You don't visit this thread that often...Someone paid 250mil gold which translates to, what was it GAF? like 2000$?
$500 at the current gold price
You don't visit this thread that often...Someone paid 250mil gold which translates to, what was it GAF? like 2000$?
$500 at the current gold price
That was me, and that's cuz it was 1000$ when he sold it. Last I checked (4hrs ago), gold was at $3/milHuh, I swear people made it a bigger deal a few days ago. One of the replies said at least 1000$. Oh well, still a shitload.
you gotta have a pretty low value for your free time for this to be the main reason to play, as I don't see the expected return per hour being anything more than a few bucks
That was me, and that's cuz it was 1000$ when he sold it. Last I checked (4hrs ago), gold was at $3/mil
The RMAH is so disjointed relative to GAH
Had a 850 DPS monk hand weapon with 500 life on hit with a socket...
Rough value on GAH? 25 mil gold
Value on RMAH? $125-150
A near doubling in value
That was me, and that's cuz it was 1000$ when he sold it. Last I checked (4hrs ago), gold was at $3/mil
You don't visit this thread that often...Someone paid 250mil gold which translates to, what was it GAF? like 2000$?
Wow, gold value dropped by half?
GAF, how much is this sword worth to me? I really want to upgrade, and have like 2.5mil max, but don't want to spend too much over 1mil if possible. Is it any good?
edit: My current weapon is on the right. The one I want is ending in 45 minutes, and I am currently winning at 1 million..
Yeah, I saw that. Fucking crazy. But, it's still fake money at that point so that seems hugely different in my mind from somone seriously plopping down $250 for something. Once you can actually sell gold on the RMAH, that will seem crazier to me.
I don't know how you get by in Inferno without Life on Hit.
Wow, gold value dropped by half?
GAF, how much is this sword worth to me? I really want to upgrade, and have like 2.5mil max, but don't want to spend too much over 1mil if possible. Is it any good?
edit: My current weapon is on the right. The one I want is ending in 45 minutes, and I am currently winning at 1 million..
yeah, I don't play my wizard much, but I doubt that 18% increased crit damage (and losing gem slot flexibility) is worth 1m
Yeah that's barely an upgrade at all from the blue axe you have already.
I don't think anyone is as irritated by it as you seem to think they are.
Well god dammit! I can't upgrade my weapon for shit. I bought this axe for 150k on buyout, and can't find anything under 1.5 mil that is a good amount better.
Just had a great party through Act 4, though the game really screw with us. Three times we had 2 elite mobs spawn literally on top of each other. We were able to beat both of them the first time, then 1 of them the 2nd time. By the 3rd time we gave up and just went to Diablo with our 5 stack. Unfortunately we ran out of time before beating him, so the stack was gone...
They really have to code in something so elites can't spawn within a certain area of each other. It's really just crazy when two of them spawn next to each other with nasty mods that make each other worse (not that there are really many mods that two different elites can spawn that wouldn't make each other worse...)
I had to fight three packs at once last night in act 2 that ended up spawning right next to each other. It was insane, so many walls, arcane beams and desecrator pools. Luckily they were quite weak monsters (wasps, fallen and overseers) so I managed to kill them after a few deaths thanks to them being next to a waypoint + adria and leah stopping them from regenerating. Something from the later acts like that would have been impossible.
Anyone give me an approximate value of this Barb Axe I just found. Seems like a pretty decent roll. Also what about the blue sword I'm currently using...
My biggest sale so far in the AH was 300,000 for a blah legendary. I really have a hard time knowing what's good and what isnt.
Once commodity's are available I assume it will balance out
Well god dammit! I can't upgrade my weapon for shit. I bought this axe for 150k on buyout, and can't find anything under 1.5 mil that is a good amount better.
need some help on pricing since I haven't found much stuff worthy to sell up until this i think:
Won't get much for that 2 hander. The 2 hander market is so saturated, you can find ones with much better stats than that for under 500k.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU After like 175 hours my first Legendary drops while I'm on my low monk in Nightmare farming an event for the No stone unturned!
Holy crap. This is the worst piece of equipment I've ever seen,
F D3 in the A.
is it better to put stuff on the AH with no buyout?
Tried to sell these in the GAH, but I probably priced them too high. Now trying to get some real money from these. Did not find many similar ones in the EU RMAH, so don't know how much they will go for. Also seems like the EU RMAH is not as crazy with the 250 purchases as US.
Well god dammit! I can't upgrade my weapon for shit. I bought this axe for 150k on buyout, and can't find anything under 1.5 mil that is a good amount better.
Is it laggy as shit right now for the rest of you?
Those high dex mf/movespeed boots are big money.
Any idea what I should try to sell them for RM or gold, I tried a 2.5 mill buyout I think based on some of the prices I saw on the AH but no takers so I didn't know if I priced it too high or just got unlucky and could actually sell them for more
Just got bugged to hell in Inferno A4 by the Oppressors. They kicked me and I couldn't move.
....but they still melted at my sword !
This what T was talking about a couple pages back. At around 850 dps weapons generally affordable. After that they go up in price exponentially for very little gains in DPS.
Yeah not a real upgrade. As a wizard, I still look for fast attack weapons (daggers etc) as they multiply the damage from your off-hand source, and so improve dps. worth considering.
ROFL @ Kripp's Monk build right now. omg I want to try this.
this looks hilarious. I wonder if there is any gold bots out there using this spec.