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Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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Neo Member
I'm happy that I'm the type of D3 player who gets the most fun out of simply playing the game thru normally.Could care less about farming runs. All the complainers make me lol. I am half way thru Hell with my WD and loving every moment. This game makes me feel like I am 13 again!


My biggest gripe with the way the game is currently set up is that the path of least resistance is so very clear in this game: use the AH to make money buying low and selling high, and use that money to upgrade your equipment to gear that is over-levelled for your current character (i.e. buy Act 4 gear while in Act 2).

That's okay that there's a path of least resistance, but the difference between playing how it was probably intended to be played (face rolling Act I over and over and over until you're geared enough for Act II) and playing it the easy way is jarring.

And then factor in that you can avoid especially troublesome elite groups by quitting and remaking when playing for progression due to the check point system, and you're basically looking at a game with virtually 0 reward for biting the bullet and playing through it the "correct" or "normal" way.

i think the main reason people are complaining so much about the nerfs is because it's their only way to get around the inferno spike. so in essence blizzard is removing any help the player can find in getting past their inferno blunder.

(the exploits are also disrupting the econ, but i can live with that)

It's entirely possible to get through without using exploits, but I agree, the brick wall you hit, especially at the beginning of Act 2, is staggering. But you shouldn't expect Blizzard to allow people to essentially cheat their way through. Of course, then you run into the argument of whether or not using the AH is cheating...



Man, so close. Hateful trash indeed.


Gold Member
I'm happy that I'm the type of D3 player who gets the most fun out of simply playing the game thru normally.Could care less about farming runs. All the complainers make me lol. I am half way thru Hell with my WD and loving every moment. This game makes me feel like I am 13 again!

you are going to hit a wall in inferno ( before they patch it) where your only hope is to do runs for gold or items to sell. and youre going to get very tired of it. fast.


You people who have computers that aren't 5 year old laptops and can handle playing 3 or 4 players at once make me so jealous. My computer is exactly minimum specs... but it still blows.

I just get hit with massive slowdown, resulting in enemies warping to me and dying before I have a chance to react. It's great.


No more smashing pots for 500k/hr, monster damage doesn't go up with additional players in game, no more Kulle quest 1-60 in 4 hours

Just tested it. Shadows in a4 hit me for 1550 solo, 2100 with a friend in the game so damage scaling for groups is still in effect.

edit: nevermind I think one of my buffs might've come off. he is offline now and I can't retest though

Yeah but that's coming aver 1.03.

Plus, they never said they were improving *all* legendaries, and afaik that cloak is already one of the better dh chestpieces.

My guess is that most level 60 legendary weapons will become iL63


Just tested it. Shadows in a4 hit me for 1550 solo, 2100 with a friend in the game so damage scaling for groups is still in effect.

Over how many swings was this sampled? ~1500 -> ~2100 is pre-hotfix 4 Player Inferno scaling, not just one person.


This may have been covered endlessly in this thread already, so sorry in advance if so...

Why is it that everything in the AH ends 1 day or more from now? I swear no matter what I search for, I can never find auctions ending soon. Does the game filter out auctions ending soon to prevent last second bidding wars or am I just doing something wrong. Everything I have to bid on ends a day later or at a time when I can't be there. If I could sort by ending time I could bid on things which I have a chance to actually win.

Also, it seems like everything is vastly overpriced. I would have figured that by now, the AH economy would have stabilized and things wouldn't be as expensive as more and more rares are found. Or has it already?


So.... how about that increase amount of reflect damage champ packs. Pretty much kills Siegebreaker runs for me. I wonder if this also reflects in Act 4 because that will halt my progression as well.


I was just about to say the same thing. People expecting Tyrael to do the work for them is just ridiculous. I know melee have it rough but exploiting your way to a decent farm is a ridiculous expectation from the game. Proper buffs on melee class should be expected, not retaining of exploits.

Should be, but they are nowhere to be seen. And no, 1.0.3 gamewide changes are not "melee buffs", they are "let's make the game experience less shitty for everyone" buffs. I wasn't even at Tyrael so whatever. Farming Act II for another 2 weeks.


Dropped on act 1 inferno.
I guess it suck, no?[/QUOTE]

It sucks ass. The DPS is just too low for the survivability you are giving up by forgoing a shield.


Anybody able to give me a hand with Inferno Diablo? I'm able to reach the last phase but it would go so much easier if i had someone else to res me when I make a mistake.
Blizard has consistently made it easier to get to max level in all of their games because they know thats where the meat of their game is. I already have one level 60 monk, and my melee character has hit a wall just because of the way the game is created (poorly).

Where i would now have to farm for gold in act I inferno for hours to get 500-1mil just to see slight upgrades to my character since the AH inflation for decent gear is going through the roof and finding gear before 1.03 that will actually improve your character is nonexistent. I wish i could trade in my time and play a slightly less encumbered character quickly.

The only good they have done since launch is fix the co-op slightly.


Anybody able to give me a hand with Inferno Diablo? I'm able to reach the last phase but it would go so much easier if i had someone else to res me when I make a mistake.

