Blizzard created enough monsters that just straight up run away from you all the time -.-

Melee problems.

They said they're adjusting that in the AMA on reddit yesterday. Specifically in response to Inferno and enrage timers.




Help me GAF for I know not what I do. I also have no cash or gear as I have to keep selling it for repairs. Spent too much early on levelling up the blacksmith and the jeweller.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you're having trouble progressing then I'd really opt for not-Magic Find slotted in your Helm. Though I guess +10% Life isn't that much at ~15k HP.

3500 DPS with ~1000 DEX means your 2Her is around ~330-ish DPS? I guess that's not too bad for the level range? The low Resists aren't helping much which makes One With Everything a questionable choice in general. But I think the larger cause of concern is the lack of Seize the Initiative (+928 Armor for you right now; infinitely better than One With Everything) and no Transcendence at all.

If I'm reading those runes right (oh god, I'm remembering runes):
Fist of Thunder > Static Charge
Exploding Palm > Nothing?!
Serenity > Reap What is Sown
Mantra of Evasion > Hard Target
Sweeping Wind > Blade Storm
Seven-Sided Strike > Pandemonium

Passives: One With Everything, Beacon of Ytar, Resolve

I'd overhaul basically all of it. I don't think Static Charge is that good basically ever so swapping to Lightning Flash (+Dodge), Deadly Reach > Keen Eye (+Armor), Crippling Wave > Concussion (-Damage Dealt debuff), or Way of the Hundred Fist > Spirited Salvo (15% Chance for +15 Spirit) would be better options for your primary.

Exploding Palm I just never found as good as I imagined it when leveling :( Lashing Tail Kick > Scorpion Sting is a decent spammable for low cost or you can go for something bigger like Wave of Light > Explosive Light.

Edit: Or if you want to keep Exploding Palm, not sure why The Flesh is Weak (+Damage% taken debuff) or Strong Spirit (+Spirit for enemies hit by explosion) isn't runed here.

Serenity > Ascension is probably my gut choice always. One extra second is a pretty big deal, personally. Especially since Reap's damage reflect isn't that spectacular.

Mantra of Evasion > Hard Target is probably fine. Maybe Healing > Boon of Inspiration but I don't know how the Life on Hit scales at low levels. Plus, you only have 1.32 Attacks Per Second so LoH isn't amazing for you yet.

Sweeping Wind ... hm. I do like it but 2H Attack Speed and 5% Crit Chance probably means this isn't stacking up that high for you. I'd say an Ally would be better "set and forget" Damage overall. But, if you like it / find it useful, it's not bad.

Seven-Sided Strike is fine for damage and the brief window of invulnerability but I'd argue Blinding Flash is better for that and you can get Faith in the Light at 55 for +Damage dealt.

Passive wise:
Transcendence, Seize the Initiative, Free slot! (Probably Guardian's Path since you'll most likely need the Spirit generation).

Basically, Monk play is a lot of taking damage and then using abilities with Transcendence to immediately heal you back to full.


Junior Member
Just started Hell Act 2. Managed to finally get a build to use on the butcher, but it gets me destroyed in Act 2. And now I have no money. Where should I farm?

Farm up some gold - not much, i think 20-40k should suffice - and get yourself some decent 1hander and a shield with dex and vit. You won't believe how much it will help. How much DPS does your weapon have? If it's below 200 and you're on EU i've got a dagger for you, Vodh#2936 - it's crappy, but more than enough for hell act 2 and you're really have an easier time with a shield, trust me.




Help me GAF for I know not what I do. I also have no cash or gear as I have to keep selling it for repairs. Spent too much early on levelling up the blacksmith and the jeweller.

No life per hit, lack of Transcendence passive, One with Everything is useless with Your gear, because You dont have resists.
Seven Sided Strike is bad skill imho, use something with CC instead like Blinding Flash or Tempest Rush.
Beacon of Ytar is not worth a slot, but You have really high dex, so You should try Seize the Initiative passive.
For 3rd passive i would use Resolve.

