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Diablo III |OT4| Antiques Roadshow: Sanctuary Edition

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Lazy? People who are paying $250 for items today are probably not lazy people. They are either foolish children with foolish parents or people with more money than time who don't want to grind for gear. To me that sort of defeats the point of the game but I'm not gonna tell them it's outright lazy to skip the grinding.

It is kind of strange to accuse someone with little free time for games of being lazy because they happen to have the disposable income to improve what time they do have. o_O

edit: to be clear, this post isn't aimed at anyone in particular, just the conversation.
MMO's have a community feel and actual end-game content.

Just to play devil's advocate.

Having endgame content could be seen as a negative for a game you have to pay for month to month. It just means inevitably you can run out of actual game to play and still be paying money for it.

D3 has as much content as you can consume and I'm not sure its lack of a MMO community is something I can ever see as a bad thing in a million years after recent mmos.


Gladly I have sold through all my stuff that I wasnt using, Ive got 3 items right now left on the RMAH that arent selling.

It finally seemed to slow down. Very glad that I got in on that initial rush though. I would say the game has paid for itself twice over because of the items I sold, but I chose blizz bucks because I'm not going to bother with paypal and all the other logistical bullshit just for a Benjamin.

Ill probably just convert it to in game gold somewhere down the line when I need gold for a new item or something. Experimenting with it was fun though.


Do you guys think 3 million would get me decent A3 clearing gear for a Barb? Bored of my DH and the whole reason I started him was Barb gear was sooooo damn expensive at launch. Now it seems I can get a pretty good damage 1h for cheap and str gear isn't even highly valued either.

Also, has anybody found a way to quick cancel auctions now? Don't want to wait until Thursday to cancel some real money stuff that won't sell lol.
Lazy? People who are paying $250 for items today are probably not lazy people. They are either foolish children with foolish parents or people with more money than time who don't want to grind for gear. To me that sort of defeats the point of the game but I'm not gonna tell them it's outright lazy to skip the grinding.

It is kind of strange to accuse someone with little free time for games of being lazy because they happen to have the disposable income to improve what time they do have. o_O

edit: to be clear, this post isn't aimed at anyone in particular, just the conversation.

While logically you would think that, I think if there were records of the people buying these items you would see that most of them are being sold to hardcore players. It was the same way in diablo 2, people already had 6+ characters geared and leveled and didn't want to do it again. People wanted to buy the best of the best gear so they could brag on d2jsp. Spending 250 bucks for the perfectly rolled elite items is in no way something I see casual players doing as if you just want to play with limited time then items with worse rolls will fit the bill more then fine.


Gladly I have sold through all my stuff that I wasnt using, Ive got 3 items right now left on the RMAH that arent selling.

It finally seemed to slow down. Very glad that I got in on that initial rush though. I would say the game has paid for itself twice over because of the items I sold, but I chose blizz bucks because I'm not going to bother with paypal and all the other logistical bullshit just for a Benjamin.

Ill probably just convert it to in game gold somewhere down the line when I need gold for a new item or something. Experimenting with it was fun though.

None of the gear I actually use is selling. The stuff that sold was the few choice items I was saving for the RMAH (what an amazing decision that was on my part).

I'll admit that putting the gear I actually use up for sale wasn't the best idea (my DPS is kind of terrible without that gear) but I had to risk it :p

The game has paid for itself (the CE no less), and I couldn't be happier. Unless Paypal finds a way to fuck me. Never count that possibility out.
When compared to clicking your mouse 3 times.... yes.

Some of us are grown-ups and have families/houses/jobs to attend to. Me playing a game for 60 hours a week is being lazy. Me buying an item so I can have a more fun experience in only 10 hours a week because I have life stuff to take care of, is not being lazy.

With that said, I've not purchased anything yet and probably won't (possibility is still there, though). But calling people lazy because they buy something is just stupid. My experience has been that those trashing the AH fall into two camps:

1.) They can't get anything to sell like their peers are showing on forums.
2.) They don't have the disposable income to buy their own stuff.


I wonder what the levels of buyer's remorse are like right now, or will be tomorrow morning.

A lot less than people around here think, I'm betting. A lot of people just got things for $50 that might have taken them tens of hours overall to get on their own. And they probably have no illusions that it's the best shit in the game, it'll just make their life a little easier than what they had before. Contrary to belief 'round here, that's actually a pretty good deal.


Sold a 503 DPS weapon for Blizzard bucks, bought a 890 DPS weapon and still have $3 left over.

what the fuckin christ.


I'm raging so badly right now.