I can try to help you but I have not tried it yet so I don't know how much I would help



WOTB + Quake
Have been using those since I got them. And they're never going to leave my bar, either.
I just couldn't kill him fast enough before he would start telefraggin me and I couldn't go toe to toe with him. Finally made it with the help of the ancestors (Call of the Ancients) to whittle him down to 1/5 and survived long enough to kill him from there. Got him just as he was about to hit (and probably kill) me.
Diablo was piss easy in comparison. So now I'm in Inferno with two chars. The Barb is getting stomped because I have barely any resists. So now I'm either going to level a Monk or farm gold to buy gear. Don't think I'm going to find anything good from drops.
Where i would now have to farm for gold in act I inferno for hours to get 500-1mil just to see slight upgrades to my character since the AH inflation for decent gear is going through the roof and finding gear before 1.03 that will actually improve your character is nonexistent. I wish i could trade in my time and play a slightly less encumbered character quickly.

This is the problem, with the Ashes people were able to get crazy amounts of money quickly and inflated the prices of things. Now that it has been nerfed the people who didn't do it now are in a weird limbo of needing almost impossible amounts of gold for any significant upgrades.

I also have an incredibly hard time selling any decent rares I find in Act 1 Inferno even though I price things way lower than it should sell for just because Act 1 is primarily all people can do.

My Witch Doctor probably has enough stats to clear Act 1 and maybe do Butcher runs and while I personally enjoy farming a lot and have a high tolerance for the jackpot mentality I feel like my jackpots are limited to like 20k items. (Although I found shoulders that the AH says are worth around a million, we'll see if it ever sells though.)

Edit: Oh and once they repair fees go up 4-6 times I'm not sure how I'll play at all in Inferno. It'll be like perma-Act 1 and back to Hell to get gold to repair ... it might kill the game for me.


Have they given a reason as to why you don't retain Neph Valor when you move to a new act? Seems like the sort of thing they should be promoting, like start at the beginning of an Act and play through as much as you can without reloading anything. I have gone through like the middle of Act 1 to the end and wanted to go further into Act 2 but couldn't because I knew that would mean losing the 5 stacks.

The problem is that blizzard seems to be a lot faster with nerfing everything when compared to buffing classes that are struggling.

Furthermore, this keeps widening the rift between those people who played ranged classes and were the first to 60 and used all the exploits and all the newer players who can't do any of that.
I do agree that buffs > nerfs but most of these are "fixes" than actual nerfs IMO.

The enemies doing less damage in co-op games is more a buff for melee. They were the ones who had to stick it out in the front lines while the ranged characters sat at the back and pumping out DPS while not getting hit. They are the ones who are going to notice the difference. The buffs are going to come but right now they seem to be focused on fixing the exploits. Let's see how 1.03 ends up being and see how vast the gap is in between the characters then. People also forget that hardcore is also a mode in the game and in that mode life is rough as hell for the ranged classes.


LOL at people crying about exploits getting fixed. For goodness sakes, if you don't like the game then don't play it!

Design treasure goblin, get surprised by players killing exploiting the poor fella.
Design resplendent chest, act surprised when players open] exploit them.
Design Tyrael with x dmg, hotfix him when players actually use exploit him.
Place vases with x gold drops, complain about players smashing exploiting them.

Almost every single hotfix/nerf is Blizzard acting surprised that players would be incentivized by their design choices.


Have they given a reason as to why you don't retain Neph Valor when you move to a new act? Seems like the sort of thing they should be promoting, like start at the beginning of an Act and play through as much as you can without reloading anything. I have gone through like the middle of Act 1 to the end and wanted to go further into Act 2 but couldn't because I knew that would mean losing the 5 stacks.

They keep saying that they want people to carry on from act to act instead of farming bosses, and that NV is supposed to encourage this. Yet the fact that it doesn't carry over from act to act is the reason people are not advancing with it, and the reason that they have had to remove 1 guaranteed rare from 5 stack bosses.

It is far more advantageous to repeat the quicker and easier act to get NV stacks and kill all the elites, champs, and bosses then it is to progress to the next act.

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know that NV is not retained with act progression.


If NV carried over I'd get my 5 stacks in act 1 and then jump to act 3 to farm.

Act II Treasure Goblin at end of Ancient Path still works fine, FYI. I need to find an act 3 goblin near a waypoint as act 2 loot is rapidly losing all value on the AH


Design treasure goblin, get surprised by players killing exploiting the poor fella.
Design resplendent chest, act surprised when players open] exploit them.
Design Tyrael with x dmg, hotfix him when players actually use exploit him.
Place vases with x gold drops, complain about players smashing exploiting them.

Almost every single hotfix/nerf is Blizzard acting surprised that players would be incentivized by their design choices.

The problem with both goblins and chests is that they aren't random. Every white chest should have a small chance of being resplendent or something and goblins should just be able to randomly appear anywhere instead of having an X% chance of appearing at predefined spots.

The Tyrael thing was weird because no followers do close to what his damage used to do. I'm guessing they did it so he would seem like a badass or something.

