Rodent Whores
Game over man!
Elemental Arrow
Skill Rune Nether Tentacles
Tentacles will now only hit each target once
Game over man!
Elemental Arrow
Skill Rune Nether Tentacles
Tentacles will now only hit each target once
Thanks man. I'm still on Normal so I've yet to see any all resist. Will keep my eyes peeled in the future.
Thanks for the tips!
Refect damage fuckin everywhere.
I'm done with my DH, levelling a Barb.
Kripp killed those solo, so technically he's the only one who fully cleared Hardcore Inferno.
Went from 20k DPS to 15k. Animations are so incredibly slow and un-fun, but on the bright side, I facetanked pretty much every elite pack before Siegebreaker, and only died when there were about 30+ enemies on screen.
Incoming noob question:
As a Barbarian really the only stats I should pay attention to are Strength & Vitality, correct? As in, anything that comes in with a high Dexterity or Intelligence stat can go straight to the Auction House? Any reason to hang on to them?
Thanks in advance.
Went from 57k dps to 41k dps. That includes the force weapon fix though, so, not tooooo bad. 'course I had already replaced most of my ias gear, but I was still using ias rings/visage.
Sold a 25% ias/997 dps weapon last night for like 3 mil. Bet the dude who bought it is pissed right now.
"-Every champ pack now has a 100% chance to be waller"
Should be on the patch notes.
Man, so discouraging to charge into stuff now and have nothing pop out. Or loot weapon racks with 334 MF and find gray weapons or even nothing. Haven't seen a iLvl 63 from Act I either, but will keep looking. And yes, my Barb looks so fucking slow now it's not even funny, It takes him like 2 days to give the second hit, which is kind of throwing me off with my MF gear on.
Well I just straight tanked Siegebreaker without getting below 90% HP the entire time, but he enraged because my dps sucks now and I died with him at 2% HP remaining.
This is with a dps of about 13k as a barb (was 19k before patch)
Well I just straight tanked Siegebreaker without getting below 90% HP the entire time, but he enraged because my dps sucks now and I died with him at 2% HP remaining.
This is with a dps of about 13k as a barb (was 19k before patch)
Refect damage fuckin everywhere.
I'm done with my DH, levelling a Barb.
Pretty much (although I have played a lot of WoW). The drop rate is completely demoralizing. I barely play anymore because no matter how much I farm, I continue to get lv54-58 gear in fucking inferno mode. Typically the gear in one chapter would help you prepare for the next chapter, but in this game that's not the case. I can dominate Act I inferno with my eyes closed using my Barbarian, but can't take a few hits from elites in Act II. I've gotten up to Magda and easily defeated her (boss fights continue to be a joke apparently) but if I run into elites I pretty much have to log out.
My gear isn't great but then again I shouldn't have to spend all my money on the AH to find decent stuff.
Apparently today's patch fixes things, we'll see
Why is it bullshit?BTW love the changes to MF. Now all they need to do is introduce a cooldown before MF kicks in from gear you've just put on, and I'll be happy. This gear swapping on last hit is bullshit and they need to get rid of it.
Why is it bullshit?
So basically, don't bother with anything except mobs because it's not worth the time you invest in it.
More like "stop treating this game as an 'abuse the rules greedy style' simulator" where the goal is to get the most money out of it with less effort, and start treating it as a game where you kill mobs for loot![]()
Monk. 840 Resist All, ~8k Armor; I would wager that barbs can pull off similar things.
Enrage is when he turns all red, right?
Why is it bullshit?
What they needed to do was actually make random maps/dungeons.
They didn't do that. So not only is it boring as a player, but bots can easily farm.
Why is it bullshit?
BTW love the changes to MF. Now all they need to do is introduce a cooldown before MF kicks in from gear you've just put on, and I'll be happy. This gear swapping on last hit is bullshit and they need to get rid of it.
finally someone else agrees that the game's maps are not random or mazey enough
finally someone else agrees that the game's maps are not random or mazey enough
Magic Missile is neat for it since it's 100% return but when I ran Piercing Orb, it was 25%/target which is negligible on single-target/small pack enemies
Thanks to the bots we lose this "Destructible objects no longer have a chance to drop items, and will only have a small chance to drop gold when destroyed" neat. Stay losing blizzard... because the bots are still going to manage... because they are bots and can go all day. This just ruins the fun for everyone else.
Probably a silly thing to get upset about but sometimes I wonder why they do what they do.
Fuck that, I don't bot or support/condone/like botting or automation in general, but I still think this is a shitty shitty shitty change. It's the old case of one bad apple spoils the bunch. Everyone who abides by the rules gets punished because apparently there is no other solution to the "actual issue". Destructible objects dropping loot was never the issue.
Because it gives people who use external scripts an edge and it makes decent gear with mf stats pointless. Why bother with that when you can just swap into shitty mf gear with the press of a button?
Thanks to the bots we lose this "Destructible objects no longer have a chance to drop items, and will only have a small chance to drop gold when destroyed" neat. Stay losing blizzard... because the bots are still going to manage... because they are bots and can go all day. This just ruins the fun for everyone else.
Probably a silly thing to get upset about but sometimes I wonder why they do what they do.