A lot less than people around here think, I'm betting. A lot of people just got things for $50 that might have taken them tens of hours overall to get on their own. And they probably have no illusions that it's the best shit in the game, it'll just make their life a little easier than what they had before. Contrary to belief 'round here, that's actually a pretty good deal.

Paying 50$ for a few pixels is wrong.


Some of us are grown-ups and have families/houses/jobs to attend to. Me playing a game for 60 hours a week is being lazy. Me buying an item so I can have a more fun experience in only 10 hours a week because I have life stuff to take care of, is not being lazy.

With that said, I've not purchased anything yet and probably won't (possibility is still there, though). But calling people lazy because they buy something is just stupid. My experience has been that those trashing the AH fall into two camps:

1.) They can't get anything to sell like their peers are showing on forums.
2.) They don't have the disposable income to buy their own stuff.

The idea that folks can buy gear to then use to beat the game; the game, where the actual point is to....farm the gear, still for whatever reason doesnt sit right with me. But seeing how I couldnt resist selling 12+ items this morning before the rush died down, I suppose I cant fling feces at the buyers too much.

Play the game how you want to play it I guess. Truth be told, if someone joins a game Im in to kill Belial and is wearing $100 worth of bought gear he/she didn't earn, its not like I'm going to know anyway.

A lot less than people around here think, I'm betting. A lot of people just got things for $50 that might have taken them tens of hours overall to get on their own. And they probably have no illusions that it's the best shit in the game, it'll just make their life a little easier than what they had before. Contrary to belief 'round here, that's actually a pretty good deal.

Maybe so. But the point, the end game here is actually farming gear. I feel like I can sell this crap for blizz bucks and not ruin the game for myself too badly. But even then, Im conflicted on that, because Ill just convert the money I got from the sales into in game gold. Thats just ruining the value of the game a bit in my eyes. I paid 100 bucks for a collectors edition, and just selling items on the RMAH sort of rubs me wrong and feels like Im devaluing my purchase. What in the hell goes through the mind of the guy who buys the loot grind game, then spends more for gear to trivialize the loot and skip to the end?

I mean... then what?


I would love to set up a hidden camera on someone who is playing their first Blizzard game and browses their forums for the first time just to see the facial expression.
A lot less than people around here think, I'm betting. A lot of people just got things for $50 that might have taken them tens of hours overall to get on their own. And they probably have no illusions that it's the best shit in the game, it'll just make their life a little easier than what they had before. Contrary to belief 'round here, that's actually a pretty good deal.

My guess :many people that held out until RMAH
(to purchase all of their items without the need of farming aka have lots of money to spend),
are not able to make good judgements about what stats are good.
While logically you would think that, I think if there were records of the people buying these items you would see that most of them are being sold to hardcore players. It was the same way in diablo 2, people already had 6+ characters geared and leveled and didn't want to do it again. People wanted to buy the best of the best gear so they could brag on d2jsp. Spending 250 bucks for the perfectly rolled elite items is in no way something I see casual players doing as if you just want to play with limited time then items with worse rolls will fit the bill more then fine.

This is kind of an ironic way to look at things given the tone of this thread today, but let's ride it out all the same.

Hardcore gamers and people with little time to play are not mutually exclusive groups. Hardcore gamers occasionally grow lives with demanding jobs and/or families, reducing available playtime without necessarily reducing the love of gaming. Right now it is frustrating to advance in inferno with a melee character for a variety of reasons, and there are folks out there who don't want to wait two more weeks for them to fix that. I'm sure there are people who only enjoy playing with friends but feel like they aren't pulling their weight because they don't have as much time to play. And so on.

I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt in saying that it is not inherently lazy to use the RMAH.
A lot less than people around here think, I'm betting. A lot of people just got things for $50 that might have taken them tens of hours overall to get on their own. And they probably have no illusions that it's the best shit in the game, it'll just make their life a little easier than what they had before. Contrary to belief 'round here, that's actually a pretty good deal.

Pretty much this, being lazy isn't even inherently a bad thing. If people have the money to spend on these items chances are they are going to provide them with more entertainment per dollar then alot of other mediums out there right now.

Being lazy to the detriment to yourself or others is usually a bad idea, being lazy for the sake of increasing your own personal enjoyment of a product you payed for is ones own choice and I see no harm in it.


A lot less than people around here think, I'm betting. A lot of people just got things for $50 that might have taken them tens of hours overall to get on their own. And they probably have no illusions that it's the best shit in the game, it'll just make their life a little easier than what they had before. Contrary to belief 'round here, that's actually a pretty good deal.
Time is money friends.

