Edit: derp
Been brewing over selling all my equipment and playing hardcore casually. Tough choices all around.
I've set up my PayPal through the battle.net website and added it as a payment method, enabled SMS protect, etc. When I try to choose PayPal as a method to sell an item on the RMAH, it says I don't have a PayPal account set up and opens my browser to the battle.net account management, where it says I already have a paypal set up. What step am I missing?
How long ago did you do it? It did that to me at first as well, but resolved itself shortly.
So I decided to give Act 3 farming another go. 36 elites, 1 boss and 20 deaths (5 stupid deaths to white mobs). It isn't too bad. I feel like if I can find a couple upgrades I can do this regularly.
Now hopefully they'll really buff the drop rate of Act 3 tomorrow.
Are the servers going down again today/tonight?
These maintenance time is terrible for people in different timezones who have to play on US servers.
Won't be in tomorrow's patch, a blue said they aim to have the patch with the new drop rates this week though.
How much are you asking for it?
Is it worth bothering to craft 5 prop gloves?
What stats (top 5?) should WD's be going for nowadays? In order of importance, if possible! Thank you.
Sitting here twiddling my thumbs for 30 more minutes so I can snipe an auction last minute that will get me the godliest weapon of all time before I crash out for the night really fuckin sucks.
I never win thoseEveryone is just faster than me.
Well it's not like it's cheap or anything. I'm just gonna throw my entire hand in to the pot with 30s left and hope nobody else has more money than me, lol.
What's the item?
Won for 42 million.
I actually think it should have gone for a bit more.
With both life steal and ridiculous LoH, I should be basically invincible.
The strength actually puts it 1k dps higher than my previous weapon which had 960 dps
Dear god, I still can't believe people actually have more than 15 million gold :|
What's the best place to farm gold right now? I need to make inferno staff of herding and still short 800k.
To get your neurotransmitters flowing, here's all the rares that dropped in my Act 1 run:
I find that I typically do pretty much all of Act 1 now, still starting on 9-2, but porting around to various places to kill all the champs before doing the final Warden > Butcher run. I end up clearing most everything out except for a few areas.
That's about 2 full stash tabs and about a half full inventory's worth (they really need to give us more tabs.)
Having rares drop off champs is great, but it makes bosses much less satisfying to do. There really should be a bonus that bosses have over just plain champ packs that still make them highlights of the loot cycle, but not excessively farmed. Going back to 2 (or even 3) guaranteed rares would probably do it (it would still make sense to hunt packs everywhere else before doing the boss because the bonus isn't that good), though there are other options.
To get your neurotransmitters flowing, here's all the rares that dropped in my Act 1 run:
I find that I typically do pretty much all of Act 1 now, still starting on 9-2, but porting around to various places to kill all the champs before doing the final Warden > Butcher run. I end up clearing most everything out except for a few areas.
That's about 2 full stash tabs and about a half full inventory's worth (they really need to give us more tabs.)
Having rares drop off champs is great, but it makes bosses much less satisfying to do. There really should be a bonus that bosses have over just plain champ packs that still make them highlights of the loot cycle, but not excessively farmed. Going back to 2 (or even 3) guaranteed rares would probably do it (it would still make sense to hunt packs everywhere else before doing the boss because the bonus isn't that good), though there are other options.
I don't think a single one of those items are a iL63.
How many of those are worth selling/using though ?
I don't think a single one of those items are a iL63.
Sorry, I had to show off too. I haven't sold any high dollar items ($250) besides the gold I sold off to an individual there in the early dates at the top, but I made a lot of smaller sales. ~$1,200 + a bunch of Steam games, can't really complain. I suppose I could've kept selling small, $2-10 shit from farming Act 1 but didn't feel it was worth my time. What ultimately made me leave is first I couldn't play with my friends, then when I could, they were all leaving.
I'm looking forward to coming back to the game if drops ever get sorted out and I can find my own upgrades, so I keep an eye on this thread. Sadly it will probably end up taking an expansion for that to happen. I do enjoy seeing people actually getting some drops they're somewhat excited about now but it's certainly not at a level that excites me.
Also this really is something that would usually feel like thread shitting to me, but I guess since Blizz has decided to make RMAH such a huge part of the game it feels perfectly relevant.
To get your neurotransmitters flowing, here's all the rares that dropped in my Act 1 run:
I find that I typically do pretty much all of Act 1 now, still starting on 9-2, but porting around to various places to kill all the champs before doing the final Warden > Butcher run. I end up clearing most everything out except for a few areas.
That's about 2 full stash tabs and about a half full inventory's worth (they really need to give us more tabs.)
Having rares drop off champs is great, but it makes bosses much less satisfying to do. There really should be a bonus that bosses have over just plain champ packs that still make them highlights of the loot cycle, but not excessively farmed. Going back to 2 (or even 3) guaranteed rares would probably do it (it would still make sense to hunt packs everywhere else before doing the boss because the bonus isn't that good), though there are other options.
$1200 off a $60 game.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, and while we have downtime today (though it's only supposed to be two hours), we can all catch up on the Mass Effect 3 revised ending!
Will watch on youtube.
It's just a few cutscenes, right?
I find that I typically do pretty much all of Act 1 now, still starting on 9-2, but porting around to various places to kill all the champs before doing the final Warden > Butcher run. I end up clearing most everything out except for a few areas.
We need to know his playing hours to know if the sum is nice or not![]()
Oh, and while we have downtime today (though it's only supposed to be two hours), we can all catch up on the Mass Effect 3 revised ending!
mhhh i need to find my old ME3 Saves :/
another thing we can do while downtime, read about the amazing PoE Endgame
A little Teaser
This is how Endgame should looke like, and the Map system is only one of many Endgame possibilities....
Jesus fucking Christ that all sounds awesome as hell. Its a real shame about PoE. Im part of the problem that I sort of hate. I wont even bother loading the games webpage to read about the type of game it is until I know it has a massive playerbase. And by massive I mean MASSIVE. Its all about the incredibly active community for me. Contributing the problem :/
History of Path of Exiles End-Game
Action RPGs typically have three difficulty levels. The player plays through the game several times using the same character, with the challenge ramping up each time. Right back at the start of the project, we thought it would be a great idea to add a fourth difficulty level that was really challenging so that players would have something to aim to beat.
When we tested this, we found that players reacted really badly to a sudden brick wall of difficult content that they were unable to progress in. We tried changing it to a steady ramp of difficulty, but then players found isolated areas where the monster AI was more abusable and farmed those with specific builds to get rewards with little risk.
When trying to solve this, we realised that the fourth difficulty level was only necessary until we added Act Three, at which point wed reduce it back to three difficulty levels so that were not forcing the player to play through the same static content four times back-to-back. Our temporary solution, a month or so before entering Closed Beta last year, was to introduce the Maelstrom of Chaos areas. These were a sequence of random areas (using tilesets from all over the game) with completely random monster packs. Players gained access to it when they finished the final difficulty and could play through a series of levels that gradually ramped in difficulty.
The Maelstrom helped the situation, but players would still travel to areas that were too hard for them and complain that they werent able to kill monsters. We eventually flattened all the Maelstrom areas to be the same level, just ramping in density of bosses. By that time we had decided we needed a new, better mechanic for access to end-game areas. Maps will replace the Maelstrom in 0.9.11.