Oh and use Aura of Healing with new rune for life per hit, it will change Your survivability a lot. Increase attack speed with rings too.


Beat Diablo in Hell difficulty

Had to carry the entire fight because my partner kept dying.


I don't get paid enough to carry Diablo as a Wizard. :p
Yay I'm making progress finding legendary items :)

First one was 300 dps lvl 60 weapon which sold for 50k
Second was almost as useless lvl 5x monk helmet and it went for 90 k :D

Noone would pay even 10k if they were yellows through so color magic certainly works.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
What the.... is this thing for real? Do people really believe this? Where do you believe gear you buy from AH comes from? Thin air?

People using classes that aren't gear dependent to farm difficulties you can't (until you buy their gear on the AH, unless you roll one of those classes yourself!).


[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/dPb5Q.png[/IMG]

[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/f7a2z.png[/IMG]

Help me GAF for I know not what I do. I also have no cash or gear as I have to keep selling it for repairs. Spent too much early on levelling up the blacksmith and the jeweller.

Swap Resolve and Beacon of Ytar with Seize the Initiative and Transcendance.

With 900 dex, Seize should grant you about as much dmg reduction as resolve, but not require you to hit them first. You lack Spirit regen and you use a daibo so I don't see beacon helping you as much as extra heals when you use abilities.

Instead of Exploding Palm, use Breath of Heaven with Blazing Wrath. It's cheaper on the spirit costs, and provides you better benefits at the beginning of a fight plus gives you a heal. I'd also pick Deadly Reach with Keen Eye (since you will have a lot of armor) or FoT with Lightning Flash as a main generator since they're faster than Way of Hundred Fists and will provide you good defense as well. They also won't lock you in on the second animation while some champ does a full swing animation for massive dmg so you'll have more mobility.

Edit regarding One With Everything: If the resist you're using it on is Physical and maybe if it's Fire, I'd go ahead and swap that too with another passive like Chant of Resonance.
What the.... is this thing for real? Do people really believe this? Where do you believe gear you buy from AH comes from? Thin air?

I'm at 41 on my second play-through and using the AH for this character, whereas I didn't for my first. The difference is night and day. I only use the AH to supplement items that are 10 levels out of date, and you may be surprised at how many items that means I'm replacing via the AH instead of drops.

The difference in DPS, health, and general survivability and clear speed is staggering. It's not surprising that people feel the game doesn't drop usable items because the gulf in quality between progression drops and AH availability is immense.


People using classes that aren't gear dependent to farm difficulties you can't (until you buy their gear on the AH, unless you roll one of those classes yourself!).

Which is the issue ... for Inferno. Through Hell though, you're fairly well off just with drops and maybe the occasional AH purchase if the RNG hates you / you need the best shinies for the slot.

The difference in DPS, health, and general survivability and clear speed is staggering. It's not surprising that people feel the game doesn't drop usable items because the gulf in quality between progression drops and AH availability is immense.

The thing is, you get drops that are good enough to get through the content. The AH is just that much better and it's so cheap anyway. It's really not a case of "AH to progress!" but "AH is that much better than my stuff and basically free!"


Thank you man - I will give it a shot. I have been trying to have a sensible build but at some point it all got a bit much!


It's also important to note that Monk is a particularly gear dependant class. Even with the right build and skills, late hell in to inferno is rough until you get the gear, and the gear can take weeks to farm.

But once you get the gear, they may be the most sustainable, least dangerous class to play in Inferno (this is still up in the air, the game is still very young). There's just a threshold of hp/life on hit/dodge/armor/resistances that, once reached, you can survive and sustain where before you could not. Once you reach that point, what suddenly seemed like a brick wall almost instantly transforms in to "hey, this isn't so bad."

So expect a lot of farming in late hell and early inferno. If this bothers you or you get bored, you can roll on alt to vary the experience or wait for patch 1.0.3, where I suspect things will be at least slightly less brutal on your way to ultimate gear victory. I tell you all this so you know what to expect and don't get frustrated when it happens.


relies on auto-aim
I'm at 41 on my second play-through and using the AH for this character, whereas I didn't for my first. The difference is night and day. I only use the AH to supplement items that are 10 levels out of date, and you may be surprised at how many items that means I'm replacing via the AH instead of drops.

