Come back to me auction house...come back to meeeeee!
Back when Tyrael could be used to fight for you you could find one of these packs with vampiric/illusionist, die, and then just let Tyrael fight them and watch the loot pile up all over the place because the trash mobs that spawned from exploded illusions weren't illusions and dropped the loot. It was still elite-class loot dropping at that point.
Pretty cool exploit but you could run that cave 100 times without finding an elite pack with the right affixes.
Well it sold it seems, now I have some room to improve my barb!
I found a lvl 61 helm with 50 int, 140ish Vit, 44 All resist, and a socket. Would it be worth anywhere near that much?
with all the overpriced items selling after being shown in this thread, I'm now convinced blizzard employees are buying them for the free AH promotion
you too can convert even your so-so items into tens of million in gold!
Not even close.
It's more of a sign that the buying power of gold is decreasing rapidly imo.
I expect the price of items on gah to skyrocket once you can buy gold on the rmah.
with all the overpriced items selling after being shown in this thread, I'm now convinced blizzard employees are buying them for the free AH promotion
you too can convert even your so-so items into tens of million in gold!
I wonder if this AH downtime means they're turning gold selling on =/
I hope not.
My expectation is that gold having an actual value (likely $2.50 per million) will bring prices in the RMAH and GAH down. It will be the end of most people bidding out their ass without thinking about how much real money they're giving up.
I could be horribly wrong, of course.
Anyone have any links to DH builds? I keep messing around with things but im not getting the same kind of synergy feeling I got on my Monk :/
Do you mean today's patch? Or 1.0.3 in general?
Has anyone gotten an iLvl 63 drop from A1 since this patch?
Has anyone gotten an iLvl 63 drop from A1 since this patch?
No, they decided to completely remove ilvl 63 loot from acts 1, 2, and 3. It now only has a 0.5% chance to drop the adds summoned during the Izual fight and shadow clones.
Why nobody ever adds me =(
Add me if you get on..
Nickname Sarcasm
Wondering if anyone have any clue what a weirdly itemized mf amulet like this could be worth:
There's so few amulets with similar stats on the AH that it's really hard to get an idea of a possible pricepoint.
No, they decided to completely remove ilvl 63 loot from acts 1, 2, and 3. It now only has a 0.5% chance to drop the adds summoned during the Izual fight and shadow clones.
Well I was missing a from =P
But seriously, the servers have been live for only something like an hour, are you implying you think they stealth nerfed drop rates or something?
Every second the AH is down, it makes me more worried that gold selling is coming online.
I haven't even seen a white iLvl 63 drop in an hour of mindless Sarkoth farming, which makes me think that they may have.
That's why I'm asking lol.
They nerfed the infinite ZK quest xp on normal.
I think they are going to buff act III/IV to original stats rather than debuff act I and II?
Damn I'm stuck...
I'm down to 50k in gold and I equipped my Wizz best I could. I have some 25k damage and 25k health. 6k armor and very bad resists... like 130 something.
But I can't even farm Act1 inferno with easeReflect damage monsters PWN me all the time, rest I can barely mange.
This is my build:!aYX!bbabZY
No idea what to do really as I lose more money than I make because of dieing
Could be they just nerfed Sarkoth? Unless you're still getting a ton of gold from him, dunno. There was a line about gold and leveling exploits.
I got one just before, like 20 mins ago.
Has anyone gotten an iLvl 63 drop from A1 since this patch?
So I found a 873 DPS 2 hander (with no other stats really) with 11 level reduction.
What's it worth? I'd imagine it'd be a big upgrade for toons that are pre-60.
Damn I'm stuck...
I'm down to 50k in gold and I equipped my Wizz best I could. I have some 25k damage and 25k health. 6k armor and very bad resists... like 130 something.
But I can't even farm Act1 inferno with easeReflect damage monsters PWN me all the time, rest I can barely mange.
This is my build:!aYX!bbabZY
No idea what to do really as I lose more money than I make because of dieing
I was hunting for a DPS weapon upgrade in my 50s and spent a lot of time looking. You'd probably be lucky to get 150k just because people in their 50s don't have a lot of money. I actually ended up sniping my 700dps bow at level 52 for 7k.
But that's just my opinionI largely ignored anything about 100k cause I couldn't afford it.
So I found a 873 DPS 2 hander (with no other stats really) with 11 level reduction.
What's it worth? I'd imagine it'd be a big upgrade for toons that are pre-60.
From the blue posts linked a couple pages back, I was under the impression they're keeping A1/2 drop rates as is now and buffing 3/4 up, possibly to pre-patch levels.
Sarcasm, #1161 or #161?
Hey guys, check out this awesome legendary dagger I just found in act 1 inferno!
I`m so happy right now!
Hey guys, check out this awesome legendary dagger I just found in act 1 inferno!
I`m so happy right now!
Hey guys, check out this awesome legendary dagger I just found in act 1 inferno!
I`m so happy right now!
Hey guys, check out this awesome legendary dagger I just found in act 1 inferno!
I`m so happy right now!
Damn I'm stuck...
I'm down to 50k in gold and I equipped my Wizz best I could. I have some 25k damage and 25k health. 6k armor and very bad resists... like 130 something.
But I can't even farm Act1 inferno with easeReflect damage monsters PWN me all the time, rest I can barely mange.
This is my build:!aYX!bbabZY
No idea what to do really as I lose more money than I make because of dieing