Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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It isn't a matter of just utility vs survivability though. The AOE damage is an element of survival because killing mobs before they touch you is a part of that. I prefer Lightning Flash for Elite hunting but Thunderclap is probably equal or better when it comes to progressing Acts because it allows you to kill grunt groups faster and chase down problematic ones. Plus, constant movement allows for some additional dodging benefits, particularly against slow moving attacks like fireballs.

I'd say that covering distance for enemies is part of the utility aspect of it rather than survival, to be honest, but I suppose that's just me. That said, I try to minimize changing builds much so, to me, "Elite hunting" would basically be my target goal the majority of the time rather than dealing with trash that much. I mean, I do run Backlash so the extra Evasion does help with that so +Dodge% does help with that as well.

But, yeah, the teleport is nice for various enemies in Act 2 and 3 so it's not useless. I'd just argue that +Dodge% is better generally over it. That said, it's still down to these two runes for FoT primarily.

Also AOE = Lots of Life on Hit procs.

To be fair, Fist of Thunder itself has a small frontal-arc Area of Effect itself. But, yes, that's true as well.


We're discussing the official diablo forums here, by the way, not a gold farming site. Regardless, my conjecture is purely based on incentive: if incentive to farm is high, people will farm a lot. 6 dollars/hour is a very strong incentive to play a game, obviously, given that the usual incentive is 0 dollars.

Where we disagree is on where an equilibrium 'incentive' would lie. You're only looking at the supply side here, and when you do that you could replace any number in with the ones you're using and it still works. "1 dollar/hour is a very strong incentive to play a game, obviously, given that the usual incentive is 0 dollars."

I think that people will pay much more than the equivalent of $6/hr to avoid grinding (if I were willing to pay at all, I know I would. Grinding sucks), and that $6/hr does not constitute sufficient incentive to flood the market.
STILL getting horrible lag spikes constantly that started last night, is there something wrong with the servers? (just checking to make sure my internet hasn't randomly gone to hell)


If you guys have any 30+% Gold Find amulets (even with no other stats) I suggest selling them now. I had a 40 and a couple in the 37-39 range, and I'm now a few mil richer for it.

40%'s (perfect GF rolls) go for a mil easy, with absolutely no other stats. 39 maybe 600, 38 maybe 500, etc.

Unless you think gold is going to be worth "finding" after the RMAH hits.


Just out of curiousity, what do you do with your gold? What about valuable items that's aren't good for your specific charachter or level?
Gems, crafting, repairs. I don't have any GF so I don't get gigantic amounts of gold.
As far as the items go, I only keep the ones that could be useful for my Monk or the ones that I think are really good (but I don't find much that is amazing) which I usually end up donating to a couple of people I play with.
If I were to find a really incredible piece of equipment that I (or my friends) couldn't use, I'd probably post it here and give it to the first person who claimed it.

Does the damage done by sweeping wind also effect LOH?
No, that would make Monks immortal.

Tom Penny


I need to upgrade my helm, shoulders, gloves, chest, pants, and bracers, but they are fine for act 2 right now.

Thanks. I need to save up. Some of that stuff must have cost a ton like that amulet and boots. I'll have to buy a piece at a time. I thought you need a shield but it makes sense if you dual wield with life on hit.


Guess I'll try to memorize everything in normal mode.

Generally, anything works. You just have to have the patience to avoid his arm swings. I recommend getting Mystic Ally to get the damage in while you run around like a madman trying to avoid his swings. Don't get greedy; sometimes he follows up his three-hit combo with a devastating single hit. Generally, you want to start on the right, and make your way left when he starts his combo. I think it's bugged the other way around.

EDIT: @Fenderputty, yeah, I pretty much only use FoT with Thunderclap. I hate relying on dodge.

That worked well. I could stand still all day and memorize it. Then one shot his ass to end it. lul.