But the game was designed to rely on the auction house and we are salty.
Being lazy to the detriment to yourself or others is usually a bad idea, being lazy for the sake of increasing your own personal enjoyment of a product you payed for is ones own choice and I see no harm in it.

Ah, I think we are moving into semantic territory here, as I agree that the behavior you describe is fine but I wouldn't use the word "lazy" to describe it.
This is kind of an ironic way to look at things given the tone of this thread today, but let's ride it out all the same.

Hardcore gamers and people with little time to play are not mutually exclusive groups. Hardcore gamers occasionally grow lives with demanding jobs and/or families, reducing available playtime without necessarily reducing the love of gaming. Right now it is frustrating to advance in inferno with a melee character for a variety of reasons, and there are folks out there who don't want to wait two more weeks for them to fix that. I'm sure there are people who only enjoy playing with friends but feel like they aren't pulling their weight because they don't have as much time to play. And so on.

I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt in saying that it is not inherently lazy to use the RMAH.

When I say hardcore gamer I don't speak for the persons passion for games or how much they love them. It is purely how much one plays games in my eyes. I don't even see it as a universally positive description to have.

Like anything else in the world there are outliers to any majority, saying everyone that buys stuff off the RMAH is lazy would be a sweeping generalization and noone could possibly know that to be the case as lazy is pretty subjective. I don't think its that outlandish to say that alot of the people buying the 250 dollar best item in the game items are doing so because they are to lazy to farm however long it may take to get said item.

Lazy doesn't need to be a bad thing, im lazy in many things I do in life, and im sure everyone takes shortcuts in particular facets of there life. It was just my observation based off years of seeing this same stuff in d2 and other games like everquest and dark age of camelot.


I just don't see anyone getting 50$ worth of entertainment. That's a entire new game. A few movies, a couple of books.

I mean, I have nothing agaisn't paying money in F2P games. I just spend 30$ on World of Tanks. But that 30$ will translate into 10-12 new tanks. Heh.


Some of us are grown-ups and have families/houses/jobs to attend to. Me playing a game for 60 hours a week is being lazy. Me buying an item so I can have a more fun experience in only 10 hours a week because I have life stuff to take care of, is not being lazy.

With that said, I've not purchased anything yet and probably won't (possibility is still there, though). But calling people lazy because they buy something is just stupid. My experience has been that those trashing the AH fall into two camps:

1.) They can't get anything to sell like their peers are showing on forums.
2.) They don't have the disposable income to buy their own stuff.
Buying items would ruin the game for me. Sure I could go and get the best items and roll Diablo on inferno. But what's the point? When you've done that whats left? Buying would actually decrease my enjoyment of the game.
They just keep digging a deeper grave. SMH

What i would do for an offline mode....

While I would still LOVE an offline mode, it's become quite obvious today that they made the right business decision in killing it. How many people who largely play solo put up gear gathering dust in their stashes today just because they could? I would imagine the answer to this question is a large number.


This input limit stuff is silly. Let me farm some goblins, you bastards. I'm not going to farm/buy gold just so I can make it through A1/2 of Inferno and get annihilated in A3/4.
I think i need to reroll my monk. i was too busy trying to get MF only to get shit items. now my resistance is piss poor and i'm dying out the ass on hell. lol.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What's this shit about an input limit reached? What does it do? Prevent you from logging into that character for a while? Into any character?


Thanks again to goldensun for the raffle, finally got my prize. He gave me some legendary gloves and wizard staff a for free.
The same thing was in d2 as well online, used to get a temp ban if you created to many games in a row in a really fast time period. Eventually with enigma people would have to wait every 3 or 4 meph runs since you could run them to fast and end up temp banned lol.


Ironically the only farming spot I can think of where you probably wont hit that limit is the Ranged DPS only farming spot in Act 3 that I thought was patched (But it wasn't). Because in that one, you are basically kiting all 3/4 elite packs in the zone into one area, dying on purpose then shooting them from the cliff while they stand there like idiots dying, then you run down and loot.

Killing all those packs in your 'Magic find + ignores durability + dps stat' gear actually takes some time since your running about, but the good items per hour matches and/or massively exceeds goblin farming. But of course since you spend more time in game killing those 3/4 packs, you shouldn't run into the game creation timer.

Melee loses again.

Was reading there forums. and its supposedly to help sever lag..


Thats BS, its to help them keep any new farming spots from being mass rushed. With the creation game timer as a gatekeeper they can throttle you.


I just don't see anyone getting 50$ worth of entertainment. That's a entire new game. A few movies, a couple of books.

I mean, I have nothing agaisn't paying money in F2P games. I just spend 30$ on World of Tanks. But that 30$ will translate into 10-12 new tanks. Heh.

