Well it sold it seems, now I have some room to improve my barb!
Damn. How come my stuffs like that don't sell for even near that amount.
Well it sold it seems, now I have some room to improve my barb!
I wonder why the Gold RMAH is taking so long..
Easy way to convert your Blizz Bucks to Paypal Bucks.![]()
I wonder why the Gold RMAH is taking so long..
Easy way to convert your Blizz Bucks to Paypal Bucks.![]()
Well it sold it seems, now I have some room to improve my barb!
Haha you conspiracy theorists make no senseyeah I have 9 bones and I'm waiting for this too... Blizz is just waiting for gold to get its most stable and highest it can get before they will let us...
Not sure if this was already posted, its pretty old. I just saw it while looking at the new patch notes and its pretty funny. Hardcore one is pretty fucked up, but still funny
We Bought A Zoo!
We Bought a Zoo Part 2: Hardcore Edition
Damn that's fucked up..
I can't believe no one made a single "Slam M'lady" joke.
I can't believe no one made a single "Slam M'lady" joke.
This guy:
Will need all new gears to do that, and Blizzard might just nerf crit at any time. So I'm not going to bother.
I can't believe no one made a single "Slam M'lady" joke.
It's fucked up for sure, but it's kind of funny that people think they can "report" him.
I've got 2 characters sitting at level 57 and the grind from level 55 to 60 is just horrendous. Is Rakkis Crossing on Hell the fastest and most efficient way to go about gaining the exp?
I've got 2 characters sitting at level 57 and the grind from level 55 to 60 is just horrendous. Is Rakkis Crossing on Hell the fastest and most efficient way to go about gaining the exp?
It's moving to authentication step now...
*click click click*
Odds on maintenance having been extended?
Still giving me the maintenance error.
I have one almost like that, that doesn't want to sellWell it sold it seems, now I have some room to improve my barb!
Maintenance has been extended by approximately 2 hours. We now expect it to conclude at approximately 9:00 am PDT. Thank you for your continued patience.
I can't believe no one made a single "Slam M'lady" joke.
It's fucked up for sure, but it's kind of funny that people think they can "report" him.
I have one almost like that, that doesn't want to sellNo cold res and socket but it has 150dex...
Is it up yet?![]()
Well fuck.
GG. Time to sleep.
How did he keep getting these people in his game?
It was done on a level 60 character so he could tank the mobs into place, and everyone that dies is 39-40. So either he was adding people randomly and inviting them, had an accomplice at level 39-40 with an open game which he also joined, or was exploiting.
Well fuck.
GG. Time to sleep.
God damnit. Shit sucks for other time zones on US servers. Basically can't play one day of the week.
Is/Are the server still down?
The US server is, for approximately two more hours.
Bashiok said:In any case, we're going to see how the repair cost reductions in the 1.0.3a patch tomorrow work out, and keep an eye on it. Give it a shot and let us know what you think after tomorrow.
I am able to log in.
I am able to log in.
Just picked up a physical copy. It came with 3 guest passes, is that the usual amount? Also, all of my friends already own the game, so where would be the best place to gift these guest passes?
Probably credit to the build that it works though he doesn't seem to understand the mechanics very much. The elites he fought in the video aren't exactly the worst either.
My prediction is still very much alive. Post by post they show a little more of their hand with this repair bill shit. They are going to nerf it down, Im telling you.... And Im gonna have so many ICalledit.GIF's on hand that itll crash GAF.
This guy:
Will need all new gears to do that, and Blizzard might just nerf crit at any time. So I'm not going to bother.
Wondering if anyone have any clue what a weirdly itemized mf amulet like this could be worth:
There's so few amulets with similar stats on the AH that it's really hard to get an idea of a possible pricepoint.
Why nobody ever adds me =(
It's a cute amulet for the current WD on-hit buildsWondering if anyone have any clue what a weirdly itemized mf amulet like this could be worth:
There's so few amulets with similar stats on the AH that it's really hard to get an idea of a possible pricepoint.
Apparently the fat guys that explode when you deal fatal damage to them don't drop loot if they have invulnerable minions. If they manage to get illusionist, all their minions drop loot as if they were trash mobs. Just a heads up before you waste your time in Icefall Caves.