End of the give away folks, here's some stats:

Amount of people wanting each item:

Wraps 19
Sword 14
Bow 7
Offhand Wiz 1
Offhand WD 1
Amulet 1
Placeholder 1

Total amount of people entered: 45 (one person didn't give me an item choice I think)

2 random numbers were generated

2: Kinitari - Won the gloves


27: goober - Won the sword


Congrats you two. Thank you everyone for entering! I'll be probably holding another contest in a couple of days with some weapons I found.

edit: Whoops, goober wanted the sword, let me edit.
End of the give away folks, here's some stats:

Amount of people wanting each item:

Wraps 19
Sword 13
Bow 8
Offhand Wiz 1
Offhand WD 1
Amulet 1
Placeholder 1

Total amount of people entered: 45 (one person didn't give me an item choice I think)

2 random numbers were generated

2: Kinitari - Won the gloves


27: goober -

Congrats you two. Thank you everyone for entering! I'll be probably holding another contest in a couple of days with some weapons I found.

edit: Whoops, goober wanted the sword, let me edit.
thanks for the contest!!


End of the give away folks, here's some stats:

Amount of people wanting each item:

Wraps 19
Sword 13
Bow 8
Offhand Wiz 1
Offhand WD 1
Amulet 1
Placeholder 1

Total amount of people entered: 45 (one person didn't give me an item choice I think)

2 random numbers were generated

2: Kinitari - Won the gloves


27: goober -

Congrats you two. Thank you everyone for entering! I'll be probably holding another contest in a couple of days with some weapons I found.

edit: Whoops, goober wanted the sword, let me edit.

hoooray! thank you sir!


To be fair, Fist of Thunder itself has a small frontal-arc Area of Effect itself. But, yes, that's true as well.
As far as I've noticed:
Thunderclap gives the best returns for a single target (150% for the first strike, 75% for the second and 75% for the third) and great returns for multiple targets.
Lightning Flash seems to give bigger returns when you have more targets but it only gives 100% for first and second strike and 75% on the third for single targets.
I could try and use LS for a bit and see how it goes, it would solve the problem I have with trying to stand my ground with Thunderclap and teleporting myself in the middle of a pack, but it would also make Wasps a tiny bit more annoying.
Monk build question:

I heard elemental resistance is worth 10 point of armor? So when I get a 50 points of all fire resistance piece of armor, does it work the same as 500 armor?

Then with the one with everything, does it stack armor with all the other stats?


And I'm also giving away the bow too because I accidentally showed the stats, so I can't use it to be sneaky anymore. :(

Number generated was: 1

Calidor wins the bow.



So I have a lvl 60 WD in inferno and wanted to start a new character. I want to be a 'bruiser' kinda guy since I've been kiting off screen elites for the last 50 hrs.

So for people who've played both Barbs and Monks, which is more 'fun' in terms of satisfying bruising. I don't really care about late game issues either might have, cuz I'll just work through them and by the time I hit inferno again they will have patched things up a bit anyway.

So which is better for bruising, smashing, and satisfying screen clearing AOEs? I sort of assume barb, but am open to pro-monk comments as well. Also open to DH but I just see them shoot stuff from far too, not really sure if they can bruise at all.
Sooo I just picked up a fist weapon that boosts my DPS considerably (2567 up to 3200) but drops my health down by 2994 (32250 down to 29256 life). Considering I'm level 54 Hardcore Monk, shouldn't I probably go for the 3k health? Or is the 700 DPS much more valuable at this point if I still have 29k health. (Act 1 Hell)

So I have a lvl 60 WD in inferno and wanted to start a new character. I want to be a 'bruiser' kinda guy since I've been kiting off screen elites for the last 50 hrs.

So for people who've played both Barbs and Monks, which is more 'fun' in terms of satisfying bruising. I don't really care about late game issues either might have, cuz I'll just work through them and by the time I hit inferno again they will have patched things up a bit anyway.