Look. Let's pretend that you make $20/hr. I don't know if that's really what you make or if it's high or low or what, but let's just go with that. Let's say you work 8 hours a day, and the rest of your time is leisure time. Part of it spent playing Diablo trying to get more good items or whatever, say 2 hours a day for the next four weeks.

Here's the thing: you could be working those hours when you played Diablo. And if you'd done that, and you got paid $20 for each of those hours you spent playing Diablo, you'd have made an extra $1120 in those four weeks. By spending those 2 hours a day playing Diablo, you can be considered to have cost yourself over $1000 to play a game. The sticker price is nothing on top of that. This is a standard economic concept called opportunity cost. Obviously, you need leisure time, etc. etc. but that really just discounts its value, doesn't eliminate it. It might only be worth $500, but that's still not nothing.

When someone buys items to use in Diablo, they are paying for the time they might have otherwise spent to play the game to get that item. Because the truth is, to most people, grinding a game like Diablo for items is not fun, it's work. So they go work at their job that pays them, and then they pay for items to make their game more fun. And they pay the people who did invest time (and that opportunity cost) into the game to play it.

To expand, consider this: Say I like making chairs in my garage. It's fun, it's relaxing, it's menial in just that right way that makes my brain give itself endorphins. I'm not a factory, I'm just a dude who likes making chairs. Other people want chairs. Maybe even custom chairs. Are they wrong for buying the chairs I build off of me? They would hate making chairs, it would drive them nuts. But they like mine and want to pay me for them. Would that be wrong?

tl;dr: They're paying because grinding would *decrease* their enjoyment, even if it *increases* yours. Basically all trade in the world is premised on this kind of inequality.


I know it seems ridiculous and may even be a shock to some, but people have been buying items with real money for years in Blizz games, only this time they have eliminated the 3rd party. If you think paying $250 irl money is a lot, you should've seen what some D2 items were selling for ;)
I know it seems ridiculous and may even be a shock to some, but people have been buying items with real money for years in Blizz games, only this time they have eliminated the 3rd party. If you think paying $250 irl money is a lot, you should've seen what some D2 items were selling for ;)

Have I told you guys about the time I sold a windforce for $600? I don't think I've told that story to DIII OT yet, at least not this week
I just don't see anyone getting 50$ worth of entertainment. That's a entire new game. A few movies, a couple of books.

I mean, I have nothing agaisn't paying money in F2P games. I just spend 30$ on World of Tanks. But that 30$ will translate into 10-12 new tanks. Heh.

I dont think you realize how little some people care about $50.
The same thing was in d2 as well online, used to get a temp ban if you created to many games in a row in a really fast time period. Eventually with enigma people would have to wait every 3 or 4 meph runs since you could run them to fast and end up temp banned lol.

It was IP based aswell so me and my brother playing on our router just hit the cap twice as fast... Sometimes the diablo 2 temp ban would last a week. Glad the diablo 3 lock out is only 15 minutes.


Look. Let's pretend that you make $20/hr. I don't know if that's really what you make or if it's high or low or what, but let's just go with that. Let's say you work 8 hours a day, and the rest of your time is leisure time. Part of it spent playing Diablo trying to get more good items or whatever, say 2 hours a day for the next four weeks.

Here's the thing: you could be working those hours when you played Diablo. And if you'd done that, and you got paid $20 for each of those hours you spent playing Diablo, you'd have made an extra $1120 in those four weeks. By spending those 2 hours a day playing Diablo, you can be considered to have cost yourself over $1000 to play a game. The sticker price is nothing on top of that. This is a standard economic concept called opportunity cost. Obviously, you need leisure time, etc. etc. but that really just discounts its value, doesn't eliminate it. It might only be worth $500, but that's still not nothing.

When someone buys items to use in Diablo, they are paying for the time they might have otherwise spent to play the game to get that item. Because the truth is, to most people, grinding a game like Diablo for items is not fun, it's work. So they go work at their job that pays them, and then they pay for items to make their game more fun. And they pay the people who did invest time (and that opportunity cost) into the game to play it.

To expand, consider this: Say I like making chairs in my garage. It's fun, it's relaxing, it's menial in just that right way that makes my brain give itself endorphins. I'm not a factory, I'm just a dude who likes making chairs. Other people want chairs. Maybe even custom chairs. Are they wrong for buying the chairs I build off of me? They would hate making chairs, it would drive them nuts. But they like mine and want to pay me for them. Would that be wrong?

Thats a good way of putting it. I guess, for me the fun isnt really in the destination, its in the journey. Skipping to the end by buying all the gear would ruin the only part of the game I value.
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