The difference in DPS, health, and general survivability and clear speed is staggering. It's not surprising that people feel the game doesn't drop usable items because the gulf in quality between progression drops and AH availability is immense.
Playing through Monk 1-60 and getting halfway into Act 1 Inferno with no AH I'd say a lot of it has to do with having a very good skills/rune set you know how to use.

But I had Boon of Protection so whatever.


But once you get the gear, they may be the most sustainable, least dangerous class to play in Inferno (this is still up in the air, the game is still very young). There's just a threshold of hp/life on hit/dodge/armor/resistances that, once reached, you can survive and sustain where before you could not. Once you reach that point, what suddenly seemed like a brick wall almost instantly transforms in to "hey, this isn't so bad."

Which is hilarious when you get that few extra Life per Spirit Spent (or Life on Hit) and 1-2% more Damage Reduction and all of a sudden you don't die. Like night and day sort of thing. It's pretty awesome(ly ridiculous).

Playing through Monk 1-60 and getting halfway into Act 1 Inferno with no AH I'd say a lot of it has to do with having a very good skills/rune set you know how to use.

But I had Boon of Protection so whatever.

Same but I didn't use BoP until late Act 1 Inferno lol.


Exploding Palm I just never found as good as I imagined it when leveling :( Lashing Tail Kick > Scorpion Sting is a decent spammable for low cost or you can go for something bigger like Wave of Light > Explosive Light.

Edit: Or if you want to keep Exploding Palm, not sure why The Flesh is Weak (+Damage% taken debuff) or Strong Spirit (+Spirit for enemies hit by explosion) isn't runed here.

Serenity > Ascension is probably my gut choice always. One extra second is a pretty big deal, personally. Especially since Reap's damage reflect isn't that spectacular.

Mantra of Evasion > Hard Target is probably fine. Maybe Healing > Boon of Inspiration but I don't know how the Life on Hit scales at low levels. Plus, you only have 1.32 Attacks Per Second so LoH isn't amazing for you yet.

Sweeping Wind ... hm. I do like it but 2H Attack Speed and 5% Crit Chance probably means this isn't stacking up that high for you. I'd say an Ally would be better "set and forget" Damage overall. But, if you like it / find it useful, it's not bad.

Seven-Sided Strike is fine for damage and the brief window of invulnerability but I'd argue Blinding Flash is better for that and you can get Faith in the Light at 55 for +Damage dealt.

Passive wise:
Transcendence, Seize the Initiative, Free slot! (Probably Guardian's Path since you'll most likely need the Spirit generation).

Basically, Monk play is a lot of taking damage and then using abilities with Transcendence to immediately heal you back to full.

This is basically all the stuff I do too. Deadly Reach/Keen Eye has the additional advantage that it allows you to kite slightly and stay out of those awful ground effects.

I really wanted to like Exploding Palm, but in the end it just isn't good enough right now. Even the +12% damage rune doesn't make it an efficient way to use spirit, especially because it can't be spammed. I've been using Lashing Tail Kick/Hand of Ytar instead, because it too works at range.

I say keep Sweeping Wind -- you swing so slowly with a two-hander that it's actually a big source of damage and clears out injured enemies so you don't have to waste swings on them. My third slot right now is Breath of Heaven/Blazing Wrath. It's a huge heal with Transcendence and the 15% damage boost is probably more damage over that time than most other abilities will be giving you.

Guardian's Path basically sucks for two-handers right now -- 25% more spirit generation means 1.5 more spirit per attack with a generator. At 1.32 attacks per second, the maximum benefit from this is 1.98 spirit per second. Chant of Resonance gives you 2 spirit per second, every second, including when you're out of combat -- it's flat better. If you have really good attack speed, Guardian's Path is better, but you probably won't ever have that good attack speed with a two-handed weapon. I feel like Seize the Initiative and Transcendence are nearly mandatory, with One with Everything coming in when you have sufficient resists. Until then, there's always Resolve -- Resolve plus Sweeping Wind is a nice defensive setup.
The thing is, you get drops that are good enough to get through the content. The AH is just that much better and it's so cheap anyway. It's really not a case of "AH to progress!" but "AH is that much better than my stuff and basically free!"