So which is better for bruising, smashing, and satisfying screen clearing AOEs? I sort of assume barb, but am open to pro-monk comments as well. Also open to DH but I just see them shoot stuff from far too, not really sure if they can bruise at all.

I have a level 32 Barb and a 54 Monk, I'd say from what you described you'd probably like the Barb more. The Monk has a good amount of AOE stuff but they can't be spammed as much as the Barb can. At least, that's what I've noticed. Seismic slam is just super fun. In normal mode you feel completely invincible (not that that says much, but yeah I have only just started Nightmare with my barb).


Junior Member
Where we disagree is on where an equilibrium 'incentive' would lie. You're only looking at the supply side here, and when you do that you could replace any number in with the ones you're using and it still works. "1 dollar/hour is a very strong incentive to play a game, obviously, given that the usual incentive is 0 dollars."

I think that people will pay much more than the equivalent of $6/hr to avoid grinding (if I were willing to pay at all, I know I would. Grinding sucks), and that $6/hr does not constitute sufficient incentive to flood the market.

Not really sure what the efficient and obtainable gold farming rate is right now, so I'm gonna use hours instead of millions (as you did).

You on the other hand are ignoring the supply side. Gold selling is going to be a perfectly competitive market with virtually no barriers of entry. A price where you can make somewhere around half of the minimum wage sounds about right to me, but i'm open to any reasonable arguments if you think the incentive to turn farming into an additional source of income is something else.

And the only assumption that is being made about the demand is that people will buy gold for whatever price it will end up selling for. Anything over $6/hr would mean you can sit in a comfy chair, listen to your favourite music/watch the telly, and still make just about as much as you'd make working at McDonald's. Can you honestly say you believe that it's so bad that people would eventually go 'fuck this, i'd rather go back to my shitty work where i can't sit down or relax and let my boss be an asshole than do some mouse clicking'? Hell, at a sustainable long run $6/hr I can see people who don't give two fucks about games quit their minimum wage shitty toilet cleaning jobs and become farmers. This is just not going to happen, there's always gonna be people who are willing to do this for less and with a perfectly competitive market as long as the opportunity cost makes it profitable the supply will just simply increase, while the amount of people willing to continuously spend money on gold is much, much more limited. People get bored with the game, people get the gear they were hoping for, for the buyers it's nothing more than a hobby and after the first few hrs of gold bought the gear upgrades are just going to be too expensive to justify the purchase when you're already able to beat Inferno.

The market is going to be hungry at first, but then it will saturate to a degree, the gold will devalue (not sure if dramatically, I don't think the gold will become worthless at all, just reasonably inflated but nothing economy-breaking), and the prices in the long run will be pretty much set by the supply.


Is there anyone who just got to inferno? Looking for someone just starting out in inferno and could use some help. First poor soul to post a pic of their sad stats gets a mystery prize.

This is taking longer than I thought it would! I will open this to anyone, you don't have to be in Inferno, but you must be poor!



So I have a lvl 60 WD in inferno and wanted to start a new character. I want to be a 'bruiser' kinda guy since I've been kiting off screen elites for the last 50 hrs.

So for people who've played both Barbs and Monks, which is more 'fun' in terms of satisfying bruising. I don't really care about late game issues either might have, cuz I'll just work through them and by the time I hit inferno again they will have patched things up a bit anyway.

So which is better for bruising, smashing, and satisfying screen clearing AOEs? I sort of assume barb, but am open to pro-monk comments as well. Also open to DH but I just see them shoot stuff from far too, not really sure if they can bruise at all.

The monk as a pet class is actually better than a WD, so if you want to be in their face while still having a "pet" that does great damage, go Monk.


paid requisite penance
Is there any way to increase performance by lowering the graphics below the lowest settings? By tweaking a file maybe?

The game runs on my computer but I have to put everything on low and it's just too slow when there's a lot of enemies and I'm playing with friends.


