What the fuck is going on with the servers right now?
Survivability through killing things. Essentially, get to the mitigation needed to not be dying immediately and then gear damage and Crit Chance%. Whirlwind's Blood Funnel heals you for 1% Max Life per Crit and your crits can shorten Overpower's Cooldown (which can be runed for 8% Max Life heal per enemy hit, though Revenge is still more consistent) so it's not like you're still not getting better survivability out of the exchange.
They should make a treasure chest that 2 treasure gnomes jump out, as well as an elite. Most infuriating chest ever.
If you have the survivability and the IAS for it, Bola Shot - Imminent Doom is really good damage. With a high enough IAS, you can probably get a few shots off before your Sharpshoot resets as the delay is 2 seconds.
Shouta-the Monk crit build is the bee's knees. Nice stuff you have rocking there.
Nobody has enough IAS now![]()
Yep. Evasion + Crit is the way to go for Monks now that we can build a bit more offensively. Backlash + Sweeping Wind - Cyclone + A crit spirit generator = crazy good.
Who else think paying 25k to repair after two Inferno wipe, is, let's say, totally insane ? How are we supposed to farm gold now ?
Crit is more-or-less the stat that I think Blizzard intended everyone to seek out desperately.
Instead, we all got Attack Speed :x
Who else think paying 25k to repair after two Inferno wipe, is, let's say, totally insane ? How are we supposed to farm gold now ?
God trade chat is worthless. Tried selling a bow that's worth 25-35m in trade chat and I just get spammed with idiots trying to get it for 1 million or who want to trade me 400 dps Lv. 60 legendary weapons
Fist of Thunder > Lightning Flash
Mantra of Evasion > Hard Target (or, if survivability is fine, Backlash)
Who else think paying 25k to repair after two Inferno wipe, is, let's say, totally insane ? How are we supposed to farm gold now ?
Can't wait for everyone to stack 60% crit chance and then Blizz announcing that's not how they intended the game to be played
Will be an interesting target market but awesome rolls no doubt! 500LOHFinally got a decent accessory drop. It has above average rolls but I don't know if it really works for any class :lol
Can't wait for everyone to stack 60% crit chance and then Blizz announcing that's not how they intended the game to be played
Finally got a decent accessory drop. It has above average rolls but I don't know if it really works for any class :lol
Some people might raise their eyebrows at Tempest Rush, but it's a great escape mechanism if you're completely surrounded or cornered. Pop Serenity, then TR away from the pack to get some breathing room, and the enemies will be too slow to chase you down. If the mob has Vortex, I save this combo for emergencies. Plus, I just got too addicted to it as a mobility/utility skill to keep up with all of you asshole DHs dashing all over the place.![]()
I think it's impossible to get to 60% Crit chance but I could be wrong.
I think it's impossible to get to 60% Crit chance but I could be wrong.
Finally got a decent accessory drop. It has above average rolls but I don't know if it really works for any class :lol
I think it's impossible to get to 60% Crit chance but I could be wrong.
Why wouldn't a wizard or WD want that? I guess if they're still in glass cannon mindset maybe they wouldn't, but it's pretty ridiculous for a tradeoff of dps and survivability.
I think you can get around 40-45 from gear. 5% base and then whatever passives/skills you can pad on top of that.
edit: not counting any legendaries that might have crit% on slots where it can't normally roll (are there any?)
Seems like 200-300 for Act I, and 600+ for Act II and beyond is a good place to be for resists. You can probably get by with less, though. I don't really know Demon Hunter's play, but I imagine they benefit from having a lot of Life on Hit or Life Steal gear like anyone else.
Inferno Ghom is broken lol. Unkillable.
LOH doesn't work with Hydra right? As a wizard, I would be weary of dropping my DPS like that for more health.
That guy was by far the easiest boss for my Barb, i just stood there and absorbed all his gas a wailed on him. I didn't even have to move during the fight.
Ah. I meant gear only but it's likely now that I think about it. Dunno how feasible though.
Repair runs
Have you done it since the patch? It is a bit silly right now IMO
Have you done it since the patch? It is a bit silly right now IMO
edit: not counting any legendaries that might have crit% on slots where it can't normally roll (are there any?)
So wait, in D3 there is no way to exit a boss fight that you aren't going to win, except by dying, right? (Legit question...I'm genuinely curious)
No, maybe that's why im confused on how he could be a challenge. lol
I'm running 40.5 right now with Scoundrel buff so I think it'd be doable. Not sure if the DPS is worth it though, would be a fun build though.
I don't understand why they were shocked that people were stacking haste.
The same thing happened when they introduced it in WoW, and they ended up nerfing it then, too, IIRC (eventually, anyway).
ok so what do i need to look for in gear for my DH?
dex vit all resist. ok.
how much all resist do i need?
So, Blizzard breaks a boss like this, and you attempt it in Inferno, in Hardcore, and you just lose your character?If you could manage not to get hit for 10 seconds you could exit game, otherwise you'd have to just die, yeah.
Finally got a decent accessory drop. It has above average rolls but I don't know if it really works for any class :lol
Haha yes this is correct. Drop a hydra down against reflects damage and just die is how the story goes for me.
Finally got a decent accessory drop. It has above average rolls but I don't know if it really works for any class :lol
Also, I just went to the Highlands Passage before the Warden, and there was no event at all. I didn't think that was possible. I always get ether the weapon maker or the merchant.
So, Blizzard breaks a boss like this, and you attempt it in Inferno, in Hardcore, and you just lose your character?
This game is so busted.