The pot thing is so stupid though. I don't see how they didn't see what happened coming. They gave items radius to pickup then had GF, then skills that just break pots when you walk by them. It's like a perfect mix for botting and exploitation.


I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know that NV is not retained with act progression.
HAHA LMAO if true.

Design treasure goblin, get surprised by players killing exploiting the poor fella.
Design resplendent chest, act surprised when players open] exploit them.
Design Tyrael with x dmg, hotfix him when players actually use exploit him.
Place vases with x gold drops, complain about players smashing exploiting them.
Aside from Tyrael the problem with those other 3 is that they are all in spots that are very easily accessible. You can abuse a particular waypoint and reload the game then farm the goblin, vase, chests RISK FREE. That's the main point here, they don't want you to farm anything of substantial worth without taking risks. That's the whole point of NV in the game and Elites now dropping guaranteed rares.. they WANT you to kill Elites to get those rares. No one is going to go for those same spots if they had like 2-3 Elites/Champions spawning close to those way points. IMO putting goblin spawns near way point is just bad design.

Right now the game is way too low risk/medium - high reward with the way you can farm goblins and chests. On the other hand going through packs of elites/rares is high risk especially Act 2 and above yet has the same or less rewards as goblin/chest. They appear to be wanting to fix this risk/reward ratio but I still want them to make it so that you continue your NV after finishing Acts.

Every white chest should have a small chance of being resplendent or something and goblins should just be able to randomly appear anywhere instead of having an X% chance of appearing at predefined spots.
This right here is the right fix especially the goblin fix. Basically the way Blizzard has "nerfed" the Goblins is just dropping their spawn percentage which is pretty much alleviated by 4 people hunting the same spot until one finds it and call other people. I do this too, lots of people do it too and there is no reason not to do it especially if you are in Act 2 up to the Paths to Ancients Way point.


If NV carried over I'd get my 5 stacks in act 1 and then jump to act 3 to farm.

And how exactly would you do that without leaving the game.

People want it to carry over when you finish the act and then trigger the progression to the next act, and that's exactly what all the documentation on NV has always made it sound like it is supposed to do.


Have they given a reason as to why you don't retain Neph Valor when you move to a new act? Seems like the sort of thing they should be promoting, like start at the beginning of an Act and play through as much as you can without reloading anything. I have gone through like the middle of Act 1 to the end and wanted to go further into Act 2 but couldn't because I knew that would mean losing the 5 stacks.
You could exploit it too much.

You lose it every time you log out.


eek, Dahbomb

I understand the/their reason behind it. But it's clearly not an exploit, they designed it this way and all people did is play the game.


You could exploit it too much.

You lose it every time you log out.

How exactly could you exploit it if it was only kept on progression from the end of 1 act to the start of the next act.

You start the next act from the beginning and cannot jump to any way points and have to work your way through the whole act again. The only benefit is an increase in drops from the start, which encourages you to progress to the next act instead of leaving the game and restarting.


Just read about the nerfs, I laughed.

I play a wizard and I've been at the end of Act III Inferno for quite a while now, I'm sure I could finish it in 30-60 minutes, but I just can't bring myself to log in anymore. I just don't care. I already feel like I missed the boat. Those who got to 60 first were able to use exploits and broken skills to farm gear they shouldn't have been able to, this allowed them to be the only players capable of farming that gear once those exploits and skills were fixed. Now they sell that gear and make tens of millions while everyone else has to beg them for scraps. And then you have people botting the AH, ensuring that it's not even possible to get a good deal every now and again.

The end game couldn't be less fun, it doesn't have a single redeeming quality.

I wish I never hit 60.


You could exploit it too much.

You lose it every time you log out.
How would you exploit it? You shouldn't be logged off if you are progressing directly from end of Act 1 to Act 2. You SHOULD have to leave game to change quests to go to Act 3 and that would remove the NV to avoid being exploited.

But it's clearly not an exploit, they designed it this way and all people did is play the game.
They are definitely design oversights on their part and the players are exploiting these oversights. Again I am not placing the blame on the players at all for finding and exploiting the game just when they complain about fixes to the exploits as if they didn't see it coming. They definitely didn't intend people to let Tyrael fight the enemies for them hence the Tyrael nerf. I am pretty sure they didn't intend people to spend 90% of their time reloading checkpoints because that defeats the purpose of their MAIN GAME PLAY FEATURE at max cap which is Neph Valor.


Seems to me that if they want us to play a particular way it is as easy as making that way the most rewarding in terms of loot. Which, I suppose, is what they're doing. They're just going about it ass-backwards.

Clearing an act with a stack of NV should be very rewarding, it isn't, so people have turned to other methods. In some cases it isn't even possible so turning to other methods wasn't a matter of choosing a better way, but of choosing perhaps the only way.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
As someone who's about to beat the normal game for the first time, all of this stuff is sounding pretty bad.


As someone who's about to beat the normal game for the first time, all of this stuff is sounding pretty bad.

games pretty fun actually there are just certain parts you wont want to replay for the 7th time

also i'm not to worried about my DH only being 53. they kinda suck anyways
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