Sure I guess?

However, my general playstyle with the barb (and the reason I started AH use regularly on him) was because an area would be frustrating, and I'd just want to get through it, so I'd go to the AH and then all of a sudden it was fun again. At some later point, the content gets frustrating...and the loop continues.

I'm not complaining about anything, just relaying an experience.

Which is hilarious when you get that few extra Life per Spirit Spent (or Life on Hit) and 1-2% more Damage Reduction and all of a sudden you don't die. Like night and day sort of thing. It's pretty awesome(ly ridiculous).
And that's the issue there that I think Blizzard is looking to solve: You get to a point and it's just stupid (not talking about normal difficulties here) but then a few upgrades and "you don't die". I hope they really nail down the curve better so that things can feel challenging and not head banging stupid.


I am Wayne Brady.


Help me GAF for I know not what I do. I also have no cash or gear as I have to keep selling it for repairs. Spent too much early on levelling up the blacksmith and the jeweller.

to condense the nonsense: If you are down with the AH, save some cash and go buy level 60 items with level reduction stats that bring them down to your level and then you can use whatever fuckin' build you want until inferno (although i'd seriously consider using mystic ally over seven sided strike).


Junior Member
Seven sided strike is amazing, and the sheer coolnes of just how awesome this attack is feels like enough justification to never ever drop it. Plus it really is good, those ~2 seconds of invulnerability plus some insane damage while you wait for your serenity to come off cooldown is just great.


relies on auto-aim
Just pick Transcendence and Seize as your 1 and 2 passive slots.
Drop Palm and 7 sided trike. Get Lashing Tail kick with just about any rune and then flash/heal.
Seven sided strike is amazing, and the sheer coolnes of just how awesome this attack is feels like enough justification to never ever drop it. Plus it really is good, those ~2 seconds of invulnerability plus some insane damage while you wait for your serenity to come off cooldown is just great.
CD is too long and both Blinding Flash, Fear runed Heal, and Serenity work better in almost all cases. I use 7 sided for Belial and Diablo though sometimes. I can see it being ok for a few reasons, but with tailwind on the Monk movement skill I can escape just about anything I need to.

It's a shame because when I saw this it was a big reason to pick Monk.


I do want to point out that Exploding Palm - Essence Burn procs LoH on every enemy explosion so it's very good for health recovery if you have a lot of AOE damage going on.

Blinding flash is VERY good combined with Serenity btw. Rotate the timers for basically extra invincibility.


I am Wayne Brady.
Seven sided strike is amazing, and the sheer coolnes of just how awesome this attack is feels like enough justification to never ever drop it. Plus it really is good, those ~2 seconds of invulnerability plus some insane damage while you wait for your serenity to come off cooldown is just great.

Try earth ally. Those two seconds will seem silly compared to all the work that pet puts in pulling shit off you.


This is basically all the stuff I do too. Deadly Reach/Keen Eye has the additional advantage that it allows you to kite slightly and stay out of those awful ground effects.

I really wanted to like Exploding Palm, but in the end it just isn't good enough right now. Even the +12% damage rune doesn't make it an efficient way to use spirit, especially because it can't be spammed. I've been using Lashing Tail Kick/Hand of Ytar instead, because it too works at range.

I say keep Sweeping Wind -- you swing so slowly with a two-hander that it's actually a big source of damage and clears out injured enemies so you don't have to waste swings on them. My third slot right now is Breath of Heaven/Blazing Wrath. It's a huge heal with Transcendence and the 15% damage boost is probably more damage over that time than most other abilities will be giving you.