Is there anyone who just got to inferno? Looking for someone just starting out in inferno and could use some help. First poor soul to post a pic of their sad stats gets a mystery prize.

This is taking longer than I thought it would! I will open this to anyone, you don't have to be in Inferno, but you must be poor!


Might as well try


Ugh, just lost my level 27 hardcore Wiz because my router dropped my internet connection =/

Why is desktop wireless so unreliable? I've gone through 2 different wireless cards, and this one is better than the last, but still drops from time to time...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Ugh, just lost my level 27 hardcore Wiz because my router dropped my internet connection =/

Why is desktop wireless so unreliable? I've gone through 2 different wireless cards, and this one is better than the last, but still drops from time to time...

This is primarily why I don't play HC. I popped into a game on my Wiz to test some settings, and the game was a fucking slideshow due to lag right as I was fighting a pack of fire chain bats. Not surprisingly, I died, even though I was mashing teleport and diamond skin.
Ugh, just lost my level 27 hardcore Wiz because my router dropped my internet connection =/

Why is desktop wireless so unreliable? I've gone through 2 different wireless cards, and this one is better than the last, but still drops from time to time...

I installed custom firmware on an old router and I am using that as a wireless bridge. I haven't lost connection once since I installed it a month ago.


slept with Malkin
Just hit a brick wall out of nowhere in Act 2 with my DH, might have to hold off until the patch. Since it's my only character, probably good as time as any to start up a different class until then. Thinking of going with a WD, how are they in terms of Inferno viability and gear cost?
lol my Barb is whoopin Act 2's ass. FUCK WASPS THO.

Finally snagged a Justice Lantern for about 4 mil (lucky AH grab) and now just need a stormshield with 30% block....anyone wanna loan me 20 mil?


Just hit a brick wall out of nowhere in Act 2 with my DH, might have to hold off until the patch. Since it's my only character, probably good as time as any to start up a different class until then. Thinking of going with a WD, how are they in terms of Inferno viability and gear cost?

WD's are way worse than DH's in Inferno I think. There are tools but they all seem to have just a bit too long of a recast. The monk pet shits all over gargantuan. Every inferno build consists of survival tools to gain distance and pew, pew, pew with their blow darts. Boring!


WD's are way worse than DH's in Inferno I think. There are tools but they all seem to have just a bit too long of a recast. The monk pet shits all over gargantuan. Every inferno build consists of survival tools to gain distance and pew, pew, pew with their blow darts. Boring!

I don't use blow darts in inferno. I use spirit barrage and dots.


I'm slowly building my Immortal King set. Chest armor is gonna be a bitch to pick up with decent stats. Got a decent maul and good gloves. Need to sit out for good boot, belt and helmet before gunning for chest armor.

lol my Barb is whoopin Act 2's ass. FUCK WASPS THO.

Finally snagged a Justice Lantern for about 4 mil (lucky AH grab) and now just need a stormshield with 30% block....anyone wanna loan me 20 mil?
Crazy stuff. I bought one for 900k and I'm seeing them for 5 mil minimum. I'm going to offload mine so I can get an alternatively good rare ring.


slept with Malkin
I don't use blow darts in inferno. I use spirit barrage and dots.

how's that working out for you? Also since you're in inferno, how expensive was it to gear up and what should I look out for on gear besides Int/Vit? Literally have only been following DH stuffs since launch so any WD tips would be helpful.


Mana Regen and Attack Speed.

Anybody here know what's the best gaming mouse for D3?
Anything with at least two buttons will do. Play with what you're comfortable with, set abilities to QWER (or ASDF) instead of 1234 so you can comfortably reach Shift with your pinky while keeping the other fingers on QWE (or ASD) and you're set, pretty much.
Some people use thumb buttons for some things, but again, personal preference. It's more important to find a mouse that you find comfortable to use, especially if you're playing for several hours at a time.
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