Guardian's Path basically sucks for two-handers right now -- 25% more spirit generation means 1.5 more spirit per attack with a generator. At 1.32 attacks per second, the maximum benefit from this is 1.98 spirit per second. Chant of Resonance gives you 2 spirit per second, every second, including when you're out of combat -- it's flat better. If you have really good attack speed, Guardian's Path is better, but you probably won't ever have that good attack speed with a two-handed weapon. I feel like Seize the Initiative and Transcendence are nearly mandatory, with One with Everything coming in when you have sufficient resists. Until then, there's always Resolve -- Resolve plus Sweeping Wind is a nice defensive setup.

Oh cool I didn't realize it helped with generator attacks as well. But yeah, Chant is definitely going to help more than Guardian's with Spirit generation. Also, even at 45 resists all, that's almost a 15% damage reduction at his level (45/315 = ~14.2%) so it's not terrible, but if the main stat is physical or fire I'd say he won't need it.

I like Keen Eye on Deadly Reach, but I never use it because I prefer Foresight as a secondary spirit generator and Lightning Flash as the primary so I get both dodge + increased dmg. Keen Eye's buff duration is too short and would require me to have 100% focus to keep it and the dodge% up 95%+ of the time.


Guardian's Path basically sucks for two-handers right now -- 25% more spirit generation means 1.5 more spirit per attack with a generator. At 1.32 attacks per second, the maximum benefit from this is 1.98 spirit per second. Chant of Resonance gives you 2 spirit per second, every second, including when you're out of combat -- it's flat better. If you have really good attack speed, Guardian's Path is better, but you probably won't ever have that good attack speed with a two-handed weapon. I feel like Seize the Initiative and Transcendence are nearly mandatory, with One with Everything coming in when you have sufficient resists. Until then, there's always Resolve -- Resolve plus Sweeping Wind is a nice defensive setup.

Actually, I didn't think about the Attack Speed for Guardian's Path on that suggestion. You're right, Chant is overall a better option there with the current setup (and even if it wasn't, it being between fights would be better).

That said, I didn't think Resolve even worked with Sweeping Wind but I never did check to see that.

I do want to point out that Exploding Palm - Essence Burn procs LoH on every enemy explosion so it's very good for health recovery if you have a lot of AOE damage going on.

Blinding flash is VERY good combined with Serenity btw. Rotate the timers for basically extra invincibility.

For some reason, I thought Essence Burn was 58, not 51 :/


People using classes that aren't gear dependent to farm difficulties you can't (until you buy their gear on the AH, unless you roll one of those classes yourself!).

Or exploiting waypoints/goblins/chests 24/7 from areas you can't yet clear to find usable gear.(Or couldn't at least, some of these are fixed now). Of course at this point there are enough people providing late game items and buying gold that the progression is made easier, but not for everyone.


Sure I guess?

However, my general playstyle with the barb (and the reason I started AH use regularly on him) was because an area would be frustrating, and I'd just want to get through it, so I'd go to the AH and then all of a sudden it was fun again. At some later point, the content gets frustrating...and the loop continues.

I'm not complaining about anything, just relaying an experience.

Ah, I didn't mean to say you were or anything like that. Just pointing out that it's typically not a case of "AH because you can't progress ever" but more that "AH has so much better stuff than your drops that you'd be silly to not do it."

A lot of people keep claiming the former because their drops are so much worse than the AH so they obviously must be getting the shaft on drops. It's really that they have the equipment to make progress but the vastly better stuff in the AH (for practically nothing) makes it a lot easier so there's almost no reason to not use it.

And that's the issue there that I think Blizzard is looking to solve: You get to a point and it's just stupid (not talking about normal difficulties here) but then a few upgrades and "you don't die". I hope they really nail down the curve better so that things can feel challenging and not head banging stupid.

Yeah, it doesn't feel that smooth. I mean, some of it is, sure, but it's basically a climb from "dying fast" to "struggling to survive" to "sort of easy, still rough" and then just "doesn't fucking matter!"


I'm at 41 on my second play-through and using the AH for this character, whereas I didn't for my first. The difference is night and day. I only use the AH to supplement items that are 10 levels out of date, and you may be surprised at how many items that means I'm replacing via the AH instead of drops.

The difference in DPS, health, and general survivability and clear speed is staggering. It's not surprising that people feel the game doesn't drop usable items because the gulf in quality between progression drops and AH availability is immense.

Step 1: Deck yourself out with all-new, high quality, rare items from the auction house.
Step 2: Steamroll everything with ease.
Step 3: Wonder why you're not seeing upgrades drop.
Step 4: Repeat Step 1.

Seriously though, I've never purchased anything from the auction house while leveling. I always found upgrades reasonably often, though in Nightmare and Hell it required doing the optional side dungeons instead of just speed running through the acts as fast as possible. (Those side dungeons tend to have a ton of loot drops.) With guaranteed rares being added to Nightmare and Hell boss first kills, even side dungeons won't be needed anymore.
I was in the AH looking for general stuff while leveling and saw a 600+ dps 1 hander, with about 500 LoH (and some other Str and Vit stats) for 100k. I decided to grab it since my barb should be 60 in a couple of days.

Good or bad decision? Is that weapon going to be OK for A1 SK -> Butcher runs, assuming other decent gear?

Sorry for the dumb question, but my main is a DH and she was using a 870 crossbow in A1, but I think that melee weapon requirements are somewhat different.


Junior Member
Try earth ally. Those two seconds will seem silly compared to all the work that pet puts in pulling shit off you.

Tried, he's nowhere near as cool and leaves mud on the carpet.

That being said, I'm clearing Inferno act 1 with no problems at all and am able to progress in act 2 with somewhat unsatisfying death rate (waiting for better eq, mainly a LoH weapon) so I'm not that desperate to squeeze out some extra survi. I can see tho how (coolness aside) the earth ally would be slightly more effective.


I was in the AH looking for general stuff while leveling and saw a 600+ dps 1 hander, with about 500 LoH (and some other Str and Vit stats) for 100k. I decided to grab it since my barb should be 60 in a couple of days.

Good or bad decision? Is that weapon going to be OK for A1 SK -> Butcher runs, assuming other decent gear?

Sorry for the dumb question, but my main is a DH and she was using a 870 crossbow in A1, but I think that melee weapon requirements are somewhat different.

That'll be great for A1 and prooobably through A2. Won't give you the DPS you need for A3 though.


Neo Member
I was in the AH looking for general stuff while leveling and saw a 600+ dps 1 hander, with about 500 LoH (and some other Str and Vit stats) for 100k. I decided to grab it since my barb should be 60 in a couple of days.

Good or bad decision? Is that weapon going to be OK for A1 SK -> Butcher runs, assuming other decent gear?

Sorry for the dumb question, but my main is a DH and she was using a 870 crossbow in A1, but I think that melee weapon requirements are somewhat different.

That 1her will be absolutely fine in A1.


Junior Member
I was in the AH looking for general stuff while leveling and saw a 600+ dps 1 hander, with about 500 LoH (and some other Str and Vit stats) for 100k. I decided to grab it since my barb should be 60 in a couple of days.

Good or bad decision? Is that weapon going to be OK for A1 SK -> Butcher runs, assuming other decent gear?

Sorry for the dumb question, but my main is a DH and she was using a 870 crossbow in A1, but I think that melee weapon requirements are somewhat different.

Sounds good to me, assuming other decent gear you should have no problems with A1.


I like Keen Eye on Deadly Reach, but I never use it because I prefer Foresight as a secondary spirit generator and Lightning Flash as the primary so I get both dodge + increased dmg. Keen Eye's buff duration is too short and would require me to have 100% focus to keep it and the dodge% up 95%+ of the time.

This is the biggest problem with slow weapons for Monks, really -- they have so many 3-5 second buffs on hit that if it takes you 3 seconds to get to the third Deadly Reach hit (for example) then you won't be able to keep the buff up while doing anything else.

Just pick Transcendence and Seize as your 1 and 2 passive slots.
Drop Palm and 7 sided trike. Get Lashing Tail kick with just about any rune and then flash/heal.

CD is too long and both Blinding Flash, Fear runed Heal, and Serenity work better in almost all cases. I use 7 sided for Belial and Diablo though sometimes. I can see it being ok for a few reasons, but with tailwind on the Monk movement skill I can escape just about anything I need to.

It's a shame because when I saw this it was a big reason to pick Monk.

Yeah! My two favorite Monk abilities were Exploding Palm and Seven Sided Strike. They were both in my build until Act IV Nightmare, even, but eventually I just couldn't justify it any more.


Tried, he's nowhere near as cool and leaves mud on the carpet.

That being said, I'm clearing Inferno act 1 with no problems at all and am able to progress in act 2 with somewhat unsatisfying death rate (waiting for better eq, mainly a LoH weapon) so I'm not that desperate to squeeze out some extra survi. I can see tho how (coolness aside) the earth ally would be slightly more effective.

Yeah, as awesome as Seven-Sided is, it's just not that much damage for the cooldown nor is it enough invulnerability for it either. I hate having my offensive stuff on long CDs so my Monk runs Exploding Palm > Essence Burn or Wave of Light > Explosive Light typically for Act 1 clears and the Ally helps stave off the crushing loneliness of soloing Act 1 Inferno.

Though, to be honest, Essence Burn is there 99% because the explosions are hilarious.

Yeah! My two favorite Monk abilities were Exploding Palm and Seven Sided Strike. They were both in my build until Act IV Nightmare, even, but eventually I just couldn't justify it any more.

Essence Burn makes Exploding Palm really usable, in my opinion. Though I guess it depends on the "why" you didn't like it. The fact the explosions apply Exploding Palm which chains into more explosions is so good. The fact they count as hits is just extra nice.

Plus the aforementioned hilarity of zombies flying around when they blow up.


I was in the AH looking for general stuff while leveling and saw a 600+ dps 1 hander, with about 500 LoH (and some other Str and Vit stats) for 100k. I decided to grab it since my barb should be 60 in a couple of days.

Good or bad decision? Is that weapon going to be OK for A1 SK -> Butcher runs, assuming other decent gear?

Sorry for the dumb question, but my main is a DH and she was using a 870 crossbow in A1, but I think that melee weapon requirements are somewhat different.

It's a decent weapon for A1. Make sure you have a reasonable Attack Speed to maximize LoH effectiveness tho.


I was in the AH looking for general stuff while leveling and saw a 600+ dps 1 hander, with about 500 LoH (and some other Str and Vit stats) for 100k. I decided to grab it since my barb should be 60 in a couple of days.

Good or bad decision? Is that weapon going to be OK for A1 SK -> Butcher runs, assuming other decent gear?

Sorry for the dumb question, but my main is a DH and she was using a 870 crossbow in A1, but I think that melee weapon requirements are somewhat different.

My monk cleared Act II last night using a 550 DPS weapon with around 500 LoH (including the amethyst) and no other useful stats. If barbarians are similar, that weapon should be more than enough for Act I. In Act II you'll start to feel the lack of DPS - assuming you stack your armor for defense over offense - but you can make it work. It won't be enough to handle Act III.
Right now I'm using

- Crippling Wave > Concussion
- Lashing Tail Kick > Sweeping Armada
- Mantra of Healing > Boon
- Breath of Heaven > Blazing Wrath
- Serenity > Asention
- Sweeping Wind > Blade Storm

Passives are:

Transendence, Sieze the initiative, One with Everything.

I know I'm only on act 1 and that things might change, but it's working now. I can pretty much stand in take hits with this set up and 2.2 APS w/ 780 LOH after buff. My DPS is around 13.5K after buff. If things get sketchy, I use lashing kick to clear room and move for a second before re-engaging. My resists are around 440. Proably 22K HP.

I'm farming some money and needing to upgrade my belt & bracers. That should get me some more resist and dex and vitality and start to prepare me for the wall that is act 2. I want to try it prior to the patch for comparisons.
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